The Cascio's will be on Oprah on Dec 6th!

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Let me put it this way, I think fans would have felt better, if the song Breaking News is billed as a Michael Jackson demo features other artists.

but they did, didn't they?

Even before they aired Breaking news at the first initial announcement they said that it was "recently brought to completion" meaning that it was an unfinished demo.

I have never seen listing a song with all the supporting vocals - that's for the album credits - but when the arguments increased they also acknowledged the additional vocal by name.
I'm so sorry you, Love is magical, are not having the GREAT JOY that I am experiencing from Michael's new musical realeases. It is truly your great lost. Maybe someday you will.

Don't feel sorry for me. Although I don't have "great joy", I'm indeed very delighted about the release of Hold My Hand. I love Much Too Soon. I will buy the album. Also, from the bottom of my heart, I am very grateful that Michael left all of us an amazing catalog which I enjoy everyday. He never ceases to enrich my life. It doesn't matter how many times I listen to Will You Be There and Man In the Mirror, they still sound good and refresh. Just the other day, when I listen to The Lost Children, I discovered chords that I didn't notice before. I don't need a posthumous album to experience great joy. Everything that Michael gave us in his life keeps me very very happy. I watched the Dangerous Tour at Bucharest with my family today.

Just because I have concerns on some tracks on MICHAEL doesn't mean that I'm anti-Estate. I saw This Is It 10 times, bought the album, bought the DVD and Blu-ray. I also bought the tickets to the Cirque Du Soleil show the moment the pre-sale was available.

As long as I have Michael in my heart, I don't think I'll have a great loss.
but they did, didn't they?

Even before they aired Breaking news at the first initial announcement they said that it was "recently brought to completion" meaning that it was an unfinished demo.

I have never seen listing a song with all the supporting vocals - that's for the album credits - but when the arguments increased they also acknowledged the additional vocal by name.

You are right. I remember seeing the pharse "recently brought to commpletion". But, I interpreted that as a demo with nearly complete vocals recently brought to completeion by the producers. I don't think Breaking News falls under that category for the quality of the vocals is not adequate. Isn't This Is It a demo as well? Doesn't the song sound good?

There is no right or wrong answer. I'm not trying to convince anyone here. Music taste is very subjective. Actually, I wish the album nothing but success. I will buy the album myself.
I don't know who these people are until the last few weeks. I will watch and see what they have to say. What does Oprah get out of this? Why does she want to promote the album all of sudden?

Oprah has a long and profitable relationship with Sony. Many Sony products are featured on her 'favorite things' tv shows. Sony & she produce shows such as Dr. Oz & the Nate Berkus show together. She is retiring her talk show & launching a new network which costs Millions. I would bet she has many future deals with Sony. $$$$$$$$$$$$$ always talks.

link: ... erkus-Show ... ml#s187119

many pages on google.
Oprah has a long and profitable relationship with Sony. Many Sony products are featured on her 'favorite things' tv shows. Sony & she produce shows such as Dr. Oz & the Nate Berkus show together. She is retiring her talk show & launching a new network which costs Millions. I would bet she has many future deals with Sony. $$$$$$$$$$$$$ always talks.

link: ... erkus-Show ... ml#s187119

many pages on google.

:bugeyed ^ YUK because now they come together to do something somewhat in their minds positive for MJ with all these Oprah specials after he passes! But, couldn't even get a damn show about his innocence during or after the F*ckin allegations!-_- "$$$$$$$$$$$$$ always talks."
Because the vocalist on KYHU is an untrained White amateur. Not a black soul male vocalist raised at the school of Motown. If you can't hear that I don't know what you've been listening to on becoming a fan!

