Reuters, Yahoo & TMZ: AllGood Ent Threatens To Stop O2 Concerts

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Bottom line for me....

AEG has made a comment about this, now its Michael and the rest of the Jackson Family's turn to make a statement about this, afterall somebody was going behind there backs promising their participation.
Well for now, I have moved on from MJ and AEG.

Now I'm wondering what the OTHER Jackson family members will have to say about Frank "seemingly" speaking on their behalf, especially Janet, who I'm sure has her own representative(s).

I mean, they even got REBBIE up in the mix, which I'm sure will be news to her.
Just........:censored: Don't tell me Tookie screwing up, too! I mean What The BEEP is going on in MJLand. The Auction went down like a Twilight Zone episode and now we've got all Three Blind Mice running 'round. I mean, can ANYBODY who's NOT supposed to be signing crap STOP signing crap?? And WHYYYYYY are people who have no authority to sign crap, doing it in the first place. I do NOT get this?!!! AND is SOMEBODY keeping up with who actually HAS the authority to be running thangs. How many contracts exactly are there with exactly how many different ppl who think they are in charge?? For the Love of all that is Holy and Merciful, WHO is minding the store up in MJ Land, eh? The Mad Hatter? I swear I feel like I've fallen down the rabbit hole with this news.

TSCM, thank you for your informative posts, dude. At least panic has subsided about the O2 shows thanks to word from AllGood. So basically, blind mouse number three has been on a signing rampage that has zero merit. Tookie! Tookie! Tookie! And this time I say that with disappointment and a bias of another color. Wtf? Seriously. W...T....Frick, dude! And no money shouldn't have changed hands cuz it's obvious he never secured any signatures from any Jackson family members during the 120 days.

To be fair, the AllGood deal actually sounds nice, but if you take 24 million profit and divided up by HOW many Jacksons participating in this thing and Lord knows who else, that's not exactly woohoo money. So I dunno why they are saying it like it compares to the O2 deal MJ has on his own...not to down the AllGood idea. Just saying....Sounds like a lot of work for very little profit. No wonder MJ sat down with AEG. Unfortunately, NOW he's got to work out that pesky 10 percent between blind mice one and two and whether one gets it all or the two mice have to split their cheese. Ugh!

And this has been ANOTHER episode in the MJ Twilight Zone.

Seriously tho.... WHEN will things change so this kind of unecessary drama can stop happening? :(

yeah...almost seems like MJ has to hire bodyguards to guard any peice of paper floating around, till MJ gets to it, himself. lol. build a fort knox type building, and attach an elaborate alarm system to it. even if the person is legit, the alarm should still go off, till MJ gets to the place. lol. except at night, when MJ is sleeping, so you'll know that if something gets signed, you know it was signed in the middle of the night, like a nefarious person would. lol

lol...sounds crazy...but then, with all these big dollar signs in ppls eyes, does it? lol
Re: Reuters, Yahoo & TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

I agree because this gives the terrorist impression to the fans and not naming sources because all media outlets are now picking this up. It should be an objective title to coordinate with AEG's upbeat and strong statement.

Suggested Titles: [Breaking News] AllGood Entertainment Challenging o2 Concerts - AEG remaining upbeat, confident and strong (per official press statement by Randy Phillips)

Or this: "AllGood In Questionable Conflict with o2 Concerts - AEG going on with Jackson shows (Randy Phillips statement)."
this is straight up damn bootychatter and if they asses think they'll stop a damn thing so the rest of the siblings can feel worth it, then they're dreaming. this was supposed to be summer of 09? y didn't we hear about it in jan? oh right....well it can still go on in all its pathetic glory if mj goes along w/ it but they can't stop a damn thing. how is a concert in texas gonna be affected by c oncerts in a different country?

stupid as hell
Well for now, I have moved on from MJ and AEG.

Now I'm wondering what the OTHER Jackson family members will have to say about Frank "seemingly" speaking on their behalf, especially Janet, who I'm sure has her own representative(s).

I mean, they even got REBBIE up in the mix, which I'm sure will be news to her.

