Reuters, Yahoo & TMZ: AllGood Ent Threatens To Stop O2 Concerts

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Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Relax guys....

What Michael has coming up in London is enormous...

No judge would hold up a confirmed 50-show concert series for a one-time reunion show that has never been confirmed.

In addition to this, Michael issued a statement a long time showing were he stood in this matter and Frank's signature on some contract with some other people is not going to override MJ's own signature on a contract with AEG.

No judge in their right mind would say a one-time unconfirmed show will take precedence over a series of concerts that have people traveling from all over the world.

No judge will overlook the positive impact the 50-show concert series will have on London's economy just to help line the pocket of this one company called AllGoodEntertainment.

Really, you guys. Relax.

Just because TMZ doesn't care about your happiness or the positive impact that MJ's upcoming concerts can have on the economy, does not mean you must feed into it what TMZ is doing. You don't owe TMZ anything and neither does London.


The clock is still counting down to "This Is It. Keep packing your luggage. Opening night is still on the horizon."


A one-time reunion in 2010. :lol:

Damn, you were excited to post this...three times. :lol:
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

And why would Frank assume the role of manager for Janet and her sisters? I am sure he knows that Janet has her own management team. I don't understand how he could just go into negotiations with a promoter on behalf of an entire family that he doesn't manage. This is just bizarre behavior to me.

lol. a lot of proud people. when you've worked for MJ, you've had the best job ever. and nobody likes to go downhill, when searching for another job. whether it be Bain or anyone else, who have been near MJ, occupationally, leaving the circle is like being cast from the oasis and into the desert. it's like a divorce from a rich spouse. the party trying to reconnect or get money, always thinks that they don't want to leave the..'lifestyle they are accustomed to.'. that doesn't condone them, though.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Thank you very much for clearing up this mess because 02 shows will NOT be blocked.

Still, I dont understand how Frank could operate as a manager for them all? Very suspicious.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

You all need to calm down. It isn't tabloid. If you do not like this thread please check the other threads on this forum.

Just wait and see how this plays out and calm the heck down. When TMZ print the Juliens Auction story (Michael suing them) you all had nothing to say. I guess it's because Michael was doing the suing. But when Michael is apparently getting sued, the story becomes "tabloid" and dismissed. Don't read it if you don't like what you see!

Amen to that.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

lol. a lot of proud people. when you've worked for MJ, you've had the best job ever. and nobody likes to go downhill, when searching for another job. whether it be Bain or anyone else, who have been near MJ, occupationally, leaving the circle is like being cast from the oasis and into the desert. it's like a divorce from a rich spouse. the party trying to reconnect or get money, always thinks that they don't want to leave the..'lifestyle they are accustomed to.'. that doesn't condone them, though.

Yeah they'll leave Mike but they want more money as their security blanket. :lol:
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Okay.. its kinda sorted out among the fans, but

An official confirmation is needed now!!. What time is it in the States?
Wake Frank Dileo up asap! Lol!
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Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Okay.. its kinda sorted out among the fans, but

I still think some kind of official confirmation is needed. What time is it in the States?
Wake Frank Dileo up asap! Lol!

Frank will probably say something tomorrow but then again he didn't really say much during the Rowe confusion so maybe that's just wishful thinking he'll say anything.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Sorted? huh? :unsure:

Well. I dont mean, we have ALL the facts.. Just that some fans were running around on different boards going crazy, confused and pulling our hair (with all their rights!).. and TSCM calmed us down quit a bit. That kind of sort out :p
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

A one-time reunion in 2010. :lol:

Damn, you were excited to post this...three times. :lol:

I tried to click stop, but the send button won. LOL

The July 2010 date of the one-time reunion show makes this whole thing even more ridiculous.

Michael's concerts in London end in February 2010. That means this one-time unconfirmed reunion show will be five months away from MJ's London gig.

There is no scheduling conflict. Especially not with something that is still up in the air...
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Frank will probably say something tomorrow but then again he didn't really say much during the Rowe confusion so maybe that's just wishful thinking he'll say anything.
I´m wondering if it could be just one big fake. I mean if it really is FD who signed it. Would otherwise really like to hear his explanation to why he signed such a contract on behalf of not just MJ but the whole family.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy


I tried to click stop, but the send button won. LOL

The July 2010 date of the one-time reunion show makes this whole thing even more ridiculous.

Michael's concerts in London end in February 2010. That means this one-time unconfirmed reunion show will be five months away from MJ's London gig.

There is no scheduling conflict. Especially not with something that is still up in the air...

I mean, really. Even when it first posted, I didn't get the big deal about it and afterwards, it just makes the claims more ridiculous.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy


The July 2010 date of the one-time reunion show makes this whole thing even more ridiculous.

Michael's concerts in London end in February 2010. That means this one-time unconfirmed reunion show will be five months away from MJ's London gig.

There is no scheduling conflict. Especially not with something that is still up in the air...

Did I miss something here? The facts that TSCM provided us with says that
"""The plan of AllGood Entertainment was to host a "one-time event" tentatively titled "The Jackson Family Reunion: A Concert for the World" in the summer of 2009."""
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Did I miss something here? It says "The plan of AllGood Entertainment was to host a "one-time event" tentatively titled "The Jackson Family Reunion: A Concert for the World" in the summer of 2009.

I think she was referring to the Reuters report.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

I am glad some things are sorted. Time will just tell now what happens with this. But, I won't fuss over it, I'm sure everything will be alright; if there is going to be statements soon or something that actually confirms or whatever, then good. Just right now, everybody should just chillax and don't jump to conclusions. The concerts are not gonna go anywhere! We're halfway there. Thanks to those who posted some facts and things of reassurance lol. :lol:
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

lol. a lot of proud people. when you've worked for MJ, you've had the best job ever. and nobody likes to go downhill, when searching for another job. whether it be Bain or anyone else, who have been near MJ, occupationally, leaving the circle is like being cast from the oasis and into the desert. it's like a divorce from a rich spouse. the party trying to reconnect or get money, always thinks that they don't want to leave the..'lifestyle they are accustomed to.'. that doesn't condone them, though.

Yes, I think that makes a lot of sense.. It's very logical..
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

AllGood wanted the concert in July 2009 - but they have pushed it to July 2010, to fit in with the London concerts
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

does anyone know if any $$ has exchanged hands with promises that the family will perform together?

Just a thought because issues like this has caused problems in the past...
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

I mean, really. Even when it first posted, I didn't get the big deal about it and afterwards, it just makes the claims more ridiculous.
Yeah, that July 2010 date does make the claim even more ridiculous.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Well. I dont mean, we have ALL the facts.. Just that some fans were running around on different boards going crazy, confused and pulling our hair (with all their rights!).. and TSCM calmed us down quit a bit. That kind of sort out :p

Ah right, I get ya :p
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Thank you TSCM for taking the time to make sense of all of this and explain it all to us

The life of an MJ fan- what a rollercoster ride lol
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

From Randy Philips

“We are aware of the allegations which we believe are completely meritless,” Phillips said in the statement. “Rehearsals have been uninterrupted and continue on schedule.”

Taken from access hollywood
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

But the truth is Frank Dileo or anyone has no signing rights in BEHALF OF Michael Jackson. And I bet it's said in the agreement between Michael and Frank. Or if it's not said it just means Frank has no power of attorney...
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