Damn, you even know that the person who sings is white? :doh: Well, I'm glad you got it all figured out :scratch:
Let me give you all a clue. Have you ever heards of the concept of
"background singers"? Usually, Michael Jackson did all his own background singing on different tracks, and later the tracks were combined onto one recording. Now, his record company has to use "background singers". So, now you hear additional voices on
Michael Jackson's new releases. :better:

By Definition:
Backup singer, backing singer, background singer, and background vocalist are all terms meaning the same: a vocalist who sings in support (in back-up) of a lead vocalist or singer, often accompanied by other backup singers. :cheeky:

:mello:...The issue are the lead vocals! Background vocals was easily notice from the beginning to some! So when the state addressed it we were like and..?! Again, it's the lead vocals that's the issue! Weird that no matter how much people say that, we still have people saying it's BG only!?:smilerolleyes:

When people like Myself been more then clear we have a problem with THE LEAD VOCALS!:doh: Oh well! I guess some refuse to understand what we are saying or are confused with what we meant! So Again, we are talking about the lead vocals! Sorry, if I sounded rude? Just wanted to be clear on that for once and for all!:cheeky:
Of course the vocals on the MICHAEL album are all Michael Jackson's. It's very easy to tell, in tone and rhythm, phrasing, even subject matter. The reason they may sound "different" to some is that a few of the tracks were more like demos -- relaxed guiding vocals to be re-recorded later -- and not finalized by MJ with his usual energy and power, but certainly him. The producers had to bring in some background singers to fill a handful of the tracks out. What's the big deal? This is done ALL of the time in the industry, even by MJ himself in the past, especially in concert. It's a common practice, not some kind of insidious plot to fool the fans.

It is clear to me that all this uproar is an extension of everyone's unresolved grief from June of 2009. And that is completely understandable. We all lost someone we deeply loved, someone that touched and changed all our lives forever. What I don't understand is why a few loud (and dare I say unreasonable) voices would want to douse this flame of hope and excitement we have now been given -- one of the few such moments in the past year and a half. This moment, this album, should be a celebration of the love and magic we lost -- something to share with the entire world -- and not some kind of unsubstantiated rant about false recordings and conspiracies. This is the kind of madness that MJ faced in life.

Let's all give him the peace and respect he deserves now...

Then how come during all of the 50 years that MJ lived on this earth and recorded stuff in studios, home studios, with tape recorders, etc....he has NEVER sounded different on the recording? Never. Not ONCE. That's the part I have a hard time understanding and would like to hear an answer that sounds credible. I belive them if they say it's MJ on the tracks. Okay, so they say it's him. Fine, it's him. Just please explain to me why he doesn't sound like himself? I don't buy the "because it's a demo" line because like I said, we have heard demos from MJ before and he has NEVER sounded "not himself" on ANY of them. Not once. THAT is my problem with "Breaking News". And if the track is so incomplete that you have to fill it with other singers...or if the end result isn't that good...OBVIOUSLY that track doesn't belong on the album. No hard feelings...just not a good track, on something else that can be done better. That's what MJ did too. If it wasn't 100% perfect, it didn't come on the album. To me THAT is really respecting MJ....demanding perfection. And if the majority of the fans have to be TOLD it's MJ singing on the track....obviously SOMETHING's not right and the track isn't the best it could be. Maybe it was overproduced? Maybe something happened in the studio? No idea. But if the vocals can't be changed so that MJ sounds like MJ, then just leave tracks like that out and put some other song on the album. Nothing personal, just find a better track. That's all I'm saying.

I actually think the Cascio's are good people. In over 26 years I've never seen or heard about them betraying MJ and they've been very supportive through everything. I actually think the Cascio's were closer to MJ and his kids than Mike's real family was and that says a lot

I know they have been very loyal to MJ and I like to think of them as good peopel as well. It would make me EXTREMELY sad if I'd find out even THEY would betray MJ. So I do like to think they are good others have said would not be the first time that people who had been close to MJ for years end up betraying him. *coughBOBJONEScough* Also, MJ is now GONE, so the circumstances are different. And when an opportunity to make millions and to be famous knock on the door, it can sometimes be tempting. NOT saying that's the case with the Cascios (actually I think we should not talk about "the Cascios" in general because that's a big family...I think right now we are all talking about Eddie Cascio. I don't think Frank or Connie or Dominic have anything to do with the whole thing, it's Eddie who did the songs).

Keep Your Head Up is no doubt MJ IMO.

I agree.

Conspiracy? This is no conspiracy, mate.

Saying that Sony planned to kill MJ, MJ's still alive, etc. are conspiracy theories, but when 70% of the fans let out a collective "WTF?!" after hearing some songs that don't sound like Michael Jackson at all, it's certainly not.

