The Cascio's will be on Oprah on Dec 6th!

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The minute I say that then come back and try and challenge me. Until then, don't waste your time.

"Untrained white amateur" is judgemental, and highly so.

If I saw a black ballet dancer dance in NYC and wrote that this is "an untrained black amateur who quite obviously didn't get raised at the all superior St.Petersburg School of Ballet"- in a similar context and tone, all hell would rightfully break lose. There is so much judgement in that sort of statement that it hurts.

It's 2010, not 1951.

I think, I'm done before mods tell me to let it go.
True. I'll try to explain my point of view more clearly.

- first u have the lies reported by the media. That, I usually dont pay attention to, b/c as I said earlier, I want to hear/read it from the source. Although I have to add that it depends on the media. I trust a few.
- then u have the real comments, like in Q's case. There, you can't deny he said it. Which doesnt mean I'm gonna agree with it. It just proves that the comment is real, not that it's not BS.

See what I mean?

Yea, I apologize for the misunderstanding.
If I saw a black ballet dancer dance in NYC and wrote that this is "an untrained black amateur who obviously didn't get raised at the St.Petersburg School of Ballet"- in the similar context and tone, all hell would rightfully break lose. There is so much judgement in that sort of statement that it hurts.

It's 2010, not 1951.

If you were asked to recognise a black man's face and someone showed you a picture of a white man and you said 'no... this picture looks like a white man' NO ONE would think that was 'racist'.

Similarly when you're being asked to recognise a genius' voice... a man who had probably the most distinguished voice of the last century, a man who learnt his craft from the greatest soul and funk singers and performers in the history of entertainment... and you hear a voice that A. Isn't trained (that much is clear... Michael's vibrato was a wonder of the modern world, the vibrato on these bogus tracks is ALL OVER THE PLACE) and B. Sounded NOTHING like a black man approaching 50 who has spent 40+ years learning his craft from the greatest entertainers of all time THEN it's fair to say that the voice you're hearing A. isn't trained and B. isn't the voice of a trained black vocalist with 40+ years experience.
So they are just gonna play the songs in full and that's it? Or is there actually a chance they'll show video footage? Cause i highly doubt that.
As I posted earlier, there's a reason Sam Phillips made this observation before recording Elvis:

"If I could find a white man who had the Negro sound and the Negro feel, I could make a billion dollars." Sam Phillips

Why did he say that? Because the difference in voices (NOT quality of voices BUT sound of voices) is noticeable. THAT'S why you hear Aretha Franklin and you KNOW it's a black woman. THAT'S why you hear Ray Charles and you KNOW it's a black man. THAT'S why you hear Karen Carpenter and you KNOW it's a white woman. ALL EXCEPTIONAL vocalists. But you can tell the race of the vocalist.

Anyone denying that is denying the truth. And anyone denying that should read more about Elvis and his early career and why he was the music businesses holy grail... a white singer that could (almost) sing like a black man.

There's absolutely nothing racist about noticing that. And commenting on it. People should read the posts before claiming 'racism'.
So they are just gonna play the songs in full and that's it? Or is there actually a chance they'll show video footage? Cause i highly doubt that.

It doesn't matter if there is video of Michael himself looking into the camera and singing those words... it's not Michael Jackson's voice.
Thread closed. You all had multiple warnings from myself and other staff members and we were all ignored. There is a thread here were you can discuss the Dec 6th show in general. No discussion about 'I think this song is fake' blah blah blah and no more borderline racist remarks. I cannot believe I was reading that on a Michael Jackson forum of all places.
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