Reuters, Yahoo & TMZ: AllGood Ent Threatens To Stop O2 Concerts

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um landis has a case. what tha heck is so hard to understand about that one? mj signed a long ass time ago. he was getting paid till the allegations happened and he waited. he didn't have to but out of respect for mj, he waited till the drama was over. once he sold the rights to life water and then did themusical, it was too much. landis was being paid all these yrs...

now ola...y the hell would she sue? does every music vid extra get money? /c it was a short film does it mean that's an 'acting' credit? puh-lease

but for tookie lovers and admirers here u go. here's the proof......they can't stop the london shows but at the very worst they can make him do the july show in 2010. tito's fierce...i'll go
i reckon that until we at least see if they file a suit, we should hold tight and re-evaluate what's being said....look what's coming out, gauge whether or not someone is suspect by their actions, and then wait on it.

cuz actions speak louder than words. we all know that from managers and grifters past.
but for tookie lovers and admirers here u go. here's the proof......they can't stop the london shows but at the very worst they can make him do the july show in 2010. tito's fierce...i'll go

You so crazy! You love you some Tito. LOL! (Me, I wouldn't mind seeing Jackie.)

But what about REBBIE. LOL! She appears to have been living a very private life. I'm wondering if she even has a desire to be on stage again.

It would be very interesting to hear what the OTHER family members have to say about this matter, since their names have also been added to the mix.
um landis has a case. what tha heck is so hard to understand about that one? mj signed a long ass time ago. he was getting paid till the allegations happened and he waited. he didn't have to but out of respect for mj, he waited till the drama was over. once he sold the rights to life water and then did themusical, it was too much. landis was being paid all these yrs...

now ola...y the hell would she sue? does every music vid extra get money? /c it was a short film does it mean that's an 'acting' credit? puh-lease

but for tookie lovers and admirers here u go. here's the proof......they can't stop the london shows but at the very worst they can make him do the july show in 2010. tito's fierce...i'll go
I don't know if this is in response to me, but I am not saying nothing about whose lawsuits have merit and which don't. I'm just saying that there shouldn't be that many lawsuits if everything was under complete control.
'This is it' will be something I'll never forget
All the schemes and rumors and tabloids bull****s and... Uh!

This one is not as shocking as the one of the former spokewoman's though. I don't belive it's true and that.
um landis has a case. what tha heck is so hard to understand about that one? mj signed a long ass time ago. he was getting paid till the allegations happened and he waited. he didn't have to but out of respect for mj, he waited till the drama was over. once he sold the rights to life water and then did themusical, it was too much. landis was being paid all these yrs...

now ola...y the hell would she sue? does every music vid extra get money? /c it was a short film does it mean that's an 'acting' credit? puh-lease

but for tookie lovers and admirers here u go. here's the proof......they can't stop the london shows but at the very worst they can make him do the july show in 2010. tito's fierce...i'll go

how much of a case does landis have, since mj sank eight hundred thou of his own money into the thriller vid?
Why don't we close the thread right now and start one for being so happy? :)

I so agree:agree: on this.

Dear Mods & Staff! Can't you close this Thread?:yes:

Until Michael him self confirmed anything that the Concert's will not happen:no:. Then i think you should close it-_- PLZ
how can frank sing without michaels approve i remeber michael said he is not going to tour with his family and he gave and official anouncemend back then.

We don't know if Frank Dileo signed any aggrement, that put Michael in line to perform a Jackson family concert. And as you said Michael released an official statement last year stating he is not touring with a reformed Jackson 5, due to Jermaine constantly recycling that story. The whole story sounds like bullsh*t and IF Frank Dileo is Michael's manager or thought he could get Michael to rehire him, I'm sure he knows Michael wouldn't perform with his brothers and family and wouldn't perform for a contract he doesn't know anything about.
Yup lol That's an acting credit :)

Yeah but Ola Ray's contract was a one-off payment for her appearance in the video when it was made, she isn't entitled to any royalties from it at all. According the the documents that have been shown the royalties from the Thriller video are meant to be split 50/50 between Michael and John Landis.
I got attacked for making a thread on this concert situation at an another MJ forum :huh: "WHY ARE YOU POSTING TABLOID CRAP?!" God, some fans. If they don't wanna hear it, it's tabloid crap.

