The Cascio's will be on Oprah on Dec 6th!

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But wouldn't this be equally true if the tracks are genuine!?

Does everything in life HAVE to be a conspiracy?

I guess, to some people, the answer is 'yes'.

I know right. So annoying
Did Katherine really do that with McMillan and Branca?
Even if there's footage showing MJ recording these songs, the naysayers will find some way to say the vocals are still fake. They'd probably say it's not MJ in the footage, but a stand in. **rolling eyes**

Show me the footage first!
MJsBack;3097229 said:
According to all the speculations about the song Breaking News i just got the idea to check the situation in the FOR THE RECORD Book! the book was written by Chris Cadman & Craig Halstead and contains a discographic chronological list of all released and unreleased material by Michael Jackson and seems very trustfull and 100 % realistic to me! I checked the updated 2nd edition that was revised and expanded and was issued shortly after Michael´s passing !

I tried to find songs that were leaked on www the last few month.

I found "Do you know where your children are"<added info="">(Song Michael cited he had written in his court deposition in November 1993-remains unreleased) & "Much too soon"<added info="">(Song Michael wrote circa 1981 and cited by him in his court deposition in November 1993) in the official section of released songs!!!

I also tried to find Breaking News. I found NOTHING in relate of that song in that book. Only a song called Breaking and a song called Monster in the FAKE SECTION!!!

Above is a complete LIE!
If You not want to call it a lie, it is absolute WRONG INFORMATION!

As i have the book "For The Record -2nd edition-" myself, i know for a fact, that there is no such thing as a Fake Section! 'Breaking' & 'Monster' are in the section "Rumour Has It" with the underscore "Songs might excist, might not excist".

Thats why the people claiming "FAKE" loose their credibility, because they pull everything, everyone & every quote into their corner to try to paint a picture of conspiracy & FAKE. Even if it's clearly wrong what is being quoted/stated/ or what so ever!

Opposed to the wrong info above it is more like an evidence for there were rumours about 'Monster' & 'Breaking' being recorded!

You can't use as evidence to proof 'Monster' & 'Breaking' being fake!
Of course the vocals on the MICHAEL album are all Michael Jackson's. It's very easy to tell, in tone and rhythm, phrasing, even subject matter. The reason they may sound "different" to some is that a few of the tracks were more like demos -- relaxed guiding vocals to be re-recorded later -- and not finalized by MJ with his usual energy and power, but certainly him. The producers had to bring in some background singers to fill a handful of the tracks out. What's the big deal? This is done ALL of the time in the industry, even by MJ himself in the past, especially in concert. It's a common practice, not some kind of insidious plot to fool the fans.

It is clear to me that all this uproar is an extension of everyone's unresolved grief from June of 2009. And that is completely understandable. We all lost someone we deeply loved, someone that touched and changed all our lives forever. What I don't understand is why a few loud (and dare I say unreasonable) voices would want to douse this flame of hope and excitement we have now been given -- one of the few such moments in the past year and a half. This moment, this album, should be a celebration of the love and magic we lost -- something to share with the entire world -- and not some kind of unsubstantiated rant about false recordings and conspiracies. This is the kind of madness that MJ faced in life.

Let's all give him the peace and respect he deserves now...
Why does every thread end with the same argument?? Somebody saying it is Michael, Somebody saying it isn't Michael.... and then the one's saying leave it to yourselves to decide....

And to quote various posts I have seen sooooo many times here:

"If you want to buy the album, buy it. If ya don't, don't"!!!!!!

I am soooo excited about this release I really can't wait!
Of course the vocals on the MICHAEL album are all Michael Jackson's. It's very easy to tell, in tone and rhythm, phrasing, even subject matter. The reason they may sound "different" to some is that a few of the tracks were more like demos -- relaxed guiding vocals to be re-recorded later -- and not finalized by MJ with his usual energy and power, but certainly him. The producers had to bring in some background singers to fill a handful of the tracks out. What's the big deal? This is done ALL of the time in the industry, even by MJ himself in the past, especially in concert. It's a common practice, not some kind of insidious plot to fool the fans.

Surely he would need to record the demos full out, to be able to tell if the song would work or not. I mean, we have never heard a demo from him before where he is holding back so much.

I'm no Michael Jackson, but if I was recording a demo then I would definately sing it full out just to be able to get a better idea of how well the song would work.

