The Cascio's will be on Oprah on Dec 6th!

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I dont understand how some "fans" can accuse the cascios of using MJ. They knew him since the mid 80s, they were Michaels REAL family, it wasen´t a coincidence he called them " the first family of love".

They never betrayed him never sold a story.
This shall be interesting. Can't wait to see what they say.

Interesting. Would love 3T to come along as well, and we could have some proper Jerry Springer-type action going down....

It wouldn't matter one jot if they did to the 'Conspiracy' 'fanatics' on here, and we know it.

Even if Mj appeared himself - a lovely vision from heaven - and said "I am on these tracks and happy for them to be released", the 'Conspiracy' 'fanatics' would say "Sony faked the vision!" and "Quincy is our new leader. Quincy and Taj (and maybe La Toya) are our new leaders. Only them will we obey!"*

Sadly, you're exactly correct...
Erikmjfan;3097223 said:
I dont understand how some "fans" can accuse the cascios of using MJ. They knew him since the mid 80s, they were Michaels REAL family, it wasen´t a coincidence he called them " the first family of love".

They never betrayed him never sold a story.
your argument is never supported by downgrading the ones you disagree with. MJ also called Berry Gordy the father he never had.

and there are other ways people have betrayed MJ.
he's said a lot of wonderful things about people who later betrayed him.

careful with the glass.
seems to be a trend, if you're not convinced.
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According to all the speculations about the song Breaking News i just got the idea to check the situation in the FOR THE RECORD Book! the book was written by Chris Cadman & Craig Halstead and contains a discographic chronological list of all released and unreleased material by Michael Jackson and seems very trustfull and 100 % realistic to me! I checked the updated 2nd edition that was revised and expanded and was issued shortly after Michael´s passing !

I tried to find songs that were leaked on www the last few month.

I found "Do you know where your children are"<added info="">(Song Michael cited he had written in his court deposition in November 1993-remains unreleased) & "Much too soon"<added info="">(Song Michael wrote circa 1981 and cited by him in his court deposition in November 1993) in the official section of released songs!!!

I also tried to find Breaking News. I found NOTHING in relate of that song in that book. Only a song called Breaking and a song called Monster in the FAKE SECTION!!!
I'll be very interested to hear how they explain MIchael's vocal transformation. ''
MJsBack;3097229 said:
According to all the speculations about the song Breaking News i just got the idea to check the situation in the FOR THE RECORD Book! the book was written by Chris Cadman & Craig Halstead and contains a discographic chronological list of all released and unreleased material by Michael Jackson and seems very trustfull and 100 % realistic to me! I checked the updated 2nd edition that was revised and expanded and was issued shortly after Michael´s passing !

I tried to find songs that were leaked on www the last few month.

I found "Do you know where your children are"<ADDED info="">(Song Michael cited he had written in his court deposition in November 1993-remains unreleased) & "Much too soon"<ADDED info="">(Song Michael wrote circa 1981 and cited by him in his court deposition in November 1993) in the official section of released songs!!!
I also tried to find Breaking News. I found NOTHING in relate of that song in that book. Only a song called Breaking and a song called Monster in the FAKE SECTION!!!

step out of the way of the gunfire.
Wish people woud toughen up, defend their position and stop screaming tired, lame personal attack, personal attack.
MJsBack;3097229 said:
According to all the speculations about the song Breaking News i just got the idea to check the situation in the FOR THE RECORD Book! the book was written by Chris Cadman & Craig Halstead and contains a discographic chronological list of all released and unreleased material by Michael Jackson and seems very trustfull and 100 % realistic to me! I checked the updated 2nd edition that was revised and expanded and was issued shortly after Michael´s passing !

I tried to find songs that were leaked on www the last few month.

I found "Do you know where your children are"<added info="">(Song Michael cited he had written in his court deposition in November 1993-remains unreleased) & "Much too soon"<added info="">(Song Michael wrote circa 1981 and cited by him in his court deposition in November 1993) in the official section of released songs!!!

I also tried to find Breaking News. I found NOTHING in relate of that song in that book. Only a song called Breaking and a song called Monster in the FAKE SECTION!!!

It's probably only come to light that Michael recorded anything at the home of the Cascio's after the book was published, they we're never finished by MJ. Don't forget that.
This will be interesting. As for the FOR THE RECORD book, it never had any of the Cascio tapes because these songs were done privately in someones house. It wasn't the usual process of registration and buying time at a studio.

