The fans are damaging Michaels new album.

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Re: A possible solution?

I was thinking the same, but I don't think they will release demos just because we want it.
but if they claim those tracks aren't fake, I hope they release those demos some day.
I am a hardcore fan and have been for 14 yrs but i know all the fans on here would have accepted the truth that it is Michael's vocals on BN had it not been for a couple of tweets. They would rather believe crazy conspiracys than just accepting the obvious which is that Michael sounds a little different on this track just as he did on 2000watts.


I just have to assume that you refuse to believe this...........

Look, go back to all of the posts made before Monday morning. You will see fans calling The Jackson family names, accussing them off trying to ruin MJ's legacy. I myself said 'The Jackson family are going to look so stupid on Monday morning'

We were all literally ANTI-JACKSON FAMILY. That all changed as soon as we heard the song.

A little different on this track? He sounds completely different because its a completely different person. The estate will make an announcement on this tomorrow and I expect that all the people saying it was Michael will just drift away without commenting or admitting they were wrong.
I respect other people's opinions but i completely disagree. We heard Michael sing live during TII, and several songs were definitely live and this sounds nothing like it. Not to mention how strange he sounds when he 'sings' his own name. The whole song is totally un-Michael as well...especially the fast parts where he talks about 'obituary' is totally not his style, i never heard this from him.

Plus i just DO NOT hear him in general on the song, only the little ad libs, NOT the main vocals. On top of that the article from that insider which to me seems VERY believeable, last but not least...that Breaking news is NOT mentioned in the book 'For the record' in the unreleased songs list or even rumored.

Like others here said, it's sad...but only the real hardcore MJ fans won't fall for it, the general public whom just became 'fans' right after his passing, they will buy it like sheep.


So the statement is coming tomorrow? Is this certain? I can see them admitting that the ad libs are a copy and paste job, but that the main vocals ARE Michael. I simply don't see them admitting it's another 'singer' , cause it would make them look like liars in the whole media and everywhere and Teddy Riley too.
Re: It's more simple than all of this (I think)!!

...I prefer staying reasonable and not being pushed by emotions everything has a logical, human and economic reason to be. So relax you all...

Roiklow, your approach to this matter is a breath of fresh air and greatly appreciated by a handful of us who can see the bigger picture here. Thanks a lot.

Marty In LA
I am a hardcore fan and have been for 14 yrs but i know all the fans on here would have accepted the truth that it is Michael's vocals on BN had it not been for a couple of tweets. They would rather believe crazy conspiracys than just accepting the obvious which is that Michael sounds a little different on this track just as he did on 2000watts.

I can't speak for others. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I do believe I hear Michael in part of the song. But, the song is so over-produced. It's way more than a couple tweets. Again, why is it okay to accept a rough demo being put together by copying and pasting parts up?

As a hard core fan, don't you feel cut by a knife when you hear Michael's vocals are so processed and layered by others? Don't you see the issue is more than Michael "sounded different". The vocal quality of Breaking News is way off.

I have a hard time acknowledging Breaking News a Michael Jackson song.
I am a hardcore fan and have been for 14 yrs but i know all the fans on here would have accepted the truth that it is Michael's vocals on BN had it not been for a couple of tweets. They would rather believe crazy conspiracys than just accepting the obvious which is that Michael sounds a little different on this track just as he did on 2000watts.

Please don't include me, also a hardcore fan of 19years, (tattoo- the lot), in the generalising statement. I don't understand where your opinion is coming from, but I hear it and respect it.

If there were NO tweets or warnings from the family, I for one would have instantly, upon hearing the FIRST SUNG WORDS of that B/N song, said "something is NOT right here, this isn't Michael Jackson". Which is what I did say as SOON as the FIRST SUNG WORDS begun.

I HAD NOT believed the family or warnings about he Cascio tracks at all. I'd just spoken with a fan mate the day before, we joked about those 'fake song' rumours, and were puzzled as to their motive and reason for saying so, and were sad that even the press had picked up on 'such a ridiculous story'. We were so excited to hear the new Michael Jackson track, soooo excited!!!!!! But upon hearing those first sung words, all that excitement was gone, just shock, anger, confusion as to this abomination of a song that to my ears clearly is NOT (all) Michael Jackson.