The only time I could see him making such little effort with his vocals would be when he was just starting to create the song. It certainly wouldnt be at a point where he would be recording guide vocals. At that point he would had to have sang it full out to be able to tell if the song would work or not.
Of course the vocals on the MICHAEL album are all Michael Jackson's. It's very easy to tell, in tone and rhythm, phrasing, even subject matter. The reason they may sound "different" to some is that a few of the tracks were more like demos -- relaxed guiding vocals to be re-recorded later -- and not finalized by MJ with his usual energy and power, but certainly him. The producers had to bring in some background singers to fill a handful of the tracks out. What's the big deal? This is done ALL of the time in the industry, even by MJ himself in the past, especially in concert. It's a common practice, not some kind of insidious plot to fool the fans.

It is clear to me that all this uproar is an extension of everyone's unresolved grief from June of 2009. And that is completely understandable. We all lost someone we deeply loved, someone that touched and changed all our lives forever. What I don't understand is why a few loud (and dare I say unreasonable) voices would want to douse this flame of hope and excitement we have now been given -- one of the few such moments in the past year and a half. This moment, this album, should be a celebration of the love and magic we lost -- something to share with the entire world -- and not some kind of unsubstantiated rant about false recordings and conspiracies. This is the kind of madness that MJ faced in life.

Let's all give him the peace and respect he deserves now...

Nothing more has to be said!
Great Post!
I'll always simply quote this, when there is the need for it.
I tend to let me pull into this negative vibe, which is on here...
Thanx for reminding me, cause i'm out of the same boat as You are, Boo Man!
It wouldn't matter one jot if they did to the 'Conspiracy' 'fanatics' on here, and we know it.

Even if Mj appeared himself - a lovely vision from heaven - and said "I am on these tracks and happy for them to be released", the 'Conspiracy' 'fanatics' would say "Sony faked the vision!" and "Quincy is our new leader. Quincy and Taj (and maybe La Toya) are our new leaders. Only them will we obey!"*

* Or some such sh**

yea like someone saying the audio of the real video has been replaced with breaking news vocals haha
Of course the vocals on the MICHAEL album are all Michael Jackson's. It's very easy to tell, in tone and rhythm, phrasing, even subject matter. The reason they may sound "different" to some is that a few of the tracks were more like demos -- relaxed guiding vocals to be re-recorded later -- and not finalized by MJ with his usual energy and power, but certainly him. The producers had to bring in some background singers to fill a handful of the tracks out. What's the big deal? This is done ALL of the time in the industry, even by MJ himself in the past, especially in concert. It's a common practice, not some kind of insidious plot to fool the fans.

It is clear to me that all this uproar is an extension of everyone's unresolved grief from June of 2009. And that is completely understandable. We all lost someone we deeply loved, someone that touched and changed all our lives forever. What I don't understand is why a few loud (and dare I say unreasonable) voices would want to douse this flame of hope and excitement we have now been given -- one of the few such moments in the past year and a half. This moment, this album, should be a celebration of the love and magic we lost -- something to share with the entire world -- and not some kind of unsubstantiated rant about false recordings and conspiracies. This is the kind of madness that MJ faced in life.

Let's all give him the peace and respect he deserves now...

You can give Michael your respect by not buying this album. It's obvious 'Breaking News', 'Keep Your Head Up' and 'Monster' are fake. It has nothing to do with fans' unresolved grief, it's just plain simple: IT'S NOT MICHAEL JACKSON ON THOSE TRACKS. I have been listening to his music for over 20 years, finished songs, demos, you name it. I have never heard a demo of MJ on which his voice sounds as bad and unrecognizable as it does on those Cascio tracks.

Therefore, I say respect Michael by not buying this fake album and enjoy each real MJ song (demo). Just don't support this obvious fraud, scam by Sony.
To be brutally honest..............

The only one profiting from Michael's 2010 Christmas is Oprah..............

.......When is someone gonna stop that parasite????
I actually think the Cascio's are good people. In over 26 years I've never seen or heard about them betraying MJ and they've been very supportive through everything. I actually think the Cascio's were closer to MJ and his kids than Mike's real family was and that says a lot
Just saying, it wouldnt be the first time that someone betrayed Michael after standing by him so long.

Members here spend a lot of time criticizing Quincy Jones, how close to Michael was he at one point?

Didnt the Cascio's register these songs just a few days after MJ's death? Gosh they must have been grieving so much! :mello:

Members criticize Quincy Jones not because they feel like it. They criticize him because he said all those horrible things about Michael. It's not like we woke up one day and thought, why not criticize Quincy today. When Quincy gave all those interviews last year, it was obvious that he had it coming.

