The Riddle Thread

Yes, you did, and no you can't.

The answer is not half an hour. :p
Why? It took 1 hour for a man to dig a half a hole, half an hour...
Because it's not a math problem. :p I've been trying to tell you. Do you think I would have laid down the math for you like that if that's what it were about? :p
It's not possible to dig half a hole?

I am sorry but....If you are planning to dig a hole with specific dimensions, it's very possiple to dig a half of it. :p
Correct. :rofl:

Well, it will still be a hole. It'll just be a hole half the size of the one you want to dig. :lol: It'll never be half a hole. :p
:doh: :lol:

New one:
There was once a recluse who never left his home. The only time anyone ever visited him was when his food and supplies were delivered, but they never came inside. Then, one storm winter night when an icy gale was blowing, he had a nervous breakdown. He went upstairs, turned off all the lights and went to bed. Next morning, he had caused the deaths of several hundred people. How?

What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?
The priest in my hometown told us that on a particular day he would walk on water for 30 minutes. The lake was not dry and we all observed the priest actually walking on water. How?
If you have one in mind. :p If not, I'll post another one later. :D
I found one.... I hope you don't know this one already. :p :D

If you throw me from the window,
I will leave a grieving wife.
Bring me back, but in the door, and
You'll see someone giving life!

What am I?
A husband? :lmao: No ummm... :idea: a grieving wife.. a widow... so window without an n is widow. If you put n in door... you get donor. So the letter n? :D