As for this show, I think it will be very interesting. We will have the Cascio family, Teddy Riley, and the Hold My Hand video debuting all in the same hour. Regardless of your position on the 3 songs, this is HUGE promotion for the new album. Not many albums get an Oprah episode dedicated to them.
Erikmjfan;3097223 said:
I dont understand how some "fans" can accuse the cascios of using MJ. They knew him since the mid 80s, they were Michaels REAL family, it wasen´t a coincidence he called them " the first family of love".

They never betrayed him never sold a story.

Zero criticism of your post.!!! Only see you respectfully expressing your god given right.
Wish people woud toughen up, defend their position and stop screaming tired, lame personal attack, personal attack.

You are spot on with that one Max! It does become rather tired when the "personal attack" card is played repeatedly.

Anyway...this particular episode of Oprah will be most intriguing, here's hoping Eddie Cascio can silence the cynical crowd once and for all.
Although I have high hopes, I do expect the "fake vocals/fake tracks" mentality of some to continue no matter what evidence to the contrary is delivered.
Im a bit worried if Oprah will try to squeeze in some special questions about Michaels friendsship with the Cascio kids. She has done it before so why not now?

There are plenty of pics of the kids traveling with Michael at a very young age. Maybe Oprah will show these pics to the viewers and If I know Oprah right, she will find any oppurtunity to ask the Cascios what they saw/did not saw and if they for once thought MJ could be.. yeah you know. The same question she asked Katherine.

My hope is the episode will solely be focused on the upcoming album and their long loving friendsship without any sneaky and nasty questions from Oprah.
OMG !?
Why is it that Oprah had interviewed with ALL these people who have something to do with Michael?
She interviewed Lisa
Then Katherine and children,
and now Cascio!?!??!?!?
If I know Oprah right, she will find any oppurtunity to ask the Cascios what they saw/did not saw and if they for once thought MJ could be.. yeah you know. The same question she asked Katherine.

I didn't even really notice when watching the interview... but now that you mention it: You're right, she asked an eighty year old mother if she thought her gone son could have been a pedophile. This is really respectless!! :(
OMG !?
Why is it that Oprah had interviewed with ALL these people who have something to do with Michael?
She interviewed Lisa
Then Katherine and children,
and now Cascio!?!??!?!?

Oprah is all for ratings we know that but honestly there wouldnt be any interview if LMP and Katherine didnt grant Oprah an interview, right?
Erikmjfan;3097223 said:
I dont understand how some "fans" can accuse the cascios of using MJ. They knew him since the mid 80s, they were Michaels REAL family, it wasen´t a coincidence he called them " the first family of love".

They never betrayed him never sold a story.

Just saying, it wouldnt be the first time that someone betrayed Michael after standing by him so long.

Members here spend a lot of time criticizing Quincy Jones, how close to Michael was he at one point?

Didnt the Cascio's register these songs just a few days after MJ's death? Gosh they must have been grieving so much! :mello:
*Little Suzie*;3097265 said:
OMG !?
Why is it that Oprah had interviewed with ALL these people who have something to do with Michael?
She interviewed Lisa
Then Katherine and children,
and now Cascio!?!??!?!?

Ýou forgot to mention Jackie. I heard Oprah is still on the hunt for Debbie Rowe.
It's good they're speaking up, but unless they have any sort of evidence or proof Michael Jackson is singing, its all redundant.

Going on a show and saying "Michael was proud of these songs" or something isn't proof of anything. It doesn't explain why - for these sessions only - he sounded like someone else. Video footage or an original song where he sounds like his usual self would go a long way in convincing some of us.
I think it doesn't look good these Cascios speak. Because the audience doesnt care about what they say. I don't like some of this family. If they weren't after money they wouldn't have released any very much incomplete tracks.
I think it doesn't look good these Cascios speak. Because the audience doesnt care about what they say. I don't like some of this family. If they weren't after money they wouldn't have released any very much incomplete tracks.

I think you will find that the millions watching will care more about what the Cascios say than they will about what is said on MJ forums like this.

If the Cascios come across as convincing, it will go a long way to stopping the harm some 'fans' have been trying to aim at 'Michael'.

