The fans are damaging Michaels new album.

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Re: Is this the kind of crap we will have to put up with for every new MJ release?

MJ's family are the kings of claiming "conspiracies" and "cover ups", etc. They have done this in every situation for as long as I can remember.

The problem here is this: When we heard the song, a seed had already been planted in our heads that said "It could be fake", so our guard was up. We went into this with a tainted perception that songs were fake. Now some have taken it to the extreme claiming every song that isn't signature MJ is fake. It's not fair to do that.

I am sitting on the fence, and have seen valid opinions and facts shared from both sides of the argument. I refuse to jump on a train before I know more information. People are acting out of emotion and not logic and refusing to see the big picture. I can't understand why some fans on this board have this massive conspiracy elaborated in their mind from information that may not be correct. Of course the vocals on BN are not signature MJ, but does that mean they aren't him? Time will tell of course. In my opinion, if let's say "Shout" was the lead single and we were in the same situation...many people would claim it to be a fake because it's not signature MJ music. The seed had been planted before.

People have to take into account that MJ was sampling all the time, doing new genres of music with different voices. He loved altering his voice to seem different. He's said it himself many times. That's why I'm not discounting anything right now. I know his vocals ARE on the Cascio tracks, but it also appears that there is someone else singing in them as well. Hopefully when the estate release a statement they will clear this up.

I'm trying not to let this ruin my excitement. If there's 12 songs and only 3 Cascio... that's not bad. We know MJ did work with Cascio, so it only makes sense that these songs will contain some of his vocals. We have to look at it logically. I'm holding off on any attacks and emotional fits until I see the bigger picture in respect to what is going on.

That's all

Not long ago you cited your sources within Sony claiming they believe it's less then 50% MJ on BN....
They have plenty of proof. Two separate forensic investigations. And plenty of engineers, producers etc. that have already verified the veracity of the track. Enough said.

the veracity of the track?????? WHAT TRACK?????

The track as it was delivered to sony was a SOLO VOCAL ONLY comp (aka assembly edit of various takes and samples), and very badly comped at that. The quality and care with which it was done stinks - MJ was METICULOUS about quality of recording - this is nothing but an insult to him
There were no other instruments on the 'track'
How on earth can anyone call this Michaels' work - it's not.
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they tried to sell BN as Michael Jackson song only. If they quoted, from the beginning on, that an other artist supported to complete the song, it would have been fine for me.
But they didn't. Only claim, it's 100% Michael singing only.

You people don't have common sense. Us against these song, are trying to prevent this to happen again. You have 7 albums to come out. this disaster should not happen again.

If you let this happen, you are hurting Michael's legacy.
Where is the proof that they have had it tested?

Just because they say they have proof doesnt mean they have proof. Where is the proof that they have proof?

Are you just going to go ahead and believe them without proof?

As Michael would say, "Thats ignorant". Do you really believe, they just made up getting all those experts in just to shut you up? Obviously, the estate questioned it themselves as did Sony, so all this was already thrown up in the air with them before they released the track.

I thought It was weird that he would say his own name in a track too, but you know what, whats wrong with him trying something different? Otherwise we'd just have another Tabloid Junkie and I don't want to be hearing the same shit over and over again.

I think the fact that fans are insulting each other of this is disgusting, if you think its not MJ then thats your opinion, don't start riding everyone else because you don't believe it is. Thats not directed solely at you L.T.D btw
As Michael would say, "Thats ignorant". Do you really believe, they just made up getting all those experts in just to shut you up? Obviously, the estate questioned it themselves as did Sony, so all this was already thrown up in the air with them before they released the track.

I thought It was weird that he would say his own name in a track too, but you know what, whats wrong with him trying something different? Otherwise we'd just have another Tabloid Junkie and I don't want to be hearing the same shit over and over again.

Theres a bit too much doubt surrounding this for it to just end up being Michael. I do believe they have just made it up yes, they had been saying it while the family was claiming the vocals were fake. I was thinking....'God the family is full of crap. They need to give it up, these people have had tests done on the songs'. As soon as I heard the song I thought, that was a load of bullshit.

I have seen every excuse under the sun. He was trying something different, maybe he had a cold, he recorded this down the phone........ANYTHING but...its just not him. People come up with every other explanation they can other than 'its just not him'.
Sadly, through death MJ's music has appealed much more to the general public. Folks ain't afraid of buying his music anymore. He's more marketable now than he ever was at any point in his last 10-15 years on this planet. Sony knows this and will market the shit out of this new album. The fans ain't doing nothin right now except providing the drama and controversy needed to make the general public aware and to make this album a success.
So while some of the fans are going around saying goofy shit like, "That's not Michael and I will not support this album!!!", Sony's sittin back and
They have a new audience now (the average Joe), so complaining fans are expendable at this point.

