out of curiosity i had to look at my itunes library.... and i have ..
Billie Jean - Digital Remaster
Billie Jean-Thriller
Billie Jean -# One's
Billie Jean -MJ Greatest Hits:History
Billie Jean -Thriller Zombie Cover
Billie Jean -Thriller Deluxe
Billie Jean -MJ Essentials
Billie Jean -Thriller Zombie Cover w/ Kanye West
Billie Jean Single Version
Billie Jean LIVE MOTOWN 25 Music Vid
Billie Jean Original Music Vid
I guess I can handle one more Billie Jean TII Album in my itunes library.... L O L !!!!!!!


LOL!!! Me too!!!

Except the video. I only listen to the original on Thriller.
Hell yes I would!

A LIVE album would be insane! But instead we're getting the chance to buy MJ's back catalogue again :) YAY!!! And we can't even download the new song legally as a single :) I'm not going to buy all of MJ's old songs again just to hear a few unreleased tunes.

I'll be doing what most people are going to :p
exactly. how many times do we have to buy old songs?? lemme fill out the form.

thanks for posting micky.
Fill out the feedback form on the 1st post if you:

- want to buy/download the single legally
- don't want to pay $20 for songs you already have, just to get the new song and a few old demos.
- don't like the way Sony goes about it's re-re-re-releases

Feedback form:
LOL!!! Me too!!!

Except the video. I only listen to the original on Thriller.

GIRL !! (i am assuming you are a girl.. LOL)

I watch the motown 25 music vid on my iphone everyday practically:punk:.... and can i tell you.... from sitting next to me on the train 3 different people confessed to me they had NEVER seen it:bugeyed..

first reaction: SLAP THEM SILLY
second reaction: here hold the iphone and watch the whole performance and give it back to me when you are done.

I'm going to get all 3.


- Single

- Whatever comes out.

Cuz I'm an old-school bitty who supports an artist I like/LOVE & the vision they wanted us to experience.

Even if it takes me forever to buy (cuz I'm $$$ hungry right now, who isn't?) what MJ's music has done for me in my life - anything that he created & wanted to share to the world, I'll support.

I haven't been able to buy the tickets to the This is it movie & pray I can see it on the screen in Tampa - it's about paying bills, bills, bills, but hopefully soon I'll be to once things get settled this month.

Si Dios quiere y puede.

Fill out the form on the 1st post if you:

- want to buy/download the single legally
- don't want to pay $20 for songs you already have, just to get the new song and a few old demos.
- don't like the way Sony goes about it's re-re-re-releases
I'm going to get all 3.

- Album

- Single

- Whatever comes out.

That's the point of this thread. There is no single.

You won't even be able to download the song off iTunes without having to buy all MJ's old songs that you already own and have been re-released a million times over.

As you are buying the CD regardless, this won't affect you. But it's for people who refuse to be sold the same old songs over and over again, JUST to hear the new one.
That's the point of this thread. There is no single.

You won't even be able to download the song off iTunes without having to buy all MJ's old songs that you already own and have been re-released a million times over.

As you are buying the CD regardless, this won't affect you. But it's for people who refuse to be sold the same old songs over and over again, JUST to hear the new one.

Please know that I believe you have a very valid point.

You have the option to wait until the single is available on I-Tunes or download illegally.

That's up to you & your conscience.

I won't hate you either way.
this sicking me this making me sick i hat Sony :boohoo: :cry: that is not far and this is so mean
if Michael was still alive this'll not happen he loves his fans :D :cry:
yes very TRUE.... I HATE SONY...... but i will shell out some mooooola for the three angels:baby::baby::baby:

You know what's very curious to me?

MJ OWNS 50% (rumor is more than 50%) of Sony-ATV publishing...


MIJAC Music - MJs personal publishing catalog for all the songs he wrote & co-wrote, are administered by Warner-Tamerlane, Sony-ATV's competitor.

That's like owning 50%-100% of Toyota - but also being partners with Honda.


That means that SONY doesn't make money off of MJ's compositions as a composer/music publisher, except MJ's estate & Warner-Tamerlane ( unless it's royalties off the master recording, which is a slight percentage, since MJ financed his own albums).

Again, MJ = GENIUS.
I understand :)

But did you know that Sony have made it clear you cannot buy the single, either via iTunes or as a physical cd? They don't give the option to fans and the general public.

In order to get 'This Is It' legally - Sony are asking fans to buy the full album off iTunes or in-store. The album is largely made up of songs we already have, Thriller, Billie Jean, Black or White, etc.

I'd like the option to buy the song 'This Is It' by itself, however it looks like I and many others who have already bought his old songs will have to buy all these songs again, just to hear this new track. This is the point I'm trying to get across.

I'm hoping Sony change their mind, and give people the option (atleast via iTunes) with what they want to buy.
You know what's very curious to me?

MJ OWNS 50% (rumor is more) of Sony-ATV publishing...


MIJAC Music - :bugeyedMJs personal publishing catalog for all the songs he co-wrote, are administered by Warner-Tamerlane,:wild: Sony-ATV's competitor.

That's like owning 50%-100% of Toyota - but also being partners with Honda.


That means that SONY doesn't make money off of MJ's compositions as a composer/music publisher, except MJ's estate & Warner-Tamerlane.

