The Cascio's will be on Oprah on Dec 6th!

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I can see nothing changing by having them on the show, nothing cleared up about those three tracks. Of course I'd be happy to be wrong, but I don't think so.
None of us have ever seen a video of Quincy saying bad things about Michael, we should all know by now that the press twist things.....Until I see a video of him saying these things about MJ then I wont believe it.


The thing is, as someone here said it quite well, (cant remember who it was, sorry about the copyright ;)), when u want to do something related to Michael Jackson, to the fans, you're guilty until proven innocent. It's very true. It might not be fair, but that's the way we were taught along the years. That's the way the media, and so many others, have raised many of us. And it's even more relevant since june 09.
The Cascios, as well as anybody else, have to prove they're still true to Michael. Maybe they are, maybe they are not. In any case, MJ fans are suspicious, and history has proven them right oh so many times.
It wouldn't matter one jot if they did to the 'Conspiracy' 'fanatics' on here, and we know it.

Even if Mj appeared himself - a lovely vision from heaven - and said "I am on these tracks and happy for them to be released", the 'Conspiracy' 'fanatics' would say "Sony faked the vision!" and "Quincy is our new leader. Quincy and Taj (and maybe La Toya) are our new leaders. Only them will we obey!"*

* Or some such sh**
:hysterical: Love it!- You are so right. LOL
I don't know who these people are until the last few weeks. I will watch and see what they have to say. What does Oprah get out of this? Why does she want to promote the album all of sudden?

The thing is, as someone here said it quite well, (cant remember who it was, sorry about the copyright ;)), when u want to do something related to Michael Jackson, to the fans, you're guilty until proven innocent. It's very true. It might not be fair, but that's the way we were taught along the years. That's the way the media, and so many others, have raised many of us. And it's even more relevant since june 09.
The Cascios, as well as anybody else, have to prove they're still true to Michael. Maybe they are, maybe they are not. In any case, MJ fans are suspicious, and history has proven them right oh so many times.

I just posted a video on the last page of Quincy bad mouthing Michael and saying things that were proven to be untrue. :scratch:
I'm trying not to get involved in all of this but I just have to add that there definitly was a video of Quicy talking badly about Michael.
I remember seeing it on here and talked about.

Edit: I was actually thinking about another video, not the one posted on the page before this one so I guess that makes two. The video I was thinking about was in some sort of a theater setting and he was talking badly about why Michael changed his looks. (from black to white, not mentioning Vitiligo at all)
I can't find that video anywhere though. I guess since I don't remember where it was shot it's hard to look for. Maybe someone else remembers the one I'm talking about. I remember people being upset about it.
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Who knows what will be said. Maybe they'll come up with footage of Mike singing their tracks. But I just think it'll just remain one person's word against another.
In the spirit of the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday, I would like to extend a special thank you to the following posters SO FAR in this thread. I read all of the posts and here it goes:

deano-- thanks so much! awesome posts
jmie- great mjjunior - are enjoying your posts immensely
erikmjfan - thank you, stacyj- great, steve001- thank you, hoopman- thank you, max00- great, knigofpop- thank you, thrill- great, Prince of Pop- great posts, Hess- always the positive one- love it! Ivy- thank you, Lindavg- thank you.
Booman- you nailed it! Just wonderful.
Cherubim- thank you-
Smooth Criminal - always reasonable, steadfast and positive- yes this is huge promotion for the album.
Matty Jam- thank you so much for this thread!

For the rest, thank you for providing the provocative and intriguing arguments and discussions we are having at the moment.

I for one, really respect the Cascios. Why? you ask. Well, there has never been any evidence whatsoever of them selling out Michael for any reason while he was alive and now. Many have, even Michael's own family as we know. And I am sure they had many, many opportunities to sell their stories and betray him a million times over, but have they? NO!

One poster noted, that it would be natural for them to hand over to the estate any and all recordings done with and by MJ. Well, that is what they did. Nothing sinister here imo. If they can be compensated for it, well why wouldn't they? Put yourselves in their shoes, what would you do? Keep those tracks to yourself and never let them see the light of day or hand them over to the estate? Those tracks after all are MJ's recordings, they don't belong to anyone but his estate.

I hope so much that this family does well. I wish them all the best. They welcomed Michael into their home for 4 months and gave Michael the love and normalcy he needed. I thank them for that. Michael truly trusted them, why would he call them his "first family of love?"

