The fans are damaging Michaels new album.

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Young fans defending Sony. Don't get the big picture. Don't understand that mj put his soul into creating his art. Never accepted average. So dont give me that shit.

The mj i care about died in 2009. The legacy is there. These songs are an interpretation, designed to make cash.

This album is going to be average.

And why do you think that people defending Song, or defending the songs are young?? I personally was a fan before you were born so I guess I'm not one of the young ones....

Would MJ have released the songs, I guess not, but then it's not a problem for me, I still consider them for good MJ songs, and it does not bother me the least if you or anyone else thinks they are average?? you don't like them, well do not listen to them, I really do not care the least....
Young fans defending Sony. Don't get the big picture. Don't understand that mj put his soul into creating his art. Never accepted average. So dont give me that shit.

The mj i care about died in 2009. The legacy is there. These songs are an interpretation, designed to make cash.

This album is going to be average.

So Thriller 25, Visionary, The Essential, Number Ones, and a bunch of other half-assed projects that Michael approved weren't designed to make cash?
EVERYTHING is a business. What planet do you live on?
I'm 30 years old and I've been a fan since I was 7, so I do get the big picture. And that picture is to keep the Jackson brand going as long as possible to create new generations of fans. Whether you like it or not, MJ's the new Elvis. Not accepting the fact that Michael is dead and that nothing will ever have his perfectionist touch on it again ain't healthy. If you wanna boycott this album, blame Sony, and live in the past that's your prerogative. But don't try to convince others to do the same, dude.
I haven't been waiting for a new album so I didn't keep up with much of what anyone had been saying. Then a friend told me about Breaking News and said some of the family said it wasn't him. Then I listened for myself.

Upon first listen it didn't sound like Michael to me.

However I can understand if it was highly processed why it might sound different. I can understand a song not being finished and someone filling in. Sadly, this could be the case if there was hardly any vocals.

I do hear bits of his vocals (the backing vocals) other than that it doesn't sound like him to me. I was waiting to see what would become of this and all we have so far is Sony saying it's authentic.

Of course they could just be saying that. All we have to go on is their word. Too bad there isn't much more than that. Either way the song is alright. The general public will buy it if they want to. Fans protesting may not do much because being a Michael fan is the new in thing so the general public plays a part.
So Thriller 25, Visionary, The Essential, Number Ones, and a bunch of other half-assed projects that Michael approved weren't designed to make cash?

Yeah but there's a big difference you're missing here. The albums you mentioned contained Michael Jackson songs sung by the man himself (except for Fergie singing Beat It) whereas this album contains multiple songs sung by an imposter. Therein lies the rub. How any Michael Jackson fan can be okay with that is beyond me, but whatever.

This will be the first new Michael Jackson album I won't buy. I bought Thriller in '83, I bought Bad in '87, Dangerous in '91, HIStory in '95, Blood On The Dance Floor in '97, and Invincible in '01 but I'm not buying this one unless they remove the Cascio/Malachi songs, which they won't so I'm sure I'm not buying it.

In a perfect world we fans could take this album down and prevent it from being released (until fixed) but I doubt that's going to happen. The deception campaign is in full swing and now more fans are being duped every day.

Unfortunately there will always from here on out be a giant rift in Michael Jackson's fanbase. As much as we'd all like to put this controversy behind us, it will never go away. 20-30-40 years from now there will still be a split among MJ's fans. Thanks Sony!
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Yeah but there's a big difference you're missing here. The albums you mentioned contained Michael Jackson songs sung by the man himself (except for Fergie singing Beat It) whereas this album contains multiple songs sung by an imposter. Therein lies the rub. How any Michael Jackson fan can be okay with that is beyond me, but whatever.

