The Cascio's will be on Oprah on Dec 6th!

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L.T.D. and Ben971.

Your response to this? I would be interested to hear what you both now have to say.

Well i'd never seen this video before and wasnt aware there was a video of Quincy saying these things. So the point I made was invalid.
Actually, you are the one who's stifling debate by calling everyone stupid who doesn't agree with your opinion that you hear a "white untrained amateur"/ "we don't hear". Speak for yourself.

"Intelligence" would mean not to jump to conclusions based on a lousy quality youtube track that people convert 4 times in some program. How 'bout judging what you hear on an official release- not some leak that could be who knows what?

I never denied the differences between human beings, but there are ways of speaking to differences between us without having to resort judgements of superiority/inferiority. And goes far in showing thought process, which is what's scary.

I think that is why I admire MJ so much- he is able to stand up to discrimination and takes a huge stand against any kind of racism and prejudice without having to tear down anybody in the process.

I've heard tonnes of 'lousy quality YouTube tracks' of Michael Jackson. He still sounds like Michael Jackson. These bogus tracks sound NOTHING like Michael Jackson.
I really can't believe or understand why many of you continue to believe the vocals on KYHU aren't Michael's.

Just doesnt sound like him to many of us. Breaking News sounds more real.

Listen to the way the word 'Resteraunt' is pronounced. Just doesnt sound right.

All of the vocals actually sound pretty out of tune to me....

Something you all dont realise is that I actually like the song 'Breaking News'. I think its a fairly catchy tune and i've loved the beat ever since I heard the snippet from the trailer.

I would love to be able to think its MJ on that song so I can enjoy it even more.
All of the vocals actually sound pretty out of tune to me....
To me also.

And for those who point at it as being a 'demo' and that being the reason - we know that 'Fall Again' was recorded in one take, sounds pretty impressive for one take and sounds unmistakeably like Michael Jackson. We know that the lead vocal for 'Black or White' is a 'scratch' vocal, recorded in one take, again it's unmistakeably Michael Jackson.

These songs sound NOTHING like Michael Jackson to me. NOTHING.
Just doesnt sound like him to many of us. Breaking News sounds more real.

Listen to the way the word 'Resteraunt' is pronounced. Just doesnt sound right.

All of the vocals actually sound pretty out of tune to me....

Somebody get a bottle of champagne or pass me the smelling salts. I have officially seen it all. :hysterical:

I've seen Mike Huckabee defend Michael Jackson on Fox News and I've seen "fake vocals" people say 'Breaking News' sounds more real.
Somebody get a bottle of champagne or pass me the smelling salts. I have officially seen it all. :hysterical:

I've seen Mike Huckabee defend Michael Jackson on Fox News and I've seen "fake vocals" people say 'Breaking News' sounds more real.

Cool. Hope I have brightened up your day.

'Fake Vocals People' eh? Might have to get that printed on a t-shirt. A Zebra skin t-shirt.
Cool. Hope I have brightened up your day.

'Fake Vocals People' eh? Might have to get that printed on a t-shirt. A Zebra skin t-shirt.

You did. :D
Make sure there's an Eye of Horus on there for the conspiracy part of it. Maybe some black and white checkered floor for the Freemasonry aspect. I think that would be a really cool T-Shirt. :rofl:
You did. :D
Make sure there's an Eye of Horus on there for the conspiracy part of it. Maybe some black and white checkered floor for the Freemasonry aspect. I think that would be a really cool T-Shirt. :rofl:

I dont believe the conspiracy theories. So no. Youve just completely ruined the t-shirt....
We all love Michael so much. That's why we are here passionately discussing the new album.

We share a common love, yet it doesn't mean all of us have same opinion on every single thing. We had different viewpoints before. For instance, many fans dislike Invincible. But, fans who don't like Invincible are not called "naysayers".

I have concern on the Cascio tracks, but I'm not attacking Michael. I love Michael so much. We all want to have rational discussion here.
I dont believe the conspiracy theories. So no. Youve just completely ruined the t-shirt....

