Studios Competing For Michael Jackson Concert Film; Rehearsal Footage set for release Oct. (Merged)

Re: TII rehearsal videos bought by Sony!

if this is released in the cinema...i got a few words


and great news that 90% is going to Michaels trust
Re: TII rehearsal videos bought by Sony!

if it's released to all cinemas..I don't know if I can watch it here.. 'cause I will be crying hysterically..especially through all the slow songs and all the songs that really matters to me.I'm very sure of that..
maybe there will be fan groups that goes to the cinema together which I could join

I will buy the dvd.
Re: TII rehearsal videos bought by Sony!

I just can't wait to see the material. Thanks for posting!
Re: TII rehearsal videos bought by Sony!

they can't wait to make money off of him

i understand your anger but mottola has been gone for a while, and as far as i understand the person in charge is a former recording artist.....meaning someone who is more involved and hopefully knows what's best for artists.

i think i read somewhere that this person met michael recently and michael said "a lot has changed since i was last here" or something along those lines.

let's wait and see, personally i'd be more upset if they WOULDN'T release the footage.
Re: TII rehearsal videos bought by Sony!

This actually makes a lot of sense. Sony has the "hot ticket" series and last year they released a live version of the final performance of Rent to movie theatres (which I went and saw and it was FANTASTIC) and it ran for a few nights only and was quite the experience - like being there but CLOSER! it was then eventually released on blu-ray/DVD

so I could see them doing the same thing with the rehearsal video. i think its a great idea. on the big screen with big sound... it'll bee like being there!
Re: TII rehearsal videos bought by Sony!

Where does it say 90% goes to his trust/kids? Was this a quote of someone saying that or just part of a story. I'm just dubious as its a good thing to say to make us go and forget about AEG as we think it goes to the kids... I'm not saying its a lie I just want to know who said it...
Re: TII rehearsal videos bought by Sony!

If this does get released by Sony let's hope it's the full thing and not little snippets
Re: TII rehearsal videos bought by Sony!

The theater would be great, then a DVD release!

(BUT... God I hope they subtitle it when it's released in Germany instead of the usual dubbed-over crap, or I am so going the Netherlands for it instead! How depressing if we hear Michael speak but can't actually hear his voice because of the voice-overs. I want to see it with other fans, but want to hear it in its real form, you know. Blah, blah, nevermind, just my personal pet peeve about living outside my own country... the dang German dubbing, lol ;))
Re: TII rehearsal videos bought by Sony!

don't worry too much on the promotion.
I read this article still w/o confirmation and told my friends and their like hysterical already!
they're more excited than I am.

I just hope this would be a worldwide release I can't afford to wait-- October's far enough for me.

gadd I only hope it'll be decent and good.
Re: TII rehearsal videos bought by Sony!

Mj in theater and then blu-ray coming soon? Sad that he not here but MJ in 1080P,wow!
Re: TII rehearsal videos bought by Sony!

The theater would be great, then a DVD release!

(BUT... God I hope they subtitle it when it's released in Germany instead of the usual dubbed-over crap, or I am so going the Netherlands for it instead! How depressing if we hear Michael speak but can't actually hear his voice because of the voice-overs. I want to see it with other fans, but want to hear it in its real form, you know. Blah, blah, nevermind, just my personal pet peeve about living outside my own country... the dang German dubbing, lol ;))

Germany still overdub audio ???:S:S:S:S:S:S: why ? ? ? ? Because it's cheap?
Re: TII rehearsal videos bought by Sony!

Germany still overdub audio ???:S:S:S:S:S:S: why ? ? ? ? Because it's cheap?

cheaper and easier then trying to teach all the cast german :lol:

spose its becuase they want people to understand what people are saying and maybe it boosts sales
Re: TII rehearsal videos bought by Sony!

cheaper and easier then trying to teach all the cast german :lol:

spose its becuase they want people to understand what people are saying and maybe it boosts sales

Why don't they use subtitles? I've always wondered about that. I have many German programs but never watch them because they overdub everything.
Re: TII rehearsal videos bought by Sony!

cheaper and easier then trying to teach all the cast german :lol:

spose its becuase they want people to understand what people are saying and maybe it boosts sales
Yeah, almost everything in Germany is dubbed over. Drives me nuts. I mean, in America when I rented a French film I didn't want it dubbed into English! I wanted it in French with subs, so I could hear what the people really sound like. I guess Germans are just so/too used to not having to read subs that only a very few shows (like some on MTV) are in original audio. And movies... they're all dubbed over! In some of the larger cities there's usually a theater that plays big releases in original language for anywhere from a week to a month. But it takes me over 3 hrs roundtrip to get to one of those theaters and it's certainly not all movies that play like that. Only a select few. Argh. In the Netherlands they subtitle foreign films. Some Germans I've talked to believe that's part of the reason that the Dutch people generally have better English skills than the average German. Because they hear English all the time instead of having it dubbed over. Hmm, would make sense.
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Re: TII rehearsal videos bought by Sony!

