Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

Hmm....I've listened to it and i can't say that i like it very much. Sounds very dated, I mean, his voice is spectacular, but I feel that this was definatly not an intention of Michaels to be released. I'm sure he has plenty better recorded post Invincible that i'll be able to jam to. I just for some reason can't feel the song like the rest of you. And i sadly also do not agree that its better than some modern artists' songs. I think Bon Jovi's new album has good promise and a few other 80s giants coming with new stuff. Michael's music has been and always had been good because he was such a perfectionist in the production...Now if this had been given the "For all Time" treatment and possibly had his recent vocals on the track, then i'd be getting excited. But an old track dug up because it coincidentally had the same name as the tour he was supposed to embark on doesnt excite me very much. Sony is just cashing in, i'm sure we'll see songs come out over the next year 100x better than this one. Having this song go to number one will kind of be insulting because all it will show is that we as fans will sop up anything MJ releated and make it go to the charts, the same way Cyrus and JBros fans are doing now.

Great post. This song is really not up to MJ's standards. I hope Sony does a better job with anything the release after this one.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

I'm almost positive this is late 70's/early 80's Michael. Exquisite vocals, as always. Very good song. If it was made before OTW, it should have replaced Girlfriend, lol.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

Thank you.

Guys lets buy the CD it is worth every penny

Um. No, it's not really wort 15-20 dollars. 15 dollars for 20 year old songs and a poem? Not saying I won't buy it, cause I will. But I'm buying it knowing it's a waste. Should just rip songs off my albums and burn a TII CD. Same songs, no price, and legal -_-
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

Sony are bastards....this is a very mediocre song..no wonder MJ never wanted it's release.

So you'd rather we never got to hear the song? I'm completely lost here. What's there to complain about right now?
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

Yes it does give us something to hold on to, but holding on to him by mediocre songs as Andrew Ryan so eloquently put only gives us a facade of what he really was to the industry and to his fans. Mediocrity was not an option for him. This being released only shows that Sony knows they can manipulate his name into a product once again. Yes, i will see the movie only to see him and everything else, but this whole cashing in on a soundtrack based on one song is total shit.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

Vocals were recorded 29 years ago (1980), and not registered until 1984 at the copyright office. A tape of Michael's demo vocals were submitted for registration. They used this and built the song from there.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

I'm almost positive this is late 70's/early 80's Michael. Exquisite vocals, as always. Very good song. If it was made before OTW, it should have replaced Girlfriend, lol.

I agree it sounds like it's from the late 70s. I understand why they released it. It fits with the theme of the upcoming movie but, it's definitely not up to Michael's high standards.

I guess we will have to wait for R Kelly to release the songs he did for Michael in order to hear the material we have come to expect.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

nobody's complaining...and the answer to your question is Yes....the song is what you expect from an average boy band and etc........bad decision on Sony and AEG's part.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

Its a feel good song, and i will agree, its better to have something than nothing, but all im saying is that i'd much rather them not rush this just to strike the iron while it was hot. They should have kept it and released it on a OTW 30th or somthing as an unreleased track. Now the media will basically tear this apart, where as if it was released on OTW30, it wouldn't have got noticed very much. IMO, HMH would have been a better song to be in the film than this.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

I don't think this song is finished and unfortunately Sony don't care if it is catchy or not, they are just going with it cause of the title "This Is It" and the "This Is It" words in the song which go with the "This Is It" movie. ;)

That's the only reason otherwise they would of used a more catchy song. I'm sure there are a thousand more better songs they could of used but again they went with the title that goes with the movie.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

Its a feel good song, and i will agree, its better to have something than nothing, but all im saying is that i'd much rather them not rush this just to strike the iron while it was hot. They should have kept it and released it on a OTW 30th or somthing as an unreleased track. Now the media will basically tear this apart, where as if it was released on OTW30, it wouldn't have got noticed very much. IMO, HMH would have been a better song to be in the film than this.

Exactly....and you can tell the song is a definite demo and if MJ was alive he would've never released this song!...Sony sucks!
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

I don't think this song is finished and unfortunately Sony don't care if it is catchy or not, they are just going with it cause of the title "This Is It" and the "This Is It" words in the song which go with the "This Is It" movie. ;)

That's the only reason otherwise they would of used a more catchy song. I'm sure there are a thousand more better songs they could of used but again they went with the title that goes with the movie.