Oh, no, I didn't mean to ruin your shirt. Okay, zebra shirt and with "fake vocals people"- that sounds like a country of sorts. "The people's republic of fake vocals". And on the backside of the shirt maybe a panther? and "Breaking News sounds real now."? :swoon::D
This thread is just sad shows how low some people will go. This whole argument about some songs on this album is an argument some of you will have amongst yourself for years I bet. In the meantime the songs are staying on the album the Casios and Teddy Riley have every right to go on TV and defend themselves but when you think about it they don't need to the songs are staying period. In the meantime Michael's family instead of trying to prove there point by proving the songs are not Michael have done nothing but cry and moan on twitter which is all they ever seem to do when it comes to putting up they can't do it. Buy the album or not
This thread is just sad shows how low some people will go. This whole argument about some songs on this album is an argument some of you will have amongst yourself for years I bet. In the meantime the songs are staying on the album the Casios and Teddy Riley have every right to go on TV and defend themselves but when you think about it they don't need to the songs are staying period. In the meantime Michael's family instead of trying to prove there point by proving the songs are not Michael have done nothing but cry and moan on twitter which is all they ever seem to do when it comes to putting up they can't do it. Buy the album or not

I salute you, all day.!!!
Oh, no, I didn't mean to ruin your shirt. Okay, zebra shirt and with "fake vocals people"- that sounds like a country of sorts. "The people's republic of fake vocals". And on the backside of the shirt maybe a panther? and "Breaking News sounds real now."? :swoon::D

Ok serious mode now. I didnt say I thought Breaking News sounded real. I said it sounded MORE real than Keep Your Head Up. Which is saying a puts Keep Your Head Up in a complete league of its own.

Then Monster sounds even worse than the other two. Based on the snippet of course. It could end up that the song sounds more real than the other two. But based on the snippet. Its rat feces.
Ok serious mode now. I didnt say I thought Breaking News sounded real. I said it sounded MORE real than Keep Your Head Up. Which is saying a puts Keep Your Head Up in a complete league of its own.

Then Monster sounds even worse than the other two. Based on the snippet of course. It could end up that the song sounds more real than the other two. But based on the snippet. Its rat feces.

At least we laughed. That's better than screaming at one another despite disagreeing.
If it turns out that these tracks are genuinely Michael Jackson, then how will some of you feel about that, especially after basically calling the tracks rubbish? Will you all still feel the same way?

Not an attack, but a serious question..
^I'll wonder why he sounded terrible and different only for these sessions when his voice on Hold My Hand and This Is It was amazing.

But I will happily admit I was wrong. I just don't think the vocals on these songs - whoever they are - sounds good. It has nothing to do with them being mp3 or demos or anything else. I think the vocals suck, point blank. I've never thought that about an MJ track. I sometimes listens to songs by MJ that I don't particularly enjoy just because the vocals are usually impeccable.
If it turns out that these tracks are genuinely Michael Jackson, then how will some of you feel about that, especially after basically calling the tracks rubbish? Will you all still feel the same way?

Not an attack, but a serious question..

I would first admit I was wrong and apologize to all those I had argued with about this. Then I would really wonder why he sounded so different for this short period in 2007, when his voice was amazing on Hold My Hand and then This is It in 2009.

I'm not so sure how I would feel about the actual songs. As mentioned before, I actually really like Breaking News and would love it if it was proven to me that it was Michael. As for Keep Your Head Up, i'm not so sure I like that song at all.
If it turns out that these tracks are genuinely Michael Jackson, then how will some of you feel about that, especially after basically calling the tracks rubbish? Will you all still feel the same way?

Not an attack, but a serious question..

I love Michael Jackson, the musician and the person. I love all his albums (including Jackson Five and the Jacksons). I love his music because the music is great. But, do I love all his songs? Not really. There are songs I play but I don't love.

If and only if it turns out that the vocals on Breaking News is 100% Michael and there is absolutely no other artists involved, I would just say "sorry Michael, I don't like this particular song, but I really enjoy Hold My Hand and Much Too Soon. You sound absolutely amazing on Hold My Hand. Much Too Soon is just beautiful."

Again, people are not attacking Michael here. We all love him and respect his legacy. We have concern on how the producers are treating his demos. The criticism on Breaking News is to the people who are involved in the production of the song, not on Michael. Does it make me less a fan? I don't think so. Being a fan doesn't mean agreeing on and liking every single release.
L.T.D. and Ben971.
Your response to this? I would be interested to hear what you both now have to say.

I dont really get why you expect me to say anything about this vid. *scratches head*
I had seen it before, and it doesnt change what I think, that many fans are instantly suspicious when someone wants to do something concerning Michael, or talk about him. We've always been, kinda protective, and it's "worse" now.
I think it explains the almost general worry about the Cascios being on O. Or Riley btw.

