Reuters, Yahoo & TMZ: AllGood Ent Threatens To Stop O2 Concerts

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Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

posted by TSCM on kop

'll post my write-up and analysis within the hour, but rest assured NOWHERE in any contract does any signature from any Jackson family member exist. It is all between Frank Dileo and the AllGood agency, there is no acknowledgment nor agreement that the Jacksons would perform any of what was described. Furthermore, this appears to be a conflict explicitly between AllGood Entertainment and Frank Dileo. It's kind of a mess but I do not believe the Jacksons are fully aware of any of it, nor do I believe it will have any affect on the actual contract signed by Michael with regards to the AEG concerts...

bet someones got issues with frank being back with mj and is playing games
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Facts are facts, they contacted MJ and AEG in March. They have got nowhere dealing with either, now reading between the lines I would guess if this was somthing to get really worried about they would have sorted it out then and pulled out all the stops to reach a mutual agreement.

That's if Michael Jackson knew anything about it. People in MJ's team have a tendency not to tell him anything.

Frank DiLeo must clean this up immediately.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

I think it is very strange that nobody in the Jackson family seems to know about this. Why has for example neither Joseph or Jermaine said anything? They always wanted a Jackson 5 reunion. I still think we should wait until we know some more facts about this and not panic yet anyway.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

posted by TSCM on kop

'll post my write-up and analysis within the hour, but rest assured NOWHERE in any contract does any signature from any Jackson family member exist. It is all between Frank Dileo and the AllGood agency, there is no acknowledgment nor agreement that the Jacksons would perform any of what was described. Furthermore, this appears to be a conflict explicitly between AllGood Entertainment and Frank Dileo. It's kind of a mess but I do not believe the Jacksons are fully aware of any of it, nor do I believe it will have any affect on the actual contract signed by Michael with regards to the AEG concerts...

So it was done behind Michael's back. Nice..... :smilerolleyes:
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Frank's a jackass. I don't think it's about Michael really, lol. This sounds more than anything to be about Frank and AllGood and AllGood thinking Michael was still in cahoots with Frank when he really wasn't.

And from TSCM's word, the Jackson family has nothing to do with it.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Odd how it's only Michael that's being targeted when it's supposed to include the whole Jackson family.

Additionally.. It's even more strange that it seems as though NONE of the Jackson family knows of this arrangement, most of all Michael.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy


I think you need to step back with your accusations, she is not creating drama END OFF

Its about being concerned for the fans and wanting them to know this is a serious affair,

Plus I am getting sick to the back teeth of your swipes and me and my people why you feel the need to follow such path is beyond me, it is my right as this is my house to ask you to refain.

This article is 100% correct and there is evidence to suggest that to be,




Considering there has been no swipes in this thread (you know what I dont agree with and I think you will find I have not mentioned that since coming back and it will stay that way). It is serious but if you look at the points I made there is reasoning behind it.

Kind Regards

North London's Finest

PS lets keep this out the thread as it does not belong in a thread.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

but i mean the concerts are happening in the UK. a court ruling in the US stopping something from happeing in the UK i wouldnt think you could ( just a guess)

the whole thing sounds totally fake imo anyway.

I agree!:clapping:

$10 says this will all get worked out

so as Guy would say....

Let's Chilllllllllllll!

lol. $10 says this is somebody just trying to play games with people's heads.:cheeky:
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Oh man, there has been so much drama in these past 2 months! All the rumors of the concert themes, guest stars, opening acts, Raymone lawsuit, now this whole legal situation which jeopardizes the entire This Is It Tour. I sure hope this gets settled soon, I want to hear a statement from Michael or AEG.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Perhaps he needs a manager to manage his managers! :lol:
LOL yeah... and I miscounted... he actually has 4... Bain's also still somewhere in the mix... never got officially sacked!
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

I'm actually laughing at this. Oh my God... this is... and the media reports are even more funnier! :lol:

Why is it when Michael Jackson is involved, people suddenly lose brain cells? :lol:
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

If this contract was real then surely all the brothers and Janet would have had to have signed it to ensure their involvement in this supposed 'concert'. Since none of the brothers or Janet have said anything about it and no doubt some of the family wouldn't have been able to keep quiet about such a deal, so I really think they have no idea about this at all. Sounds like to me that either somebody's been going behind MJ and his family's back or that someone is trying to start some ish up because they want to cash in on Michael's comeback.