It's not like it's some stupid rumor about his health, or being frail, or whatever - it could actually be a possibility. Not that I think they'll actually cancel the shows.
i dont think MJ'S family will try stop the london shows, this is soooo tabloid!!!!
I thought this was over. Wasn't it said that he had no signing authority? I thought what happened was that he set up this deal with allgood on the condition that he talk the Jacksons into it and get everyone's signature, but he was also presenting himself as MJ's manager, when he wasn't? Didn't he need their signatures by a certain date or something? Or did I just dream all that last

It sounds like it should be Dileo who is in trouble, if anyone, and not MJ. Ah well, it'll all get sorted in time I'm sure.
Please stay calm!
Randy Phillips, President & CEO of AEG Live, the company putting on Jackson’s London shows released a statement to Access calling the claims “meritless.”

“We are aware of the allegations which we believe are completely meritless,” Phillips said in the statement. “Rehearsals have been uninterrupted and continue on schedule.”
People, before you panic, you might want actually read what's going on, instead of getting your nerves up.

1. yes, this is a real situation, and tabloids have nothing to do with it, except for picking up the story and run with.
2. The concerts will go on. Because from the look of it, Michael had actually nothing to do with the whole situation to begin with.

So... it's a mess. But all will go on.
What happened yesterday stressed out many fans because TMZ thought it had a big juicy story regarding MJ's upcoming 50-show concert series being blocked.

What TMZ actually had was a story that was more like a 2.liter bottle of soda that someone had left on the counter with the top off over night.

Their story was totally flat. They had the fans on various boards stressing out for nothing.

A one-time, unconfirmed show with no signatures of the Jacksons is not going to bring a 50-show concert series to a halt.

Think about it this way...

If you have an unconfirmed all-day meeting noted on your calendar, and it has been sitting on your calendar this way for months, and a very large three-day company meeting with people flying in from all over the world has been scheduled and confirmed for the very same day as the unconfirmed meeting, and other days that week, would you not attend the three-day company meeting because you had something unconfirmed sitting on your calendar? Of course not. You're going to be in attendance at the three-day meeting. Something that is unconfirmed never takes precedence over something that is confirmed.

It's totally ridiculous for AllGoodEntertainment to think it can hold up something as massive as the shows in London that already have rehearsals taking place and staging being designed. The people working with MJ have already ran a commerical in London regarding the upcoming concerts.

AllGoodEntertainment doesn't even know how to pull all the Jacksons together to get a brand new photo for their poster. They need to just back up, because the parts of what MJ is working on are already moving and people from all over the globe are already making travel arrangments.

"This Is It" is gonna happen.

AllGoodEntertainment will just have to go back and do some more planning. They still have a lot of wrinkles to iron out. They're not ready to pull off a historic event starring the Jackson brothers and sisters. They only wish they were ready for them.
So, I'm confused. Was Dileo just POSING as Michael's manager, or was he actually fitting in to that role?

If he WAS manager at that time, entertainment law will just say Dileo was allowed to sign on Michael's behalf, so it'd be like Michael signing it himself. However, IF Dileo was manager at that time and Michael didn't have any idea he was signing that, we open up a whole new can of fat, gooey, juicy worms!
I wish Michael or whoever Michael's manager is would release a statement about this...The AEG one saying they 'believe' they are completely meritless isn't enough really. Then this can all be forgotten about.
So, I'm confused. Was Dileo just POSING as Michael's manager, or was he actually fitting in to that role?

Apparently he wasn't just "speaking" for MJ. It appears as if he were speaking for ALL of the Jacksons. Which I find very, VERY had to believe. As I said before, I'm sure Janet Jackson has her own team of people who speak for her, and that does not include Frank DiLeo.
Apparently he wasn't just "speaking" for MJ. It appears as if he were speaking for ALL of the Jacksons. Which I find very, VERY had to believe. As I said before, I'm sure Janet Jackson has her own team of people who speak for her, and that does not include Frank DiLeo.

Omgg this man is nok ok!Signing for all members of the family!This is simpy madness.
once again from reading the docs frank did not sign anyything on anyones behalf. this company went to him with the idea of this concert and gave him x amount of days to try and get the family to agree to it. that was it nothing else.

i dont think thats the issue. from reading/skimming through the rest of the pages last night. the entertainment company went to frank with this idea and and made an agreement based on whether frank could get the family to agree. he didnt sign anything on behalf of any members of the family. the agreements was between frank and the company and having so many days to see if frank get could getthe family to agree to the deal..thats as far as the deal ever went.
That's right, Elusive. This company is mad because Frank wasn't able to get them access to Michael so that he could be forced into signing their little deal. But Frank shouldn't have been trying to talk about no deal with these people in the first place. Little swirt.
I can't believe theres 43 pages of comments for this dribble of a subject!
Was worrying for a while don't get me wrong but AEG don't seem to very bothered
and for that reason I aint lol...
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