That's all I meant. I dont know the Cascios, I know they've never done or said anything against Michael so far. I THINK, from what I can hear, that Michael is not the only or main singer on BN. Which I believe he wrote and that I actually like. Havent listened to KYHU.

Does that answer your question, Deano? :) Coz I'm not sure I understood it.
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If it turns out that these tracks are genuinely Michael Jackson, then how will some of you feel about that, especially after basically calling the tracks rubbish? Will you all still feel the same way?

Not an attack, but a serious question..

I'd wonder how come he became more prolific in the Cascios garage than he had been at any other time in the last ten years. Maybe all the excitement got to him so much that his voice literally changed and he lost all of his ability. But miraculously got it back for the This Is It rehearsals.

The actual tracks are atrocious, either way. I wouldn't have an issue saying that even if it was Michael.
I dont really get why you expect me to say anything about this vid. *scratches head*
I had seen it before, and it doesnt change what I think, that many fans are instantly suspicious when someone wants to do something concerning Michael, or talk about him. We've always been, kinda protective, and it's "worse" now.
I think it explains the almost general worry about the Cascios being on O. Or Riley btw.

That's all I meant. I dont know the Cascios, I know they've never done or said anything against Michael so far. I THINK, from what I can hear, that Michael is not the only or main singer on BN. Which I believe he wrote and that I actually like. Havent listened to KYHU.

Does that answer your question, Deano? :) Coz I'm not sure I understood it.

Well, sort of. But L.T.D. said:

"None of us have ever seen a video of Quincy saying bad things about Michael, we should all know by now that the press twist things.....Until I see a video of him saying these things about MJ then I wont believe it."

and you said;


So as long as you agree that some of us have a right to be suspicious of Quincy, and you agree that his word can not automatically be trusted when it comes to MJ, then yes, we are now in agreement.

I reiterate that Quincy went 'loco' quite a while ago, and that he has been jealous of MJ, and his achievements for many years - which is why I don't trust what he has to say.

Racist? How is it racist??? Absolutely NOTHING racist with those observations.

seriously? dictionary definition : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

the minute you say "a white man cannot sing as well as a black man" you are making a superiority claim and introducing racism.

write your opinions but please leave race out of it.
Well, sort of. But L.T.D. said:

"None of us have ever seen a video of Quincy saying bad things about Michael, we should all know by now that the press twist things.....Until I see a video of him saying these things about MJ then I wont believe it."

and you said;


So as long as you agree that some of us have a right to be suspicious of Quincy, and you agree that his word can not automatically be trusted when it comes to MJ, then yes, we are now in agreement.

I reiterate that Quincy went 'loco' quite a while ago, and that he has been jealous of MJ, and his achievements for many years - which is why I don't trust what he has to say.


Ooooh ok! LOL Sorry, too many posts, couldnt find the one you were refering to.
Yeah, well, I still agree with LTD, meaning that we cant believe what the media write or report as so called quotes. I want to hear the guy/girl saying the things themselves. Then, and only then, will I make up my own mind.
As far as Quincy goes, I dont give him more credit than anyone else. I agree that he must know the way Michael worked in a studio, but my trust stops at that. I dont know what his relationship with Michael was, or what him or Michael thought about each other. Dont know about jealousy either. I've found out the hard way that a lot of people that I thought liked Michael, seem to have their own agenda since june 09.
So yeah, Q is as fishy as the next guy to me.
the minute you say "a white man cannot sing as well as a black man" you are making a superiority claim and introducing racism.

The minute I say that then come back and try and challenge me. Until then, don't waste your time.
It wasn't what the media wrote or quoted though, it's a video showing Quincy Jones saying untrue things about Michael and his skin color. Which I thought was what you and LTD were referring to.
It wasn't what the media wrote or quoted though, it's a video showing Quincy Jones saying untrue things about Michael and his skin color. Which I thought was what you and LTD were referring to.

True. I'll try to explain my point of view more clearly.

- first u have the lies reported by the media. That, I usually dont pay attention to, b/c as I said earlier, I want to hear/read it from the source. Although I have to add that it depends on the media. I trust a few.
- then u have the real comments, like in Q's case. There, you can't deny he said it. Which doesnt mean I'm gonna agree with it. It just proves that the comment is real, not that it's not BS.

See what I mean?
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