The question is is the care pure or ego based which means people care because they want that other people see their star in the same light positive etc so that they feel happy because other people think the same. Such care is ego based and not pure.
It has nothing to do with caring-it ´s the opposite it is just a ego based trip nothing more.
Not pure love!
THIS thread is exactly about that! Fill the feedback form at sony's site (link in first post!) and let them know.

This thread is not about the This Is It album!
It's about the possible number 1 single "This Is It" which isn't going to be released even tho it should! Complaining to Sony is the best we can do to help Michaels legacy, if we flood them with emails maybe they'll change their mind and release This Is It...

It's not about the release of a crappy album.
The main concern is that even though it doesn't cost a dime to make This Is It available to be bought as a single (not a cd release, just a digital single) it is NOT HAPPENING! And because it won't be available for a single purchase it won't chart ANYWHERE in the world and therefore Michael won't have a hit single.

Please fill the feedback form and let Sony know that we DO care about Michael and we want his first posthumously released song to do well.
And we want to buy it legally.

Any contact-links so we can write to Sony??
a) the 2-CD set "This Is It" will become a top seller, peaking at #1 worldwide during the Christmas season

that's what you'll realize soon...

b) Sony is exactly doing what any other big recording company (with years of knowledge about their business) would do nowadays - we're living in 2009, wake up, times have changed, the whole music business is making a complete shift!

Producing a physical Single is absolutely useless for them in terms of net income - and that's what a company is pursuing after in the end.

Albums: physical + digital
Singles: digital, Airplay

that's the new standard, and "This Is It" is no exception

Also don't forget the world economic crisis and the problematic status of the music business in general (thanks to the internet crime scene, careless people who don't understand how they ruin the jobs)!

Such a thread only shows that most people don't understand how the business actually works.
Michael's legacy is bigger than CD sales. And in terms of CD sales his legacy will never be outdone because of a Greatest Hits CD. As long as Thriller is the biggest seller, that aspect of his legacy remains. I don't think the media will call this CD a flop if it comprised mostly of previously released material. But again, they're the media and we never can tell...

In some ways I can see Arty's side about not caring about Michael, because when I hear negative things about him, it hurts me to hear them spoken but at the same time I know they cannot affect Michael personally anymore... that he has transcended this world and the petty people. I believe he knows we love him. They can't touch him. Album sales cant touch him. :) He's really at peace. I take comfort in that.... in a small way for the time being.
Producing a physical Single is absolutely useless for them in terms of net income - and that's what a company is pursuing after in the end.

Albums: physical + digital
Singles: digital, Airplay

Sony have said that This Is It won't be available on Itunes.

Also don't forget the world economic crisis and the problematic status of the music business in general (thanks to the internet crime scene, careless people who don't understand how they ruin the jobs)!

The fact that Sony won't release a single only encourages people to download the song illegally.
Sony have said that This Is It won't be available on Itunes.

The fact that Sony won't release a single only encourages people to download the song illegally.

Exactly... the problem is that Sony DOES NOT do what Korgnex said.

Arty, please go to the first page of this thread. You have everything there.
what am i making up? hes obviously not going to make another thriller, hes not here to do that?! sorry but im really confused by this comment...what point are you trying to make?

I'm trying to say that his would not be dragged to dirt if this album would not sell.
I deleted that Thriller part, because i messed it up. I wanted to say that he would not have to release Thriller, it would be enough if there would be more unreleased songs... Sorry for mistake.

hes dead how the hell do you expect him to make another thriller?
you know dude your really bugging me you started 3 threads wanting ppl to boycott the cd already if you don't want to buy the cd than whatever thats your biz but leave ppl to make there own mind
personally I am happy with any new song that comes out

As I just said, i screwed up that part of the post.
Why I opened 2 (not 3) threads about boycotting? Because i have the right to express my opinion. Moderator Trish unfortunately thinks that he can make his own rules...
I am also happy with new songs... But I want to buy new songs not new songs + 20 songs I already have...

so, no offence, but if you dont care about mike and his legacy, why Exactly are you here?

