The Innocent Man by MJ - Handwritten Lyrics up for auction

This make me feel kind of sick .. Michael only did good for this world .. and he have to pay a ugly price for being a good person ? The world is sick.

The thing that kills me, is that this poor man was being punished for reaching out and saving a child's life. Being the victim of false accusations is one thing, but I can't imagine how it would feel to know that the fuel behind those false accusations was coming from a family that you opened your home to, in an attempt to help a child that was struggling in their battle with cancer.

What Michael did was such a kind and unselfish thing to do, and yet, he was crucified and nailed to a cross for it. God only knows how he found the strength to go through it everyday. I remember during the trial, we all thought "one more day of this, and we're going to lose him". He was so weak, and so frail. I'll never understand why the good are always the ones who suffer the most. Is this some type of lesson? You help people, you suffer as a result, you get dragged through the mud, and then just when you start to recover and get your life back on track, just when there looks like there's a light at the end of this long dark tunnel, you die. I just don't get it. It seems so unfair.

We knew Michael was suffering, he always put on such a brave face, but you could see it in his eyes that he was hurting. These lyrics are just a confirmation of that, which is why it's so heartbreaking. This was Michael crying out "I'm innocent, why are they doing this to me?" To see that in his own handwriting... :cry:
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It's beautiful. Perhaps there's a recording of this somewhere. That would be amazing...
If he recorded this I would love to hear it.

I'm far more excited about hearing songs from his heart than stuff he produced with Akon and Will.i.iam etc.

My favorites song were written by him. Alone. Without outside help.
Michael, we always knew you were / are innocent.

May God protect your beautiful children.

I will continue to do my best to uphold your legacy. Always.
I don't think I will be able to forgive mankind ever for what they did to you and to us my darling...and I don't think I will ever stop crying like this...
but yes, Angels can't stay here long and you had to go...leaving our world so cold...but its just a matter of time...until we meet again...Love you so Michael...forever...

wow... :cry:
Poor Mike, I guess writing feelings down, no matter how small or important was the easiest thing for him to do when the world doesnt beleive a single word you say, except us :(
poor sweet michael, i hope our love for you helped you somewhat... :( our belief in you never faultered.
I'm so glad no one can hurt him now. He didn't deserve to be treated like that. I have no words for it. Poor angel :( I hope he is happy now :heart:
I've seen the T.S notes before.

But 'the innocent man' I've never seen before.
So utterly heartbreaking. A crying smilie would be useful right now.. :cry:

I am ashamed to be part of the human race sometimes. Poor Michael.
last line of "Innocent Man" talk about another blow to the gut ...
Lord have mercy. But you know what, in the end, Michael had the last laugh. he sold out 50 shows so he left this world knowing he was still loved. he is in heaven but his enemies are going to have to pay for what they did to him. Also, I am quick to tell people that they should not judge celebs. Just because a person is famous does not mean you have a right to degrade them. Remember, these are god's people just like you and me. There is no where in God's word where he say "it is ok to mistreat and judge a celeb". He said, "Judge thy NOT". What Michael did was a JOB/PROFESSION as an entertainer. That does NOT mean anyone had a right to be cruel to him and that is where many of these tabloid people and even some public folks are going to take the chance of losing their souls. Keep following up with MANKINDS BS, it will cause you to lose GOD'S BLESSINGS.
God wasn't the only one who knew you were innocent Michael. We, too, knew just how innocent you were.

I just wish Michael knew how many of us were on his side. He probably felt like the whole world abandoned him :cry: I so wanna hug him right now.

I hope he realised the millions of people who believed HIM.

That, ladies and merely a glimpse of what that man had going through his mind during the trial. Only God knows what else he was thinking and reeling about.

I can't even fathom what it feels like to have half the globe look at you in disgust for accusations you never committed.


Oh man, now everytime i'll go to the hermoso Acapulco, i'm going to think that Michael was some place there, que bien!.

MJ did visit Acapulco with his children and friends so you can definitely think he was there, because he was.

After going through the hell he went through, I am so glad that he lived to see over 800,000 tickets to his shows sell out in a few hours. If he doubted whether or not the world loved him and knew he was innocent; that was undeniable proof. This song just tears me apart.

I hope he knew how much he was loved by soooooo many people I reeaaallly do.
I hope he realised the millions of people who believed HIM.


MJ did visit Acapulco with his children and friends so you can definitely think he was there, because he was.

I hope he knew how much he was loved by soooooo many people I reeaaallly do.
I believe Michael knew. Michael know the media is full of it and cut throat. he been in this business for 40 years or more, he was aware more than we think.
Michael know the media is full of it and cut throat. he been in this business for 40 years or more, he was aware more than we think.

Its not only the media, but ordinary people. Mj did surf the internet, including youtube apparently and we all know the kind of thing on there. In places its like wolves over a carcass.. thats what I see humans like sometimes.

I believe Michael knew.

I hope so.

Those last two lines of The Innocent Man are like a blow to the chest.

We've all probably thought about what he felt about the trials, but reading that in his handwriting has got me in tears...

I need to remember his smiling face in This Is It and believe he was past this pain or else this is going to get me very low again.
Oh Michael sweetheart. :cry: That is heartbreaking. :weeping:
If I sail to Acapulco or Cancun Mexico
There the law is waiting for me
and God knows that I'm innocent

If they wont take me in Cairo
then lord where will I go?

I’ll die a man without a country
and only God knew I was innocent now.

Sh*t... :cry: I swear to God, sometimes I wish... If I only I could've...

Damn. :cry:
Its not only the media, but ordinary people. Mj did surf the internet, including youtube apparently and we all know the kind of thing on there. In places its like wolves over a carcass.. thats what I see humans like sometimes.

I hope so.

Those last two lines of The Innocent Man are like a blow to the chest.

We've all probably thought about what he felt about the trials, but reading that in his handwriting has got me in tears...

I need to remember his smiling face in This Is It and believe he was past this pain or else this is going to get me very low again.
I think and hope MJ had the sense to know those site are hateful period no matter who you are. I have cursed people out on them.
We've all probably thought about what he felt about the trials, but reading that in his handwriting has got me in tears...--------- I sent him bible verses to read that was given to him. I hope and believe it helped him. He had alot of support with his fans and others. Oh my, a song of his is on the radio now as I type (Heartbreak Hotel).