The FANS are not damaging this 'Michael' album, at this stage I don't know who is responsible or why. The fans did NOT want this, nor did the FANS produce and release a song featuring an imposter and try to sell it as Michael Jackson.

We are damaging an album alright.....not quite sure it can be called Michael's though.
Re: It's more simple than all of this (I think)!!

I agree with everything already said. Some nice logical thinking in here
Re: It's more simple than all of this (I think)!!

"We are conducting a mass experiment based on the novel 'The Wave' to see how far mass hysteria can influence core audience groups right before Christmas. Love and Peace, y'all! This approach was actually once planned by Mr. Jackson, who himself was a great admirer of someone by the name of H.G.Wells as well.

And if y'all don't like this explanation we have a few more explanations ready to go, but first we need our reliable people to distribute them for maximum KABOOM. Thank you for buying Sony."
Re: Is this the kind of crap we will have to put up with for every new MJ release?

I thought of Shout when I heard the song.

In TII, in "Memories of Michael" he gets up and demonstrates what he thinks of being an "high, ethereal voice" for Thriller. In just those 2 seconds the guy can put a female Mezzosoprano to shame.
Ya, it's so amazing when he did that

Dude liked playing with sounds, putting them on a microscope.

I do hear Michael in the song- AND someone else. The should have brought out the "fine print" about crediting Porte- now the damage is kinda done with people going overboard. Heck, if someone else is to play on a song of mine, I would make sure to credit them in the same place where I publish that song- I didn't find anything like that and that's the part that stinks.
Sony drop the ball on that one BUT this too shall pass and like everything MJ it'll be huge

I'd like to hear people 150 years from now when Michael's music has become part of general "music library of humanity" as it is already- it will become the norm for others to perform his music, just the way classic music is being performed by others than just the composer.
The public pulled the same stunts with Mozart and his later works, amazing to see the similarities. There must've been trolls even back then. It takes only a couple of paid trolls to stirr up a lot of crap but they won't succeed to bring the good man down.

150 years from now nobody will bat an eyelash anymore about the performers of that era performing MJ's music, it will become normal. It's just us freaking out right now.

Just want to add, I think in his latter work Michael wanted others to shine more, so it wouldn't surprise me that he wanted Porte's voice to be heard.

Re: Is this the kind of crap we will have to put up with for every new MJ release?

Watch out, in the end it's a freakin' duet and NOBODY got it. :D

In the end it is up us to chose misery over A PIECE OF MUSIC, or joy by getting your best dance moves on in your kitchen hoping nobody sees your fake MJ moves, including facial imitations.
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Over the last few days fans on here and other fan forums have done serious damage to Michaels new album, most fans heard the rumour about fake lyrics and went with it. They didn't take their time to think logically about what was being claimed they just got themselfs into a frenzy. It was fairly obvious that Sony wouldn't risk a $200 million investment by using a song that had anything but Michaels vocals on it. They had a choice of over a 100 songs and only had to pick one for the teaser, there was no way if they had a song that had debatable vocals they would use this as the first song. If there was any question about who sang on it they then they could have left it on the album but picked another song for the teaser but no they were confident it was 100% Michael. They had plenty of reasons to be confident as they carried out independent investigations to verify that it was indeed Michael. The problem on Monday was that most of the fans weren't interested in logic, they managed to feed a controvery that may have done serious damage to the album. I only hope that many have learned a lesson from this and will think before typing the next time.

Thank goodness for fans like you. I am the same logic over nonsense. And these fans are siding with stupid conspiracy theories that don't make any sense.

Thank you for posting- there is hope around here.'

Some Michael Jackson fans are their own worst enemy.

Bring on the new Michael album I CANNOT WAIT!!!!
I can't speak for others. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I do believe I hear Michael in part of the song. But, the song is so over-produced. It's way more than a couple tweets. Again, why is it okay to accept a rough demo being put together by copying and pasting parts up?

