Trent Reznor, the singer of Nine Inch Nails, once said in the middle of the concert; when prices of his new album were high, that fans should download his songs for free instead of buying albums.

This is off-topic, but MJ actually loved Nine Inch Nails :)
I just wrote and gave them a very carefully worded piece of my mind.

... I cant print it here. Its not a PG rating.
someone shall uplaod the new song on youtube or elsewhere and people will be able to download it.. illegaly of course. but thats sonys fault..
im not going to buy anything at the internet.
or are we able to buy the cd in stores?
That's why they will not release "This Is It" alone, and if I can make MJ's record hit #1 like I've been able to in the past, then HECK YEAH!!!

Do you want some piece of SH#T artist who just came out and hasn't paid the dues like MJ did to be #1 before MJ?

Not me.

MJ = #1 or BUST!

Me too, I want Michael to get that 1 spot too, because he worked his butt off to get where he got.

What kills me is how they tell the media/fans that they have tons of songs in the vault but yet they only gonna release one for this album.... Child boo...

I'll buy it even if it's a greatest hits album, but Those songs in the vault probably won't be on CD for quite a while. And when they do get out they will be remixed like heck. :(
hit them where it hurts dont buy the album and download the song illegally.
^yeah I think there is a possibilty they would do that but each will be like a minute or something:lol: I would rofl @the store

I guessing it will be on I-Tunes- This is It being at US$ 1.29 and the rest at $US 0.99, but after the movie's released on DVD, so maybe Christmas time, or maybe later. But not much of a wait - I think.

That would be a very smart idea NOT to release the single the same week as its radio premiere.

In order for the song to reach #1, it has to have great radio airplay & great sale. By waiting a couple of weeks (IF that is the strategy) the song will have time enough time to gather some good spins & added to first week sale, could push it to # 1.

Hopefully, that is the plan.
Well, here in the U.S. they don't release singles anymore. So buying the album (or knowing someone that can get a promo CD of the song) is the only option for us.

Most music stores here in Aus aren't selling singles anymore because singles weren't selling that well.
We have a dilemma. We want Michael to be number 1 like he deserves but some of us are mad at Sony for making us buy another greatest hits album to get the new song.

If they have no plans for releasing the single Michael obviously has zero chance of
being on the singles charts. The only way we can make him number 1 is to buy the album.

I'm not sure who will buy it anyway, I think it'll be more likely to be old fans because these new ones who have discovered him since his death probably already bought one of his greatest hits album after his death.

If we want MJ to be number one and not have the media and everyone going to town on him failing and his fans abandoning him we're going to have to buy the album.. even though that feeds Sony and shows them how they can manipulate us.
How dare they!!!!!!!!!!!! :O we should actually have this new single by October 12th not have to wait for the album

but then again this is Sony who really need to get a f***in grip especially after the c**k up with Invincible!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm a breakfast announcer on a radio station here in WA, australia. i have spoke to my PD and music director for both our AM and FM network. we will add the song if it fits the format. i.e. FM top40/mainstream (so most likely) and AM (where i host breakfast) we play 70-today's music (latley we have started adding alot more new music) i would say we will probably also add it on the AM band aswell. that and the fact everyone at work know's how much i love MJ hehehe.

That said, Sony reps will probably come in next week and give us some new promo cds which will probably include TII.

i wouldn't be suprised if we make the TII album our album of the week on the AM band either.


Nice to hear this :)
We have a dilemma. We want Michael to be number 1 like he deserves but some of us are mad at Sony for making us buy another greatest hits album to get the new song.

If they have no plans for releasing the single Michael obviously has zero chance of
being on the singles charts. The only way we can make him number 1 is to buy the album.

I'm not sure who will buy it anyway, I think it'll be more likely to be old fans because these new ones who have discovered him since his death probably already bought one of his greatest hits album after his death.

If we want MJ to be number one and not have the media and everyone going to town on him failing and his fans abandoning him we're going to have to buy the album.. even though that feeds Sony and shows them how they can manipulate us.

Its all a case of weighing up the pros and cons IMO... Obviously, we dont want Fony Sony to cash in on us... but do we want this to be a flop because of boycotting and let the media have a field day with it?

