Reuters, Yahoo & TMZ: AllGood Ent Threatens To Stop O2 Concerts

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check this out, i'm not sure what to make of it, by the sounds of it, i think that the agent made the mistake , not michael, but michael is paying for it.
let me know what you think of it.
ou were Dileo and in your right mind - why would you sign something on behalf of someone if you dont work for this person?
i dont think thats the issue. from reading/skimming through the rest of the pages last night. the entertainment company went to frank with this idea and and made an agreement based on whether frank could get the family to agree. he didnt sign anything on behalf of any members of the family. the agreements was between frank and the company and having so many days to see if frank get could getthe family to agree to the deal..thats as far as the deal ever went.
On Monday, a New Jersey concert promoter sent a cease and desist letter, alleging the London appearances violated terms of an agreement to play a Jackson Five reunion concert.

Phillips said the claim was "meritless" and had not affected rehearsals

I think we can calm down, AEG is aware of it.
Whether if this is true or not, O2 concerts are very important for MJ’s career and his comeback so he will never cancel even if he had to breach a contract.
So, from the getgo, this sounds like a bunch of rubbish with people who probably aren't even directly related in Jackson affairs to try to get the gears turning on a Jackson concert, it didn't pan out, and now said people are trying to gain something in the end, if not the concerts.

This will probably blow over and, even if it doesn't, there's no way these concerts aren't happening.
:cheeky:O2 can never be cancelled,if none of Jackson family even knew about this Dileo's contract with AllGood Ent then it makes no sense,no court can stop Michael from doing O2 and a World Tour:cheers:

How come Jackie Jackson's photo isn't in the Jackson 5 line on up on TMZ headline. That kind of shows how credible TMZ are on Michael and the Jackson families careers.

This story is stupid, and the media just have to accept Michael's O2 concert will go ahead and be a legendary success. The media will never destory Michael's career, sorry but Michael Jackson is Unbreakable.
my heart will stop if they're no concerts. I don't know, its a chaos, so bs.
can someone find mj's friggin comments a bout the auction where they said they were donating money to a music charity and how they were happy about the auction? i don't have time to find it.

he was pushign the auction and changed his mind. case in point: tohme is still here. contract or not, if a manager was so reckless as to cause his client to nearly lose all his posessions, that's grounds for dismissal due to inappropriate and illegal managing. he's still there.

how can both tohme and frank have poa? they can't so it' sbunk. lemme see what i can do, tscm
This entire episode has been bizarre. Why does just ANYBODY think they can claim to be Michael's manager? That's quite a crowd he's got now! Even suggesting that the concerts should be canceled is hurtful to Michael. It just sounds like a MAJOR scam is being attempted. . . . . . hopefully this will soon blow over?
A guy from called AEG. Here is his story.

"... after an hour of redialling finally got through to their european office at the 02 and asked about the latest rumours.

the guy LAUGHED at them-he said that it was utterly preposterous and that it was actually IMPOSSIBLE for a "cease and desist" order issued in america to be enforced in the united kingdom.

I did suggest that perhaps aeg may like to issue a statement via this forum to clear this all up. while he did say that obviously they cant respond to every rumour sweeping the internet that he would pass my concerns to the powers that be.

so,to put everyones mind at rest,AEG are 100 percent that all 50 dates are ON,and that this is just a load of nonsense."
I may not be popular for saying this, but I'll do it anyhow...

None of this thread would even be here if Michael had his entire organization under control...!
I realize that he is the head of a very vast empire, that there are a billions loose ends, and that he HAS been a victim of people trying to harm him. However...

The only person who can truly sort this out and keep ANY of this from happening again - including the lawsuits from Raymore Bain, John Landis, Ola Ray and who knows who else... the only say is for Michael to take control.

Yes, it would require COUNTLESS hours to clean it up. Yes, it would get ugly, and yes he'd probably get sued left and right at first, however, he could get it all under control.

Not give POA to nobody... When somebody is no longer needed, fire their behinds properly through phone-call, fax or whatever, but directly from him, if he himself hired them. He would need to look over ANY contract he signs thouroughly, preferrebly have a lawyer look them over with a microscope. He would need to have regular meetings with accountants to see what is up, and to make necessary adjustments. He may have to change his budget severely and only be able to buy 10,000 dollars worth of stuff at Ed Hardy. He may have to only live in one place, and when he does fly, either go first class like most stars, or only charter jets when it is absolutely necessary.

I am NOT saying Michael is broke, or that I know what is going on behind the scenes, my guess is as good as yours. But lawsuits flying every which where and everyone and their mama suing for non-payment is NOT the signs of everything being under control.

I work for one of the biggest companies in the world - McDonalds, and BELIEVE ME.... even to the very lowest level, you'll know if you're in or out. Your salary will be payed out, and your contracts are air-tight. I'm nothing but a floor-level manager, and my contract is 3 pages long and state everything down to every CENT they have to pay me, WHO hired me, WHAT I'm hired as, WHAT kind of pension they have to pay etc etc. I could take them to court for not paying overtime if I wanted to give it a go, but they have my signature on a piece of paper for every shift I worked over-time, making it voluntary over-time and therefore not eligeble for over-time pay. This is McDonalds...

Michael's empire is nowhere NEAR that size, nowhere NEAR that complex or nowhere NEAR involving so many shady characters... yet it works.