Nevermind it's not worth a real reply.
FOR MANY years and while MJ is alive fans have been ready to kill to get the acapalla of MJ's songs from the other albums they even want any demos for any songs at any stage of the production and the luckiest are the ones who got the unreleased songs from anyother source than MJ's production and Sony ...

so why now ALL this" it is Sony and the Etate" BS !!!!!!!!!!!!!

well in this album MJ is singin and the music did not matter what really matter is MJ's voice and his does not matter if Sony or Disney will release the songs what matters is MJ's voice feelings and creativity at any stage of the is not Branca singing, it is MICHAEL JACKSON !

most of the fans used buy and ENJOY the mixes done by non- proffisionals !

why NOW the song should not be touched ....all this drama is to make noises and get attention ,,,,this is completely tasteless !

Kathriene lied at the 3T and told them Oprah did not visit them ,SEE ! nobody is taking them seriously and this is their chance to show they have some power over the Estate from behind "twitter" !
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Anyone defending $ONY are just plain crazy in my book

Speak for yourself. If you don't believe in common sense,logic and evidence then who is crazy???

Haters that believe Michael was guilty of those allegations are also very stubborn and don't want to believe fool proof evidence that he was innocent. Well, you are just like haters who do not want to believe forensic evidence and plain common sense. Who is crazy now!
LOL, how?
What the hell are you or any other fan roaming a fansite gonna do about the release of this new album? Sony/the estate know that hardcore Jackson fans ain't gonna do nothin but bitch, get angry, threaten to boycott, and then buy the damn album. That's why it's not marketed towards them, it's marketed towards the average Joe who's given MJ's music a second look since his death. Who do you think's been buying up Jackson's music since June 2009? Yeah...
The only thing the fans are doing right now is looking silly.

Just watch and see!
LOL, how?
What the hell are you or any other fan roaming a fansite gonna do about the release of this new album? Sony/the estate know that hardcore Jackson fans ain't gonna do nothin but bitch, get angry, threaten to boycott, and then buy the damn album. That's why it's not marketed towards them, it's marketed towards the average Joe who's given MJ's music a second look since his death. Who do you think's been buying up Jackson's music since June 2009? Yeah...
The only thing the fans are doing right now is looking silly.

Well they already felt as if they needed to release a statement due to our uproar. So I would hardly say they dont care.:wild:
Apart from fans not many people are going to care about this mess, so it's not going to damage the album at all...

Sadly, through death MJ's music has appealed much more to the general public. Folks ain't afraid of buying his music anymore. He's more marketable now than he ever was at any point in his last 10-15 years on this planet. Sony knows this and will market the shit out of this new album. The fans ain't doing nothin right now except providing the drama and controversy needed to make the general public aware and to make this album a success.
So while some of the fans are going around saying goofy shit like, "That's not Michael and I will not support this album!!!", Sony's sittin back and
They have a new audience now (the average Joe), so complaining fans are expendable at this point.

All this drama is only happening in these forums. Outside of this nobody cares. This is creating great buzz for the album. So in a way the fans that are complaining are helping the album they want to boycott. How funny is that. I love Michael and will support him 100%. I hope the album is huge. It is very sad but not surprising that some of his hard core fans are acting crazy. I love the song, will love the album. GO MICHAEL!!
Its the fans that have been hurt by this. The general public will lap it up no doubt about it. But its us that are crushed by this. We hear a track that is claimed to be Michael and we want justice to be done. We cant stand Michael's legacy to be tarnished by tracks claimng to be his but by impersonators. Its Michael that we love and will always stand by and do the right thing by.
If Sony does not make money from Michael they will make it from someone else. At the end of the day two hundred million dollars to them is two cents to you and me. And if this album flops Sony moves on. Who gets hurt? Michael's legacy and Michael's children.

So true. And something I've been saying all along. Although I have a feeling the album will be huge anyway. hehhe
Its the fans that have been hurt by this. The general public will lap it up no doubt about it. But its us that are crushed by this. We hear a track that is claimed to be Michael and we want justice to be done. We cant stand Michael's legacy to be tarnished by tracks claimng to be his but by impersonators. Its Michael that we love and will always stand by and do the right thing by.

