Reuters, Yahoo & TMZ: AllGood Ent Threatens To Stop O2 Concerts

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The one who signed the contract with whoever the promotor is should be michael himself. right? no one can do that for him. so...IF michael did signed for the family tour...he will know the terms and condition. and IF he signed the O2 concert he will also know the terms and conditions

He is not a newbie in this industry,he will be smart enought to read and learn everything in the contract. for me,this is ridiculous. what is it?is it like...michael go and say..."ooopps i forgot the family tour contract?"

anyway...TMZ is not a very reliable source. isnt it?i mean so far...they always try to diss Michael. have faith guys!! God is in charge!! if He let michael do this...He will be with michael in ups and downs and everything will be ok.
"this is it" will not come out of nowhere and just popped put...consider that "this is it" means...this is it...michael finally ready to claim back his throne,this is it...God's will for michael...and this is it...God's blessings for the fans
My God what has come to this? I just cannot fathom as what to say. All these lawsuits being thrown at Michael? Well I can say whose fault it is but I don't want to get torn into pieces. I am just gonna pray and hope that all this is gonna be taken care of and the person who is responsible will have their eyes opened.

i don't think you would be torn into pieces, if you are thinking it's Michael, but i have to inject the opinion, that you might give too many people the benefit of the doubt...that they aren't greedy, sneaky, underhanded, wait in numbers..see MJ as one little person who cannot possibly catch a whole army of evildoers at the same time. that they don't see MJ as a little lamb. that there is no low low enough for them to stoop...that there may never be a might not want to see that this is the age of greed...that they knew MJ was successful all along though they wanted to see him as a hasbeen, or they wouldn't go at him all at the same time, like this. that no human can possibly withstand this massive assault, and therefore MJ should not be judged..that he's being punished for being so successful. that no one, has ever been this successful, so MJ is the ultimate target..that no other person stayed alive and intact, long enough to be this successful, and therefore, others didn't see the need to build up, in numbers, till they all thought, that maybe they were too big for the target to withstand, after all these years of practice and trying to get him, in the past...

but having said all that...Michael is still here. after all that, after all these years, Michael is still here. not much more i can say to that, unless we want to go into the faith realm...but...i think the greatest evidence of hope over condemnation, is simply, that MJ is still here... of course those photos in that above post, are saying basically the same thing. lol

if it's not Michael you are thinking of...then, i stand corrected.
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This is what's throwing me off as well. Now that a cooler head has prevailed :blush: I'm kinda wondering about all of this. It does seem rather fishy and just...odd. And if the cease and desist letter was sent on March 29th, why are we just now hearing about it as if it just happened...ESPECIALLY if it has no bearing on anything (AllGood stating the concert they're interested in doing would be summer 2010 and no conflict with anything at the O2)...and NO lawsuits are planned to stop the O2 shows. So again WHY was this even released? And I'm curious as to what Frank has to say about all this...if he'll be releasing a statement or anything for explanation or clarification. I'm hoping this is another one of those pesky misunderstandings?
It potentially took this long to hear about it because, despite at least two cease and desist notices sent to Randy Phillips and AEG between March and April, Randy Phillips continued to reiterate the fact that there was NO connection between Frank Dileo and AEG with regards to Michael's O2 concerts, thus whatever bone AGE had to pick should be directed at Frank and Frank alone. They weren't getting anywhere in the so-called case and resorted to contacting the media to perhaps try and get someone to cave in somewhere, or maybe just to draw attention onto themselves for promotional reasons as others have done in the past.

Having personally reviewed both of the cease and desist notices (e-mails and postal mailings) they have been threatening legal action since March; yet nothing has been formally filed yet. AGE told the media that they now plan to file suit against AEG by the end of this week, so we'll see if that happens. If they do file a lawsuit, it could be quite embarrassing for them given the fact that their very claim appears to hinge on a single article published by an online site.

You know, now that I think of this more, I'm starting to wonder if MAYBE this little panic attack leak was AllGood's way of getting MJ's attention about their 2010 deal...sort of a LOUD reminder about it...sort of a yoohoo, howzabout a little summer fling with the family after you're done with London? :lol: Otherwise, it just makes no sense for someone to release this other than to make Frank look like bad...or expose his badness. :(
Actually, the official 28-page outline of the concert plans stated the intentions of hosting the reunion concert in the summer of 2009 and that the entire contract would last from December 2008 for 18 months, or until June/July 2010. I just read the Reuters article which makes reference to 2010, and it appears they probably just made a mistake (as the media so often does)... The first paragraph is accurate, the second is where the mistake may be; the reunion concert was always planned for 2009 per their documents. Unless of course they did postpone it specifically because of these O2 concerts, which just doesn't make much sense at all based on their arguments and proposals on paper.

A music promoter plans to sue to block Michael Jackson from performing in London this year, claiming that a contract signed by the "king of pop" prevents him from giving a concert until July 2010, the head of the promotion company said on Monday.

New Jersey-based AllGood Entertainment Inc contends it signed an agreement in November with Jackson's manager, Frank DeLeo, committing the singer to perform in July 2010 along with his brothers from the Jackson Five and sister Janet Jackson.

TSCM, can you tell if Frank signed these documents in the capacity of possibly binding Michael Jackson to the deal or solely for the participation of his entertainment company's involvement...totally not mentioning Michael as his "client"? I'm starting to wonder if the documents have been misrepresented (not by TSCM) as being something they are not. Yes, I'm trying to give Tookie the benefit of the doubt. If he's a bad egg, then he's a bad egg. I'll live and I'm sure MJ will be fine. Just trying to be fair...not that it matters to the universe or anything.
There is no reference in either signed paper indicating that Frank Dileo is the manager of Michael Jackson nor any of the Jackson family members, they are never referred to as his clients or anything of that nature. None of the Jacksons are bound to anything within the agreement, although Frank Dileo would be bound to get signed approval of each Jackson family member within 120 days of the signed contract based on AllGood's terms.