Imposter you say?!!
I guess that also means that Sony paid the illuminati to murder Michael for his catalog, used a bounty hunter to track down Jason Malachi, hired Teddy Riley to complete the "fake" Cascio tracks, paid the media, Teddy Riley, Dr. Freeze, Bruce Swedien, Greg Phillinganes, and others a million dollars a piece to corroborate their evil scheme to fool Jackson fans AND force Malachi to contribute his vocals in an unsavory attempt to take over the music industry (and possibly the world) with new fake Michael Jackson music.
Imposter you say?!!
I guess that also means that Sony paid the illuminati to murder Michael for his catalog, used a bounty hunter to track down Jason Malachi, hired Teddy Riley to complete the "fake" Cascio tracks, paid the media, Teddy Riley, Dr. Freeze, Bruce Swedien, Greg Phillinganes, and others a million dollars a piece to corroborate their evil scheme to fool Jackson fans AND force Malachi to contribute his vocals in an unsavory attempt to take over the music industry (and possibly the world) with new fake Michael Jackson music.

See, what you don't get is that you're talking to the wrong guy. I am not, nor have I ever been a conspiracy theorist in any way, shape, or form. So don't give me this "illuminati murdered Michael for his catalog" b.s. You've got me pegged wrong there, pal. Dead wrong.

What I think happened was Cascio hired Malachi to fill in the unfinished tracks after Michael passed on, then Cascio sold the tracks to Sony who had no clue these tracks contained illegitimate vocals. Then some insiders and family who heard the songs months ago started raising concerns about the vocals not being Michael's so they brought in the people you mentioned above to determine whether or not those were actually Michael's vocals. Did they all agree it was Michael?

Well, let me ask you this...what concrete proof do we have
that they all did? The estate's words? Pshaw. First of all, how do we even know whether THAT was legit or not? Secondly, where is everybody else besides Teddy Riley? Most of the "experts" are keeping their mouths shut about this except for Teddy. And then there's Cory Rooney, former Sony exec and record producer who claims it is NOT MJ on those tracks and that there was most certainly NOT a consensus among the "experts".

There's more than enough besides just one's personal opinion that points toward something suspect going on. We who know it's not MJ on those tracks are not typically the well-known conspiracy theorists of the MJ boards across the net. We're simply dedicated fans who know what we've heard and are convinced it's not Michael. And on our side is Michael's own mother and very own children and producers Cory Rooney, Rodney Jerkins, and others. I'd say that's pretty good company. These are people who've actually made public statements, mind you. As for the Sony/estate side? What? Some Teddy twitters and a suspect statement made by the estate.
No no no see don't get it fuckin twisted right

I KnOW that before MJ died the same contract the estate signed MJ was basically signing anyway. All good.

I don't have issue with Sony music as such

MY issue is breaking news and anything like it.
Michael Jackson is not Britney spears or timberlake, you can't replace vocals,'you can't shit on his art and standards like that. He would never ever ever release that song and I'm sorry THAt is the benchmark. Wwmjd what would mj do?

You can argue this that and the other but just please stop and listen to thAt song. Michael Jackson did not sing those opening lines. He did not write that opening blurb. It is complete bullshit.

I don't care what die hard stans say to me, I will always stand up for michaels standards that separated himself from ANYONE in music history. Always.

For me...I've got his legacy. Shelve the album as much as I'm desperate to hear another day I know my hero put pride and integrity and honesty above anything in the world . That's what I learnt from him.

So if they truly cared, they would never do this to him. And don't even get me fucking started on 50 cent. It's actually a fucking joke.
I completely 110% agree with the title of this thread and its about someone had the guts to say it :) well done
I completely 110% agree with the title of this thread and its about someone had the guts to say it :) well done

We are hopefully doing as much damage as possible. And I for one am proud of it. I'm proud to fight against Sony to defend Michael's legacy for generations to come.

All Sony needs to do is remove Jason Malachi from our Michael Jackson album. Then everybody wins.
No no no see don't get it fuckin twisted right

I KnOW that before MJ died the same contract the estate signed MJ was basically signing anyway. All good.

I don't have issue with Sony music as such

MY issue is breaking news and anything like it.
Michael Jackson is not Britney spears or timberlake, you can't replace vocals,'you can't shit on his art and standards like that. He would never ever ever release that song and I'm sorry THAt is the benchmark. Wwmjd what would mj do?