I respectfully disagree. I am a hard core fan, and I don't feel crushed at all. I loooove the song. It is Michael. I heard it and it is def. Michael's breathy style of singing. There is prove it is Michael, plenty of prove. No impersonators. Anyway, pls. don't speak for the rest of his fans. Thank you.
It's not and never will be Michael's new album. It's sony and the estate's new album.

Welcome to the realpolitik of the commercial imperative.

Logic should be telling you that it is simply impossible to come up with any circumstance whereby Michael would have sanctioned the release of BN.

That's exactly what I said a few weeks back to everyone who asked me about new album.
Listen It sounds like a new version on and I have gone from "its not him" to "Its MJ" ... I swear it is him now , guys listen SONY would never do this , its to dangerous for their company to fake any song ... plus I think its Different now this version... Its him .. and we have to support this for Michael NOW.
Its the fans that have been hurt by this. The general public will lap it up no doubt about it. But its us that are crushed by this. We hear a track that is claimed to be Michael and we want justice to be done. We cant stand Michael's legacy to be tarnished by tracks claimng to be his but by impersonators. Its Michael that we love and will always stand by and do the right thing by.

Been a fan of MJ since 1982 and do not feel hurt by this at all...
Its the fans that have been hurt by this. The general public will lap it up no doubt about it. But its us that are crushed by this. We hear a track that is claimed to be Michael and we want justice to be done. We cant stand Michael's legacy to be tarnished by tracks claimng to be his but by impersonators. Its Michael that we love and will always stand by and do the right thing by.

One of my local radio station dj's was talking here in Seattle & he didn't think it was him. He was not a fan that I could tell.

I think there is MJ in there, but really not enough. Shame on Sony.
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Listen It sounds like a new version on and I have gone from "its not him" to "Its MJ" ... I swear it is him now , guys listen SONY would never do this , its to dangerous for their company to fake any song ... plus I think its Different now this version... Its him .. and we have to support this for Michael NOW.

My god, it hasnt changed at all since Monday!

Sony may not have done it intentionally, but I think they have realised the mistake by now and should just come out and say it.
My god, it hasnt changed at all since Monday!

Sony may not have done it intentionally, but I think they have realised the mistake by now and should just come out and say it.

Its Michael on there. NO DAMN impersinator.
Sorry... the fans??

Sorry but.... THE FANS????

Woowww... that's a brave statement!!
If it was up to the fans, BN wouldn't have been considered a first release, nor the first in this critical path towards posthomous albums. This was careless and pointless, and very, very wrong.

ANd that was not done by the fans. Please!!!!

Gimme a break... the fans damaging the album.... the world is upside down, no question.... the fans... aggg :doh:

One of my local radio station dj's was talking here in Seattle & he didn't think it was him. He was not a fan that I could tell.

I think there is MJ in there, but really not enough. Shame on Sony.

Yes, I think the same.
We asked Gaz to add this option in the poll... we need this choice, this is my case. MJ is there, but this is not only them, as expected, as offered, as advertised, as wanted, as needed.

Over the last few days fans on here and other fan forums have done serious damage to Michaels new album, most fans heard the rumour about fake lyrics and went with it. They didn't take their time to think logically about what was being claimed they just got themselfs into a frenzy. It was fairly obvious that Sony wouldn't risk a $200 million investment by using a song that had anything but Michaels vocals on it. They had a choice of over a 100 songs and only had to pick one for the teaser, there was no way if they had a song that had debatable vocals they would use this as the first song. If there was any question about who sang on it they then they could have left it on the album but picked another song for the teaser but no they were confident it was 100% Michael. They had plenty of reasons to be confident as they carried out independent investigations to verify that it was indeed Michael. The problem on Monday was that most of the fans weren't interested in logic, they managed to feed a controvery that may have done serious damage to the album. I only hope that many have learned a lesson from this and will think before typing the next time.

i agree with you 110 percent.. alot of time i shake my head when i read 80 percent of these so called "fans" that post on this forum.

all these "fans" on these forums are KILLING michaels legacy by jumping to conclusions. when i first heard the song i honestly was jumping with joy and i loooved what i heard , its fresh innovative ,very nicely produced by teddy riley and its michaels vocals. With all these fans saying its fake and blah blah blah its only gonna spread to everyone else ( even non mj-fans) and they will say its fake and wont even bother buying the album and controversy will overshadow this album.
you obsessed fans will never be satisfied with ANYTHING its ridiculous. All your looking for is another thriller or bad or dangerous and if not then you go with the flow and say ITS NOT HIS VOCALS just shut the hell up already and just go and buy this album its michael jackson for god sake! , yes hes dead but would you rather his legacy fade with another flop album?

they even made announcement today saying thier authentic but stil you lunatic fans on this forum are so ignorant and egotistic you just wont accept it. grow the f*ck up honestly.
Just watch and see!