Also, did I miss the TMZ documents (link) or have they not put anything official up yet?
No, to my knowledge no media outlet has posted (or probably even obtained/reviewed) the actual documents... This is why I see plenty of errors in their reporting, including the notion that the cease and desist notice was sent to Michael Jackson himself, that simply did not happen. I've read the binding contract, the confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement, the 28-page package detailing the planned event, two cease and desist notices, and general communications... And again there is nothing to worry about on Michael nor AEG's side.
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* yawn* i dont belive this crap for one min! tmz, a reliable source? ....YEH AS IF!!
But Reuters is, most of the time.
Not exactly. Reuters is erroneous about this information, they are the ones claiming Michael received a cease and desist letter when he in fact did not. They were also dead wrong in their reporting about the 2006 WMAs. Most reports are half-truths, not just about this case but in general.

I can't believe the same story is still being repeated this morning.... you'd have though someone other than TCSM would have done a little investigation into it and published a more true story in the press! E-online posted this just half an hour ago!

Everyone keeps injecting Michael's name into this mess when it really doesn't involve him at all. That's the only way to get attention I suppose.
Not exactly. Reuters is erroneous about this information, they are the ones claiming Michael received a cease and desist letter when he in fact did not. They were also dead wrong in their reporting about the 2006 WMAs. Most reports are half-truths, not just about this case but in general.

Everyone keeps injecting Michael's name into this mess when it really doesn't involve him at all. That's the only way to get attention I suppose.

Basically. I wouldn't trust Reuters for reporting either.
yes..i know it's hard to swallow, but there is no reliable source among the old guard, when it comes to MJ news. that's why fans are suspicious enough to get into a little heat with the mods on here sometimes on whether a story is true or not. lol

i guess we all have to give ourselves room and time and patience, as we all work through it all. lol
But Reuters is, most of the time.
I trust TSCM more than any other news agency.

Not exactly. Reuters is erroneous about this information, they are the ones claiming Michael received a cease and desist letter when he in fact did not. They were also dead wrong in their reporting about the 2006 WMAs. Most reports are half-truths, not just about this case but in general.
True. That is why I dont trust this so-called unbiased
legit news media. Reuter es is just as bad as tabloids.
Not exactly. Reuters is erroneous about this information, they are the ones claiming Michael received a cease and desist letter when he in fact did not. They were also dead wrong in their reporting about the 2006 WMAs. Most reports are half-truths, not just about this case but in general.
your right with that post!
^^I like BBC. At least it is decent in its news report and I think it's taking time to do some research before jumping on reporting the news.
You hardly expect the media to research anything do you? One sensational headline is all they want. Much ado about nothing as far as I can see. Michael Jackson signed no contract whatsovever, not even involved. But they have to use his name to sue of course to get attention. This thread is getting way to much attention. LOL!
lol this is fake!! I remember Jermaine making comments like: "I wish Michael involves us into his concerts" something along those lines!!! there's something fishy going on here!! I'm beginning to hate the brothers!!
No i dont think these concerts can be stopped. But i also think somethin fishy is going on
You hardly expect the media to research anything do you? One sensational headline is all they want. Much ado about nothing as far as I can see. Michael Jackson signed no contract whatsovever, not even involved. But they have to use his name to sue of course to get attention. This thread is getting way to much attention. LOL!

I totaly agree ... this same article has been published in a big french forum yesterday ... . Nobody care about it , only 5 answers .. .

We have these sort of stories about michael everyday in our fandom live , and even if its true we know it will end with a settlement . If MJ succeeded to find an agreement with a BIG of this world (i mean the Prince of Barhein ) its not this kind of threat that can scare us ... .

I dont understand you guys why you panick , 38 pages i cant belive it !!!!:bugeyed..
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

When they published the Julian auction case , they directely published the documents they owned , they are a tabloid nearly nothing cant prevent them from publishing if its more sensational... .

I think they dont have any of these documents ..this article is only speculation... there si nothing true in it ... .

I wish a moderator would post my write-up in the first post instead of the TMZ synopsis so that those looking for answers don't have to sift through so many pages of posts. I have reviewed the contracts, cease and desist letters, and overall desires of the agency and wrote at-length about the current situation earlier in the thread. There is nothing in any contract which binds Michael Jackson or any of the Jackson family members to any concert obligations with AllGood Entertainment, in all likelihood most of them weren't even aware that these talks were underway in the first place. It is strictly a contractual issue with Frank Dileo and AGE (not AEG).
can you tell me what page your write up is on . I got tired of looking through the endless posts
why doesnt someone jsut ring AllGood up and check with their legal team

(973) 955-0430

I rang up but currently getting no response ... Someone else care to try ?
TSCM , looked at the weblink and seems very conclusive to me.

I initially thought it was very strange that Dilieo can sign a contract for all Jackson's

Even if he was MJ's manager , he still cannot authorise for the rest of the family to perform. Who is Janets Manager, wouldn't he/she have to be involved in the negotations
Admins here have repeatedly said fans should NOT be calling up nobody regarding this... I wish fans would start to see that for fans to get in the middle of it only makes things worse...
Why is Frank Dileo so quiet? Is he still scratching his ears, wondering how he can clean up this mess? :scratch:

Or has he gone into hiding? :cheeky:
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