You don't get it. Anyone who cares about MJ's legacy will not buy this album. Why? 20 years from now, people will say: Michael Jackson? Is that that cool guy that released Thriller, Bad, Dangerous and then 1892390 number one hits cds?
I did join the forum to talk about MJ, to download concerts, to meet fans and not for saying "hey I will buy 33 cds i'm so ql OMG...".

Why did you join? :tease:
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The song will be leaked eventually anyway, whether they like it or not. People will be able to get the song, just illegally.

I still don't know whether I'm going to buy the whole thing or not. The idea that I've paid for those songs 1000 times already and this is just another of Sony's dirty schemes makes me sick.
Guess I'll decide in time...
People going at each other in here, yous all just need to chill out.

Sony are arseholes, whats new? I will still buy This Is It. Coz I will be buying the DVD. Most of yous will be buying the CD anyways. Personally, I think its the fans missing out if they dont buy the album. Sony dont care, they have billions in the bank already. Any fans thinkin about illegally downloadin the song or whatever, should have second thoughts. Whats it guna be anyways £9.99? Not to much for the first release after Mikes death.

Support Michael. By doing so, your supporting Mike's 3 kids.
This is my complaint to Sony that I just sent them

why on earth are you now not releasing the THIS IS IT single on it's own? your all a bunch freeloaders who should be kicked out the music business and wiped off the planet! after cocking up with Invincible it just shows what a bunch of smegheads you really are give us the single or me and the rest of us Michael Jackson fans will hit you where it hurts!!!!!!!!
People going at each other in here, yous all just need to chill out.

Sony are arseholes, whats new? I will still buy This Is It. Coz I will be buying the DVD. Most of yous will be buying the CD anyways. Personally, I think its the fans missing out if they dont buy the album. Sony dont care, they have billions in the bank already. Any fans thinkin about illegally downloadin the song or whatever, should have second thoughts. Whats it guna be anyways £9.99? Not to much for the first release after Mikes death.

Support Michael. By doing so, your supporting Mike's 3 kids.

I respect your decision to buy the CD :) I just think that saying the price is not much is unfair... some people can honestly not afford that, which is where a single release would have been better than just an album release.
This doesn't deter from the fact that people DO NOT have the option to download and pay for the single alone via iTunes (common with most songs these days). The point has been made, and I don't care what business strategy Sony has. The fact is Sony don't look after fans period.

It's fine for people who want to buy MJ's back cataglogue for the millionth time. This thread and feedback form isn't for you. This is for people who want to buy the song as a stand-alone single, and LEGALLY. Having it as a downloadable single would also help MJ to reach the top of the charts :)

Expect illegal file sharing at an all-time high when 'This Is It' hits airwaves!

Feedback form:
This is my complaint to Sony that I just sent them

why on earth are you now not releasing the THIS IS IT single on it's own? your all a bunch freeloaders who should be kicked out the music business and wiped off the planet! after cocking up with Invincible it just shows what a bunch of smegheads you really are give us the single or me and the rest of us Michael Jackson fans will hit you where it hurts!!!!!!!!

Pretty sure you wont get a reply to that. Should really try and keep it civil when making a complaint. "Smegheads" though, lmao thats quality.

I respect your decision to buy the CD :) I just think that saying the price is not much is unfair... some people can honestly not afford that, which is where a single release would have been better than just an album release.

Im a student and live off basically no income so a tenner for something to do with Michael is not that bad. :)
The issue is the decision not to release the single and therefore taking advantage of the fans by forcing them to buy a CD of songs they already own when it would cost NOTHING for them to release the CD on itunes!
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This thread is not about the This Is It album!
It's about the possible number 1 single "This Is It" which isn't going to be released even tho it should! Complaining to Sony is the best we can do to help Michaels legacy, if we flood them with emails maybe they'll change their mind and release This Is It...

The main concern is that even though it doesn't cost a dime to make This Is It available to be bought as a single (not a cd release, just a digital single) it is NOT HAPPENING! And because it won't be available for a single purchase it won't chart ANYWHERE in the world and therefore Michael won't have a hit single.

Spot on.
This doesn't deter from the fact that people DO NOT have the option to download and pay for the single alone via iTunes (common with most songs these days). The point has been made, and I don't care what business strategy Sony has. The fact is Sony don't look after fans period.

