The Innocent Man by MJ - Handwritten Lyrics up for auction

I don't know if anyone here asked this question and got an answer (if you did, I apologise) but how do companies like Philips Debury manage to get a hold of artists' personal stuff like hand written lyrics? I wonder how they found this piece of paper and who gave it to them? :mello: :scratch:
I don't know if anyone here asked this question and got an answer (if you did, I apologise) but how do companies like Philips Debury manage to get a hold of artists' personal stuff like hand written lyrics? I wonder how they found this piece of paper and who gave it to them? :mello: :scratch:
Its what they do for a living, they know
Woah its his handwriting.. so much neater than mine. Hard to read though, I can't begin to imagine how he must have felt during that trial.
I don't know if anyone here asked this question and got an answer (if you did, I apologise) but how do companies like Philips Debury manage to get a hold of artists' personal stuff like hand written lyrics? I wonder how they found this piece of paper and who gave it to them? :mello: :scratch:

I'm asking myself the same question.
oh my God, that makes me deeply sad, poor Michael, yes he pretended every time he get out of that freaking room of that sickening trial, he would try his best to look strong, but his eyes, i mean those eyes could not lie


He was strong, but you can only take so much... I'm just so sorry he had to go through any of it. :(
"I'll die a man without a country."
His life was...intense. Fame and glory/loneliness and despair/joy and all things in between. Many of his songs could never be anything middle-of-the-road when his life was this intense. So haunting that you can never forget his words from the first time you heard. Just like these words.

He had family, children, and fans, but just like when we go through things, there comes a point when you painfully realize you yourself are ultimately the only one who can pull yourself through and the strength has to come from within...He had to get things off his chest to go on:( I believe this is one of the few things he could do to escape from all the craziness at least for a moment. Many others woulda done drugs or become alcoholic. Our Michael was unbelievably strong...

He was strong and his life was intense, I agree.

Even though Michael didn't ask for, want or deserve any of the crap he had to endure. He did choose to live life full out, he took risks with everything he did, his songwriting, his singing, his videos, his humanitarian efforts, his looks, his clothes. He was doing things no one had done before or in a way no one else had dared or thought to do. He experienced highs that most of us could never dream of and sadly, lows that most of us will never have to endure.

I was heartbroken like everyone else when i first read these lyrics, but the more I thought about it, the more I thought about how he chose to really live life, every minute. Even when he was in the depths. He was just so full of life, he never just went through the motions. And he was always true to himself.

I have so much respect for him. He never chose the easy way, he never gave up, he had a dream and he never let go of it, he channeled his pain into his art and even though he experienced betrayal of the most despicable kind he never stopped loving people. He really was an amazing person.
You sweet, innocent sweetheart, the world crucified you, but believe me, you did not live in vain, I love and miss you forever. You're immortal.
He was strong and his life was intense, I agree.

Even though Michael didn't ask for, want or deserve any of the crap he had to endure. He did choose to live life full out, he took risks with everything he did, his songwriting, his singing, his videos, his humanitarian efforts, his looks, his clothes. He was doing things no one had done before or in a way no one else had dared or thought to do. He experienced highs that most of us could never dream of and sadly, lows that most of us will never have to endure.

I was heartbroken like everyone else when i first read these lyrics, but the more I thought about it, the more I thought about how he chose to really live life, every minute. Even when he was in the depths. He was just so full of life, he never just went through the motions. And he was always true to himself.

I have so much respect for him. He never chose the easy way, he never gave up, he had a dream and he never let go of it, he channeled his pain into his art and even though he experienced betrayal of the most despicable kind he never stopped loving people. He really was an amazing person.
Agree completelywith the bold parts. :clapping:
I have so much respect for him. He never chose the easy way, he never gave up, he had a dream and he never let go of it, he channeled his pain into his art and even though he experienced betrayal of the most despicable kind he never stopped loving people. He really was an amazing person.

well said
He was strong and his life was intense, I agree.

Even though Michael didn't ask for, want or deserve any of the crap he had to endure. He did choose to live life full out, he took risks with everything he did, his songwriting, his singing, his videos, his humanitarian efforts, his looks, his clothes. He was doing things no one had done before or in a way no one else had dared or thought to do. He experienced highs that most of us could never dream of and sadly, lows that most of us will never have to endure.

I was heartbroken like everyone else when i first read these lyrics, but the more I thought about it, the more I thought about how he chose to really live life, every minute. Even when he was in the depths. He was just so full of life, he never just went through the motions. And he was always true to himself.

I have so much respect for him. He never chose the easy way, he never gave up, he had a dream and he never let go of it, he channeled his pain into his art and even though he experienced betrayal of the most despicable kind he never stopped loving people. He really was an amazing person.
