Reuters, Yahoo & TMZ: AllGood Ent Threatens To Stop O2 Concerts

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Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

:rofl: Oddly enough when I was like nine or ten and there was some craziness going on then, I was thinking the same thing: "get some lasers and blow them haters up for disrespecting Michael, blow them all up!" :lol:

Hahahaha your so funny. MJ why are you not turning into a Transformer right now and annihilating them all, you did it in Moonwalker and we know how much sense that film made :lol:. No more 'I'm a lover not a fighter' talk MJ, release that inner robot, you know you want to :rofl:.
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Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

I just had a little email conversation with Patrick Allocco of AllGood - and I think it is one of those issues about having to PUSH loud and big - ie - go over aboard to be heard (ie sue MJ) in order to get MJ's attention - or in this case, contact a tabloid/get on the news.

The July 2010 concert in Texas with the family will not conflict with the O2 concerts -

There will obviously be some behind the scenes scrambling, because AllGood assumes that Mr. Dileo was MJ's manager - and if he really wasn't then they have a major issue - and who really knows who is MJ's manager at any particular moment.

So, according to Mr. Allocco, the London concerts are not 'in trouble'...
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Hahah , how could you believe something like this.!
If michael confermed something , he probably would know
whats happineng , its realy sad to hear something thats kinda made up.
I think michael is just really busy with preparing the o2 concerts.

Bless michael !
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

What it all comes down to is that this shouldn't be a big issue to stop any concerts.

MJ made it clear in 2008 in a public statement before this deal was ever signed, that he would not be working with his brothers. Therefore, all who signed this deal knowingly exceeded their authority, acted in bad faith, and Frank overstepped his authority knowing Michael's position, which had been made public.

Therefore, this whole contract is fraudulent because AllGood should have sought clarification directly from Michael before signing, as to Michael's public position that he would not tour or work with his brothers and he had his other plans for concerts.

The signing is fraudulent because the intent was to force Michael through backhand means into something he had already made public he would not do.

I still believe this thing has been signed recently to scam money out of either AEG or MJ or both. The industry is dirty and Dileo is no Angel. Like Ramone, he's out to profit and who knows how they have planned to share any possible settlemnt or outcome of this matter with AllGood.

But the outcome of this is MJ's camp is bound to be cleaned out good because AEG i'm sure is fed-up of the mess in MJ's camp with people doing as they wish.

The reason we see all this chaos is, in the past, MJ was signed up solely with Sony, so nothing could happen without Sony's appoval. They were like the one solid manager for MJ.

But the transition to MJ managing his own career rather than having it solely controlled by Sony is what's creating this chaos till a tight management control is formed over matters.

The thing is AEG is ort of taking on that role as it has a lot to lose with ongoing chaos, which will compel them to get MJ and his legal team to tighten up all loose ends and review everyone's authority and contracts.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

You notice the mistruths in the TMZ and Reuters articles too? That's why these stories are just LAUGHABLE! Just when you think you heard it all, here's some more! :lol:

I'm sure Bubbles will sue him next.

LOL!!:rofl: if they're gonna take him to court, though, they're gonna have to wait until he's done napping inside his anti-aging hyperbolic chamber.:lmao:
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

This does not sound good. I hope they clear this up so that the shows will happen.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

:D Yeah, you're probably right. But I like to think I can expect more well founded answers from the people with first hand knowledge of and actual involvement in Mr. Jackson's business dealings than an *ahem* "online entertainment news page" and various other "journalists". Don't mistake me, I have no intention of trying to downplay anybody's feelings on this issue. Anything that has even the slightest possibility of ruining the one moment in Michael Jackson history that some of us have been waiting a lifetime for is definately nervewracking.:agree: But me myself PERSONALLY...I have a natural mistrust and intense dislike of the news media. As a general rule I don't believe ANYTHING they tell me, let alone "information" they try to report about Mr. Jackson. But I honestly believe that if there was any sort of merit to any of this at all, Mr. Jackson's people if not Mr. Jackson himself would have been all over this. Because for all appearances, Mr. Jackson IS a very VERY good businessman. It's one of the reasons he's made it so long. If there was any chance that he could take a serious blow professionally, personally, etc. then the threat would be dealt with swiftly and without mercy. So the fact that Mr. Jackson or his lawers haven't even responded to any of this yet kind of tells me that there probably isn't a lot to this but hype.

I have to wholeheartedly agree...