EXACTLY. And I'm not saying "fake" either. If they say it's MJ, okay fine, I am willing to believe them. Only...WHY does Michael NOT sound like him? THAT is what I have a problem with. If it's MJ...then give a good and clear explanation as to why his voice doesn't sound his voice. That's all I am asking from them.

Because the vocalist on KYHU is an untrained White amateur. Not a black soul male vocalist raised at the school of Motown. If you can't hear that I don't know what you've been listening to on becoming a fan!

:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

Not even going to comment on that one with words. :doh::doh::doh::doh::doh:
Damn, you even know that the person who sings is white? :doh: Well, I'm glad you got it all figured out :scratch:


Sometimes these things are obvious. There's a difference in tone and a difference in the way that sound resonates in differing nasal cavities. Michael was actually spot-on when he mentioned hitting higher notes after getting his nose done, you can hear a vocal clarity from about Thriller onwards that you don't hear circa Destiny-Triumph.

If people have an issue with my comment then they should wonder why they've never heard a white woman sing like Aretha Franklin. Or a white man sing like Luther Vandross. They've never heard that because there are physical differences in the races that affect vocal tone and sound.*

That's why Sam Phillips made millions recording Elvis. He said something along the lines of (and Michael had the quote on his Elvis mannequin) "If I could find a white boy with the negro sound I'd make millions".

The singer on these bogus songs is NOT a black vocalist who has studied with the great vocalists of Motown. In other words, the singer on these bogus songs is CLEARLY NOT Michael Jackson.

That much should be obvious.
That's it. Things stop right now. Going through this thread I can't believe what I'm reading and people are resorting to making things up to support their points. Here's what I took issue with 'this is blatantly a white singer, not MJ.' How do you know this, were you there when the songs were being recorded? No you weren't so you don't know. Say you believe it is but do not present your opinions as fact. No one is right or wrong in their opionions-in the end of the day none of us know for sure. Say 'I know Michael's voice' all you like, the person in the other camp is saying the exact same thing. No one's opinions are fact here and this needs to stop now. Stop presenting your opinions as 'mine is the right one and if you dont agree with me then you're an idiot.' And this applies to everyone here, no matter what you believe. This stops now.
I am curious what they have to say however I don't expect this show will change anything. I think Oprah has a deal with Sony to promote the album, so I don't expect anything from this show than people insisting it is MJ and Oprah agreeing with them. And I don't expect Oprah to invite 3T and other people who would say something contradicting that opinion. For the believers it will be convincing (for them Weitzman's statment already was), but I doubt they can show anything for non-believers to change their minds. But we will see.
I think you are not correct on some things there guys!!! IF you had heard (and e totally honest on this!) The vocals of Michael on 2000 watts, or on Shout! i really think you would be thinking for a few mins that these where questionable. The difference now though is its not be put out by Michael and you wont ever see him sing these tracks LIVE (so sad really) but i agree some are questionable but maybe thats all that was there, and i for one are happpy that the melody/vocals are there to hear once gain.

Yes its getting a bit racist now and Michael definetly would not condone or allow anything like this to go on with reference to his work! Remember ***it dont matter if your black or white!****

Yes its getting a bit racist now and Michael definetly would not condone or allow anything like this to go on with reference to his work! Remember ***it dont matter if your black or white!****


Racist? How is it racist??? Does Aretha Franklin sound like a black woman? Yes. Does Elvis look like a white man? Yes. Absolutely NOTHING racist with those observations.
Teddy Riley will try to convince with things like "I know MJ since a long time. I produced a big part of the Dangerous album and worked for Invincible to. I know what he wanted". The Cascios : "We know MJ since a long time, he loved to come at home and work in our quiet studio".

The show is gonna be a collection of lies.

Teddy Riley will try to convince with things like "I know MJ since a long time. I produced a big part of the Dangerous album and worked for Invincible to. I know what he wanted". The Cascios : "We know MJ since a long time, he loved to come at home and work in our quiet studio".

The show is gonna be a collection of lies.


