Reuters, Yahoo & TMZ: AllGood Ent Threatens To Stop O2 Concerts

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damn must we be so blunt? obviously if he screwed up on a royal scale, y the hell did mj talk about the auction? why was he promoting it? y at the 11th hr did they do something about it and y is tohme still there?

my version?:cheers:

See, you keep saying this but I never once heard from Michael about the auction. I never heard or saw him promote anything. It was all the other people involved. And tho I do believe he was involved at some point, obviously something went beyond what he was aware should be happening. Anyway, I don't want to argue the auction again. Done and dusted. Maybe he's still there becuz he comes with the Colony deal and there's no other way around him. blah.
In case anyone is interested, here's the artwork used in the proposal and outline by AllGood Entertainment:


Well you know where the family stands - one would think if they were really touring as a family they would be a lil more equal:doh: But guess that where the money is. Blah
Well you know where the family stands - one would think if they were really touring as a family they would be a lil more equal:doh: But guess that where the money is. Blah

Its all about MICHAEL JACKSON and ONLY about MICHAEL JACKSON! They are just frontin' adding the rest of the family members on there, its Michael they want period!

And that art work just says it all!-_-
Its all about MICHAEL JACKSON and ONLY about MICHAEL JACKSON! They are just frontin' adding the rest of the family members on there, its Michael they want period!

And that art work just says it all!-_-

Right. Can I just tell you how further ridiculous it is. Sorry about the earlier comment, but I couldn't find anything else at that point to describe it, it's just dumb.

Dont laugh :zformation: , you know you want to see it along with 'Heart Don't Lie' of course :woo:.

That poster is cracking me up :lmao: Michael and Janet take up the whole thing and the rest of the family are stuck with a little teeny square down in the corners :lol:

JACKSON FAMILY REUNION, WITH MICHAEL AND JANET!!!...and Tito, Jermaine, Jackie, Latoya, Rebbie, Marlon and Randy
Dont laugh :zformation: , you know you want to see it along with 'Heart Don't Lie' of course :woo:.

OMG, STILL LMAOOOO.. I hope she will wear the headband she use to rock back in 1983-84.. How I miss Latoya in her headbands and legwarmers...:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::cheeky:
girl tohme did what he was told to do. it wasn't thrown out of court, it was settled b/c mj allowed it and then changed his damn mind! lol

if tohme made a mistake, he'd be long gone. he still hurrrr!:punk:

and that poster is hella wack. how thehell u gonna use other press photos of something to market a big ass project lik ethis? it's like remedial photoshop 101...stupider than molasses on a honey sammuch
I dont think michael just changed his mind about the auction, I dont think he wanted to auction off all of the items from neverland. there were some items he wanted to keep, there was or is a problem with the way dr tohme handled the auction there was a rumor about hiring lenoard rowe to replace tohme,
But dr tohme is under a contract with mjjproduction.
If anybody does not believe that there is indeed a conspiracy(involving the major media, and various entities the entertainment industry) against Michael Jackson I do not know what would?

John Landis
Ola Ray
Ambulance drivers(chasing lawsuits)
Raymone Bain
Now this "All Good" Entertainment?

This is ridiculous. With less than 2 months to go an all out blitz has been launch to stop Michaels return. Again why now?

I understand that this is Tabloid(TMZ Gossip section) but look at the efford to stop these record breaking performances.

If Paul Maccartney or Madonna or Britney, JT or Eminem could sell this many tickets would the media be doing everything to stop it!?
OMG, STILL LMAOOOO.. I hope she will wear the headband she use to rock back in 1983-84.. How I miss Latoya in her headbands and legwarmers...:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::cheeky:

Yeah bring back the headband and legwarmers, all the vintage and retro stuff is coming back. I don't know why but 'Heart Don't Lie' always sounded like a song from Sesame Street to me and I kept imaging Big Bird dancing to it :lol:
In case anyone is interested, here's the artwork used in the proposal and outline by AllGood Entertainment:


that poster ia an utter failure. the irrelevant ones do belong @ the bottom but it looks cheap,and why n the hell wud they use pics from other sources 4 promo? smh
I want Michael in concert and not the rest of the Jackson family (maybe Janet for a couple of songs)

If they are saying he should cancel his london shows.. I tell you There is going to be mass uproar!!!
I want Michael in concert and not the rest of the Jackson family (maybe Janet for a couple of songs)

If they are saying he should cancel his london shows.. I tell you There is going to be mass uproar!!!

They won't be cancelled, don't worry :), it seems like none of the Jackson family agreed to this and were unaware of AllGood Entertainment bringing this complaint.
The rest of the Jacksons, including Janet, will be sitting in the audience watching their little brother do his thing. That's for sure.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

I just had a little email conversation with Patrick Allocco of AllGood - and I think it is one of those issues about having to PUSH loud and big - ie - go over aboard to be heard (ie sue MJ) in order to get MJ's attention - or in this case, contact a tabloid/get on the news.