On another note: I have also been a fan of Michael's for well over 20 years and I hear Michael in all those songs in question. Maybe some of you don't but that is just YOUR OPINION. Like another poster so wisely noted, that is not a fact.

I cannot wait for this album. I am bursting at the seams with excitement!



Of course the vocals on the MICHAEL album are all Michael Jackson's. It's very easy to tell, in tone and rhythm, phrasing, even subject matter. The reason they may sound "different" to some is that a few of the tracks were more like demos -- relaxed guiding vocals to be re-recorded later -- and not finalized by MJ with his usual energy and power, but certainly him. The producers had to bring in some background singers to fill a handful of the tracks out. What's the big deal? This is done ALL of the time in the industry, even by MJ himself in the past, especially in concert. It's a common practice, not some kind of insidious plot to fool the fans.

It is clear to me that all this uproar is an extension of everyone's unresolved grief from June of 2009. And that is completely understandable. We all lost someone we deeply loved, someone that touched and changed all our lives forever. What I don't understand is why a few loud (and dare I say unreasonable) voices would want to douse this flame of hope and excitement we have now been given -- one of the few such moments in the past year and a half. This moment, this album, should be a celebration of the love and magic we lost -- something to share with the entire world -- and not some kind of unsubstantiated rant about false recordings and conspiracies. This is the kind of madness that MJ faced in life.

Let's all give him the peace and respect he deserves now...

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When have 3T ever talked ill of their uncle, tried to exploit him without his knowledge for personal gain or tried to sabotage one of his projects? Or Jonathon Moffett? Or Jennifer Batten? Or Rodney Jerkins?
Is it possible they could show video footage of MJ recording the song?
Is it possible they could show video footage of MJ recording the song?

Would be great, but I really don't think this exists even if Michael did the vocals. If Michael would do that at your home, would you go "ok Michael, let me just get the videocam and you can start singing"...
How did they sell songs to Sony knowing that Michael hated Sony and vice versa? How could they do that? And how can they still claim those vocals are Michael's with a straight face? I hope all those involved get everything that is coming to them.
Did Katherine really do that with McMillan and Branca?

Yes, this according to both McMillan and Branca who gave interviews to mediaoutlets. If you google 'Jackson had long relationsship with estate executors' you will find his interview with AP. Plus Grace who said Katherine called her and said the kids are crying and asking for her and wondered where MJ kept all cash in the house.

And who can forget Joe Jackson promoting his record label the next day after his son passed.

Thanks.. ;)
i just cannot believe those two... betraying Michael after all Michael did for them.... the only ones who could talk about his music are musicians whom know Michael unique style and analize it, like many of us, fans im talking about fans who are musicians, or people who knows about Michael's extremely UNIQUE sound and style...

these Cascio guys know the man as a person and yes they spent time with MJ in the studio and stuff, but they are NOT QUALIFIED, arent these two the ones who think "keep your head Up" witn a fake singer pretending to be MJ is good :bugeyed ??? come ON!
Ya do know that MJ knew 3T since birth right? LOL being their uncle and all! So that's longer then the 20yrs he knew the Casio's! I never heard of 3T exploiting MJ either, just like the Casio's, right! Yet, some are quick to call 3T every name under the sun! What happened?

Did some finally realize they were Jacksons? lol Weren't they always? YEP! But, all of a sudden their like the rest of the family all evil! Like WTF? And some wanna call others conspirators....amazing! SMH Picking and chosen when it's convent I see, how great! So let's all now kiss Oprah's a$$ too! O_O
I really can't believe or understand why many of you continue to believe the vocals on KYHU aren't Michael's.

Because the vocalist on KYHU is an untrained White amateur. Not a black soul male vocalist raised at the school of Motown. If you can't hear that I don't know what you've been listening to on becoming a fan!
Because the vocalist on KYHU is an untrained White amateur. Not a black soul male vocalist raised at the school of Motown. If you can't hear that I don't know what you've been listening to on becoming a fan!

Yeah, you really took "it don't matter if you're black or white" to heart.
NEWSFLASH! Did ya hear that black vocalists sing Opera- and not just since yesterday? And that white people have written excellent Jazz?
Is this a time warp and I'm stuck in the Fifties?

Sometimes I would like to bash my head against the wall.

Michael Jackson is an artist in his own right because of some rather massive talent and dedication to his art and the mindset of a genius.
Like every great artist to have walked this planet, not because he was black, white or green with polka dots.

