The Innocent Man by MJ - Handwritten Lyrics up for auction

We've all probably thought about what he felt about the trials, but reading that in his handwriting has got me in tears...--------- I sent him bible verses to read that was given to him. I hope and believe it helped him. He had alot of support with his fans and others.

Oh my, a song of his is on the radio now as I type (Heartbreak Hotel).

Thank you for telling me this :)

They play Heartbreak Hotel on the radio? Wow!
Sweet, beautiful Michael. No matter what happens we will always have your back. We were the ones that stood by you when so many wanted you destroyed. We all knew the truth. Michael Jackson is the innocent man. Forever yours Michael through life and now in death. We will always stand by you.
It just breaks my heart :( Reading those words in his own handwriting, :cry: it just sets you off.
If you ask me, this is proof he was innocent. (Not like we needed any)

If he was guilty, he wouldnt write a song in private about being innocent. It wouldnt make sense for him to lie to himself.
If you ask me, this is proof he was innocent. (Not like we needed any)

If he was guilty, he wouldnt write a song in private about being innocent. It wouldnt make sense for him to lie to himself.

That thought has crossed my mind. I wish the world could hear this song.
Oh my God... those lyrics... That just broke my heart. I can feel his pain so strongly. :weeping:

Why did he had to go??? This question never dies... sorry! I cant cope with his death!

Where are you Michael? Want to be where you are.
Oh my God... those lyrics... That just broke my heart. I can feel his pain so strongly. :weeping:

Why did he had to go??? This question never dies... sorry! I cant cope with his death!

Where are you Michael? Want to be where you are.


Heartbreaking lyrics...
You were so strong, Michael. We love you.
dunno what to say. is it 100% they are from 05? cause thats haunting if it is.
thats what upsets me more than anything, the injustuce of it all. it tortures me and is something ill never get over.and ive filled up again. u would think at one point u woud run out of tears and they would dry up. im tired of crying

MICHAEL JACKSONThe Innocent Man, 2005
A single page of lyrics entitled ‘The Innocent Man’, the 13 lines for the chorus written in pencil beginning: ‘If I sail to Acapulco’, and ending: ‘And only God knew I was innocent now’. 28 x 21.5 cm. (11 x 8 1/2 in). These lyrics were apparently written during Michael Jackson’s child abuse trial in 2005.

ESTIMATE £8,000-12,000
PROVENANCE Private collection, United States

If I sail to Acapulco or Cancun Mexico
There the law is waiting for me
and God knows that I'm innocent

If they wont take me in Cairo
then lord where will I go?

I’ll die a man without a country
and only God knew I was innocent now.

This killed me.:(
I love you Michael. So much.
dunno what to say. is it 100% they are from 05? cause thats haunting if it is.
thats what upsets me more than anything, the injustuce of it all. it tortures me and is something ill never get over.and ive filled up again. u would think at one point u woud run out of tears and they would dry up. im tired of crying

Couldn't agree with you more.Truely heartbreaking what he had to go through and I too will never get over the evil of what people did to him :cry:
Michael must have felt as the loneliest person on earth when he wrote this. Oh my ... :cry:
For some reason I'm sad he never said anything about the trial. Not that he needed to but still...Maybe he wrote songs instead? It was horrible so I was worried why he was silent.
For some reason I'm sad he never said anything about the trial. Not that he needed to but still...Maybe he wrote songs instead? It was horrible so I was worried why he was silent.
To know that the world was watching (and judging) and not being able to publicly defend himself must have been heartbreaking. Imagine how angry and helpless we all felt; then multiply that by 1 million.
For some reason I'm sad he never said anything about the trial. Not that he needed to but still...Maybe he wrote songs instead? It was horrible so I was worried why he was silent.

Whoa, ive only just realised now that he didnt say anything about the trial :\
For some reason I'm sad he never said anything about the trial. Not that he needed to but still...Maybe he wrote songs instead? It was horrible so I was worried why he was silent.

i would be suprised if he didnt write songs about the trial. but i guess there were not supposed to be public may be. ... it seems to me that he said sometimes that he was writing all the time during the trial.. i might be mistaken.

this trial was so evil. i dont understand how he was able to bear so much dirt being thrown at him. the purest soul. so much sorrow and pain for being pure and having a heart of gold
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in fact he said something that was enough i think
"Without God, my children, my family and you, my fans, I could not have made it through. Your love, support and loyalty made it all possible. You were there when I really needed you. I will never forget you. Your ever-present love held me, dried my tears, and carried me through. I will treasure your devotion and support forever. You are my inspiration." 26.06.2005 MJ