You can argue this that and the other but just please stop and listen to thAt song. Michael Jackson did not sing those opening lines. He did not write that opening blurb. It is complete bullshit.

I don't care what die hard stans say to me, I will always stand up for michaels standards that separated himself from ANYONE in music history. Always.

For me...I've got his legacy. Shelve the album as much as I'm desperate to hear another day I know my hero put pride and integrity and honesty above anything in the world . That's what I learnt from him.

So if they truly cared, they would never do this to him. And don't even get me fucking started on 50 cent. It's actually a fucking joke.

Nicely said, :doh:just so annoying that this crap song is going to be on the album, for me Invincible is always going to be the last true MJ album....
I completely 110% agree with the title of this thread and its about someone had the guts to say it :) well done
I also agree with the title, if it wasn't for these so called fans sony probably wouldn't think twice about pulling off the same crap again, well done. :puke:
Nicely said, :doh:just so annoying that this crap song is going to be on the album, for me Invincible is always going to be the last true MJ album....

Chaos, you've changed your mind since making this thread??? What changed your mind?
It seems like some fans want a new song so badly that doesn't matter if it is from Michael.
SONY damaged the album, not the fans.
It is very sad, but I will have only the songs I want to have and not the rest.
I don't understand how the family do not stop the album from being released, I don't understand it. Maybe they also see the money the are getting and they don't care about the real art.
My answer on the title of this thread is my worry that MJ Fans will cause that the album will be a worldwide flop because of the so.called expertise of such fans who have declared themselves being the MJ musicologists and forensic experts on music and voice decoding...

If this album Michael fails to be at NO.1 in the UK and the USA, only these fans can blame themselves.... for that!!!
"The fans are damaging Michaels new album."

bullshit. sorry to say. but if someone is destroying an album then its mostly sony itself.
"The fans are damaging Michaels new album."

bullshit. sorry to say. but if someone is destroying an album then its mostly sony itself.

I dont think so!

Only some fans who created that hysteria about the fake vocals can blame themselves for that!!!


The fans = self.declared MJ musicologists and forensic experts on music and voice decoding... are completely responsible for that hysteria... :fortuneteller:

they want to blame Sony, Estate and whoever but not themselves....
Its typical for many MJ fans... looking for every other guilty party but not them.

its the same like support MJ in media, if it fits they can use them (against Oprah), but if it doest fit its Sony that can be blamed for everything......
I also wanna add, that there are other geniuses in the world dead from centuries, and all, they ever did got published. I mean all. ( even doubtful, or unfinished or fake things )

Laundry lists, groceries, bank receipts. Drawings, letters, unfinished works, you name it. Every line that Leonardo Da Vinci draw went out there.

Michael is one of the greatest geniuses, that ever graced this earth. He is not the average talented genius out there. He is up up there with the greatest talents that ever lived. Legacy is already in stone. Everything will get released at some point of another.

If some works are flawed, or touched by the hand of others, even so they will escape out there.

I mean there's a writer in my country, from XIX century very appreciated, and after a century, a porn story of his was released out there. They guarded and guarded till finally oops went out there. I laughed my a$s off reading it.
Also the greatest poet, over here, he got another skeletons in the closet, few porn stories and porn poetry. LOL

After a century these are still very well guarded. But those will escape one day..... It's meant to be.....
The guy was super genius. What do some people still think? That they can control everything in their quest to preserve peachy perfect things that they thing would stay the same?? Like a century ago? In history this thing is impossible.

The only thing that can hurt Michael legacy are lies, dirty scandals, done by evil people. His children being not protected. Luck of justice. Stuff like this.
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I dont think so!

Only some fans who created that hysteria about the fake vocals can blame themselves for that!!!


The fans = self.declared MJ musicologists and forensic experts on music and voice decoding... are completely responsible for that hysteria... :fortuneteller:

they want to blame Sony, Estate and whoever but not themselves....
Its typical for many MJ fans... looking for every other guilty party but not them.


Self declared MJ musicologists? Its OBVIOUS its not MJ in the majority of the song. We dont claim ourselves to be experts because it simply does not take an expert to hear that it isnt him.

