The Innocent Man by MJ - Handwritten Lyrics up for auction

please help me to understand the second line "There the law is waiting for me". Does he mean that they will prosecute him there as well or that he will be able to avoid the trial there? I am not a native speaker and am confused about the meaning of the phrase. Thanks in abvance!

It could mean that they would arrest him and extradite him. Or that a cloud of suspicion would be over him; that they would always look at him in that way.

:sigh: :no: Oh Michael. What you had to deal with. The Innocent Man is very deep.
dunno what to say. is it 100% they are from 05? cause thats haunting if it is.
thats what upsets me more than anything, the injustuce of it all. it tortures me and is something ill never get over.and ive filled up again. u would think at one point u woud run out of tears and they would dry up. im tired of crying

I too ask God how long will this pain last? I tear up most days when I think of all he went through and what he left behind. What am I supposed to learn from his life and death? :cry: What I feel the strongest leason is to not judge. But there has to be something else or I wouldn't be still so emotional. I just don't know. Love you :angel: Michael!
Oh Michael... :( He really was feeling so alone and displaced with no where to go. I woulda offered him a place at our house for sure! :)
Oh Michael... :( He really was feeling so alone and displaced with no where to go. I woulda offered him a place at our house for sure! :)
That's what my husband (a fan) discussed so much the last few years. We'd say that Michael always had a whole army of people who'd put his best interest at heart, who'd care about him and not the money, in whose homes he could stay at any time, who could be his trustworthy staff, who could help with anything because among us there would be many people with needed skills. It's kind of crazy, nice and sad all at the same time to think of it. He needed to keep the air of mystery, I guess, and to not feel that he was imposing on us in any way. We had a sweet relationship, but also one that's a special kind of strange (him being the superstar and we being fans, I mean). And at the same time, how do you relate with someone who falls to their knees crying when you walk into the room, saying "I love you, I love you, I love you" a thousand times over. Ok, maybe we wouldn't all have reacted that way, but you got to admit you'd feel that way inside just a bit, right? I always said we just needed some kind of 'exposure therapy', like you see MJ close and in person for a couple of hours one day, then again on another day, then again. Eventually you'd simply calm down after you'd told him what you needed to say, lol. And once you'd calmed down, you could help. I only jest a bit. I'm basically serious. But that was never to be...
:( :( :(

What have we done to the world?? - Look what we've done.

I used to dream, I used to glance beyond the stars - Now I don't know where we are, all though I know, we drifted far!!

Yes, we have....
Wow....the first note is so SAD but, so TRUE!!

The Sneddon song is also the truth!

Man, MJ hand writing looks like mine, almost hard to read! lol Glad I'm not alone!

Same here, I also write with caps and small letter all mixed, and others find it hard to read..
It was sad reading this... I have always known that case was BS, MJ was innocent all along. I wonder if he ever recorded this?
If he recorded this I would love to hear it.

me too, this was written around the same time he wrote D.S. so it must be from around 1993 and 1996, GOD I CANT BELIEVE IT... i feel depressed, why cant ppl just see these things??, oh yeah i know they never publish these kind of things that bring light to what Michael really was i just saw that Harvey i dont know his last name, from TMZ, they all of the sudden laugh of Michael desicion to give his kids to Diana Ross in case that Katherine would die before the kids are grown, and as if that wasnt enough he was advicing Joe Jackson to use that, saying to court, "see this is the state of mind Michael was when he wrote the will, thats how crazy he was", then the never ending remarks BIZARRE, i mean these ppl who are nobodies on internet, they are nobodies, yet they feel like they are gods, while seeing that i felt so sad about human nature cause i thought that guy wasnt that much of a SNAKE, but no, he is just like everyone else..., ignorants¿i knoew its difficult to understand MJ, but he was a freaking GENIUS, he was special,, they dont undertand Michael was like that, i guess is cause they are talking to much to freaking bastard gay Arnold (I want everybody to be gay) Klein...

The thing that kills me, is that this poor man was being punished for reaching out and saving a child's life. Being the victim of false accusations is one thing, but I can't imagine how it would feel to know that the fuel behind those false accusations was coming from a family that you opened your home to, in an attempt to help a child that was struggling in their battle with cancer.