If this does get released by Sony let's hope it's the full thing and not little snippets

i already posted same opinion...
i am sure they wont release full rehearsals and just few songs and the other stuff will be docu..

but i dont know
i hope i get suprised in a good way
Re: Studios Competing For Michael Jackson Concert Film; Bidding Began At $50M (Merged)

subtitles can be a REAL pain. I had to make a video with subtitles. It was about 30 minutes long and took me HOURS (and everything was already transcribed for me).

Dubbing probably is a much quicker/more cost effective solution.
Re: TII rehearsal videos bought by Sony!

Yeah, almost everything in Germany is dubbed over. Drives me nuts. I mean, in America when I rented a French film I didn't want it dubbed into English! I wanted it in French with subs, so I could hear what the people really sound like. I guess Germans are just so/too used to not having to read subs that only a very few shows (like some on MTV) are in original audio. And movies... they're all dubbed over! In some of the larger cities there's usually a theater that plays big releases in original language for anywhere from a week to a month. But it takes me over 3 hrs roundtrip to get to one of those theaters and it's certainly not all movies that play like that. Only a select few. Argh. In the Netherlands they subtitle foreign films. Some Germans I've talked to believe that's part of the reason that the Dutch people generally have better English skills than the average German. Because they hear English all the time instead of having it dubbed over. Hmm, would make sense.

rotfl... did you say almost???? that's quiet an understatement... everything is dubbed, completely everything! what on earth are you expecting from a country which was not too long ago for almost 2 decades led by a chacellor not able to talk five words proper english (mean Mr. Kohl) well ok don't know if you're old enough to even know him... anyways :better: you need to get cable... I do have a package which makes me able to see almost every to me important station also in english if I like... included some news stations like the american CNN and ABC and of cuz the UK Sky stations... but also TNT movie, SciFi, axn action... and all that stuff.
It's from Unity media and not at all that expensive or something... the funny thing is mainly to watch the german soccer Bundesliga in english lol
Jackson tribute concert canceled; rehearsal footage film coming Oct. 30

Jackson tribute concert canceled; rehearsal footage film coming Oct. 30

Entertainment company AEG has sold the final rehearsal footage for Michael Jackson's "This Is It" tour to Sony for an estimated $60 million, according to a report from MSNBC. The sale includes over 100 hours of previously unseen footage of the late singer, and it also comes with its own set of stipulations: because Sony now owns the rights to the tour, the rumored Michael Jackson tribute concert in London has been canceled. This, of course, means no joy for those hoping to see the likely star-studded show live or on TV.

Instead, Sony is planning for a feature film based on the footage to be released on October 30. The report says nothing about when a rumored TV special based on the choreography would air.

Some people who are not happy the sudden change are the dancers and planners of the tribute concert. After working tirelessly for months both when Jackson was alive and after his death, many of these people are now being left in the cold.

Gutted was looking forward to getting tickets for the tribute show on 29th in London. :(
Re: Jackson tribute concert canceled; rehearsal footage film coming Oct. 30

This report does not seem confirmed officially.

Why can't they do both; the tribute show and feature movie?
Jackson tribute concert canceled; rehearsal footage film coming Oct. 30

Entertainment company AEG has sold the final rehearsal footage for Michael Jackson's "This Is It" tour to Sony for an estimated $60 million, according to a report from MSNBC. The sale includes over 100 hours of previously unseen footage of the late singer, and it also comes with its own set of stipulations: because Sony now owns the rights to the tour, the rumored Michael Jackson tribute concert in London has been canceled. This, of course, means no joy for those hoping to see the likely star-studded show live or on TV.
Instead, Sony is planning for a feature film based on the footage to be released on October 30. The report says nothing about when a rumored TV special based on the choreography would air.
Some people who are not happy the sudden change are the dancers and planners of the tribute concert. After working tirelessly for months both when Jackson was alive and after his death, many of these people are now being left in the cold.
Re: Jackson tribute concert canceled; rehearsal footage film coming Oct. 30

omg, I wanna see every second of that 100 hours footage!
Re: Jackson tribute concert canceled; rehearsal footage film coming Oct. 30

I am definetly going to see it.
Re: Jackson tribute concert canceled; rehearsal footage film coming Oct. 30

I hope the movie won't consist of a lot of talking and just some snippets of the rehearsals...
Re: Jackson tribute concert canceled; rehearsal footage film coming Oct. 30

The sale includes over 100 hours of previously unseen footage of the late singer, and it also comes with its own set of stipulations: because Sony now owns the rights to the tour, the rumored Michael Jackson tribute concert in London has been canceled. This, of course, means no joy for those hoping to see the likely star-studded show live or on TV.
Hrm... if that's accurate, it sounds rather like Sony are trampling all over AEG. They've effectively blocked out other bidders (since they hold the rights to some of MJ's music and could have refused permission to others to use it), which is one thing, but saying "no tribute concert" seems a bit much.

I mean, I have mixed feelings on the tribute concert to start off with, but it doesn't seem entirely reasonable for Sony to just nix it.

I'm not sure how reliable this article is though - for one thing I'm not sure if the estate would need to sign off on this, and from what I've read any deals have to be approved by the probate judge at the moment. I'll wait for an official statement I think...
I would happily sit in the cinema and watch the whole 100 hours lol

hahah i was just thinking that too...i wanna see all 100 hours! haha i wonder if this will include that new move they were talkinmg about? idk im excited though