My opinion is this... It is Michaels art, It deserves to be loved and cherished and appreciated no matter who is releasing it. some, iof not alot of the profits will go to michaels estate, and i dont not believe in illegaly downloading which only destroys the music industry.

Yep, its shize that theyre not releasing a single, but boycotting the album and causing a stink will not do any good for the memory and legacy of michael (IMO)
IMO - its the people who illegally download who kill music.


I am in complete agreement with your post.

Anyone who downloads an MJ song illegally is not supporting MJ - and in my opinion - no better than a delinquent who shoplifts a CD from a store.

The cancer that is called Tommy Motolla has been gone from Sony shortly after MJ's protest.

I'm not saying Sony is 100% innocent, but MJ was still their artist and MJ OWNS 50% (rumor says it's more) of the publishing arm.

To think that Sony is the only one making money off of this is silly and not too cognizant of how the recording industry works.

My opinion is this... It is Michaels art, It deserves to be loved and cherished and appreciated no matter who is releasing it. some, iof not alot of the profits will go to michaels estate, and i dont not believe in illegaly downloading which only destroys the music industry.

Yep, its shize that theyre not releasing a single, but boycotting the album and causing a stink will not do any good for the memory and legacy of michael (IMO)

Its all a case of weighing up the pros and cons IMO... Obviously, we dont want Fony Sony to cash in on us... but do we want this to be a flop because of boycotting and let the media have a field day with it?

My opinion is this... It is Michaels art, It deserves to be loved and cherished and appreciated no matter who is releasing it. some, iof not alot of the profits will go to michaels estate, and i dont not believe in illegaly downloading which only destroys the music industry.

Yep, its shize that theyre not releasing a single, but boycotting the album and causing a stink will not do any good for the memory and legacy of michael (IMO)

You just don't get it... Who cares about sales? I care about music. When there will be album worth buying, i will be the first one buying it...
But as long as Sony is trying to sell me something i already have on 40 cds, i won't buy it...
erm.... i think its like 90percent goes to mikes his kids... so youll be hurting them too by boycotting.

And if Sony didn't release another unnecessary greatest hits collection they wouldn't be getting my money either. What's the difference. I have difficulty in understanding justifying buying the album by saying that if I won't buy it "it will hurt the kids". I'm sure they can cope, but I don't have money (nor do I want to) to buy a new greatest hits album every few years.
I said this before but... Personally, I don't think the estate is going to go broke if I don't buy this CD. They can make millions from the film - I need my $30+ right now. I can't afford an album. And I wouldn't be surprised if many other fans cant either atm after buying TII tickets, merch and what have you.

The album will still sell millions because of Mike's new fans the hype of TII. Sony should for once reward us long time fans for our loyalty but no, even as we grieve the loss of Michael they exploit us... (and like I said in my previous post, there are other ways to uphold Michael's legacy through defending him against ignorance and continuing his messages of hope... these things will truly make him live on as he wanted to be remembered :) )

I dont begrudge anyone for buying or not buying this CD, we all have valid reasons.
This is off-topic, but MJ actually loved Nine Inch Nails :)

Did he loved MM too? :p MM and Michael have so much in common, they all know marketing soooo well... and besides making fun of Mike, Marilyn actually was a secret fan of him. I'm quite sure about that... Sry for offtopic:D

90% goes to mikes estate, officialy.... but you should know that the correct numbers of sell can be hidden...and earnings modified in order to get more money for them.... like some people do to avoid paying taxes. :p
I respect all of your opinions. I am sorry that I don't share the view in not purchasing this album.

But I will be buying this album and hoping that it will reach # 1 as the TRUE KING deserves.

I HATE SONY.... But my love for MJ will overcome my hatred of SONY.

With that said.... if you guys/gals are going to not buy the album... I RESPECT THAT.

But please don't sit here and tell me you are going to illegally obtain it. If you are not going to pay for it don't steal it.

And I don't care that Prince, Paris, and Blanket won't be in the bread line... that is soooo not the point.

But I guess to each its own... if you are going to steal it thats what you'll do. if you are going to buy it that is what you'll do.