What Michael did was such a kind and unselfish thing to do, and yet, he was crucified and nailed to a cross for it. God only knows how he found the strength to go through it everyday. I remember during the trial, we all thought "one more day of this, and we're going to lose him". He was so weak, and so frail. I'll never understand why the good are always the ones who suffer the most. Is this some type of lesson? You help people, you suffer as a result, you get dragged through the mud, and then just when you start to recover and get your life back on track, just when there looks like there's a light at the end of this long dark tunnel, you die. I just don't get it. It seems so unfair.

We knew Michael was suffering, he always put on such a brave face, but you could see it in his eyes that he was hurting. These lyrics are just a confirmation of that, which is why it's so heartbreaking. This was Michael crying out "I'm innocent, why are they doing this to me?" To see that in his own handwriting... :cry:
yeah and remember he wrote this in around 1993, i mean, how much time he suffered, i mean i know he had time where he was ok, but i mean, with Arnold Klein sedating him, im even afraid Arnold would took advantage out of MJ by making him sleep on purpose, who knows what he may have done to him, may he took pictures of MJ while he was sleeping, klein is a PERV! that Klein is a gay, and im not against gays at all, but the evil gays are the meanest people in the world, they rare snakes...(to the gays dont feel atacked, im just against peopel like Arnold Klein, his mind is sooo dirty)

It's beautiful. Perhaps there's a recording of this somewhere. That would be amazing...
who knows...

I can't believe this. Heartbreaking..
Yes i know..its horrible
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Something is rattling around in my little brain that Innocent Man was a demo from the History album era............

MICHAEL JACKSONThe Innocent Man, 2005
A single page of lyrics entitled ‘The Innocent Man’, the 13 lines for the chorus written in pencil beginning: ‘If I sail to Acapulco’, and ending: ‘And only God knew I was innocent now’. 28 x 21.5 cm. (11 x 8 1/2 in). These lyrics were apparently written during Michael Jackson’s child abuse trial in 2005.

ESTIMATE £8,000-12,000
PROVENANCE Private collection, United States

If I sail to Acapulco or Cancun Mexico
There the law is waiting for me
and God knows that I'm innocent

If they wont take me in Cairo
then lord where will I go?

I’ll die a man without a country
and only God knew I was innocent now.

This is so heartbreaking I am sorry Michael you felt this way and had to deal with all that crap. Michael I love you more and more everyday.

OMG... Im so sorry u were in so much pain Michael. Please 4giv us if we contributed 2 this pain in ANY WAY. I love u !! :) xoxoxo
It rocks me to the core. But I want to hear it so badly. The world needs to fuckin know.
Those of us who had our eyes wide open always knew you were innocent, Michael. We knew it then and we know it now.
Those of us who had our eyes wide open always knew you were innocent, Michael. We knew it then and we know it now.

I totally agree. I knew right away Michael was a million percent innocent during both allegations. Especially during the 93 allegations. I can still remember that August day like it happen yesterday. As upset as I was that day. I knew in my heart Michael was innocent he would never hurt a child in any way. And I was 13 years old at that time.

That is just so heartbreaking of reading that. I am crying now just from reading that.
And according to Raymone Bain, he had to act as if everything was alright. After the trial hearing everyday, he would go back and just read his children bedtimes stories, he would study with them, just be with them etc. I don't think his children know just how much pain he'd endured cause whether he's sad, despaired or anything, he would keep it to himself and carrying on doing what he's responsible to do. He's really one of a kind.
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And according to Raymone Bain, he had to act as if everything was alright. After the trial hearing everyday, he would go back and just read his children bedtimes stories, he would study with them, just be with them etc. I don't think his children know just how much pain he'd endured cause whether he's sad, despaired or anything, he would keep it to himself and carrying on doing what he's responsible to do. He's really one of a kind.
oh my God, that makes me deeply sad, poor Michael, yes he pretended every time he get out of that freaking room of that sickening trial, he would try his best to look strong, but his eyes, i mean those eyes could not lie
I hope this doesn't come off the wrong way, but I'd love to hear any songs recorded from the time around the 2005 trial.