As a hard core fan, don't you feel cut by a knife when you hear Michael's vocals are so processed and layered by others? Don't you see the issue is more than Michael "sounded different". The vocal quality of Breaking News is way off.

I have a hard time acknowledging Breaking News a Michael Jackson song.

I always liked your posts. You seemed to have the common sense and logic some fans lacked. But then when I saw a post of yours a couple days ago going along with all this frenzy, I have to admit was very disappointed.

It is MJ 100%, supporting vocal, Jason Porte. Teddy Riley mixed it and produced it. What do you expect, Michael is not here, what do you want? It's not going to be perfect is it? Idk what your expectations were, but you have to understand the man is not here to produce it. Teddy did a marvelous job.Everybody complainted also that Invincible was over produced, that 2000 Watts was overly processed and his vocals were manipulated.

Now I realize that some fans will never ever be happy. They complained when he was here and will keep complaining even more so when he is gone.
Why can't some fans just be happy.
I will say it again, some Michael Jackson fans are their own worst enemy. :(
Please don't include me, also a hardcore fan of 19years, (tattoo- the lot), in the generalising statement. I don't understand where your opinion is coming from, but I hear it and respect it.

If there were NO tweets or warnings from the family, I for one would have instantly, upon hearing the FIRST SUNG WORDS of that B/N song, said "something is NOT right here, this isn't Michael Jackson". Which is what I did say as SOON as the FIRST SUNG WORDS begun.

I HAD NOT believed the family or warnings about he Cascio tracks at all. I'd just spoken with a fan mate the day before, we joked about those 'fake song' rumours, and were puzzled as to their motive and reason for saying so, and were sad that even the press had picked up on 'such a ridiculous story'. We were so excited to hear the new Michael Jackson track, soooo excited!!!!!! But upon hearing those first sung words, all that excitement was gone, just shock, anger, confusion as to this abomination of a song that to my ears clearly is NOT (all) Michael Jackson.

The FANS are not damaging this 'Michael' album, at this stage I don't know who is responsible or why. The fans did NOT want this, nor did the FANS produce and release a song featuring an imposter and try to sell it as Michael Jackson.


And you know for sure it is an imposter? Do you have forensic prove it is an imposter?

This is what I mean, some MJ fans don't use any logic or common sense. Sony and the Estate have "prove" total complete evidence it is Michael.
What do you have, a "feeling"?

Yes, SOME Michael fans are their own worst enemy.
Plus ven rumored.

Like others here said, it's sad...but only the real hardcore MJ fans won't fall for it, the general public whom just became 'fans' right after his passing, they

will buy it like sheep.


Excuse me, but I've been a fan for over 25 yrs. and I am not buying it like sheep.

I believe in evidence, hard core evidence, common sense and logic.

Sony and the estate conducted forensic investigation on the veracity of the vocals and concluded it is 100% Michael. I will def. go for evidence over any feelings.

Also why would they go to great lenghts to make sure it is legit, and still release a fake song? One thing for sure those companie, Sony and Estate are no fools.

I think the fans are overreacting as usual, and reacting with their emotions instead of using their heads.

I looove the song btw, and it will be an incredible album. All this controversy is creating a great buzz for the album. Controversy is never that bad when you have truth on your side and they have prove and I am glad!
A lot of fans will be feeling very foolish when they finally find out the truth.
You can't damage something that isn't real.

If it is indeed Michael's vocals - and it's gonna take a lot of proof to show it is - then I can say you're right, I was wrong.

They have plenty of proof. Two separate forensic investigations. And plenty of engineers, producers etc. that have already verified the veracity of the track. Enough said.
They have plenty of proof. Two separate forensic investigations. And plenty of engineers, producers etc. that have already verified the veracity of the track. Enough said.

Where is the proof that they have had it tested?

Just because they say they have proof doesnt mean they have proof. Where is the proof that they have proof?

Are you just going to go ahead and believe them without proof?
Fans can't damage the album, but quality of music does. Music does speak itself. Stop blaming the consumers. The success of the album is not determined by members of this forum, it's determined by the general public. If the public is not buying the album, it's becasue they don't like what they've heard thus far, which is Breaking News.