I hope they do well, the show gives good promotion to the album, and the 'haters' are defeated once again, with 'Michael' getting to number 1.

Go the Cascios! Go Michael!!
Again, that's what they're hoping for. That people who have limited interest in Michael Jackson will buy the album/songs without question and little fanfare.

I'm not saying the tracks are fake: just that if they were, the points you mention are exactly what they're banking on.
Didnt the Cascio's register these songs just a few days after MJ's death? Gosh they must have been grieving so much! :mello:

Well, we also have Grace saying that Katherine called her when MJ had passed and asked her where all money were in the house (Carolwood). Apparantly, the family were looking for cash but couldnt find any.

We also have Londell McMillan saying Katherine called him on the day Michael passed to come to the house and talk about the the next step.

Then we have John Branca saying in an interview that the family clapped their hands when Branca unveiled the will and said who is getting what etc.

Does this mean Katherine is not grieving? NO, its pretty clear she is. I also think it is pretty clear the Cascios have been grieving, just look at the video of Frank 1-2 days after MJ passed. He looks sooo grief-stricken.. been crying and eyes all red. Its unfair to say someone not been grieving. I mean, i guess Katherine had her reason to call Londell the same day Michael passed, just as the Cascios felt the need to register the songs.
Again, that's what they're hoping for. That people who have limited interest in Michael Jackson will buy the album/songs without question and little fanfare.

I'm not saying the tracks are fake: just that if they were, the points you mention are exactly what they're banking on.

But wouldn't this be equally true if the tracks are genuine!?

Does everything in life HAVE to be a conspiracy?

I guess, to some people, the answer is 'yes'.
I wonder whether Michael Jackson's children (Prince, Paris, and Blanket) will be spending the Christmas season with the Cascio Family again, like they did last year.
In any case, HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL!!!!!:popcorn:
Even if there's footage showing MJ recording these songs, the naysayers will find some way to say the vocals are still fake. They'd probably say it's not MJ in the footage, but a stand in. **rolling eyes**
Well, we also have Grace saying that Katherine called her when MJ had passed and asked her where all money were in the house (Carolwood). Apparantly, the family were looking for cash but couldnt find any.

We also have Londell McMillan saying Katherine called him on the day Michael passed to come to the house and talk about the the next step.

Then we have John Branca saying in an interview that the family clapped their hands when Branca unveiled the will and said who is getting what etc.

Does this mean Katherine is not grieving? NO, its pretty clear she is. I also think it is pretty clear the Cascios have been grieving, just look at the video of Frank 1-2 days after MJ passed. He looks sooo grief-stricken.. been crying and eyes all red. Its unfair to say someone not been grieving. I mean, i guess Katherine had her reason to call Londell the same day Michael passed, just as the Cascios felt the need to register the songs.

Those are all normal things that need to be taken care off after someone has passed away. People dont neccesarily like to do those things, but its best to get them out of the way before you grieve. Its quite common to deal with what happens with the persons possesions and money after they pass away.

Registering songs after someone has passed away isnt something that needs to be done.

Even if there's footage showing MJ recording these songs, the naysayers will find some way to say the vocals are still fake. They'd probably say it's not MJ in the footage, but a stand in. **rolling eyes**

What do you base that on?? The only 'proof' we have dismissed so far is a statement from the Estate and random claims from people 'close' to Michael.

How do you know that we would brush it off if REAL evidence is presented to us? Do you think we like being in this position where we are against the album? Do you not think we would rather be enjoying listening to these songs with you all, and looking forward to a brand new album? I'd LOVE to be doing that, but I cant allow myself to believe these vocals are real, unless I am presented with real proof. Then I would be satisfied with the songs being real and would join you all in looking forward to the album!
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Even if there's footage showing MJ recording these songs, the naysayers will find some way to say the vocals are still fake. They'd probably say it's not MJ in the footage, but a stand in. **rolling eyes**

And even if there is no proof, people who think he's on the tracks will use what they say to strengthen their argument.

It's something that works both ways.
Well we are 11 days from finding out! I for one am very excited for this episode. Hold My Hand video, Teddy Riley, and the Cascio's all on Oprah. MJ's album is going to get great press from this I hope. Anything on Oprah sells like hot cakes, so with MICHAEL and HMH being talked about, sales will for sure benefit.
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