QUOTE: But I honestly believe that if there was any sort of merit to any of this at all, Mr. Jackson's people if not Mr. Jackson himself would have been all over this. Because for all appearances, Mr. Jackson IS a very VERY good businessman. It's one of the reasons he's made it so long. If there was any chance that he could take a serious blow professionally, personally, etc. then the threat would be dealt with swiftly and without mercy. So the fact that Mr. Jackson or his lawers haven't even responded to any of this yet kind of tells me that there probably isn't a lot to this but hype.[/quote]

Mr.Jackson is an extremely smart, intelligent business man..! :punk: If we think logically about this...One cannot be in the music industry as long as he has and NOT learn the meaning of business..!

:angel:Goodness gracious ladies & gents have some faith in Mr.Jackson's intelligence..!
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Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

LOL!!:rofl: if they're gonna take him to court, though, they're gonna have to wait until he's done napping inside his anti-aging hyperbolic chamber.:lmao:

Right. And that'll be hard to do. :lol:

By the way TSCM's reporting of it is more professional than these "news reports".

Apparently AllGood BELIEVED Frank was Michael's manager and they're trying to see what is going on. Apparently this is an issue Frank DiLeo HIMSELF has to clear up. Not Michael Jackson and the Jackson family. And certainly not AEG.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

we still don't know is frank has any deal with mj
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

so the cease and decist letter was inregards to telling AEG to stop working with frank? even though frank wasnt working with AEG
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

The July 2010 concert in Texas with the family will not conflict with

Thanks MsSnoop, but after reading TSCM's post, how can All Entertainment speak about a
"Jackson Family Reunion," when it appears that the Jacksons know nothing about this concert. And I'm not just talking about Michael, I'm talking about the brothers AND Janet.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Hahahaha your so funny. MJ why are you not turning into a Transformer right now and annihilating them all, you did it in Moonwalker and we know how much sense that film made :lol:. No more 'I'm lover and fighter' talk MJ, release that inner robot, you know you want to :rofl:.

:lmao::toofunny: You're so awesome AGB! :rofl:
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

So it seems like this is entirely between Dileo and AllGood then, well GOOD news is that the O2 concerts won't be affected so no need to panic and worry now :).

Plus what AllGood says in that document doesn't make much sense because if they are to believed and that the concert was not only to include the brothers but Janet, Latoya and other members of the family wouldn't they need more than half a dozen signatures lol.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

man..that kind of concert sounds like an ad for allowing all musical types to enter a songwriting contest, featuring all genres of music, just because the organizers think it sounds good to the public they're trying to advertise to. it doesn't sound genuine, or like it would ever happen. besides the ticket price which strangely mimics the o2 prices..the texas concert just sounds like wishful thinking by someone outside the Jackson family, and unbeknownst to Michael. IMO
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy


I think you need to step back with your accusations, she is not creating drama END OFF

Its about being concerned for the fans and wanting them to know this is a serious affair,

Plus I am getting sick to the back teeth of your swipes and me and my people why you feel the need to follow such path is beyond me, it is my right as this is my house to ask you to refain.

This article is 100% correct and there is evidence to suggest that to be,



Absolutely. This IS serious, and the news article is correct.

As far as people wanting to contact AEG, I SERIOUSLY advise against it. This is a matter for attorneys. Contact info cannot come from MJJC anyway. Think about the effect on Michael if a bunch of fans start contacting AEG? More drama for them? NOT good for Michael. I'm sure they don't want this anymore than Michael does. So PLEASE step back, think, and chill-out on that.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

so the cease and decist letter was inregards to telling AEG to stop working with frank? even though frank wasnt working with AEG

Correct. And again, they base the claim on a single online article (the one I quoted earlier) in doing so, and misquote the article on top of it while considering that to be an "official press release" by Frank Dileo... Really I see nothing to worry about unless this company can PROVE that AEG is lying about their involvement with Frank Dileo, and that Michael Jackson was fully aware of and contracted to do the concert they tried arranging with Frank Dileo (which is impossible since no Jackson signature exists on any contract or agreement).
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Thank you TSCM and MsSnoop for clearing this little hiccup up for us! Phew... I can go to bed & sleep soundly now!
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Apparently AllGood BELIEVED Frank was Michael's manager and they're trying to see what is going on. Apparently this is an issue Frank DiLeo HIMSELF has to clear up. Not Michael Jackson and the Jackson family. And certainly not AEG.
And in reading TSCM's information, it "almost" sounds like Frank was speaking for the ENTIRE family, as per All Entertainment.

At this point All Entertainment has pointed the finger directly at Frank, not just for MJ, but "apparently, for the entire family.