Rebbie AND La Toya and they haven't performed in 10 years. :lol:
this is straight up damn bootychatter and if they asses think they'll stop a damn thing so the rest of the siblings can feel worth it, then they're dreaming. this was supposed to be summer of 09? y didn't we hear about it in jan? oh right....well it can still go on in all its pathetic glory if mj goes along w/ it but they can't stop a damn thing. how is a concert in texas gonna be affected by c oncerts in a different country?

stupid as hell

I feel your anger, Kate. :yes:
what the jackson's gonna do? tear angel away froma buffett and have her do work for a change? um....riiiiight she's gonna go against tookies ass....this is more complicated than everyone thinks or knows. it' slame as hell and aeg won't buckle.

that's the ONLY rad thin gabout it. and we knew damn well when rowe made his little rf blurb that tohme was the one who did the o2. never raywack. never frank lame and definitely not this stupid ass company
Rebbie AND La Toya and they haven't performed in 10 years. :lol:

I want to see Latoya, I've been waiting to see a performance of 'You Gonna Get Rocked' like forever :lol:.
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pretty funny - thanks to Twitter, all our 'releases' are being repeated on MJ Forum, and yes, we get credit.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

I know I take it seriously. I have also been told bymore than one person in a position to know that Michael's brothers are nasty/bad news. Any minor respect I might have had for any of them just went out the window. I despise them for this. You pretty much summed it up.
You dont know if this is coming from his brothers. It sounds like its coming from the lawyers that represent the entertainment company that the deal was made with. I Personaly dont know if i trust dr thome after the auction deal, that michael did not consent to, I dont know how michael feel about all the shows that dr thome worked out for the 02 concert , While at the same time he had agreed to tour with his brothers and janet if he allowed one of his manager to sign a agreement that he knew it would be legal binding, so i will wait and see what michael will say and do about the situation.
yeaand she was doing shows when jan was doing afy. so she still performs when she has the chance.

but it' sjust sad that yet again some lame ass wannabe manager causes this. remember....mj's manager is tohme.
what the jackson's gonna do? tear angel away froma buffett and have her do work for a change? um....riiiiight she's gonna go against tookies ass....this is more complicated than everyone thinks or knows. it' slame as hell and aeg won't buckle.

that's the ONLY rad thin gabout it. and we knew damn well when rowe made his little rf blurb that tohme was the one who did the o2. never raywack. never frank lame and definitely not this stupid ass company

Say it damn right!!!
this'll be over faster than me and chichi at popeye's cuz once the red beans and rice hit teh fan, this bootychatter company will buckle and frank's pathetic ass will finally be put on blast.
this'll be over faster than me and chichi at popeye's cuz once the red beans and rice hit teh fan, this bootychatter company will buckle and frank's pathetic ass will finally be put on blast.

I love the way you say things :rofl: especially the word 'bootychatter' :lol: someone needs to put it in the dictionary asap.
I think it's fair to say we don't really know who is what at this point. What we seem to have are a group of people who seem to believe they do or at some point had authority to do...stuff. Until the lawsuit, no one even knew Raymone had a 3 year contract in 2006 that will expire at the end of this month. And there's still the question about whether she was officially fired or whatever. We don't know whose contract trumps whose or what at this point depending on how many are floating around and what the terms/limits of those contracts are. We just don't know. And just becuz a couple of people say who they dealt with doesn't really mean anything. There was a time when Peter Lopez seemed to be running some things in respect to T25 and that was also while Tohme was around (Edit: I meant Raymone was around, not Tohme). See what I mean? For all we know some or most of these people may be overstepping or overstepped the bounds of their contracts at some point. Heck, Tohme nearly signed away 20 years of MJ's life and there was not an "M" or a "J" signed anywhere on that consignment agreement. There's obviously a problem.

For a while I thought this may have been a clever strategy to keep too many people from knowing MJ's biz and keeping them confused as to WHO they should be hitting up. The one thing I counted on was that ALL of those involved kinda knew who was really in charge and all was cool. Well, I'm ready to admit that theory was wrong. I could NOT have been more wrong about that. Obviously, all the mice seem to think they had authority to do things they really didn't. Right now, I feel safe knowing MJ at least DID sign the O2 agreements. That's the one thing that seems legit here. And the AllGood folks don't seem to really want to conflict with that, so all is cool on that front.

