The Riddle Thread


here I have one but it's extremely easy :D

A woman lives on the tenth floor of an apartment building. Every morning she takes the elevator all the way down, and goes to work. In the evening, she gets into the elevator, and, if there is someone else in it she goes back to her floor directly. Otherwise, she goes to the seventh floor and walks up three flights of stairs to her apartment. Why?
yeah :lol:

Take away the whole and some still remains. What is it? :shifty:
Derek and Mark go camping for the weekend. It is 10pm once they have finished pitching their tent. Derek gets into his sleeping bag and falls straight asleep, but Mark tosses and turns, unable to get to sleep even though he is extremely tired. At midnight, a noisy animal passing the tent wakes Derek up, and Mark promptly falls asleep. Why is this?
Is the time they finished setting camp important?
Derek was snoring?

Yes :cheers:

Kate and Sarah were old friends who had not seen each other for years. One day they met up by chance. Although they spent an hour in each other's company, they did not speak to one another, and they stayed on good terms. Why did they not speak to each other?
They were mute or deaf so they used sign language? :D
1. Did they meet in a yoga or meditation class? :lol:
2. Were they allowed to speak
3. Were they dogs? :lmao:
4. Were they uncapable of speaking for some reason?
1. Did they meet in a yoga or meditation class? :lol:
2. Were they allowed to speak
3. Were they dogs? :lmao:
4. Were they uncapable of speaking for some reason?

1. No
2. Not important
3. No :lol:
4. Yes
1. Was it noisy?
2. Were then in a hospital with tubes in them? :ninja:
3. Do I have to find out why they couldn't speak?
Okay so they weren't able physically to speak?
Did they speak different languages?
So only in that one hour?
Was the activity they were doing what stopped them from talking?