We will glady blame ourselves if the album fails. Thats what we are trying to do, I will be glad if the album fails. Unless they take the fake songs off, in which case I would 100% support it.
Michael worked with SONY til the day he passed............ I get tired of people hating on people and things that Michael worked with and/or associated with (WHILE he was doing it)

MJ fans hate on:

- Sony
- Lisa Marie
- Katherine Jackson
- Oprah

the list goes on and on.. Michael worked with Sony forever.. He associated with Lisa all the way up to 2005.. Katherine he thought of as a "saint" and he associated with Oprah in 2001 or 2002.. But fans hated on these while Michael either praised or associated with.. If they were so bad Michael would have cut them off like he did many others.

Well Katherine is saying the songs arent MJ. So we are all in support of her, which we werent until Monday morning.

A lot of the fans that hate Lisa Marie and Oprah are the ones that are saying it is MJ. I could name about 20 of them.

Michael assosciated with Sony for 20 years. But he was also strongly against them through about half of the last decade. What was that for again???? Someone please remind me.....

Self declared MJ musicologists? Its OBVIOUS its not MJ in the majority of the song. We dont claim ourselves to be experts because it simply does not take an expert to hear that it isnt him.

We will glady blame ourselves if the album fails. Thats what we are trying to do, I will be glad if the album fails. Unless they take the fake songs off, in which case I would 100% support it.

Here we go again...

You claim something that is your point of view.
What fake songs of the album do you mean?

Again, you posed yourself being an MJs music expert by your comment, despite of the fact that people who worked with MJ confirmed its MJ, including Rilley, musicologists and forensic experts.
What proof do you want?
So you believe in your explanations... because of what...?

I will buy this album, because I will support MJs legacy and MJ Estate=MJs kids, not Sony
BUT THAT was Mottola! NOT SONY even Gary worked for Sony at one time and he put together the most amazing Promotion for NUMBER ONES!!

I can not wait to see what all you fans , *cough* when Sony promotes this to the hilt.

Here we go again...

You claim something that is your point of view.
What fake songs of the album do you mean?

Again, you posed yourself being an MJs music expert by your comment, despite of the fact that people who worked with MJ confirmed its MJ, including Rilley, musicologists and forensic experts.
What proof do you want?
So you believe in your explanations... because of what...?

I will buy this album, because I will support MJs legacy and MJ Estate=MJs kids, not Sony

I mean any of the Cascio tracks that are on the album. Monster and Breaking News most notably.

MJ's kids dont believe its Michael either.

'Again you posed yourself being an MJ's music expert'? I said within the post, 'I dont claim myself to be an expert' because it doesnt take an expert to hear that its an imperonator for the majority of the song.

The proof I would like is to be able to hear the raw demo of Breaking News. That wont happen though. They havent offered me any real proof, so i'll continue to stick to my point of view.

BUT THAT was Mottola! NOT SONY even Gary worked for Sony at one time and he put together the most amazing Promotion for NUMBER ONES!!

I can not wait to see what all you fans , *cough* when Sony promotes this to the hilt.


It doesnt matter if it was Mottola or not. Moonwalker.Fan said Michael had been with Sony forever. I was just making reference to the fact that things have been far from great between them in the past.

Personally I dont believe Sony has done this on purpose, I think The Cacio's are the main culprits.
"the fans are damaging Michaels new album"


ARE we supposed to sit back and watch some very very bad impersonator release an album claiming he is MJ ?


This is a discussion forum , where people discuss things and share there views . This is all we are doing . We are sharing our views of how saddened we are that this nonsense is happening .


They have HUNDREDS of MJ songs , so why release fake cheap songs ? I dont get it ??
L.T.D;3071115 said:
I mean any of the Cascio tracks that are on the album. Monster and Breaking News most notably.

MJ's kids dont believe its Michael either.

'Again you posed yourself being an MJ's music expert'? I said within the post, 'I dont claim myself to be an expert' because it doesnt take an expert to hear that its an imperonator for the majority of the song.

The proof I would like is to be able to hear the raw demo of Breaking News. That wont happen though. They havent offered me any real proof, so i'll continue to stick to my point of view.