Plus are we really supposed to believe that if MJ and his family wanted to make a big splash and do a reunion concert that they would choose Texas :lol:. It doesn't make much sense at all lol.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Comes back the original question: was Frank Dileo in the position to negotiate such a deal on behalf of any of the Jacksons? Did he have power of however you call it to sign for Michael, or any member of the Jackson family that is.

If I'm not mistaken... wasn't Raymone Bain still the person in charge, at least on paper, at that point in time?

Could it be that her lawsuit has a connection with this one? What I mean is: does Bains lawsuit serve as a way of 'proving' she was in charge, and not Frank Dileo, in order to make clear Frank had no power to sign? That would explain the weird actions she took of ensuring she had no ill will towards Michael....

But I'm going overboard now with a conspiracy theory. I think the big question is: did Frank do this alone, in order to get in front of the line there, in Michael land once again? That is the question, and the answer will dictate the outcome.

Oh and...
I think I'm just gunna wait for some word from the MJ camp

I think it's wise to take bread and a few drinks, because probably that's gonna take some time...
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Jermaine speaks out on 21th april 2009:

""With his brother Michael only months away from the start of his "final fling" - more than 50 sell-out concerts at the O2 Arena in the UK - Jermaine said the family will be spending a lot of time in London this year in order to support the family's most famous sibling.

"I can't wait to go to the show and we will all be in London as much as possible in order to be there for him," he said.

"Michael, I and our brothers have so many wonderful memories and I really wouldn't change a thing."
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

If Frank was agent of Michael, he could sign on behalf of Michael, but if it is proved that Frank was not agent of Michael, at that time, the contract is not worth nothing.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Comes back the original question: was Frank Dileo in the position to negotiate such a deal on behalf of any of the Jacksons? Did he have power of however you call it to sign for Michael, or any member of the Jackson family that is.

If I'm not mistaken... wasn't Raymone Bain still the person in charge, at least on paper, at that point in time?

Could it be that her lawsuit has a connection with this one? What I mean is: does Bains lawsuit serve as a way of 'proving' she was in charge, and not Frank Dileo, in order to make clear Frank had no power to sign? That would explain the weird actions she took of ensuring she had no ill will towards Michael....

But I'm going overboard now with a conspiracy theory. I think the big question is: did Frank do this alone, in order to get in front of the line there, in Michael land once again? That is the question, and the answer will dictate the outcome.

Oh and...

I think it's wise to take bread and a few drinks, because probably that's gonna take some time...

Raymone was gone and the Dr was in control.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

We are all like detectives over here...

It's CSI MJ style.
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

If this contract was real then surely all the brothers and Janet would have had to have signed it to ensure their involvement in this supposed 'concert'. Since none of the brothers or Janet have said anything about it and no doubt some of the family wouldn't have been able to keep quiet about such a deal, so I really think they have no idea about this at all. Sounds like to me that either somebody's been going behind MJ and his family's back or that someone is trying to start some ish up because they want to cash in on Michael's comeback.

Plus are we really supposed to believe that if MJ and his family wanted to make a big splash and do a reunion concert that they would choose Texas :lol:. It doesn't make much sense at all lol.

And do it in July of 2010!!!! :lol:

GTFOOH! :lol:
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Yeah all this doesn't make sense. What kind of contract is that if there is no signature of any of the Jackson family members? *something smells fishy here*
Re: TMZ: Michael's London Shows In Jeopardy

Raymone was gone and the Dr was in control

She was gone for a while yes, but also on paper? She was never 'fired' so to say, Michael just changed his phone numbers so she couldn't reach him anymore. But for the record: I don't believe my own theory, it was just a thing that flew through my brain, ha ha ;)
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