The Riddle Thread

A man is discovered dead sitting at his desk in a locked office. There is an envelope in which a check is enclosed, in front of him. How did he die?
To refresh his senses after a wild nights party, a man goes out for a walk across a wet and windswept moor. There is a low cloud cover and not a single star can be seen in the sky. The man is relatively new to the area and doesn't know the geography of the moor. He has no torch or compass and there is no moonlight to guide his path. How does he avoid getting lost?
:lol: well then it was day so he could see where he was going
Len parks his car, locks the doors and goes off for a walk in the park. When he returns to his car he realises that he lost his keys while walking in the park. Realising he had a spare set of keys in the glove compartment, he drives home seconds later. How did he get in?
I didn't know it but it was obvious :p besides I had guessed a similar one a while ago, it wasn't the same one though :p