The Riddle Thread

The Einstein riddle is not very hard, but it requires a piece of paper, so I am going to post another one that doesn't require a piece of paper, for those who are too lazy to take one. :D You can still guess that one if you want.

A man was to be sentenced, and the judge told him, "You may make a statement. If it is true, I'll sentence you to four years in prison. If it is false, I'll sentence you to six years in prison." After the man made his statement, the judge decided to let him go free. What did the man say?

So he said something that's neither true nor false? :unsure: ..... What could that be? :scratch:
Hmmm I'd say he said something that was both true and false. :D
I think he said to him

"You will sentence me to six years in prison"
New one :D

John and Mary were found dead in a room. the only evidence were a table, some broken glass and some water. how did they die?
John and Mary were fish......someone knocked their fish bowl off the table and it broke. :thinking: :D

A man was found hanged in a room. There was a letter, so the police concluded it was a suicide. BUt they could not figure out how he managed to do it. There was no chair, or anything the man could have stood on. All they found was a wet carpet beneath him. How did he kill himself?
Did he use a chair out of ice? :p and then it melted and wet the carpet :p
^ I knew a similar one with a person killed by ice stalagmite and then it melt :p
An easy one. :p

You use a knife to slice my head and weep beside me when I'm dead. What am I?
A fun one. :D

If it takes six men one hour to dig six holes, how long does it take one man to dig half a hole?
:wtf: How did you get 5 minutes? :lmao: This requires logic thinking, not math. :p
Well I thought it takes 10 minutes to dig a the half hole 5 :p

Hmmmm math is logic :p Whatever I'll think about is some more :p
:lol: It would take him 1 hour to dig a hole. :p Rule of three.

6 men ..... 6 holes .... 1 hours
1 man ..... 1 hole ...... x hours

x= 1/6 :p One sixth of 6 hours is an hour. :D

But like I said, there really is no math here. :p
How 6 hours came up? :scratch: you said 1 hour :p so 1/6 of 1 hour is 10 minutes ;) If it was a math problem...but If you say there is no math ok ;)
Because it took 6 men 1 hour to dig 6 holes. :p It would have taken one man 6 hours to dig 6 holes. :p It's simple math. :huh:

But this really isn't a math problem. :doh:
I used the wrong math...You can find the answer with math too ;)
Half an hour?