The July 2010 concert in Texas with the family will not conflict with the O2 concerts -

There will obviously be some behind the scenes scrambling, because AllGood assumes that Mr. Dileo was MJ's manager - and if he really wasn't then they have a major issue - and who really knows who is MJ's manager at any particular moment.

So, according to Mr. Allocco, the London concerts are not 'in trouble'...

Michael has the potential to make MILLIONS and peeps want a peace of it...

so get on your tackle pads.........the ride is about to get even bumpier...

and I always believe when Michael fires someone its for a good reason...
so I will take the side of Michael on any of those firings..........

ummm??? Frank, WTF??
My question is, if Frank did sign Michael up to do this tour .....behind MJ's back, what would that profit him? Michael mad it clear that he had no desire to perform with his brothers so what would have possessed Frank to sign on the dotted line? or did he represent himself as MJ's manager when he clearly was not?

i just wonder why would he behave in such a bizarre way? why would he do it? it seems foolish to me if he didnt have any authority. if you dont have the authority -you cannot make Michael do anything. if you cannot - why ruin your reputation?

i have also forgotten what made Michael to make a statement about not touring with the family again? would someone remind me please :)
And this about this....Phillips says they have been in talks with Michael for at least two years. So why would Michael be trying to do something with AEG and then have F DiLeo doing something else on the side?
Yes, I looked right at them now and that time is yes. :yes: And the picture of Michael seems to be the magazine L'uomo Vogue or Ebony... do not remember now... but I'm sure that is one of those two magazines!

A montage of photos rather shamelessly. :rofl:​
Exactly.. Whoever put that thing together must have been practicing for days on there new Adobe Photoshop program..Bless their lil heart. Um only promo ad I want to see is of MJ's new song/album and more "This Is It" banners
Oh heck yeah!! AllGoodEntertainment has clearly put the cart before the horse!!

And that poster up there... What in the world??!!



Thank God Mike has where he can put something on his website to let fans know it's still all systems go as far as "This Is It" is concerned.

Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Excerpt from the article from TCSM:

Well, that knocks $40 mil off of Raymone Bain's lawsuit right there. Here, you have Randy Phillips stating that he was in directl negotiations with both MJ and Tohme. No mention of Raymone Bain.

Poor girl. Not!

thanks for picking up on that!:cheeky:
Excerpt from an article I just read; and it makes sense to me......

In summary, two contracts and agreements were signed by December 1, 2008 by Frank Dileo and parties relating to Dileo's agency and AllGood Entertainment's agency. None of these contracts bare any signature of the Jacksons, nor has there been any confirmation that the Jackson siblings are aware of these concert-related plans. Even within the proposal that detailed at length the expenses, profits, and plans of each artist, there are no direct quotes from any of the Jacksons themselves to bring credence to the proposal. After reviewing many documents and communications regarding this conflict, does not believe that the dispute between Frank Dileo and AllGood Entertainment will have any negative impact on AEG and the O2 concerts.

With no signatures or authorization by Michael Jackson within the contracts between Frank Dileo and AllGood Entertainment, and seemingly just one online Web site referencing that Frank Dileo had any involvement with AEG, there does not appear to be much legal cause for concern over the O2 concerts. Again, the cease and desist letter did not occur until the night that CelebrityAccess published an article proclaiming that Frank Dileo and AEG would release a statement the following week with regards to Leonard Rowe's questionable involvement. No such statement was ever released, Randy Phillips insisted that he only worked through Michael Jackson and Dr. Tohme Tohme in the matter, and the article in question only cites a "spokesperson of Frank Dileo" as the source and does not include any direct quotes from Frank Dileo himself.

Finally, on October 30, 2008 (one month before any such contracts, proposals, or agreements were drafted and signed), Michael Jackson issued the following statement: "My brothers and sisters have my full love and support, and we’ve certainly shared many great experiences, but at this time I have no plans to record or tour with them. I am now in the studio developing new and exciting projects that I look forward to sharing with my fans in concert soon." Stay tuned...
Out of all the craziness in this thread, that poster is the funniest thang I've seen. Sheesh, selfish much? :rofl:

That poster is cracking me up :lmao: Michael and Janet take up the whole thing and the rest of the family are stuck with a little teeny square down in the corners :lol:

JACKSON FAMILY REUNION, WITH MICHAEL AND JANET!!!...and Tito, Jermaine, Jackie, Latoya, Rebbie, Marlon and Randy

I know. It's so sad but it's so funny. That's why I love this place this place so much.
LOL that poster. The combination of pictures are hilarious. MJ from Ebony, Janet from her OWN tour promo, La Toya from a photoshoot, and the brothers from the Victory era. Nice job :toofunny:
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