And in the Cascios' case, people are criticizing in advance. You didn't even give them a chance to tell their side of the story but you already assume that they are betrayers even though in the last 20 years they were one of the most loyal people around Michael. I am not saying all that because I am their fan or something like that. I just don't feel it's right to bash someone in advance before they actually did something wrong. Why don't you want to believe in good in people? Innocent until proven guilty, remember?
Well, we also have Grace saying that Katherine called her when MJ had passed and asked her where all money were in the house (Carolwood). Apparantly, the family were looking for cash but couldnt find any.

We also have Londell McMillan saying Katherine called him on the day Michael passed to come to the house and talk about the the next step.

Then we have John Branca saying in an interview that the family clapped their hands when Branca unveiled the will and said who is getting what etc.

Does this mean Katherine is not grieving? NO, its pretty clear she is. I also think it is pretty clear the Cascios have been grieving, just look at the video of Frank 1-2 days after MJ passed. He looks sooo grief-stricken.. been crying and eyes all red. Its unfair to say someone not been grieving. I mean, i guess Katherine had her reason to call Londell the same day Michael passed, just as the Cascios felt the need to register the songs.

And who can forget Joe Jackson promoting his record label the next day after his son passed.

You can give Michael your respect by not buying this album. It's obvious 'Breaking News', 'Keep Your Head Up' and 'Monster' are fake. It has nothing to do with fans' unresolved grief, it's just plain simple: IT'S NOT MICHAEL JACKSON ON THOSE TRACKS. I have been listening to his music for over 20 years, finished songs, demos, you name it. I have never heard a demo of MJ on which his voice sounds as bad and unrecognizable as it does on those Cascio tracks.

Therefore, I say respect Michael by not buying this fake album and enjoy each real MJ song (demo). Just don't support this obvious fraud, scam by Sony.

Well, I for one am hearing Michael on the Keep Your Head Up track. I've also been listening to him for over 20 years and on that song it sounds like him to me.
Well we are 11 days from finding out! I for one am very excited for this episode. Hold My Hand video, Teddy Riley, and the Cascio's all on Oprah. MJ's album is going to get great press from this I hope. Anything on Oprah sells like hot cakes, so with MICHAEL and HMH being talked about, sales will for sure benefit.

Yes I am exited too.

I think this is great promotion for Michael.

I just hope they keep it very positive.
Surely he would need to record the demos full out, to be able to tell if the song would work or not. I mean, we have never heard a demo from him before where he is holding back so much.

I'm no Michael Jackson, but if I was recording a demo then I would definately sing it full out just to be able to get a better idea of how well the song would work.

The only time I could see him making such little effort with his vocals would be when he was just starting to create the song. It certainly wouldnt be at a point where he would be recording guide vocals. At that point he would had to have sang it full out to be able to tell if the song would work or not.

He used a relaxed, mellow tone when recording the demo for Fall Again.

You can give Michael your respect by not buying this album. It's obvious 'Breaking News', 'Keep Your Head Up' and 'Monster' are fake. It has nothing to do with fans' unresolved grief, it's just plain simple: IT'S NOT MICHAEL JACKSON ON THOSE TRACKS. I have been listening to his music for over 20 years, finished songs, demos, you name it. I have never heard a demo of MJ on which his voice sounds as bad and unrecognizable as it does on those Cascio tracks.

Therefore, I say respect Michael by not buying this fake album and enjoy each real MJ song (demo). Just don't support this obvious fraud, scam by Sony.

You're not the only person whose been listening to Michael for over 20 years, not even on this forum. Many of us have been listening to him for a similar amount of time and still feel it's him on Breaking News and Keep Your Head Up, you can't speak on Monster since it has yet to be leaked, and what was leaked wasn't enough to tell who's singing the song. In fact, I know with all my heart that it's Michael on KYHU. Again, your opinion, is not a fact, don't try to push it as one and claim we aren't respecting Michael because we believe it's his vocals and will be purchasing the album.

Oh, Happy Thanksgiving everone! :cheers:
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I think you will find that the millions watching will care more about what the Cascios say than they will about what is said on MJ forums like this.

If the Cascios come across as convincing, it will go a long way to stopping the harm some 'fans' have been trying to aim at 'Michael'.

I hope they do well, the show gives good promotion to the album, and the 'haters' are defeated once again, with 'Michael' getting to number 1.

Go the Cascios! Go Michael!!

You are forgetting it's fans or people already familiar with Michael Jackson you are talking about. They buy his albums the most. We are not talking about a new artist who's goal is just to gain new record buyers. And earlier, dedicated fans can't be fooled by someone who is pretending to be convincing about Michael. This is all fake and about money and I don't like it at all...
Members criticize Quincy Jones not because they feel like it. They criticize him because he said all those horrible things about Michael. It's not like we woke up one day and thought, why not criticize Quincy today. When Quincy gave all those interviews last year, it was obvious that he had it coming.