The main concern is what MJJCMod originally posted in the first post...too many chefs in the kitchen. And whereas I thought they all MAY have had an understanding about who was the Head Chef, it doesn't seem that way. The more things play out it seems like a bunch of runaway trains and this is scary becuz they are playing with a man's career and livelihood here. The idea that NOBODY seems to be able to complete a task without a single mishap is not only unprofessional, but it's disheartening. I'm trying not to be overly concerned here, but SOMETHING is surely "rotten in Denmark". I swear 'fo God! This much crap can NOT happen to one man trying to make music and put on some shows. I know greed makes ppl do things, but COME ON.!!There is so much negligence at play here it ALL can't be accidental,...can it???!! I'm starting to get paranoid...and I don't wanna be paranoid. I wanna be happy and excited...and I'm trying to be happy and excited. But these BEEPERS are making it soooo hard. :aggressive:
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In case anyone is interested, here's the artwork used in the proposal and outline by AllGood Entertainment:

muchos grassy ass....look. we all know aeg got mj's back. we all know frank has no loyalty and the people who work for him have about as much credibility as faux news. if this ain't over in a weavoncye minute (sorry shaun) then i don't know what to's not hard to show the chain of command and how many stans wanna be the manager for mj.

hwo many stans wanna be his manager's assistant, too....and it's sad that this is going on but when push come to shove, u don't wanna f' with a major company who stands to make hella paper on this . they'll bitch slap them in a rodney dangerfield second
For all we know some or most of these people may be overstepping or overstepped the bounds of their contracts at some point. Heck, Tohme nearly signed away 20 years of MJ's life and there was not an "M" or a "J" signed anywhere on that consignment agreement. There's obviously a problem.

girl tohme did what he was told to do. it wasn't thrown out of court, it was settled b/c mj allowed it and then changed his damn mind! lol

if tohme made a mistake, he'd be long gone. he still hurrrr!:punk:

and that poster is hella wack. how thehell u gonna use other press photos of something to market a big ass project lik ethis? it's like remedial photoshop 101...stupider than molasses on a honey sammuch
I think we should not be desperate. This will be resolved in the best possible way so that no one is injured and I'm sure the concerts at the O2 will not be canceled. Michael went through worse things, that neither comes close to the problems he has, he will resolve it as best as possible.
I think we should not be desperate. This will be resolved in the best possible way so that no one is injured and I'm sure the concerts at the O2 will not be canceled. Michael went through worse things, that neither comes close to the problems he has, he will resolve it as best as possible.​
bless ur post and ur positivity.

if randy wasn't so badass, i'd be fretting but i have a feeling that franky's ways will catch up to him and show that the world of dileo isn't as kosher as we once we, i mean some of y'all cuz hell, i ain'tnever liked his lil ass....cept when joe pesci played him. fit his persona perfectly
In case anyone is interested, here's the artwork used in the proposal and outline by AllGood Entertainment:


Dare I say it...that artwork by AllGood Entertainment looks really tacky, it doesn't look professional at all.
girl tohme did what he was told to do. it wasn't thrown out of court, it was settled b/c mj allowed it and then changed his damn mind! lol

if tohme made a mistake, he'd be long gone. he still hurrrr!:punk:

and that poster is hella wack. how thehell u gonna use other press photos of something to market a big ass project lik ethis? it's like remedial photoshop 101...stupider than molasses on a honey sammuch

That's your version of events, tho...not necessarily fact. And MJ has been known to keep people around despite screw ups. So if Tohme is still around, I wouldn't automatically agree that means he was blameless.
Dare I say it...that artwork by AllGood Entertainment looks really tacky, it doesn't look professional at all.
can i co-sign cuz the level of wackness has made it impossible for me to stay any longer. until tomorrow when this thread is 100 + pages:doh:
That's your version of events, tho...not necessarily fact. And MJ has been known to keep people around despite screw ups. So if Tohme is still around, I wouldn't automatically agree that means he was blameless.
damn must we be so blunt? obviously if he screwed up on a royal scale, y the hell did mj talk about the auction? why was he promoting it? y at the 11th hr did they do something about it and y is tohme still there?

my version?:cheers:
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