It doesnt matter if it was Mottola or not. Moonwalker.Fan said Michael had been with Sony forever. I was just making reference to the fact that things have been far from great between them in the past.

Personally I dont believe Sony has done this on purpose, I think The Cacio's are the main culprits.

I didnt write you were an expert, but posed/styled yourself as an expert, no offense, its not only you.
Fans are not these who can determine what is a piece of evidence or proof, or not - that its MJ or not...

I didnt say michael had been with Sony forever!
The contract expired a few years ago... so... it was obvious that MJ was not under sony...

And I cant agree more with your last sentence... The Cacio's are the main culprits.

Anyway, the damage way done..., and its an irreversible decision... to release Michael with such controversy.

On the other hand, I CANT BELIEVE THAT (MJ Estate and) Sony dont have more great tracks from OtW, Thriller, BAD, Dangerous, HIStory and Invincible recording sessions to release them!!!!…, simply I dont believe it!

There are many, many remixed songs that sound even better than the original ones…, so where is the problem to remix the older ones into the new fresh sound of 2010/2011 and with a real MJs voice?????

If Sony could release the Ultimate Collection with several great unreleased songs like Streetwalker, the same they could do with the others…., and remix them… with MJs voice.
I dont think so!

Only some fans who created that hysteria about the fake vocals can blame themselves for that!!!


The fans = self.declared MJ musicologists and forensic experts on music and voice decoding... are completely responsible for that hysteria... :fortuneteller:

they want to blame Sony, Estate and whoever but not themselves....
Its typical for many MJ fans... looking for every other guilty party but not them.

its the same like support MJ in media, if it fits they can use them (against Oprah), but if it doest fit its Sony that can be blamed for everything......

:clapping: are you an sony employe?
even if i would put out my brain of my head i would know that sony did a very bad job for Michael Jackson the last 10 years.
I share your view about people on here and other boards who constantly jump to irrational conclusions and think someone is ALWAYS "out to get" Michael.

I've always stuck up for Lisa Marie Presley. A lot of fans bash her, not me.

I've NEVER had a bad thing to say about Katherine. NEVER.

I've never had a problem or said one bad thing about Oprah.

I've never had a beef with Sony. In fact I used to think Michael was acting irrationally during the Invincible scandal.

BUT this time is different and now I understand where Michael was coming from during his "Sony sucks" campaigns after Invincible.

They won't see one penny from me for this album and any other of their products I can avoid.

This post says everything I want to say. I literally agree with every word in it.
:clapping: are you an sony employe?
even if i would put out my brain of my head i would know that sony did a very bad job for Michael Jackson the last 10 years.

No, I just try to be objective...
have you listened to the new album yet?

What a very bad job do you mean?
Be precise!
I share your view about people on here and other boards who constantly jump to irrational conclusions and think someone is ALWAYS "out to get" Michael.

I've always stuck up for Lisa Marie Presley. A lot of fans bash her, not me.

I've NEVER had a bad thing to say about Katherine. NEVER.

I've never had a problem or said one bad thing about Oprah.

I've never had a beef with Sony. In fact I used to think Michael was acting irrationally during the Invincible scandal.

BUT this time is different and now I understand where Michael was coming from during his "Sony sucks" campaigns after Invincible.

They won't see one penny from me for this album and any other of their products I can avoid.

So you wont support MJEstate=MJs kids who get most of the profits, you wont support MJs legacy and you will let Michael be weird-o through MJfans and media blaming fans for a failure of the album, and let the legacy and Michael as an artist be destroyed by irresponsible decisions of ... you and other fans, and people "infected" with the fake vocals virus... with not buying the album and other project?

Well, OK, but if you want Michael to be remembered for next generations and music history this way, then I wish you to experience the moment when something or someone will prove that you are completely wrong... :timer:
So you wont support MJEstate=MJs kids who get most of the profits.

For the last time, MJ's kids dont believe it is him on the songs! I dont think they support this album.

They may support the albm still, but they dont believe the songs are Michael's anyway.
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