I say this because I've always liked a lot of Mike's songs when he is discussing his emotions, like a lot of the songs on the HIStory album. A lot of the more personal songs are my favorite. Many artists create some of their most intriguing work when they are going through times of hardship. They really bare their soul and the music ends up being very powerful. From the outside looking in, I'd have to say this may have been the toughest period of his life.

I think this type of stuff would finally be given fair treatment. All of the HIStory reviews I've ever read just states that the music is "angry." No one cares to think about why he would've felt such a way during the time. No one notices discusses the breadth and depth of many of the lyrics and the accompaniment. With the public so focused on Michael Jackson's music, this type of personal material would be viewed as insight into his emotions, rather than the usual "Michael Jackson is (insert nonsense that is sensationalized) and his music is (insert judgemental adjective)."
oh my God, that makes me deeply sad, poor Michael, yes he pretended every time he get out of that freaking room of that sickening trial, he would try his best to look strong, but his eyes, i mean those eyes could not lie

I agree with you. And that just upsets me all the more. Of what my poor Michael had to go through then.
oh my God, that makes me deeply sad, poor Michael, yes he pretended every time he get out of that freaking room of that sickening trial, he would try his best to look strong, but his eyes, i mean those eyes could not lie

The only good thing about that was that at the end of the day he had his children to come home too. They were the ones that got him through that trial. And thank god for the fans that-seeing at least 300 fans stood outside the courthouse all day every day screaming in support of you, always supporting you no matter what, must have provided him with great strength. Mix that with the thousands of letters, cards and presents from fans he was sent I'm sure he knew he was loved.
yes, i know, but he suffered a lot, he went through hell, and this lyric was written in around 1993 and 1996, so i mean he went trough so much pain fo a lot of time, and when he was recovering the stupid Martin Bashir did that aweful document, and the freaking arvizo family totally took advantage, God bless him there in heaven finally's, we all knew he was innocent, we all knew it, i mean, it was the mainstream fault to make him look as guilty as they could, to making look guilty no matter what... that was so painful for me too, cause in one hand i remember i had te right info and the media would just completely change the facts, i mean, i remember saying everytime they reported, "what the heck are you saying?" cause they completely said all wrong, i dont know if it was in purpose or they just missunderstood the information, but i suffer that trial, i did, it was so frustating the way they reported all wrong, it was aweful, imagine him, he had to go through it on his own skin, its disgusting, may God forgive all those reporters, cause they did him wrong, they crusdified him, they did.
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Michael went through hell here on Earth and as sad as it is that he's no longer here. I'm happy there he's in a much better place now where he can finally rest in peace. Something that he wasn't given in life.
Since the past week I have just found myself crying again and I go and read this and the tears are just welling up again.:cry:

MJ was going through some heavy stuff and I'm sure kept most of it to himself. How hard that must've been for him. Its thinking about what he was going through that just makes me sad everytime.:(
"I'll die a man without a country."
His life was...intense. Fame and glory/loneliness and despair/joy and all things in between. Many of his songs could never be anything middle-of-the-road when his life was this intense. So haunting that you can never forget his words from the first time you heard. Just like these words.

He had family, children, and fans, but just like when we go through things, there comes a point when you painfully realize you yourself are ultimately the only one who can pull yourself through and the strength has to come from within...He had to get things off his chest to go on:( I believe this is one of the few things he could do to escape from all the craziness at least for a moment. Many others woulda done drugs or become alcoholic. Our Michael was unbelievably strong...
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Those handwritten lyrics say it all, we can't imagine what this man had to go through,and yet he stayed strong and kept making music and being true to himself.
One incredibly strong human being, this reminds me of Dancing the dream.This guy
was so talented, and the poems and lyrics in that book are incredible.
And according to Raymone Bain, he had to act as if everything was alright. After the trial hearing everyday, he would go back and just read his children bedtimes stories, he would study with them, just be with them etc. I don't think his children know just how much pain he'd endured cause whether he's sad, despaired or anything, he would keep it to himself and carrying on doing what he's responsible to do.

Yeah, I remember reading that in Ebony. I think she said he wanted to alienate the kids from all of the "baggage and accusations". So he acted like nothing was going on. He'd come home from court and solely focus on them; helping them with their homework, taking them for ice cream and to the movies, etc. And, then, after he'd put them to bed, he'd get on the phone with his attorneys and accountants.