In your mind it will be. Give it a chance
Teddy Riley will try to convince with things like "I know MJ since a long time. I produced a big part of the Dangerous album and worked for Invincible to. I know what he wanted". The Cascios : "We know MJ since a long time, he loved to come at home and work in our quiet studio".

The show is gonna be a collection of lies.


Teddy will probably add that Michael's still alive and working daily in the Cascio garage.

Unbelievable that it's come to this.

Why is Oprah so interested in promoting the music of a man that she suspects of being a paedophile? We all remember the video of her outside the Staples centre memorial, 'we just don't know'... No? A man can be cleared on every charge he ever faced and 'we just don't know'? And she's happy to promote the man's post-humous album?

This would be funny if it wasn't so sick!

The Cascios will tell us that Michael was more productive in their garage than he was in the preceeding 10 years, laying down track after track in a completely different voice than he has ever used. And that they were really torn about taking Sony's millions after his death. And that Michael didn't really hate Sony and that Sony didn't really hate Michael. And that 'Breaking News' is as good as 'Billie Jean', etc etc etc
Racist? How is it racist??? Does Aretha Franklin sound like a black woman? Yes. Does Elvis look like a white man? Yes. Absolutely NOTHING racist with those observations.

What's weird is that people hear a "black woman" or a "white man". Not Aretha Franklin or Elvis. That's mind boggling.

Are those still the "identifiers" in the year 2010 where plenty of white women sing Jazz and plenty of black man and women sing Opera? Michael's beautiful tenor is just that- a beautiful tenor. Michael's voice is still unique in this world and he could have sang just about anything.

And his boy soprano would have worked just as excellent in any Italian boy's choir.

There is nothing rascist in the observation that there are physiological differences between different races, that is not rascist. My white patients often had different contact lens parameters than my black patients- and my Asian patients had others characteristics.

What is rascist, is to go on spontaneous rants about "white untrained amateurs"- all because you heard some low quality youtube leak on an Internet forum, that some people snatch and turn into lousy MP3s- it's naive at best. What if it's Michael Jackson? That's almost comical.

What is rascist about it, is the constant emphasis on any singers color of skin, may that singers name be Aretha Franklin, Elvis or Michael Jackson.
I hear music and a voice- if someone's color of skin is the first thing you associate with any kind of music- that is disturbing.

I probably spent way too much time in a conservatory where literally people off all races studied the same thing- music.
I am not denying differences between human beings- but what is rascist about such language and thinking is to identify a human being as skin color first and as musician and personality second. It's like dividing your friends A, B and C into gay, white and asian before you even think of their names.

Because the vocalist on KYHU is an untrained White amateur. Not a black soul male vocalist raised at the school of Motown. If you can't hear that I don't know what you've been listening to on becoming a fan!
Your original statement was disturbing and it has nothing to do with being overly PC. Michael Jackson broke barriers where they needed to be broken and yes, that was way before Oprah Winfrey and Barack Obama. No doubt about it.
But he most certainly wasn't stuck in a time warp in the 50ies. Michael left Motown grew as an artist- what he achieved has to do with dedication and hard work. He would have never go on the way he did if he kept singing A,B,C for the rest of his life. Every great artist leaves his "schooling" behind at some point- when he reaches the point where his "school" holds him back by molding him into the "school mold".

I am amazed how far people take the "fake vocals" stuff and project even weirder stuff into the "fake" debate.
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What's weird is that people hear a "black woman" or a "white man". Not Aretha Franklin or Elvis. That's mind boggling.

Are those still the "identifiers" in the year 2010 where plenty of white women sing Jazz and plenty of black man and women sing Opera? Michael's beautiful tenor is just that- a beautiful tenor. Michael's voice is still unique in this world and he could have sang just about anything.

And his boy soprano would have worked just as excellent in any Italian boy's choir.

There is nothing rascist in the observation that there are physiological differences between different races, that is not rascist. My white patients often had different contact lens parameters than my black patients- and my Asian patients had others characteristics.

What is rascist, is to go on spontaneous rants about "white untrained amateurs"- all because you heard some low quality youtube leak on an Internet forum, that some people snatch and turn into lousy MP3s- it's naive at best. What if it's Michael Jackson? That's almost comical.

