This is my point of view, and I truly accept you guys that don't feel the same.

But at least I won't buy everything Sony is pushing out "just" to "protect" Michael's legacy.
It's not even about money, it's about I don't wanna feel dumb and cheated to buy everything just because it's Michael.
I mean, if Sony would put out 10 greatest hits albums right now I wouldn't buy them because I have all the music already and it's shady of Sony to act like they do.

Somewhere you've got to draw a line between being a fan, common sense and principles.

Sony know that they can "use" fans, so they act by it.

As I said, I know of course some of you guys want to buy stuff by free will, but we should never feel forced to buy something because Sony is like "Yo, naw we've made it available for you to buy singles from itunes for years, but now we don't feel like it with this album."
i'm a breakfast announcer on a radio station here in WA, australia. i have spoke to my PD and music director for both our AM and FM network. we will add the song if it fits the format. i.e. FM top40/mainstream (so most likely) and AM (where i host breakfast) we play 70-today's music (latley we have started adding alot more new music) i would say we will probably also add it on the AM band aswell. that and the fact everyone at work know's how much i love MJ hehehe.

That said, Sony reps will probably come in next week and give us some new promo cds which will probably include TII.

i wouldn't be suprised if we make the TII album our album of the week on the AM band either.

This is my point of view, and I truly accept you guys that don't feel the same.

But at least I won't buy everything Sony is pushing out "just" to "protect" Michael's legacy.
It's not even about money, it's about I don't wanna feel dumb and cheated to buy everything just because it's Michael.
I mean, if Sony would put out 10 greatest hits albums right now I wouldn't buy them because I have all the music already and it's shady of Sony to act like they do.

Somewhere you've got to draw a line between being a fan, common sense and principles.

Sony know that they can "use" fans, so they act by it.

As I said, I know of course some of you guys want to buy stuff by free will, but we should never feel forced to buy something because Sony is like "Yo, naw we've made it available for you to buy singles from itunes for years, but now we don't feel like it with this album."

Bruce I so agree with you... I have read many comments on here that says I will buy it bcuz the money will go towards Mrs. Jackson/kids... Um them kids not gonna be standing in nobody's bread line if the fans choose not to buy it... Sony is giving ppl a reason to bootleg the single... Record companies always screaming about pirated music, well they are opening the doors for this song to be pirated... Why?BECAUSE AIN'T NO WAY IN HELL PPL ARE AMP'D ABOUT BUYING A NEW GREATEST HITS CD... Sony is literally tell the fans to "KISS THEIR GRITS" (insert another word)... We scream about the Rabbi, and others milking MJ's death, hell you all even bash the family members but yet the you same ppl won't bash Sony for creating yet another GH album... The 36pg booklet will have pictures in there that we already have saved on our pc or in the MAN IN THE MIRROR forum. Thriller, Beat It, SC, Bad, and etc won't sound any different on this GH cd than it did on the other 80 GH CDs put out by Sony...

What kills me is how they tell the media/fans that they have tons of songs in the vault but yet they only gonna release one for this album.... Child boo...
they are so stupid-this way they make people download the song illegally from the internet!stupid fools obssesed with money!
This is my point of view, and I truly accept you guys that don't feel the same.

But at least I won't buy everything Sony is pushing out "just" to "protect" Michael's legacy.
It's not even about money, it's about I don't wanna feel dumb and cheated to buy everything just because it's Michael.
I mean, if Sony would put out 10 greatest hits albums right now I wouldn't buy them because I have all the music already and it's shady of Sony to act like they do.

Somewhere you've got to draw a line between being a fan, common sense and principles.

Sony know that they can "use" fans, so they act by it.

As I said, I know of course some of you guys want to buy stuff by free will, but we should never feel forced to buy something because Sony is like "Yo, naw we've made it available for you to buy singles from itunes for years, but now we don't feel like it with this album."

THANK YOU! I was amazed when I was reading this thread. I'm not going to buy everything that comes out just because it is Michael Jackson. That's what Sony is assuming, MJ fans will buy anything just because it has the name Michael Jackson on it. They are trying to force us to buy the whole album, which is very unfair and they're only trying to make as much money as possible. And I'm not going to support that kind of action. And I also agree with you on that I would only feel dumb buying the album because it would only show Sony that fans will buy anything, and that would give them incentive to continue treating us like this. Soon they'll have released ten new greatest hits albums, but hey, the same songs will be in a different order every time and maybe we'll get one unreleased song every time! Yay, thank you Sony.