Watch and see what?
Lol, you're acting like anybody's gonna give a shit if they turn on the 6 0'clock news on December 14th and find out that Sharon B. Sidney and handful of other obnoxious fans didn't buy the new Michael Jackson album. MJ fans come and go. Seriously, their were folks claiming that they weren't gonna support anything else after Thriller 25 because Michael, Akon, and Fergie "raped" classic Jackson music. You're a fool if you think you have the power to stop a multi-billion dollar corporation like Sony, who have by the way, invested 250 million dollars into this album and other future MJ releases. Meaning, this album's gonna hit store shelves whether you like it or not.
Use your frickin brain already.
All this drama is only happening in these forums. Outside of this nobody cares. This is creating great buzz for the album. So in a way the fans that are complaining are helping the album they want to boycott. How funny is that. I love Michael and will support him 100%. I hope the album is huge. It is very sad but not surprising that some of his hard core fans are acting crazy. I love the song, will love the album. GO MICHAEL!!

I'm with you 100% tricia!!!
Its Michael on there. NO DAMN impersinator.

No matter how many times you or the Estate say that. Its not going to sink into our heads. So you may as well give up.

I love the way everyone says we are just being influenced by The Jacksons. Why cant you just accept the fact we dont think its him because it doesnt sound like him....? -_-

I've said it about 50 times in the past 4 days. Until Monday morning, we were Anti Jackson family. I said myself 'The Jacksons are going to look so stupid on Monday morning'

You guys are just going to have to accept that there is no other reason as to why we dont think its Michael aside from the obvious reason. Which is simply the fact that WE DONT THINK IT SOUNDS LIKE HIM.

We have not been influenced by The Jackson family, we do not believe everything we are told like the rest of you clearly do.
i agree with you 110 percent.. alot of time i shake my head when i read 80 percent of these so called "fans" that post on this forum.

all these "fans" on these forums are KILLING michaels legacy by jumping to conclusions. when i first heard the song i honestly was jumping with joy and i loooved what i heard , its fresh innovative ,very nicely produced by teddy riley and its michaels vocals. With all these fans saying its fake and blah blah blah its only gonna spread to everyone else ( even non mj-fans) and they will say its fake and wont even bother buying the album and controversy will overshadow this album.
you obsessed fans will never be satisfied with ANYTHING its ridiculous. All your looking for is another thriller or bad or dangerous and if not then you go with the flow and say ITS NOT HIS VOCALS just shut the hell up already and just go and buy this album its michael jackson for god sake! , yes hes dead but would you rather his legacy fade with another flop album?

they even made announcement today saying thier authentic but stil you lunatic fans on this forum are so ignorant and egotistic you just wont accept it. grow the f*ck up honestly.

You're so right!!! I'm with u 100%
The only fans who are damaging Michaels new album are the fools who are supporting the farce that is breaking news. You lot are disgusting.
Re: Is this the kind of crap we will have to put up with for every new MJ release?

I remember the weeks leading up to the release of the This Is It film, people claiming that it's not 100% MJ in the film. Now with the Michael album coming, the same thing is happening again. I've got to say this kind of talk really ruins times that should be happy for MJ fans. Is this the kind of BS that we will have to put up with for every MJ release from now on?

Do I think it's MJ singing on Breaking News? Yes I do. If there is some actual PROOF that it's not MJ, I'll be the first to say I'm wrong. But if it's shown that it is MJ on the track, something seriously needs to be done to all the fans here that are spouting off like they are audio experts and such. Because they are ruining what should be a good time for other MJ fans.

I am an audio expert and also a singer myself. In addition to that I've been Michael's fan 27 years and listening him almost every single day. So, it's vain to try to convince me the voice is Michael's! Now stop blaming fans they ruin something if they are just honest and love Michael Jackson. I am not going to fall in love with the mediocre singer's fake voice or great songs they ruin like that!
Re: Is this the kind of crap we will have to put up with for every new MJ release?

MJ's family are the kings of claiming "conspiracies" and "cover ups", etc. They have done this in every situation for as long as I can remember.

It's so tiring.
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