Something is very wrong with this picture. I mean, I don't know who Janet's people are, but I have a feeling her people are not Frank DiLeo Entertainment.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Correct. And again, they base the claim on a single online article (the one I quoted earlier) in doing so, and misquote the article on top of it while considering that to be an "official press release" by Frank Dileo...

I do have a question regarding the paperwork you have received. Is it clear whether or not Frank DiLeo was acting on behalf of Michael Jackson? Was he signing a letter of intent as Michael's manager?
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Correct. And again, they base the claim on a single online article (the one I quoted earlier) in doing so, and misquote the article on top of it while considering that to be an "official press release" by Frank Dileo...

yeah exactly. the whole thing is a joke.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Thanks MsSnoop, but after reading TSCM's post, how can All Entertainment speak about a
"Jackson Family Reunion," when it appears that the Jacksons know nothing about this concert. And I'm not just talking about Michael, I'm talking about the brothers AND Janet.

Looks like the way it look, Frank had made this big thing about it and apparently AllGoodEntertainment thought it was all good. Well this is something THEY'RE gonna have to clear up. It appears this company has also gotten confused. The full posting also makes it sound like Frank made all this up and there's confused faces on them that they don't know what's going on. But apparently this destroys TMZ's reporting of it.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

And in reading TSCM's information, it "almost" sounds like Frank was speaking for the ENTIRE family, as per All Entertainment.

At this point All Entertainment has pointed the finger directly at Frank, not just for MJ, but "apparently, for the entire family.

Something is very wrong with this picture. I mean, I don't know who Janet's people are, but I have a feeling her people are not Frank DiLeo Entertainment.

Yeah that's what it sounds like to me. Sounds like ALL the Jacksons are the victims in this.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Correct. And again, they base the claim on a single online article (the one I quoted earlier) in doing so, and misquote the article on top of it while considering that to be an "official press release" by Frank Dileo... Really I see nothing to worry about unless this company can PROVE that AEG is lying about their involvement with Frank Dileo, and that Michael Jackson was fully aware of and contracted to do the concert they tried arranging with Frank Dileo (which is impossible since no Jackson signature exists on any contract or agreement).

I'd love to know the lawyer representing AllGood that filed this. AllGood reads a tabloid online article, emails AEG, AEG officially tells them that Dileo doesn't or never has worked in any capacity under the authority of AEG (at least with regards to this concerts), yet AllGood ignores this, and chooses to rely on an online article over the words from the president of AEG. Then they MISQUOTE the article. This is a complete joke.

Add in the fact that the contract appears to have been negotiated fraudulently by at least one side (Dileo) and in bad faith by both, and this is just a total farce. The company is desperately hoping for a settlement and/or publicity. A complaint this weak probably opens them up to rule 11 sanctions for filing a suit solely for harassment. I'd expect AEG's legal team to respond in such a manner, and I bet we'd see AllGood withdraw within the 21-day safe harbor.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Dispute Between Frank Dileo, AllGood Entertainment, AEG

A dispute has arisen between New Jersey based entertainment firm, AllGood Entertainment, Inc. ("AGE"), and Frank Dileo in conjunction with AEG regarding Michael Jackson's planned summer concerts at London's O2. has reviewed several comprehensive documents and proposals from the firm regarding this matter and will now explain the circumstances as they stand.

The plan of AllGood Entertainment was to host a "one-time event" tentatively titled "The Jackson Family Reunion: A Concert for the World" in the summer of 2009. The concert would star Michael and Janet Jackson while also including his siblings: LaToya, Rebbie, and all of his brothers. Billed as "The Most Anticipated Concert Event in Music History" the concert was anticipated to gross more than $93 million through a variety of means including ticket sales (at $135 each), sponsoring, Pay-Per-View access, DVD and CD sales, merchandising, digital downloads, broadcasting, and licensing. Using such a figure as a selling point, the company sought out a sponsorship to help fund the endeavor which included around $30 million of expenses.

The concert was anticipated to be held in one of several stadiums--either in New Orleans, San Diego, New Jersey, or Atlanta. The event would be day long and recorded professionally for Pay-Per-View and DVD releases with a projected first-showing audience of 100 million. The Pay-Per-View would fetch and estimated 3 to 7 million purchasers at $30 each, and there would be a worldwide market campaign building up to the event.