I have sent them feedback, and I won't be buying the album if it's just another greatest hits collection. The single I would have bought, but I guess I'm going to have to find some other way of listening to it.
I don't get the people that say they don't want to buy the whole CD but will cos it's for MJ's kids (which is crazy seeing is they have more money than ever of us could ever get our heads around). Why not just send them a cheque instead? Download the song illegally and then you're not lining Sony's pockets. Sony have been doing this for too many years now. Enough's enough.
I will not buy this album. Sony can BITE ME. Grrrr.

Michael's past sales arent going away if some don't buy this album and that's where his legend will always lie. But for the record I have bought Best Of collections for Michael before. I bought #1s because felt strongly towards showing him support in the time of the allegations...

But the fact is... I cannot AFFORD to buy a whole album right now... not after the film tickets. I'm sure many other fans are in this position. So I reeeeeally resent Sony for trying to milk us fans. And I refuse to feel bad because Michael's legacy will not be upheld purely in album sales... his legacy is how we educate people about his message and defend him in the face of ignorance . Buying this music is one small part. And there are plenty of new fans to fulfill this part right now whilst us older fans continue the other part of his legacy. :)
I'm 100% being MickyJ.
Sony are exploiting the fans by doing this. they have already sold more than 6million MJ hits compilations since June this year, so why do they think there is a demand for another one? They know it's a weak product and they're trying to convince people to spend money on a whole album, rather than spen 79p for a single track on itunes.
I have written to Sony and told them I didn't buy 'The Essential' or 'King of Pop' and I won't be buying "This Is It" or any hits compilation until they wear out. The way I look after my CDs that's going to be 10 years or more! I still have my original BAD CD from the 80s! I told them I'll just make my own compilation in the order of the "This Is It" film if I feel the need. They had the opportunity to offer Michael Jackson - the biggest selling artist they ever signed - the chance to have another No.1 single and they haven't done that. To me that really stinks. Sure, they're going for No.1 album, but I would prefer him to have a No.1 single in this decade.
I will listen to the song and I'm sure I'll enjoy it, but I won't be buying it, and nor will the majority of the 6million people who just bought a hits album. That's a massive chunk of potential customers these days when the industry is struggling.
i boycott SONY since 2002
but sure they can make me buy Michael's album
sure i'll do my best to download the song from somewhere
anyway we know who sony phoney are anyway and they know it
I reckon this song is gonna be the most illegally shared filed in history if Sony stay with their current 'plan'. Remember, this is MJ's first brand new work in SOOO LONG. It'd be a shame to not see it chart simply because Sony can't be arsed giving people the option of a single download/release!

Here's the form again:
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Oh well. And they wonder why people download songs...for free
Lets be honest. Sony is a business and its a smart business move. If This Is It was just released as a single then everybody would be buying that and not the album. I personally do not want another Greatest Hits compilation as I already have two of them but if this is the only way I can get the single then yes I will buy it. I was thinking that you could probably just buy the single off the album on the 28th on ITunes but then it crossed my mind that next to This Is It will be the words 'album only.'
Sony are giving fans and the general public a real reason to download this for free, illegally.
Buy the DVD.
Boycott the CD.

We should make a deal. ONE person on this site buys the CD and then shares the single with the rest of us!

I'd sooner bite off my arm than give Sony any more money.
Yes, Sony are a business and yes they are in it to make money, BUT shouldn't they also do the right thing by the customers? By using this strategy I see it as an attempt to rip customers off. Customers who have supported Michael Jackson for years (i.e. MJ fans) and customers who have supported Sony only (i.e. non-MJ fans).
I'm convinced this is a poor PR move because it's not in the best interest of the customers and it's not in the best interest for MJ's legacy, and nobody has yet managed to convince me otherwise. IMO this also makes Sony look bad - they know another greatest hits is a weak, pointless idea and so they're trying to bolster it by restricting the availability of the new song. Pathetic.

