Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

My understanding is that the arrangement of the song will be different, but the vocals the same?..........not sure though, but from what I've read that seems to be the case.

I hope they change the arrangement to give it more of an "oomph.."
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

I think GMTV just said they'll be listening to the song with fans (?) at (oops...ten 'til 7:00, not after). At least that's what I thought I heard from here. Showed another clip of security arriving with it. Didn't see anyone in a Bad outfit yet, fyi for Michaels.Art.Nouvea.

BBC (Breakfast/BBC24) just showed something about it, but i turned the channel only to catch the end. They said they'd have more about TII at 8:40am. (I know, that's like 2 hours from now, lol, wth?)

'Nother update. Radio station Heart (London) is playing MitM right now and said later this morning they'd play TII "before 8:30"...

Thanks for the updates.

It's okay someone just texted me to tell me they saw me btw I had a pink banner too.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

nobody's complaining...and the answer to your question is Yes....the song is what you expect from an average boy band and etc........bad decision on Sony and AEG's part.

They're going to make millions, so why was it a bad decision on their part?
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

They're going to make millions, so why was it a bad decision on their part?

lol they could lose more credibility in the future!! however if they promote the song...it might just become a hit!
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

Awww... Finally it came out. Its grove is simple but sticks. I will keep listening to it for a while.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

“This Is It” inevitably will provoke tears among Jackson’s loyal fans, who will snap it up in their millions and see it as a tasteful way of honoring his talent. Others may see it as a mawkish milking of Jackson’s legacy.

The song is neither the best nor worst of Jackson, and for those asking “is that it?” the answer is obvious -- there’s plenty more to come. Jackson tribute shows are planned in the next year, with the likelihood of more musicals and unreleased tracks. This is far from it for the star’s bandwagon.

Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

no i think if the other version had more recent vocals they would have premired it first. And Micky, you are right. The only reason this was put out was because of the title...and i'll live with it just fine. I'm just gonna be waiting for all those hot dance tracks Will.I.am and Akon were jabbin about! lol

Oh so that's it, you are more into his fast songs and not his ballads??!!
I feel you...
I luv his ballads, although my fav songs are BIOTB/Time Waits For No One...but after that I luv his ballads...

I agree. OTW is my second fave era, so I am very happy with the song. His voice is so youthful...brings back some great memories of when I first discovered OTW in 1991.

Yes ma'am, OTW is a bonafide classic... However Triumph is my fav album... I'm old school MJ/Jacksons fan... :wub:
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

They're going to make millions, so why was it a bad decision on their part?

You may have missed the point. The point is, this track isn't that great mostly due to the fact that it is a demo. Didn't you wish the song was better? This song will only be loved by MJ's devoted fans.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

I don't think this song is finished and unfortunately Sony don't care if it is catchy or not, they are just going with it cause of the title "This Is It" and the "This Is It" words in the song which go with the "This Is It" movie. ;)

That's the only reason otherwise they would of used a more catchy song. I'm sure there are a thousand more better songs they could of used but again they went with the title that goes with the movie.

They could not use a more catchy song unless they had permission to use it. I think ppl keep forgetting a little thing called "copyrights" and how they work. Sony does not have ownership of all of Michael's work. That still belongs to Michael, or rather, the Estate now. And regardless of how many catchy songs, finished or unfinished, that Sony wants to use, they cannot do so just becuz they want to. Someone has to give them permission. If they used This Is It, it's becuz they already were given permission to use the song. In what capacity is anyone's guess and up for speculation. But to say they could have used any other song is incorrect and untrue...not unless Michael gave them permission before he died or the Estate gives their permission. Come on, ppl. I know you all want NEWNEW material, but there are legalities that have to be done before that stuff can happen. It's not as simple as Sony saying "We want this song" and then releasing it. It just doesn't work that way. If it did, all the unreleased songs fans have been begging for over the past years would have been put on other GH packages. The reason they weren't is becuz Michael, the OWNER of his music, didn't give them permission. He had to agree to it before Sony could do it. And that doesn't change becuz he's passed away. Now, Sony has to go thru the Estate to get NEW and unreleased material.

This isn't in defense of Sony or anything. Just pointing out some facts on how things work. There is nothing in Sony's vaults that they can release without another signature agreeing to it. They distribute music that they have the rights to. However, they do not have publishing/copyrights to Michael's music. All those Greatest Hits some of you guys complained about...even T25...Michael had to sign off on the majority of those projects...altho I know many used to say he had no knowledge of them...even T25...which turned out to be way far from true. He was very much involved with that. sigh.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

They could not use a more catchy song unless they had permission to use it. I think ppl keep forgetting a little thing called "copyrights" and how they work. Sony does not have ownership of all of Michael's work. That still belongs to Michael, or rather, the Estate now. And regardless of how many catchy songs, finished or unfinished, that Sony wants to use, they cannot do so just becuz they want to. Someone has to give them permission. If they used This Is It, it's becuz they already were given permission to use the song. In what capacity is anyone's guess and up for speculation. But to say they could have used any other song is incorrect and untrue...not unless Michael gave them permission before he died or the Estate gives their permission. Come on, ppl. I know you all want NEWNEW material, but there are legalities that have to be done before that stuff can happen. It's not as simple as Sony saying "We want this song" and then releasing it. It just doesn't work that way. If it did, all the unreleased songs fans have been begging for over the past years would have been put on other GH packages. The reason they weren't is becuz Michael, the OWNER of his music, didn't give them permission. He had to agree to it before Sony could do it. And that doesn't change becuz he's passed away. Now, Sony has to go thru the Estate to get NEW and unreleased material.