In addition to the proposal (which was drafted in attempts of locating a sponsor to fund the project), has reviewed several contractual documents between AllGood Entertainment and Frank Dileo. On November 26, 2008, a four page confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement was signed with regards to the reunion concert; the document is signed by roughly half a dozen parties including Frank Dileo. The term of the agreement was for 18 months following November 2008. The other signed agreement, drafted on November 21, 2008 and signed on November 25, 2008, was again four pages and signed by Frank Dileo and affiliated parties of AllGood Entertainment. This agreement called for at least a 90 minute performance by Michael Jackson and 150 minute performance overall by all parties of the Jackson family. The agreement also called for a press conference in which all Jackson family members were present to announce the concert. The Jackson family members would receive $24 million in profit for their involvement with the remaining money being distributed to the affiliated parties.

It should be noted that nowhere in any contract does the signature or authorization of ANY Jackson family member exist, it appears these contracts and proposals were drafted explicitly by Frank Dileo and AllGood Entertainment with no signed confirmation by any of the Jackson family members; it is unclear to what degree the Jackson family members are even aware of the whole situation.

Back on March 27, 2009, AllGood Entertainment sent a cease and desist letter via e-mail to Randy Phillips of AEG, which has also reviewed. This was in regards to an article that appeared online questioning who Michael Jackson's spokesperson really was, which stated: "A spokesman for Dileo told CelebrityAccess that they would release a statement along with AEG to address Rowe's claims next week and suggested that legal action may be in the offing." The letter threatened AEG with legal action if Frank Dileo continued any alleged partnership with AEG during the period of time he was meant to be with AllGood Entertainment.

On April 11, 2009 Randy Phillips responded to the cease and desist notice in stating that "Mr. Dileo and does not involve AEG Live in any manner whatsoever," and advised AllGood Entertainment that any legal issues were between that company and Frank Dileo and it has no involvement with AEG or their Jackson-related endeavors what-so-ever. In fact, this claim was reiterated in two separate e-mails from Mr. Phillips, and it has been stated that he worked directly with Michael Jackson and Dr. Tohme Tohme to negotiate the AEG contracts and procedures. In rebuttal of these claims, AllGood Entertainment sent a second notice again citing the CelebrityAccess article published on the Internet which referenced Frank Dileo as acting on behalf of Michael Jackson and AEG. However, the notice by AllGood Entertainment also seems to erroneously quote the published article using quotes which do not actually appear in the article itself. As a final follow-up, AllGood Entertainment wrote: "While Frank Dileo's actions were reprehensible, AEG's very public support of Dileo and continued association with him despite our efforts to Cease and Desist them, is tantamount to anti-trust and anti-competitive practices."

In summary, two contracts and agreements were signed by December 1, 2008 by Frank Dileo and parties relating to Dileo's agency and AllGood Entertainment's agency. None of these contracts bare any signature of the Jacksons, nor has there been any confirmation that the Jackson siblings are aware of these concert-related plans. Even within the proposal that detailed at length the expenses, profits, and plans of each artist, there are no direct quotes from any of the Jacksons themselves to bring credence to the proposal. After reviewing many documents and communications regarding this conflict, does not believe that the dispute between Frank Dileo and AllGood Entertainment will have any negative impact on AEG and the O2 concerts.

With no signatures or authorization by Michael Jackson within the contracts between Frank Dileo and AllGood Entertainment, and seemingly just one online Web site referencing that Frank Dileo had any involvement with AEG, there does not appear to be much legal cause for concern over the O2 concerts. Again, the cease and desist letter did not occur until the night that CelebrityAccess published an article proclaiming that Frank Dileo and AEG would release a statement the following week with regards to Leonard Rowe's questionable involvement. No such statement was ever released, Randy Phillips insisted that he only worked through Michael Jackson and Dr. Tohme Tohme in the matter, and the article in question only cites a "spokesperson of Frank Dileo" as the source and does not include any direct quotes from Frank Dileo himself. Stay tuned...

Thanks for taking the time to sort this out! I would really like to hear some sort of explanation from Frank Dileo.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

I just had a little email conversation with Patrick Allocco of AllGood - and I think it is one of those issues about having to PUSH loud and big - ie - go over aboard to be heard (ie sue MJ) in order to get MJ's attention - or in this case, contact a tabloid/get on the news.

The July 2010 concert in Texas with the family will not conflict with the O2 concerts -

There will obviously be some behind the scenes scrambling, because AllGood assumes that Mr. Dileo was MJ's manager - and if he really wasn't then they have a major issue - and who really knows who is MJ's manager at any particular moment.

So, according to Mr. Allocco, the London concerts are not 'in trouble'...

In business, any type of business, specially in "contractual law"...NEVER EVER ASSUME...ANYTHING..!

:angel:Knowledge IS Growth
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