The excuse that some fans give about this being a good move because they're focusing on albums sales is redundant IMO. IF we accept the notion that nobody will buy the album if "This Is It" is released as a single, then that supports the idea that Sony realise the recent succes of Number Ones, Essential, and KoP are going to limit the appeal of the new "This Is It" album. It also supports the idea that Sony are using the inclusion of the new song as a 'bribe' to make people buy the album
Look, Britney's got a new greatest hits album and it's supported by a new single release('3'). Also, Madonna's got a new greatest hits album supported by a new single ('Celebration'). Presumably they're using the single to PROMOTE sales of the album, not hinder them!
In MJ's case Sony know this is less likely because we ALREADY bought 6million hits albums in the past 4 months! That's why they're trying bribe us to buy the album.
I don't condone piracy, but I don't condone corporate companies taking advantage of their customer base either.
If people hear the song on the radio and decided to record it then that's fine by me. If they choose not to buy the song and just listen to it online (i.e. through youtube etc) then that's fine by me.
I think it's bright of sony to do this - as other fans have mentioned it will make a lot of money as people will buy it knowing that it has the new single on it. An album is more expensive than a single, so they'll make the money. I'd still like them to release TII as a single, but seeing as that seems highly unlikely I will be buying the album, no question. I don't think many fans won't tbh. They won't lose too much 'fan money' on this.
Yes they did Micky.
It was at the same time as Mike was arrested and despite all the negative stories in the press and the terrible things he was accused of, the song still managed to go top5 in the UK. Not bad eh? That single didn't affect sales of Ones much because that album went on to be one of the best selling albums of the year (top5) I think. The market hadn't already been flooded by hits albums at that point...
This time the market IS flooded so they want to con people into buying more greatest hits they already have by NOT releasing the new song as a single, thus giving fans no option but to buy the album if they want to buy the song. so, they pay more to buy the song and it's not even elligible to chart and (potentially) give Mike a new number One single.

Also Blue Eyed Belle, the album isn't doing particularly well at the moment. In the UK Amazon chart it's languishing at number 91,which although an improvement from a couple of days ago is pretty poor for an album that is coming out soon. It's not even Top20 on the HMV album pre-order chart.
"One More Chance" turned out to be one of the poorest songs MJ's ever had released but they still released this as a single.

I have a feeling Sony might change their mind down the road and atleast allow people to download the track by itself off iTunes, but at this stage it's still a no-go.
Yeah, at was a poor single in several ways.
It was too slow, it wasn't 'current' enough and was badly edited together. As you said, Sony were still happy to release it. god knows why they didn't put out a faster dance track. Something that radio could play and something people would want to listen to - something to remind them why they liked MJ in the first place. But anyway, I digress. this topic is about This Is It.
I don't get the people that say they don't want to buy the whole CD but will cos it's for MJ's kids (which is crazy seeing is they have more money than ever of us could ever get our heads around). Why not just send them a cheque instead? Download the song illegally and then you're not lining Sony's pockets. Sony have been doing this for too many years now. Enough's enough.

Exactly what was on my mind..

Im not sure if it is practicle... But why not create a MJ Children's bank account and contribute money directly to the account when we download any forced items illegally?

$2 for the New single
$10 for the (fan edited) Michael Jackson tapes books....etc.

The point is most fans & MJ himself have/had issues with Sony & people like Shmuley...etc. But we do not want to steal the money off MJ's Estate.

As far as Iam concerned these Record companies need to be taught a lesson, just as MJ had hoped for in 2002..

Im not buying the New GH Album.. will d/l the single which ever way possible.
Trent Reznor, the singer of Nine Inch Nails, once said in the middle of the concert; when prices of his new album were high, that fans should download his songs for free instead of buying albums.
Well, it's called MARKETING.

Why buy the cow (i.e., the album) if you can get the most awaited single by itself (i.e., the MILK)?

You think that Sony is going to release a single when they can sell the entire album?

C'mon now.

It'll be released for radio - MOST DEFINITELY.

And if it supports MJs Estate & his beautiful babies, then I'll buy it.

I want it to break all records so that MJs Legacy is kept ALIVE.

It'll probably be released as a single AFTER THE MOVIE on I-Tunes and as a CD single.

Good post.
they call themselves smart business men I call them greedy leeches

Sony are giving fans and the general public a real reason to download this for free, illegally.
well they should go ahead with it then :shifty: download it...