The Innocent Man by MJ - Handwritten Lyrics up for auction

Oh Michael. My heart is breaking. The only thing that brings me some comfort is what he said in Oxford, "If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with". He knew that he was loved when he left this world...

That's interesting... I wonder about that...

Those are probably just different versions. Surely he thought about the song for some time and tried different lyrics and wrote them down. I think none of them is fake.
Oh man, now everytime i'll go to the hermoso Acapulco, i'm going to think that Michael was some place there, que bien!.

I will feel more relax about everything thinking of that.

Te extrañamos mucho Michael
That, ladies and merely a glimpse of what that man had going through his mind during the trial. Only God knows what else he was thinking and reeling about.

I can't even fathom what it feels like to have half the globe look at you in disgust for accusations you never committed.

Those words are so haunting to me. And at the same time, they are so full of wisdom and insight.

It feels good to know he's not feeling that hurt anymore.....but I still miss him so much it hurts.

You wrote such true words!
Oh wow..that almost made me want to tear. I want to give MJ a hug...:(
Terribly upsetting to read. It's strange, but we never actually had a chance to hear Michael talk about the trial and how he felt (although it was clear, without him having to do so). This is kind of the first time we've seen something so direct from him. His emotions were always so much stronger in his art, than in his speech.

Its hard to explain how those words, in THAT handwriting makes one feel. Poor Michael. Indescribable pain, indeed.
Yea.. on behalf of mankind..Michael we are sorry.

If someone was there to hold him for a while...:( I dunno what to say.

He still knows that we are here and love him. I wish I could hold him.
oh gee, i hate what the world did to Michael. I'm going to try to join in the major love prayer on the 25th and I will pray that Jordan tells the truth
If he recorded this I would love to hear it.

I'm far more excited about hearing songs from his heart than stuff he produced with Akon and Will.i.iam etc.
This make me feel kind of sick .. Michael only did good for this world .. and he have to pay a ugly price for being a good person ? The world is sick.
This make me feel kind of sick .. Michael only did good for this world .. and he have to pay a ugly price for being a good person ? The world is sick.
yeah... everyday I'm thinking about it and I can't believe and understand what they did to Michael. You can be good in this world and they want to destroy you anyway...
please help me to understand the second line "There the law is waiting for me". Does he mean that they will prosecute him there as well or that he will be able to avoid the trial there? I am not a native speaker and am confused about the meaning of the phrase. Thanks in abvance!
Michael, WE always knew you were innocent. Always. I just hope you knew how deeply loved you were (and still are) by your fans, and how much faith we had in you.

I miss you, M.