The Riddle Thread

What else do you notice has the same number of figures as the letter and number sequences (including the question marks which represent a number and letter)?

Thinking :scratch: hard about the italics thing.... I saw it! :idea:
Another one:

What can be seen in the middle of March and April that cannot be seen at the beginning or end of either month?
The letter r? :scratch:

Yep :cheers:

A man is found dead in a field. There is no other living thing in the field with him, but next to him lies an unopened package. How did he die?

the package was a parachute that didn't open? :p
Yes ;)

Mark has just purchased a new car. Travelling back home from work on Monday evening he is so excited at the prospect of showing off his car to his girlfriend that he isn't paying attention. He goes past a red light without stopping, bumps into somebody in front of him and then turns into a 'No Entry' road. A police officer watches his actions but makes no attempt to caution him. Why?
was the police officer watching a movie? :mello: