The fans are damaging Michaels new album.

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A huge number of fans are saying that the songs are fake and are making so much noise and so much drama, have you though in the consequences of doing this. I´m going to tell you what is going to happen.

People will not buy the Album, and it's going to be a fail in sells. The tabloids and all the ignorant people are going to say. See he wasn't that great, his good times were the 80s and the 90s, what a shame, Everybody says that he is the king, and look what happened with his last album.

The whole world is going to say, he did not good music, on the latest years, The people and the tabloids are not going to blame Sony, They are going to blame MJ,

MJ now is at the top again, If we continue with this craziness we are going to go back to what we always hate.

Tabloids saying it was a failure, people saying he wasn't so good, Looked at his las album

MJ's reputation it's going to be very damaged,

You guys are saying that the released of this album it's going to affect his legacy.

What it's really going to affect his legacy, it's the fail of this new album. Because people are ignorant, they are just going to blame MJ.

Please stop this thing!!!
"Went with it"? I didn't believe a WORD of that. I thought all that "fake vocals" talk was a bunch of crap. I stayed up all night, sat here excited, my heart pounding, about to be filled the joy of a new MJ song. That's a beautiful experience I've been lucky to live through since the 80's ... IJCSLY for the first time. Black or White for the first time, Scream for the first time, YRMW for the first time. I was there in joyous anticipation for each one of those moments. And so BN began, my heart leaped into my throat, and then.... my mouth dropped open in total shock. Who the heck is that??!?!!!! Not Michael!!!!

SONY are the ones doing damage to Michael's album. We're trying to SAVE it!

I can absolutely relate. My face went from complete and utter joy to absolute confusion and sadness the minute I heard the first line...
fxfan;3066189 said:

A huge number of fans are saying that the songs are fake and are making so much noise and so much drama, have you though in the consequences of doing this. I´m going to tell you what is going to happen.

People will not buy the Album, and it's going to be a fail in sells. The tabloids and all the ignorant people are going to say. See he wasn't that great, his good times were the 80s and the 90s, what a shame, Everybody says that he is the king, and look what happened with his last album.

The whole world is going to say, he did not good music, on the latest years, The people and the tabloids are not going to blame Sony, They are going to blame MJ,

MJ now is at the top again, If we continue with this craziness we are going to go back to what we always hate.

Tabloids saying it was a failure, people saying he wasn't so good, Looked at his las album

MJ's reputation it's going to be very damaged,

You guys are saying that the released of this album it's going to affect his legacy.

What it's really going to affect his legacy, it's the fail of this new album. Because people are ignorant, they are just going to blame MJ.

Please stop this thing!!!

Yes I just wish fans would CHILL and wait for the rest of the album to arrive. This negativity has become a very sad situation. We all need to realise that no album from now onwards will ever be Michael 100%.
It's tragic but it's true. :(
I'm not saying that it is or isn't Michael because I can't be certain either way. But the point is, it was already planted in people's minds that it was fake. That could affect the interpretation of the song when everyone did listen to it.
There have been times when I and others have heard songs no one even knew Michael had recorded and could recognize his. People had come out and claimed it wasn't him and we still knew it was his voice.

Many as some already stated did not believe Sony would do something so dreadful s to release tracks on Michael's CD that were not him. We all ewxpected to hear Michael. What we heard was was a track where whoever it was singing had been altered and compressed. We don't know if it's Michael or not and that is seriously wrong.

It is not because anyone said that it wasn't Michael that people formed their opinion. Opinions were formed based on listening to the song. We of all people are use to reading rumors and lies on the internet do you think that would influence us? It didn't.

Sony was trying to trick us fans but Halloween has passed we want Michael's voice on his music.

The world loves Michael. I have many more joyful things to do than discuss, plan and project ways to criple Sony's profits if they continue to treat us as if we don't matter and Michale's legacy as if they can distort it.

The world loves Michael he grew up in people's homes and lived in our hearts which will always be his home. June 25th we mourned for him , across the globe we cried. We don't just love his voice, his music and his talent but also the man. Unlike to Sony execs he was not a commodity but a person we loved. If Sony plans to ruin Michael we are the world and we will ruin Sony.

Why should we care about a rumor of whatever forensic evidence someone claims Sony obtained? To me that screams they knew the tracks were questionable and if anything adds as much validity to the people who are claiming they know for certain it's not him as it does to your argument (whoever made that claim). You're at a stale mate.

Sony, the estate and the family may be at a stale mate too but we Michael's fans will bring resolution. I said it before and I'll say it again our agenda is love of him and his music. We will protect his legacy and fight Sony every step of the way.

You think we write like crazy now, imagine what we'll do if we have to prove to Sony that we're prepared to fight and will go through with our ultimatum and launch a fullscale boycott of all things Sony. If they attempt to delay his CD past Dec. 14th We have plans to initiate boycotts each day thereafter until Sony is ready to put Michael and his fans first.

They played a game with us with that release but now the games are over, the trust is gone, our hearts are broken, we're angry and ready to fight. Sony needs to allow a group of Michael's fans to represent us and approve of what they plan to put on that CD before it is released, we need to know it's Michael and only his fans are the ones without agendas.
Over the last few days fans on here and other fan forums have done serious damage to Michaels new album, most fans heard the rumour about fake lyrics and went with it. They didn't take their time to think logically about what was being claimed they just got themselfs into a frenzy. It was fairly obvious that Sony wouldn't risk a $200 million investment by using a song that had anything but Michaels vocals on it. They had a choice of over a 100 songs and only had to pick one for the teaser, there was no way if they had a song that had debatable vocals they would use this as the first song. If there was any question about who sang on it they then they could have left it on the album but picked another song for the teaser but no they were confident it was 100% Michael. They had plenty of reasons to be confident as they carried out independent investigations to verify that it was indeed Michael. The problem on Monday was that most of the fans weren't interested in logic, they managed to feed a controvery that may have done serious damage to the album. I only hope that many have learned a lesson from this and will think before typing the next time.

you just read my mind-i totally agree with me:punk: i think we are guilty for Invincible not being a success and now some fans do that again! I think it will be more fair to just say they don't like the way Michael was doing music in the recent years, enjoy the old tracks and let others enjoy the new music:D i'm a logical person and even if i hate Sony i know no company would take such a risk!this circus must stop,the fans being so suspicios and his family taking on tv with Oprah,i'm sure michael doesn't like all this!anyway i just wait for the new album!:)
^ LOL, I own 7 copies of Invincible, a-hee-hee! :punk:
I always liked your posts. You seemed to have the common sense and logic some fans lacked. But then when I saw a post of yours a couple days ago going along with all this frenzy, I have to admit was very disappointed.

It is MJ 100%, supporting vocal, Jason Porte. Teddy Riley mixed it and produced it. What do you expect, Michael is not here, what do you want? It's not going to be perfect is it? Idk what your expectations were, but you have to understand the man is not here to produce it. Teddy did a marvelous job.Everybody complainted also that Invincible was over produced, that 2000 Watts was overly processed and his vocals were manipulated.

Now I realize that some fans will never ever be happy. They complained when he was here and will keep complaining even more so when he is gone.
Why can't some fans just be happy.
I will say it again, some Michael Jackson fans are their own worst enemy. :(

Tricia, I love your posts as well. Like what 144,000 said before, you are respectful to other's opinion. You never belittle anyone. Back in the new album thread, you were one of the very few who were always postive and patient.

I wrote many posts in many different threads lately. So, I may be repeating myself here. To me, my biggest issue is not because Breaking News doesn't sound like Michael. My issue is Sony's/producers'/the Estate's intention and integrity. I actually hear Michael in part of the song. So, I would not label Breaking News "fake song". Actually, there is no such thing. But, how can one deny that Breaking News is essetially pieced together from very rough and bad quality demos? The producers copied and pasted together Michael's vocals, layered his vocals with others, etc... As a result, the finished track becomes unrecognizable. Michael's vocals become choppy and flat.

It seems people like to use 2000 Watts as example of how Michael can sound different. No, it's not a fair comparison. Just because Michael sang in lower register doesn't mean he sounded different. 2000 Watts, Shout, and Escape are clearly Michael's. I can hear "Michael's vocal signatures" in those songs. Don't forget Michael was an exceptional vocalist. His phrasing and his accentuation are unique. In other words, his singing technique is unbelivably good. That's why Michael's songs sound good. But, in Breaking News, all of Michael's "vocal signatures" are absent. Even if the vocal is 100% Michael's, the production of the song managed to overwhelm the uniqueness of Michael's vocals. Teddy Riley's production in this song is nothing to cheer about. Up to this moment, I still cannot conceive why Teddy Riley would agree to produce this unreleasable demo. Of course, I know Michael is not here to provide his final magical touch, but that doesn't mean we have to accept a shaddy production like this one. I never expect Billie Jean part II, but I truly cannot accept such a misleading track.

I love and enjoy This Is It. I have been very supportive to the Estate. I think the administrators are doing a marvellous jobs in all business matters. But, this Breaking News fiasco is truly a mishap. I can't help but doubt the Estate's and Sony's integrity.

Michael's legacy is solidified. Nothing can be done to reverse it. Fans cannot damage Michael's legacy. But, if the Estate keeps allowing demos to receive the "Breaking News Treatment", then the Estate is not doing Michael's legacy any justice.

Many members who voice their concerns here do have common sense and think logically, that's why we are all scratching our heads and want an answer. We all love Michael, even though we may have different viewpoints on different matters. But, at the end of the day, we all wish nothing but success on all Michael Jackson project.

I don't support boycotting the album. I don't support canelling pre-order. I would buy the album myself. But, I truly hope the Estate learn from this. I pray the Estate and Michael continuous success. I hope Mr. Branca and Mr. McClain know the importance of integrity. Like what Michael used to say "You cannot cheat the fans."
Gottobethere, I agree with everything you said. What's been happening in the fandom this week, is very upsetting. I am very worried about this album.

I believe it's Michael on this song with some minor backvocals from that other guy, which is perfectly normal, especially in the current situation when Michael can't sing the backvocals himself. And if after the Estate's announcement it will become clear to the rest of the fandom that it is indeed Michael singing, I think the song should stay on the album as a reminder to everybody how you should not scream and shout before you've learned all the facts.
even when michael was alive some of the backing vocals were done by others,you are right!it is his vice and the song is just great:)
The damage would be accepting this joke that Sony is doing with these questionable songs! Letting them get away with it would be allowing them to possibly do the same in the future!? And all for what?...$$$$$$ Not his Legacy!

Some are afraid not to buy the album because they think it will ruin MJs legacy...o_O No, what will ruin it, is crappy fake songs that are mistaken for him in the future! U think supporting an album possibly mixed with real and fakes is a good thing? Then I'm afraid what else is there in the future from Sony with "MJ" products if some are that easily bought! O_O SMH

And what hard core evidence other then word of mouth Sony have presented? NONE so far! Don't compare it to MJ allegations when there are real documents/transcripts to prove that! SMH this is not the same!

Sony haven't done anything so far to prove anything only saying they do! But, not showing the proof! I'm still waiting though!

If you all boycott this album ... do Michael's children lose out in the end?

What kind of question is that? Michael's children have already lost out by the way Sony treated their dad for many years. Look at the videos on Youtube where Michael talks about Sony, look at the court transcripts where a witness testifies concerning Sony! Have you read that yet? It's pretty deep and most media outlets bit their tongue rather than speak the truth of the lengths Sony will go in greedy endeavors.

Will Michael's kids lose out if his fans boycott all things Sony in efforts of ensuring Sony does not rip them off, release questionable tracks and attempt to destroy his legacy you ask- My repy is hardly. Sony will realize how stupid they were for trying to dupe us and make things right or Sony's sales across the board will suffer. So either it will be a success or we will be successful in showing Sony that is never okay to mess with their daddy and either way the children will not lose out.
Yes I just wish fans would CHILL and wait for the rest of the album to arrive. This negativity has become a very sad situation. We all need to realise that no album from now onwards will ever be Michael 100%.
It's tragic but it's true. :(

There is too much negative energy (here) with so much emphasis on HATE. :(

Remember, L.O.V.E. :)
Actually, the FANS are saving Michael's record.

LOL, how?
What the hell are you or any other fan roaming a fansite gonna do about the release of this new album? Sony/the estate know that hardcore Jackson fans ain't gonna do nothin but bitch, get angry, threaten to boycott, and then buy the damn album. That's why it's not marketed towards them, it's marketed towards the average Joe who's given MJ's music a second look since his death. Who do you think's been buying up Jackson's music since June 2009? Yeah...
The only thing the fans are doing right now is looking silly.
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Haha gotta be amazed by those who think that,
whatever Sony puts out on the market sell well,
no they dont and never did, they have to promote it and they have to make sure is current.
they had over 100 songs to choose from as someone said it,
but it just flies over your head doesnt it,
I think it is funny how people wanna stay ignorant about this

And someone says Michael Jackson never said his name on his songs,
I think that person also thinks that Michael never swore in his life
you have to get over yourself, off course he can say that.

Are you guys completely stupid why would Sony pay millions for something that wasnt real,
is like saying I would pay 2000 dollar for a fake Gucci purse or something.
LOL, how?
What the hell are you or any other fan roaming a fansite gonna do about the release of this new album? Sony/the estate know that hardcore Jackson fans ain't gonna do nothin but bitch, get angry, threaten to boycott, and then buy the damn album. That's why it's not marketed towards them, it's marketed towards the average Joe who's given MJ's music a second look since his death. Who do you think's been buying up Jackson's music since June 2009? Yeah...
The only thing the fans are doing right now is looking silly.

Exactly, I totally agree with you

I hope while the fans in here bitch,
that it would become success for the average joe out there
Exactly, I totally agree with you

I hope while the fans in here bitch,
that it would become success for the average joe out there

Sadly, through death MJ's music has appealed much more to the general public. Folks ain't afraid of buying his music anymore. He's more marketable now than he ever was at any point in his last 10-15 years on this planet. Sony knows this and will market the shit out of this new album. The fans ain't doing nothin right now except providing the drama and controversy needed to make the general public aware and to make this album a success.
So while some of the fans are going around saying goofy shit like, "That's not Michael and I will not support this album!!!", Sony's sittin back and
They have a new audience now (the average Joe), so complaining fans are expendable at this point.
Sadly, through death MJ's music has appealed much more to the general public. Folks ain't afraid of buying his music anymore. He's more marketable now than he ever was at any point in his last 10-15 years on this planet. Sony knows this and will market the shit out of this new album. The fans ain't doing nothin right now except providing the drama and controversy needed to make the general public aware and to make this album a success.
So while some of the fans are going around saying goofy shit like, "That's not Michael and I will not support this album!!!", Sony's sittin back and
They have a new audience now (the average Joe), so complaining fans are expendable at this point.
And I'm sorry but thats the only people that matter right now. Hard-core fans already know and love MJ (and hopefully that never changes) however, the general public is just now remembering that "oh yea, Michael Jackson did more then stay forever in the tabloids, he made music, and GREAT music at that". So everybody saying there going to boycott the album, I say, go right ahead, it will, by the grace of God, STILL be a success.
Apart from fans not many people are going to care about this mess, so it's not going to damage the album at all...
And someone says Michael Jackson never said his name on his songs,
I think that person also thinks that Michael never swore in his life
you have to get over yourself, off course he can say that.

Its well known by everyone that MJ swore in his songs, never mind in his life. This Time Around and Scream come to mind.

Theres a big difference to swearing in songs and repeating your name over and over again in a song.

I cant see Michel doing that.
the fans didn't damage this album $ony and the e$tate did.

I was just about 2 write the same thing and you are right.

This is sony's fault for not being smart bout this and doing this the right way, they have stuffed it up BIG TIME

This is NOT THE FANS FAULT WHATSOEVER!!,all we are trying 2 do is keep his legacy of his music & his message of love alive. Not tarnishing it like sony are.
Re: Is this the kind of crap we will have to put up with for every new MJ release?

I remember the weeks leading up to the release of the This Is It film, people claiming that it's not 100% MJ in the film. Now with the Michael album coming, the same thing is happening again. I've got to say this kind of talk really ruins times that should be happy for MJ fans. Is this the kind of BS that we will have to put up with for every MJ release from now on?

Do I think it's MJ singing on Breaking News? Yes I do. If there is some actual PROOF that it's not MJ, I'll be the first to say I'm wrong. But if it's shown that it is MJ on the track, something seriously needs to be done to all the fans here that are spouting off like they are audio experts and such. Because they are ruining what should be a good time for other MJ fans.

Thank You, Thank you, Fucking Thank you!
Re: Is this the kind of crap we will have to put up with for every new MJ release?

MJ's family are the kings of claiming "conspiracies" and "cover ups", etc. They have done this in every situation for as long as I can remember.

The problem here is this: When we heard the song, a seed had already been planted in our heads that said "It could be fake", so our guard was up. We went into this with a tainted perception that songs were fake. Now some have taken it to the extreme claiming every song that isn't signature MJ is fake. It's not fair to do that.

I am sitting on the fence, and have seen valid opinions and facts shared from both sides of the argument. I refuse to jump on a train before I know more information. People are acting out of emotion and not logic and refusing to see the big picture. I can't understand why some fans on this board have this massive conspiracy elaborated in their mind from information that may not be correct. Of course the vocals on BN are not signature MJ, but does that mean they aren't him? Time will tell of course. In my opinion, if let's say "Shout" was the lead single and we were in the same situation...many people would claim it to be a fake because it's not signature MJ music. The seed had been planted before.

People have to take into account that MJ was sampling all the time, doing new genres of music with different voices. He loved altering his voice to seem different. He's said it himself many times. That's why I'm not discounting anything right now. I know his vocals ARE on the Cascio tracks, but it also appears that there is someone else singing in them as well. Hopefully when the estate release a statement they will clear this up.

I'm trying not to let this ruin my excitement. If there's 12 songs and only 3 Cascio... that's not bad. We know MJ did work with Cascio, so it only makes sense that these songs will contain some of his vocals. We have to look at it logically. I'm holding off on any attacks and emotional fits until I see the bigger picture in respect to what is going on.

That's all
Thank YOU as well lol.
Re: Is this the kind of crap we will have to put up with for every new MJ release?

I'm telling you man MJ's FAMILY is going to be the people that DESTROY his Legacy. I mean, I have NEVER be one to disrespect the Jackson Family (not even Latoya, Jermaine, and Randy) But I swear, I'm starting to believe that they have a MAJOR UNRESOLVED PROBLEM with MJ and the way he chose to live his life in the end (and by all accounts, it was far away from them). They are the ones who started the shit about 'This Is It' possibly having body doubles, they are the ones popping off at the mouth about elaborate conspiracies related to MJ's death (while calling him a drug addict in the process), and they are the ones who first planted the seed about MJ not being the one singing on the BN track. Every major celebrity/American public figure who was much loved (from JFK to Tupac) has stayed alive (in the minds of the general public) largely because of support by their respective families. If they had a damn problem with something related to their deceased loved one, they WORKED THAT SHIT OUT PRIVATLEY and left the fans out of it. Why can't the Jacksons take note? I mean WTF is Next?
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