What is rascist about it, is the constant emphasis on any singers color of skin, may that singers name be Aretha Franklin, Elvis or Michael Jackson.
I hear music and a voice- if someone's color of skin is the first thing you associate with any kind of music- that is disturbing.

I probably spent way too much time in a conservatory where literally people off all races studied the same thing- music.
I am not denying differences between human beings- but what is rascist about such language and thinking is to identify a human being as skin color first and as musician and personality second. It's like dividing your friends A, B and C into gay, white and asian before you even think of their names.

Your original statement was disturbing and it has nothing to do with being overly PC. Michael Jackson broke barriers where they needed to be broken and yes, that was way before Oprah Winfrey and Barack Obama. No doubt about it.
But he most certainly wasn't stuck in a time warp in the 50ies.
:clapping: :bow:
Teddy will probably add that Michael's still alive and working daily in the Cascio garage.

Unbelievable that it's come to this.

Why is Oprah so interested in promoting the music of a man that she suspects of being a paedophile? We all remember the video of her outside the Staples centre memorial, 'we just don't know'... No? A man can be cleared on every charge he ever faced and 'we just don't know'? And she's happy to promote the man's post-humous album?

This would be funny if it wasn't so sick!

The Cascios will tell us that Michael was more productive in their garage than he was in the preceeding 10 years, laying down track after track in a completely different voice than he has ever used. And that they were really torn about taking Sony's millions after his death. And that Michael didn't really hate Sony and that Sony didn't really hate Michael. And that 'Breaking News' is as good as 'Billie Jean', etc etc etc

Good point. You exaggerated a bit, but that's it.

That's what they did on the internet during these last days. Teddy Riley is ridiculous on twitter.
The Cascios are coming out and defending themselves against personal attacks made by nutters on forums like this one. Why shouldn't they defend themselves in any way they can?
I know one thing for sure, if they refused to go on national TV and discuss this, people like you would be saying "See!? They know they are wrong so they refuse to go on TV and discuss it!"

Some of you come across as real hypocrites with an agenda, and nothing else.


Yep. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
In your mind it will be. Give it a chance
There's no chance.

The only proofs could be :
- a video where we see Michael pronouncing the exact same Breaking news lyrics.
- the raw vocals, valid only if we don't have a doubt on the voice (as we never had) and if the same Breaking news lyrics are pronounced.

They have nothing like this.
You are right. I remember seeing the pharse "recently brought to commpletion". But, I interpreted that as a demo with nearly complete vocals recently brought to completeion by the producers. I don't think Breaking News falls under that category for the quality of the vocals is not adequate. Isn't This Is It a demo as well? Doesn't the song sound good?

There is no right or wrong answer. I'm not trying to convince anyone here. Music taste is very subjective. Actually, I wish the album nothing but success. I will buy the album myself.

All I wish to say to you is "Hold My Hand". :trytobeangel[youtube]PIxEISCUN3k[/youtube]
There's no chance.

The only proofs could be :
- a video where we see Michael pronouncing the exact same Breaking news lyrics.
- the raw vocals, valid only if we don't have a doubt on the voice (as we never had) and if the same Breaking news lyrics are pronounced.

They have nothing like this.

I don't need to be that convinced. A video of him recording anything in their home, or even one sentence of vocals where we can clearly hear MJ's voice on their tracks will go a long way to convince me.
What's weird is that people hear a "black woman" or a "white man". Not Aretha Franklin or Elvis. That's mind boggling.*

Are those still the "identifiers" in the year 2010 where plenty of white women sing Jazz and plenty of black man and women sing Opera? Michael's beautiful tenor is just that- a beautiful tenor. Michael's voice is still unique in this world and he could have sang just about anything.*

And his boy soprano would have worked just as excellent in any Italian boy's choir.

There is nothing rascist in the observation that there are physiological differences between different races, that is not rascist. My white patients often had different contact lens parameters than my black patients- and my Asian patients had others characteristics.

What is rascist, is to go on spontaneous rants about "white untrained amateurs"- all because you heard some low quality youtube leak on an Internet forum, that some people snatch and turn into lousy MP3s- it's naive at best. What if it's Michael Jackson? That's almost comical.*

What is rascist about it, is the constant emphasis on any singers color of skin, may that singers name be Aretha Franklin, Elvis or Michael Jackson.
I hear music and a voice- if someone's color of skin is the first thing you associate with any kind of music- that is disturbing.