This isn't in defense of Sony or anything. Just pointing out some facts on how things work. There is nothing in Sony's vaults that they can release without another signature agreeing to it. They distribute music that they have the rights to. However, they do not have publishing/copyrights to Michael's music. All those Greatest Hits some of you guys complained about...even T25...Michael had to sign off on the majority of those projects...altho I know many used to say he had no knowledge of them...even T25...which turned out to be way far from true. He was very much involved with that. sigh.

Yeah I have to agree with you on that!
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

I hope they change the arrangement to give it more of an "oomph.."

well, I am a puritanical. I don't want them to tweak the song. Leave it the way MJ left it as much as possible.

I hope in the future they will keep changes to the songs left in the vault to a minimum. I want to hear the song the way MJ left it...I don't care about perfection, I just want his artistry.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

This new track packaged with Michael Jackson's This Is It documentary makes us miss him all over again. Vintage MJ. Long live the King.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

well, I am a puritanical. I don't want them to tweak the song. Leave it the way MJ left it as much as possible.

I hope in the future they will keep changes to the songs left in the vault to a minimum. I want to hear the song the way MJ left it...I don't care about perfection, I just want his artistry.

which is perfect.:D
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

to be honest I actually thought it was going to be a "MITM/HTW" type song.. I like those songs but I am so glad it wasn't... I could've sworn they said the song was going to have a message about fixing the world up or something like that...
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

Biggest radio station in Australia (Nova):

Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

It might not have received a lot of attention if it was released during his life. But given the circumstances, it easily could become a hit. For me I really love this song.
But you, you're a big fan. So even a poem read by MJ is great to you. But to the general public, it's not very interesting
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

I like it...Mike's unfinished music still sounds better than the finished product of most other artist these days...

I've heard it like 3 times already!!!

Exactly. As unfinished, old and demo-ish as it is.. it's still better than 99% of the crap that's out there.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

I think we should appreciate what we’ve got right now, I would rather read those criticisms when he was alive and in control of his work. How LUCKY we are to hear something new from him NOW after he died, what if he died before he planned or announced a new comeback!! Or before he even made any new material. Think of the worst before you judge. It is not really the time to be disappointed or over-analyze. Let’s appreciate what we’ve got, I can’t even imagine in my wildest dreams that NOW we have a new song and we could have a new album later!!
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

even tho i get that he says "this is it" more than a couple times in the song, i somehow feel that "this is it" wasnt the original title of this song/demo... i feel like sony must've figured they could tie it in with the movie to gain even more publicity, while at the same time release more greatest hits albums (again) and tie that into the movie to milk it for all its worth... even tho im happy to hear the song and enjoy the message it had to offer, i cant help but be honest and say its gonna be a song that i dont really listen to very often but just keep on my iPod cuz its MJ... im sure ill listen to it a bunch more times in the next few days, but after that im probably gonna get bored of it... cuz its not one of my favs of his...

Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

Can we download it from anywhere yet?
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

Full lyrics anyone?
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

So what do people think of the song???

This new track packaged with Michael Jackson's This Is It documentary makes us miss him all over again. Vintage MJ. Long live the King of Pop.

Vibe Magazine
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

even tho i get that he says "this is it" more than a couple times in the song, i somehow feel that "this is it" wasnt the original title of this song/demo... i feel like sony must've figured they could tie it in with the movie to gain even more publicity, while at the same time release more greatest hits albums (again) and tie that into the movie to milk it for all its worth... even tho im happy to hear the song and enjoy the message it had to offer, i cant help but be honest and say its gonna be a song that i dont really listen to very often but just keep on my iPod cuz its MJ... im sure ill listen to it a bunch more times in the next few days, but after that im probably gonna get bored of it... cuz its not one of my favs of his...


1984 copyright says THIS IS IT.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

It's really, really growing on me the more I listen to it. I loved it when I first heard it, but now I'm really starting to "get" it.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

Had a look around...found this:

Michael Jackson "This Is It" Lyrics

This is it, here I stand
I'm the light of the world, I feel grand
Got this love I can feel
And I know yes for sure it is real

And it feels as though I've seen your face a thousand times
And you said you really know me too yourself [?]
And I know that you have got addicted with your eyes [?]
But you say you gonna live it for yourself. [?]

I never heard a single word about you
Falling in love wasn't my plan
I never thught that I would be your lover
C'mon baby, just understand

This is it, I can say,
I'm the light of the world, run away [?]
We can feel, this is real
Every time I'm in love that I feel

Michael Jackson "This Is It" Full Lyrics

And I feel as though I've known you since 1,000 years
And you tell me that you've seen my face before.
And you said to me you don't wnat me hanging round
Many times, wanna do it here before [?]

I never heard a single word about you
Falling in love wasn't my plan
I never thught that I would be your lover
C'mon baby, just understand

This is it, I can feel
I'm the light of the world, this is real
Feel my song, we can say
And I tell you I feel that way

Michael Jackson "This Is It" Lyrics

And I feel as though I've known you for a thousand years
And you said you want some of this yourself
And you said won't you go with me, on a while
And I know that it's really cool myself

I never heard a single word about you
Falling in love wasn't my plan
I never thught that I would be your lover
C'mon baby, just understand

I never heard a single word about you
Falling in love wasn't my plan
I never thught that I would be your lover
C'mon baby, just understand

Michael Jackson "This Is It" Lyrics
source: http://www.hiphopmusic.com/best_of_youtube/2009/10/michael_jackson_this_is_it_-_audio_lyrics.html
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

By the way those lyrics I posted are kind of crap. I am sure another fan has posted the full lyrics in the "new song 43 seconds" thread!
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

In the UK GMTV have a report coming up about the song at 08:20 and BBC at 08:40