It's fine for people who want to buy MJ's back cataglogue for the millionth time. This thread and feedback form isn't for you. This is for people who want to buy the song as a stand-alone single, and LEGALLY. Having it as a downloadable single would also help MJ to reach the top of the charts :)

Expect illegal file sharing at an all-time high when 'This Is It' hits airwaves!

Feedback form:

im totally with you on this, im so furious, i cant say much without swearing swearing and swearing, i have so much hatred towards sony you wouldnt believe it, i just wanna get them against a wall and beat some sense into them, unless the song is crap, which i doubt it is, it will go straight to number one, and easily be a million seller, even in this day and age, i mean what are they thinking
I just sent them little feedback. I put it to marketing, too.

This is my complaint to Sony that I just sent them

why on earth are you now not releasing the THIS IS IT single on it's own? your all a bunch freeloaders who should be kicked out the music business and wiped off the planet! after cocking up with Invincible it just shows what a bunch of smegheads you really are give us the single or me and the rest of us Michael Jackson fans will hit you where it hurts!!!!!!!!
When I first heard about the THIS IS IT 2-CD album was coming out I planned to buy it. But now, I don't think I will. I've just grown pissed off and frustrated with this whole process. If the single was being released online at iTunes, etc, I would have felt less like Sony was just trying to screw us with the album. But now, if it wasn't obvious before, it is now and I for one am not going buy yet another album of songs that I already have so I can get one new song.
Well, I'm going to download it off Limewire.

Fuck you Sony.
get over it guys!
i don't think it was ever said that the new single would be released, only 'unveiled to the world' is the phrase i think they used, so we can't exactly complain.

I get so sick of the fans complaining at almost everything! firstly the 50 show announcement, then the film, now the new song and album!

If you're not happy, well then just keep it to yourself! and stop bringing the mood down!
Geez! We should be celebrating the music and life of Michael, and any new music we get is awesome! Not complaining at every turn.
Well, it's called MARKETING.

Why buy the cow (i.e., the album) if you can get the most awaited single by itself (i.e., the MILK)?

You think that Sony is going to release a single when they can sell the entire album?

C'mon now.

It'll be released for radio - MOST DEFINITELY.

And if it supports MJs Estate & his beautiful babies, then I'll buy it.

I want it to break all records so that MJs Legacy is kept ALIVE.

It'll probably be released as a single AFTER THE MOVIE on I-Tunes and as a CD single.

Agree! not all countries in the world sell CDs in single format.
to sell in an album format is reach more customers worldwide

once again it
get over it guys!
i don't think it was ever said that the new single would be released, only 'unveiled to the world' is the phrase i think they used, so we can't exactly complain.

I get so sick of the fans complaining at almost everything! firstly the 50 show announcement, then the film, now the new song and album!

If you're not happy, well then just keep it to yourself! and stop bringing the mood down!
Geez! We should be celebrating the music and life of Michael, and any new music we get is awesome! Not complaining at every turn.

Get over that people have an opinion. Why would people keep there frustration to themselves on a forum? lol

Sony are tryna screw the fans over again. Its a fact. People have the right to be pissed off.
Well, it's called MARKETING.

Why buy the cow (i.e., the album) if you can get the most awaited single by itself (i.e., the MILK)?

You think that Sony is going to release a single when they can sell the entire album?

C'mon now.

It'll be released for radio - MOST DEFINITELY.

And if it supports MJs Estate & his beautiful babies, then I'll buy it.

I want it to break all records so that MJs Legacy is kept ALIVE.

It'll probably be released as a single AFTER THE MOVIE on I-Tunes and as a CD single.

I agree with this
Ok the thread is now open again but keep a few things in mind:

- Take your personal issues to PM.

- Disrespecting other members because they don't agree with you will not be toleraded, and that goes both ways here.

- Disrespect towards MJ with comments such as 'I don't care about him anymore, he's dead' won't be tolerated either and will grant you a nice infraction.

- Remember to say on topic.

A lot of posts have been deleted, and some that were quoting offending posts have been modified.

Carry on
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