"Untrained", holy cow.
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Because the vocalist on KYHU is an untrained White amateur. Not a black soul male vocalist raised at the school of Motown. If you can't hear that I don't know what you've been listening to on becoming a fan!

Have you learned nothing from Michaels example? How he lived his life? A true fan of Michael Jackson would not make such a remark. I say shame on you.
Because the vocalist on KYHU is an untrained White amateur. Not a black soul male vocalist raised at the school of Motown. If you can't hear that I don't know what you've been listening to on becoming a fan!

The amount of ignorance in this single post was already addressed by two other members. So I'll refrain from doing so any further.

If you wish to respond to one of my post, please, do it with some sense.
I really can't believe or understand why many of you continue to believe the vocals on KYHU aren't Michael's.

I'm open to believing MJ is on the track. But my ears don't hear it. It's even worse when you listen to this song next to Hold My Hand or songs sung live on This Is It.

You are trying to understand how some don't believe MJ is on the track. Others are equally puzzled as to how others think the voice is his.

I'm not anti-Sony, anti-anyone. I don't know or care why these three tracks are causing such a stir. I just know that when I listen to the tracks/snippets of Breaking News, Keep Your Head Up and Monster, they all sound like the same person singing, but that person doesn't sound like Michael Jackson to me.

If the Cascios will be on Oprah, I hope they can try to explain the situation better. I don't anticipate that happening, but that's just a prediction.
Let me give you all a clue. Have you ever heards of the concept of
"background singers"? Usually, Michael Jackson did all his own background singing on different tracks, and later the tracks were combined onto one recording. Now, his record company has to use "background singers". So, now you hear additional voices on
Michael Jackson's new releases. :better:

By Definition:
Backup singer, backing singer, background singer, and background vocalist are all terms meaning the same: a vocalist who sings in support (in back-up) of a lead vocalist or singer, often accompanied by other backup singers. :cheeky:
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Usually, Michael Jackson did all his own background singing on different tracks, and later the tracks were combined onto one recording. Now, his record company has to use "background singers". So, now you additional voices on Michael Jackson's new releases. :better:

Yea and that could be why its hard to hear him at times. I believe MJ is on the tracks, but the other voices are definitley something I'm gonna have to get used to. Especially if there are going to be other CD's coming in the future.

MJ spoiled us with his perfection. Now that he is gone, we are just screwed.
Yea and that could be why its hard to hear him at times. I believe MJ is on the tracks, but the other voices are definitley something I'm gonna have to get used to. Especially if there are going to be other CD's coming in the future.

MJ spoiled us with his perfection. Now that he is gone, we are just screwed.

I agree with you :agree:, and note, I corrected my word omission. :)

Originally Posted by CherubimII
So, now you hear additional voices on Michael Jackson's new releases. :better:
Let me give you all a clue. Have you ever heards of the concept of
"background singers"? Usually, Michael Jackson did all his own background singing on different tracks, and later the tracks were combined onto one recording. Now, his record company has to use "background singers". So, now you additional voices on
Michael Jackson's new releases. :better:

By Definition:
Backup singer, backing singer, background singer, and background vocalist are all terms meaning the same: a vocalist who sings in support (in back-up) of a lead vocalist or singer, often accompanied by other backup singers. :cheeky:

Yes, I understand the concept of backup vocals. I also realize and appreciate the fact that Michael did most backup vocals in his songs. Yet, he didn't do all the backup vocals. I can easily name songs with other backup vocalists. Will You Be There, Man In the Mirror, Butterflies, 2000 Watts, HIStory and many songs from the Jacksons era. I never have any problem in identifying Michael's voice in any of the above songs.

Breaking News sounds very different. In my opinion, it's not because Michael is not here to record the backup vocals. It's because the demos are too rough and incomplete; thus, the producers need to cut and paste tapes, autotune, stack vocals to fill in the gaps.

For me, I don't need any evidence from the Cascios. I never think they are liars. The issue is not "real" versus "fake". The issue, at least to me, is integrity. Let me put it this way, I think fans would have felt better, if the song Breaking News is billed as a Michael Jackson demo features other artists.
Dear, Love is magical, I feel sorry that you are not having the GREAT JOY that I am experiencing from Michael's new musical realeases. It is truly your great lost.
I pray someday you will.
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