Studios Competing For Michael Jackson Concert Film; Rehearsal Footage set for release Oct. (Merged)

Re: Michael jackson this is it footage film

yeah same, although i'll have to taken a load of tissues with me, it would be so amazing yet so sad to watch
Re: Michael jackson this is it footage film

so this going to released in theater in october?
Re: Michael jackson this is it footage film

Ooooo this sounds cool :D cant wait to see it
Re: Michael jackson this is it footage film

What happened to the over 100 hours of footage? Now it's 80? :rolleyes2:
Re: Michael jackson this is it footage film

Will be very difficult for me to watch. I was so close to seeing him live

yeah same, it was going to be the best night of my life, still, i am glad the footage will be released, I'd hate to not see the work MJ put in for us fans, and I think he'd want us to see what he had planned
Re: Michael jackson this is it footage film

I would think so too. I sord of can't wait to see it, even though I'll be sad at the same time.
Re: Michael jackson this is it footage film

yeah same, it was going to be the best night of my life, still, i am glad the footage will be released, I'd hate to not see the work MJ put in for us fans, and I think he'd want us to see what he had planned

I agree, I just hate the money going to AEG and Sony
Re: Where's the 6/24 Practice Footage?

yea interesting question. the 24th rehearsal would obviously be the more recent, so maybe they should release wouldnt make sense for the 23rd rehearsals to be better than the 24th one.
Re: Where's the 6/24 Practice Footage?

It's because on the 24th they rehearsed only a few songs. On the 23rd the whole show (or almost the whole show) was rehearsed.
Re: Where's the 6/24 Practice Footage?

They'll probably combine the best footage of both together into one movie.
Re: Where's the 6/24 Practice Footage?

I asked because I would like to see how he looked the day before he died performance wise, not two days before. If he was complaining about not feeling well that day, I want to see if it shows in the performance.
Re: Where's the 6/24 Practice Footage?

arghhh i dont' want that..why in this day and age can't we have access to more things...its always someone else picking and choosing instead of realeasing it all normally and having us decide things..all bout money...

they should release every footage night, in its entirety..all the '100 hours' randy 'okay' phillips goes on about and not pick and todays generation of having access to alot of things, some good some bad ...

we should at least be able to see ALL of this footage as it is purely good , uplifting, inspiring, inspirational stuff..nothing bad whatsoever..and yet we will only get portions of it all...well i hope not
Re: Where's the 6/24 Practice Footage?

Probably will be a combination of all rehearsal footage, to give us the best experience.

Re: Where's the 6/24 Practice Footage?

its a shame that we will probably only see 2 out of 100 hours of footage
Re: Where's the 6/24 Practice Footage?

It annoys me when they show the They Don't Care About Us piece and say it was his last rehearsal when it WASN'T :rolleyes2:
Re: Michael Jackson's rehearsal footage: Everybody wants it

so a film is confirmed?
Re: Studios Competing For Michael Jackson Concert Film; Bidding Began At $50M

Looks like Sony is the front runner for this. We're looking at 1200 hours of recorded footage it seems, with a theatrical release in October and a tv special. Glad to see no time is wasted...shit.
Re: Studios Competing For Michael Jackson Concert Film; Bidding Began At $50M

By shopping it round and getting people to compete the value just goes up and up. Trust me AEG know exactly what they are doing :(

I am really fighting with my own thoughts about whether I want to see it, I bet I'm not the only one here feeling like that. I don't want to give money to AEG, but part of me wants to see the footage... They(AEG) knew we'd feel this way and thats what makes me feel sick.
Don't worry it'll be posted on youtube for the whole world to see him 'at his best'.
I don't want to watch it and I'd not want others to watch it. I hope the footages will be lost or destroyed.
Re: Studios Competing For Michael Jackson Concert Film; Bidding Began At $50M

I'm not bothered by the fact they are going to release the footage but I'm bothered about how they are going to treat it, hopefully Kenny Ortega will be directing it so that it does the show justice.
Re: Where's the 6/24 Practice Footage?

its a shame that we will probably only see 2 out of 100 hours of footage

I think everyone is looking at this the wrong way.... you need to look at the amount of hours in footage from an editors perspective:

Every filmed activity in showbiz has over xxx hours worth in film.
However; this is raw footage from _all_ cameras.


4 hours of mike rehearsing with approximately 8 camera`s (not unusual for Mike) means 32 hours worth of raw footage.

They (AEG) could simply mean the rehearsalfootage from the last three rehearsals (including the full dressed one). That would be a little over 100 hours of footage.

So... we`ll see teh footage, but it will be a selection from the best camerapositions (as usual).
Re: Michael Jackson's rehearsal footage: Everybody wants it

I hope it goes to a good home. I can't bare the idea of Fox getting it, come to that or Sony, who tried (and may have suceeded in destroying him.)