Amen....No matter how people here in this forum or other forums or whatever...that at the end of the day doesnt determine the success of the album to the general public....we all for the most part supported the Invincible album in 2001 and it wasnt the major hit we expected to the general public, it didnt do bad...but it didnt do that great.
the fans didn't damage this album $ony and the e$tate did.

I for one will embrace it completely. It is Michael and I will support him 100%. It is a gift remember? Why are you complaining about it?

Why don't you go with hard core evidence, common sense and logic. Forensic evidence is fool proof.

We try so hard to make the haters look at the evidence to convince them Michael is completely innocent, and yet they still don't believe, and here some fans are doing the same thing, we won't believe in hard core evidence, and just go with emotions not logic. How very sad.

And yes some fans are damaging Michael, imo. But the general public will prove to be a lot more wise than some of you unfortunately. It will be huge anyway. :yes:

I just have to assume that you refuse to believe this...........

Look, go back to all of the posts made before Monday morning. You will see fans calling The Jackson family names, accussing them off trying to ruin MJ's legacy. I myself said 'The Jackson family are going to look so stupid on Monday morning'

We were all literally ANTI-JACKSON FAMILY. That all changed as soon as we heard the song.

A little different on this track? He sounds completely different because its a completely different person. The estate will make an announcement on this tomorrow and I expect that all the people saying it was Michael will just drift away without commenting or admitting they were wrong.

And why don't you keep an open mind, and believe in the forensic evidence that states it is Michael? It is very simple, hard core evidence is real.
If Sony does not make money from Michael they will make it from someone else. At the end of the day two hundred million dollars to them is two cents to you and me. And if this album flops Sony moves on. Who gets hurt? Michael's legacy and Michael's children.
The damage would be accepting this joke that Sony is doing with these questionable songs! Letting them get away with it would be allowing them to possibly do the same in the future!? And all for what?...$$$$$$ Not his Legacy!

Some are afraid not to buy the album because they think it will ruin MJs legacy...o_O No, what will ruin it, is crappy fake songs that are mistaken for him in the future! U think supporting an album possibly mixed with real and fakes is a good thing? Then I'm afraid what else is there in the future from Sony with "MJ" products if some are that easily bought! O_O SMH

And what hard core evidence other then word of mouth Sony have presented? NONE so far! Don't compare it to MJ allegations when there are real documents/transcripts to prove that! SMH this is not the same!

Sony haven't done anything so far to prove anything only saying they do! But, not showing the proof! I'm still waiting though!
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Again none of you here know if these songs are fake or not. All you can do is offer your opinion. No one knows for sure
"Went with it"? I didn't believe a WORD of that. I thought all that "fake vocals" talk was a bunch of crap. I stayed up all night, sat here excited, my heart pounding, about to be filled the joy of a new MJ song. That's a beautiful experience I've been lucky to live through since the 80's ... IJCSLY for the first time. Black or White for the first time, Scream for the first time, YRMW for the first time. I was there in joyous anticipation for each one of those moments. And so BN began, my heart leaped into my throat, and then.... my mouth dropped open in total shock. Who the heck is that??!?!!!! Not Michael!!!!

SONY are the ones doing damage to Michael's album. We're trying to SAVE it!

I just have to assume that you refuse to believe this...........

Look, go back to all of the posts made before Monday morning. You will see fans calling The Jackson family names, accussing them off trying to ruin MJ's legacy. I myself said 'The Jackson family are going to look so stupid on Monday morning'

We were all literally ANTI-JACKSON FAMILY. That all changed as soon as we heard the song.

A little different on this track? He sounds completely different because its a completely different person. The estate will make an announcement on this tomorrow and I expect that all the people saying it was Michael will just drift away without commenting or admitting they were wrong.

I'm not saying that it is or isn't Michael because I can't be certain either way. But the point is, it was already planted in people's minds that it was fake. That could affect the interpretation of the song when everyone did listen to it.
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