I probably spent way too much time in a conservatory where literally people off all races studied the same thing- music.*
I am not denying differences between human beings- but what is rascist about such language and thinking is to identify a human being as skin color first and as musician and personality second. It's like dividing your friends A, B and C into gay, white and asian before you even think of their names.*

Your original statement was disturbing and it has nothing to do with being overly PC. Michael Jackson broke barriers where they needed to be broken and yes, that was way before Oprah Winfrey and Barack Obama. No doubt about it.*
But he most certainly wasn't stuck in a time warp in the 50ies. Michael left Motown grew as an artist- what he achieved has to do with dedication and hard work. He would have never go on the way he did if he kept singing A,B,C for the rest of his life. Every great artist leaves his "schooling" behind at some point- when he reaches the point where his "school" holds him back by molding him into the "school mold".*

I am amazed how far people take the "fake vocals" stuff and project even weirder stuff into the "fake" debate.

There's nothing racist whatsoever about any of my statements. And I stand by the first one. We're deciphering the vocalist based on the vocals. Do we hear a man who has been singing for over 40+ years on KYHU? No. Do we hear the voice of a black man nearing 50 who has spent most of his life singing soulful music? No.*

People can claim that the vocalist on KYHU is Michael Jackson if they want. But for those of us who don't believe it's Michael there is ample evidence.

And, again, the reason why Elvis was a record companies dream was because he was a white man with a 'negro' sound, in Sam Philips words. If that was the norm then Philips would never have made that observation. And wouldn't have made the millions he did on the back of Elvis' career.

Does the vocalist sound like a woman? No. It sounds like a man. Does that make me sexist? No.*

There are differences in voices based on race. That's just the truth of the matter. If people want to try to stifle debate but claiming 'racism' then they should exercise some intelligence before doing so.


Michael was in denial? He wanted to look different to the point where he got chemical peels? He was self destructive?

There you have it, for your own eyes.

Notice how the naysayers avoid proof denouncing their believes.

Just like the "faux" (Fox) News faithfull viewers refuse to watch any documentaries showing how crooked and connected the Bush family really is. Their simple minds just will not connect the dots.

How many people were/are part of This Is Not It movement? Many.

How much money TII movie made? 'Nuff said.

There's nothing racist whatsoever about any of my statements. And I stand by the first one. We're deciphering the vocalist based on the vocals. Do we hear a man who has been singing for over 40+ years on KYHU? No. Do we hear the voice of a black man nearing 50 who has spent most of his life singing soulful music? No.*

People can claim that the vocalist on KYHU is Michael Jackson if they want. But for those of us who don't believe it's Michael there is ample evidence.

And, again, the reason why Elvis was a record companies dream was because he was a white man with a 'negro' sound, in Sam Philips words. If that was the norm then Philips would never have made that observation. And wouldn't have made the millions he did on the back of Elvis' career.

Does the vocalist sound like a woman? No. It sounds like a man. Does that make me sexist? No.*

There are differences in voices based on race. That's just the truth of the matter. If people want to try to stifle debate but claiming 'racism' then they should exercise some intelligence before doing so.

Actually, you are the one who's stifling debate by calling everyone stupid who doesn't agree with your opinion that you hear a "white untrained amateur"/ "we don't hear". Speak for yourself. It's really bizarre to see a skin color obsession being projected onto this "fake/real" debate.

"Intelligence" would mean not to jump to conclusions based on a lousy quality youtube track that people convert 4 times in some program. How 'bout judging what you hear on an official release- not some leak that could be who knows what?

I never denied the differences between human beings, but there are ways of speaking to differences between us without having to resort to judgements of superiority/inferiority. And it goes far in showing thought process, which is what's scary.

I think that is why I admire MJ so much- he is able to stand up to discrimination and takes a huge stand against any kind of racism and prejudice without having to tear down anybody in the process.

How tiring for MJ, all his life somebody is either obsessed with him being a black man/or that he is not being a black man. He just can't win, can he.
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