The Discussion of MJ's Unreleased Tracks

Dude, it's the servers for one of the largest music companies in the world. Of course they'd have way more MJ stuff than what we've seen thus far.

Sony's lucky it was just the MJ stuff. Damn near every digitized multitrack, ProTools session, unreleased song, and alternate version from their artists' repitoire could've been already collected into a torrent and sold on the Deep Web.
Yeah the server leak seems to be the most likely method, but it's weird how the only things to have surfaced were 3 new songs - with 2 of them being outdated demos - and some old mixes of songs that were already released, and then nothing else after almost 10 years. The collectors must be really wary of leaks and keeping everything under lock and key lol
Yeah the server leak seems to be the most likely method, but it's weird how the only things to have surfaced were 3 new songs - with 2 of them being outdated demos - and some old mixes of songs that were already released, and then nothing else after almost 10 years. The collectors must be really wary of leaks and keeping everything under lock and key lol
The collectors take better care than the estate. Smh
Ask him please about happy song and Peter pan .I think Neverland landing is dream away
Joe Vogel said he'll check his notes on those two songs. And no, I confirm that Neverland Landing is not Dreams Away. Two very distinct songs.

Has there been more info given recently? Twitter is locking tweets so I'm not able to check anymore... It would be great if those tweets were posted here more frequently since a lot of people aren't aware of them.

Recent information? No. Except that I'm sure Crack Kills is complete and Make Or Break is one of Joe Vogel's favorite songs. I do this research work for myself first and foremost and I make great finds. But I'll try to post some more of my (twitter) finds in the future 🙂
Joe Vogel said he'll check his notes on those two songs. And no, I confirm that Neverland Landing is not Dreams Away. Two very distinct songs.

Recent information? No. Except that I'm sure Crack Kills is complete and Make Or Break is one of Joe Vogel's favorite songs. I do this research work for myself first and foremost and I make great finds. But I'll try to post some more of my (twitter) finds in the future 🙂
But dream away lyrics start with world never Neverland .ask him about happy song and Peter pan maybe he did not notice that and ask him if tomboy have vocals.
Ask him which better dream away or Neverland landing because he have copie
I don't know whether this is a sign of me getting older or a sign that we've been starved of material this last decade, but fans vaguely revealing tidbits about unreleased songs they've heard is genuinely starting to grate on me.

It's nothing against anyone personally, but they kind of kill the magic of the whole thing, the more they reveal the less excitement there is and in the case of Chicago 1945, the demo couldn't match the near decade of hype surrounding it. Had that song just came out, without the build up, it would be much more talked about on here

To clarify this isn't aimed at anyone, espicially not on this forum, as I really appreciate my friend @AlwaysThere and @JohnC for their extensive research and insight in particular.
There just seems to be more fans in the know on twitter, who reveal very little about these songs besides how great they are and how they've heard it and we haven't.

Apologies for the long-winded rant 😅
But dream away lyrics start with world never Neverland .ask him about happy song and Peter pan maybe he did not notice that and ask him if tomboy have vocals.
Ask him which better dream away or Neverland landing because he have copie
Yes I assure you that Tomboy has voices. You can skip on searching for another song!
But dream away lyrics start with world never Neverland .ask him about happy song and Peter pan maybe he did not notice that and ask him if tomboy have vocals.
Ask him which better dream away or Neverland landing because he have copie
According to rumors, Neverland Landing is more like Seeing Voices if anything.
I don't know whether this is a sign of me getting older or a sign that we've been starved of material this last decade, but fans vaguely revealing tidbits about unreleased songs they've heard is genuinely starting to grate on me.

It's nothing against anyone personally, but they kind of kill the magic of the whole thing, the more they reveal the less excitement there is and in the case of Chicago 1945, the demo couldn't match the near decade of hype surrounding it. Had that song just came out, without the build up, it would be much more talked about on here

To clarify this isn't aimed at anyone, espicially not on this forum, as I really appreciate my friend @AlwaysThere and @JohnC for their extensive research and insight in particular.
There just seems to be more fans in the know on twitter, who reveal very little about these songs besides how great they are and how they've heard it and we haven't.

Apologies for the long-winded rant 😅
Tbf the hype for C1945 was pretty hard to control. So many weirdos saying it was the undiscovered Smooth Criminal demo for a whole decade, that happens a lot, like the way people kept insisting they'd release Buffalo Bill or c1945 on Thriller 40 or that Who Do You Know was just another Behind the Mask demo. Which it was but still.

The whole MJ list of songs is a huge marker for unstoppable speculation based on misinformation.
C45 having no connection to SC has been known since Bad25, yet a minority of fans have persistently claimed the opposite. smh
Everything about this song has been known for a while.

They told us this over 3 years ago:

Of course, it’s impossible to describe music in text, but here are five things you need to know about “Chicago 1945”:
— The song is completed musically and vocally and perfectly releasable as is;
— It has no connection to “Al Capone” or “Smooth Criminal” (another myth) – a completely different and separate song;
— The lyrics tell a story about (three?) girls who went out at night and disappeared;
It’s a catchy song. Not the level of greatness of “Billie Jean” or “Beat It,” but a solid groove. The hook (“Never to be found again… never to be found again”) was stuck in my head for 3 days after we had heard it;
— As the song was playing, I was trying to find another MJ song to compare it to. The closest I could come up with was “Behind the Mask” – the song is in the same tempo, and even the composition seemed somewhat similar to me. Although I think “Chicago 1945” is sung in a lower key – Michael’s voice is not as resonant as in “BTM.”

This song was never going to be the "best" unreleased tune. It's pretty great actually, and would be better either completely untampered with, or else they really could have just let it go to the Xscape producers so we'd get a new version and the original version. Maybe it'd be charting thanks to exposure on TikTok and become a hit.
Did MJ ever record a full studio recording of the song he sings around the 13,10 mark? Would love to hear a studio version.

It needs a few updates here and there but apart from that this is the best, most comprehensive list I've seen. Thank you for making this.
Yeah, those kinds of trackers usually require a ton of research, so I did the best I could using the sources available to me. I'm also planning similar trackers for the likes of Prince and Madonna, so keep a lookout for those.

By the way, what do I need to update? I aim to make the best of what I have to offer, and since I update it whenever I find new info, I'm completely open for any additions and corrections you may suggest.