So for Michael's camp to constantly be in trouble... there simply is not the needed level of control.
Here's the artwork used in the proposal and outline by AllGood Entertainment:

Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

You repeated the story. What's the point? I doubt this will be an issue, but it will for sure, become another 'settlement' nightmare that Michael will face. I can't see the London shows not going on. AEG will DEFINITELY make sure this is taken care of. I wouldn't worry. Then again, wait and see. It is Michael Jackson after all, the greatest show man of all time.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

You repeated the story. What's the point? I doubt this will be an issue, but it will for sure, become another 'settlement' nightmare that Michael will face. I can't see the London shows not going on. AEG will DEFINITELY make sure this is taken care of. I wouldn't worry. Then again, wait and see. It is Michael Jackson after all, the greatest show man of all time.
Amen to that!

But for the people who've been dreaming about this event for so long... We kind of have to be concerned...

I'm sure Michael will fight it till the end though, I believe in him. :)
i dont think thats the issue. from reading/skimming through the rest of the pages last night. the entertainment company went to frank with this idea and and made an agreement based on whether frank could get the family to agree. he didnt sign anything on behalf of any members of the family. the agreements was between frank and the company and having so many days to see if frank get could getthe family to agree to the deal..thats as far as the deal ever went.

Exactly. They thought Frank had influence and Frank thought if he brought Michael a good deal it would increase his chances to get in as Michael's manager or at the least to get a commision for initiating the deal. AllGood got ticked because they thought Dileo and AEG were working together in the same way they were working with Dileo. It would be like a lobbyist working for competing companies and then one of them finds out about it. I don't think it was illegal or necessarily even that wrong having seen TSCM's summary. There can be as many people as want out looking for deals for Michael. It doesn't even mean Michael gave and go ahead to Frank. The only problem would be if Michael signed and we hope he did not. At this point it seems he didn't.
I may not be popular for saying this, but I'll do it anyhow...

None of this thread would even be here if Michael had his entire organization under control...!
I realize that he is the head of a very vast empire, that there are a billions loose ends, and that he HAS been a victim of people trying to harm him. However...

The only person who can truly sort this out and keep ANY of this from happening again - including the lawsuits from Raymore Bain, John Landis, Ola Ray and who knows who else... the only say is for Michael to take control.

Yes, it would require COUNTLESS hours to clean it up. Yes, it would get ugly, and yes he'd probably get sued left and right at first, however, he could get it all under control.

Not give POA to nobody... When somebody is no longer needed, fire their behinds properly through phone-call, fax or whatever, but directly from him, if he himself hired them. He would need to look over ANY contract he signs thouroughly, preferrebly have a lawyer look them over with a microscope. He would need to have regular meetings with accountants to see what is up, and to make necessary adjustments. He may have to change his budget severely and only be able to buy 10,000 dollars worth of stuff at Ed Hardy. He may have to only live in one place, and when he does fly, either go first class like most stars, or only charter jets when it is absolutely necessary.

I am NOT saying Michael is broke, or that I know what is going on behind the scenes, my guess is as good as yours. But lawsuits flying every which where and everyone and their mama suing for non-payment is NOT the signs of everything being under control.

I work for one of the biggest companies in the world - McDonalds, and BELIEVE ME.... even to the very lowest level, you'll know if you're in or out. Your salary will be payed out, and your contracts are air-tight. I'm nothing but a floor-level manager, and my contract is 3 pages long and state everything down to every CENT they have to pay me, WHO hired me, WHAT I'm hired as, WHAT kind of pension they have to pay etc etc. I could take them to court for not paying overtime if I wanted to give it a go, but they have my signature on a piece of paper for every shift I worked over-time, making it voluntary over-time and therefore not eligeble for over-time pay. This is McDonalds...

Michael's empire is nowhere NEAR that size, nowhere NEAR that complex or nowhere NEAR involving so many shady characters... yet it works.

So for Michael's camp to constantly be in trouble... there simply is not the needed level of control.

nobody is jealous of mcdonalds, and there are a lot of restaurants neck and neck with them. and people do sue them...remember the cup of coffee? and there was a movie made about the fat content. there are protests. the fact is..people are not as jealous of mcdonalds as they are of Michael. and you don't know the size of MJ's empire. i wish people would stop saying 'i'm not saying', cus when they say that, they are saying.

oh.. psst.....listen...

do you hear that song playing on the radio? it's paying MJ's bills...and he's not even singing it.


do you hear that song playing over that muzak system in that random mcdonalds you happen to stop by in nowheresville, merryland, or whererver you may be? kaching for mj. say not? you say universal? oh.. well the song before and after that and the three songs down the middle, not to mention the threepeats of lady gaga. that pays MJ wayyy more than the top exec at mcdonalds. let alone the fantasy quotient that has mcdonalds beat by more than a mile.
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Wow there are some serious jealous and HATEFUL souls out there. This sounds like SOMEONE or SOMEBODYS realllllly don't want these shows to go on. How sad. They didnt want to sue michael or have him honor his part to the so called family gig but they wanted CEASE and DISMISS of the 02 shows. :doh: Can we say some serious HATIN' going on the the backround. -_- anyways....NEXT!

MIKE is gonna shut it down come july 8th!:punk:
how can frank sing without michaels approve i remeber michael said he is not going to tour with his family and he gave and official anouncemend back then.
And once again, the media has proved (almost collectively, even) that 'tis better to think for ourselves that to take the word of someone who has damn near NO FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE of current events or even a partial grip on reality. :D
how can frank sing without michaels approve i remeber michael said he is not going to tour with his family and he gave and official anouncemend back then.
And it's even BIGGER than that. I mean, how can Frank speak for the ENTIRE Jackson Clan, including LaToya and Rebbie. LOL! Even REBBIE!

That's the part that really gets me. It "appears" as if Frank was giving a guarantee for the ENTIRE Jackson family.
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