And in the Cascios' case, people are criticizing in advance. You didn't even give them a chance to tell their side of the story but you already assume that they are betrayers even though in the last 20 years they were one of the most loyal people around Michael. I am not saying all that because I am their fan or something like that. I just don't feel it's right to bash someone in advance before they actually did something wrong. Why don't you want to believe in good in people? Innocent until proven guilty, remember?

I wanted to quote this for truth.

I personally cannot understand why people do not even give Cascio's benefit of the doubt and suddenly label them as liars and opportunistic people.
deary me. oprahs laughing her head off. best thing that happened to her carrer since the mj interview in 93.

re friedman its pretty obvious hes getting info from the cascios. if u read his articcles. hes pally with frank and was given defence info from franks lawyer during 03-05 aswell
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Members criticize Quincy Jones not because they feel like it. They criticize him because he said all those horrible things about Michael. It's not like we woke up one day and thought, why not criticize Quincy today. When Quincy gave all those interviews last year, it was obvious that he had it coming.

And in the Cascios' case, people are criticizing in advance. You didn't even give them a chance to tell their side of the story but you already assume that they are betrayers even though in the last 20 years they were one of the most loyal people around Michael. I am not saying all that because I am their fan or something like that. I just don't feel it's right to bash someone in advance before they actually did something wrong. Why don't you want to believe in good in people? Innocent until proven guilty, remember?

Great post, thank you! :)
Members criticize Quincy Jones not because they feel like it. They criticize him because he said all those horrible things about Michael. It's not like we woke up one day and thought, why not criticize Quincy today. When Quincy gave all those interviews last year, it was obvious that he had it coming.

And in the Cascios' case, people are criticizing in advance. You didn't even give them a chance to tell their side of the story but you already assume that they are betrayers even though in the last 20 years they were one of the most loyal people around Michael. I am not saying all that because I am their fan or something like that. I just don't feel it's right to bash someone in advance before they actually did something wrong. Why don't you want to believe in good in people? Innocent until proven guilty, remember?

I havent accussed the Cascio's of anything. I dont know who is responsible.

None of us have ever seen a video of Quincy saying bad things about Michael, we should all know by now that the press twist things.....Until I see a video of him saying these things about MJ then I wont believe it.
I think I'd like to clarify a few things.

I'm not here to accuse the Cascio's of any intentional fraud or to question their ethics and morals here as I don't know them personally. In fact they certainly were loving friends/confidantes of Michael when he was alive so I have no reason to think otherwise.

I'm just a fan - I have no agendas - I don't stand to win or lose from any estate deals! LOL. when I heard the Breaking News snippet I didn't hear/feel Michael in the song and personally didn't feel that the song was one to include in a posthamus album of this legend (I havent heard any of the other tracks in question).

I am not the slightest bit influenced by Jackson family members because I have ears and can think for my own. I don't know the Jackson family or the T's either to pass any judgement on their character - I just feel the blame and bashing towards the family isn't really justified - in the sense that they too seem to question the authenticity of some of the songs getting included in the album.

I will still buy the album as I don't want to miss out on anything Michael Jackson - not in my lifetime.... I miss this man sooo soo much. :)

Will be interesting to see the Cascios on Oprah (slghtly odd theyll be on it). But I really look forward to being convinced this is indeed Michael. Im all ears..I promise.
It wouldn't matter one jot if they did to the 'Conspiracy' 'fanatics' on here, and we know it.

Even if Mj appeared himself - a lovely vision from heaven - and said "I am on these tracks and happy for them to be released", the 'Conspiracy' 'fanatics' would say "Sony faked the vision!" and "Quincy is our new leader. Quincy and Taj (and maybe La Toya) are our new leaders. Only them will we obey!"*

* Or some such sh**
Conspiracy? This is no conspiracy, mate.

Saying that Sony planned to kill MJ, MJ's still alive, etc. are conspiracy theories, but when 70% of the fans let out a collective "WTF?!" after hearing some songs that don't sound like Michael Jackson at all, it's certainly not.
I havent accussed the Cascio's of anything. I dont know who is responsible.

None of us have ever seen a video of Quincy saying bad things about Michael, we should all know by now that the press twist things.....Until I see a video of him saying these things about MJ then I wont believe it.

Michael was in denial? He wanted to look different to the point where he got chemical peels? He was self destructive?

There you have it, for your own eyes.
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