Again, MJ = GENIUS.

As LIZ would say.... "Michael is a very shrewd business man"..

And a shout out to Lizzy :angel: Please get well soon:angel:
I think you will have that - but you'll have to wait for it, maybe a month or two and pay the premium US$ 1.29 on I-Tunes.

I understand :)

But did you know that Sony have made it clear you cannot buy the single, either via iTunes or as a physical cd? They don't give the option to fans and the general public.

In order to get 'This Is It' legally - Sony are asking fans to buy the full album off iTunes or in-store. The album is largely made up of songs we already have, Thriller, Billie Jean, Black or White, etc.

I'd like the option to buy the song 'This Is It' by itself, however it looks like I and many others who have already bought his old songs will have to buy all these songs again, just to hear this new track. This is the point I'm trying to get across.

I'm hoping Sony change their mind, and give people the option (atleast via iTunes) with what they want to buy.
I understand :)

But did you know that Sony have made it clear you cannot buy the single, either via iTunes or as a physical cd? They don't give the option to fans and the general public.

In order to get 'This Is It' legally - Sony are asking fans to buy the full album off iTunes or in-store. The album is largely made up of songs we already have, Thriller, Billie Jean, Black or White, etc.

I'd like the option to buy the song 'This Is It' by itself, however it looks like I and many others who have already bought his old songs will have to buy all these songs again, just to hear this new track. This is the point I'm trying to get across.

I'm hoping Sony change their mind, and give people the option (atleast via iTunes) with what they want to buy.

I understand your frustration and like Shimar said... it is valid.

But Sony is going to try to squeeze the last cent out of us .... so don't hold your breath.
Sony knows you, me, and the vast majority of the MJ fan base has multiple copies of some of the songs.... what would be nice to release more than one single on this album that we don't already have.

I am afraid they will release one new song(from the vault) every year and charge us $20.
GIRL !! (i am assuming you are a girl.. LOL)

I watch the motown 25 music vid on my iphone everyday practically:punk:.... and can i tell you.... from sitting next to me on the train 3 different people confessed to me they had NEVER seen it:bugeyed..

first reaction: SLAP THEM SILLY
second reaction: here hold the iphone and watch the whole performance and give it back to me when you are done.


Oh, I'm most definitely a girl - BTW, did you see my new siggy with the "unf, unf, unf" ????

Please don't pirate it - you know MJ would NOT approve.

How could you disappoint this beautiful angel?


C'mon now.
How could you disappoint those beautiful fans?


I was going to buy it, if it was a live cd or many unreleased songs.
Now we have a best of? Too bad, Emule is gonna give it to me
Here's an interesting question.

Will we be able to individually buy the other songs of the "This Is It" soundtrack?!

It already looks bad that we will not be able to buy the song "This Is It" as a single, but if they will be nasty enough to let us buy all the other songs individually except "This Is It" - that would take greed into another level.
Here's an interesting question.

Will we be able to individually buy the other songs of the "This Is It" soundtrack?!

It already looks bad that we will not be able to buy the song "This Is It" as a single, but if they will be nasty enough to let us buy all the other songs individually except "This Is It" - that would take greed into another level.


I guessing it will be on I-Tunes- This is It being at US$ 1.29 and the rest at $US 0.99, but after the movie's released on DVD, so maybe Christmas time, or maybe later. But not much of a wait - I think.
That's why they will not release "This Is It" alone, and if I can make MJ's record hit #1 like I've been able to in the past, then HECK YEAH!!!

Do you want some piece of SH#T artist who just came out and hasn't paid the dues like MJ did to be #1 before MJ?

Not me.

MJ = #1 or BUST!

#1 album or #1 track ?

Sony is definitly going for a #1 album..
Here's an interesting question.

Will we be able to individually buy the other songs of the "This Is It" soundtrack?!

It already looks bad that we will not be able to buy the song "This Is It" as a single, but if they will be nasty enough to let us buy all the other songs individually except "This Is It" - that would take greed into another level.

No. It's all or nothing, even through iTunes.

Again, this is the point I'm trying to get across.
I would have bought both the single and the album.

But now I'm only going to buy the album, hence the fact there will be no single.
My question to you is then:


Would you prefer the media to paint MJ's last living artistic moment as a FAILURE against some artist that came out yesterday?

I love Taylor Swift, but I don't want her to take the title of artist who the most sold albums this year.

#1 Michael Jackson

#2 Taylor Swift, or whoever else falls in. Taylor Swift's got talent & lot's of youth to make it happen that way.

(Beyonce could take a #3 or Alicia Keys may take a #2 or #3 since her album drops in November and she sells always very well)

I WANT MJ #1 for 2009!!!

Heck, he's #1 recording artist for eternity as far as I'm concerned.

IMPORTANT: Michael Jackson owns 60% of all music recorded today as we speak - so either way - MJ estate WINS.


No. It's all or nothing, even through iTunes.

Again, this is the point I'm trying to get across.
I think it's only fair people can buy the single by itself, like any other song on iTunes, without having to buy old songs we've heard and bought a million times over.

I think I've covered everything now. If you want to give Sony feedback then fill out the form. If not, that's fine as well :)