Just like I said. Spot on.

"Let's work with what we've got".
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

GMTV right now...
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

Vocals were recorded 29 years ago (1980), and not registered until 1984 at the copyright office. A tape of Michael's demo vocals were submitted for registration. They used this and built the song from there.

I'm almost positive this is late 70's/early 80's Michael. Exquisite vocals, as always. Very good song. If it was made before OTW, it should have replaced Girlfriend, lol.

And this is the reason I personally like the song because I absolutely love MJ's voice during this period...

(IMO) I guess it's all about what vocals/era you like best... His voice was more soothing and r&B during this era compared to say dangerous when it was more stronger and pop/rock (i guess that is how it wld be classified)...

I am sure MJ would've cleaned it up, but isn't there two versions of the song? Wld the other version be the one with more recent vocals?
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

like any idiot who underestimates MJ and everything about him, they do circumvent themselves and cash in on him, and they can't resist the magic that is him, but that they do not have. no matter what they do, they can't ruin the song, because it begins with him and his exclusive magic and simplicity. in the end, he wins and they lose.

as usual, in the end, it's a great song, because it's a Michael Jackson song.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

no i think if the other version had more recent vocals they would have premired it first. And Micky, you are right. The only reason this was put out was because of the title...and i'll live with it just fine. I'm just gonna be waiting for all those hot dance tracks Will.I.am and Akon were jabbin about! lol
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

I am sure MJ would've cleaned it up, but isn't there two versions of the song? Wld the other version be the one with more recent vocals?

My understanding is that the arrangement of the song will be different, but the vocals the same?..........not sure though, but from what I've read that seems to be the case.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

This would have been a perfect bonus track or a song on an album full of unreleased material, but for his first big posthumous release, I'm disapointed. It's a decent track, a good album track, but not really standout single material. Granted, it's not a traditional single release, but still.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

in my opinion, its a good/great song. nice to hear. but sorry, the false for this "soundtrack".
not finished. mike's vocal is to low,... but thats sony. always the same with these idiots.
there's only ony good work... Michael Jackson's greatness :)
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

like any idiot who underestimates MJ and everything about him, they do circumvent themselves and cash in on him, and they can't resist the magic that is him, but that they do not have. no matter what they do, they can't ruin the song, because it begins with him and his exclusive magic and simplicity. in the end, he wins and they lose.

as usual, in the end, it's a great song, because it's a Michael Jackson song.

lol I wouldn't want to impose ideas but..the song is NOT THAT good....and that's not because MJ wanted to release it...the damn Sony are on a mission to cash on his name!! This song is OK...it's a demo after all!
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

out of topic.. but davidbow1e.. love your avatar and siggy... mmmmm David Bowie.... sexiness!
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

And this is the reason I personally like the song because I absolutely love MJ's voice during this period...

(IMO) I guess it's all about what vocals/era you like best... His voice was more soothing and r&B during this era compared to say dangerous when it was more stronger and pop/rock (i guess that is how it wld be classified)...

I am sure MJ would've cleaned it up, but isn't there two versions of the song? Wld the other version be the one with more recent vocals?

I agree. OTW is my second fave era, so I am very happy with the song. His voice is so youthful...brings back some great memories of when I first discovered OTW in 1991.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

lol I wouldn't want to impose ideas but..the song is NOT THAT good....and that's not because MJ wanted to release it...the damn Sony are on a mission to cash on his name!! This song is OK...it's a demo after all!

Just your personal opinion. Others like it and think it is good...even without the over production.


Folks need to move on from their Sony obsession. MJ did.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

Yes, of the flops. Radios are already saying it's boring

It might not have received a lot of attention if it was released during his life. But given the circumstances, it easily could become a hit. For me I really love this song.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

I love the song.

So positive and great.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

Thanks CarineMJJ...I love bowie as well as MJ. I though the picture was pretty rad so I had to have it as a siggy :p
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

lol I wouldn't want to impose ideas but..the song is NOT THAT good....and that's not because MJ wanted to release it...the damn Sony are on a mission to cash on his name!! This song is OK...it's a demo after all!

well..for me personally, i put it on repeat at least 100 times, so, it serves its purpose. lol. that would be the signal of greatness...putting it on repeat. lol