Reuters: Michael Jackson Fans Says Film Covers Up Grim Truth

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Oh please... he NEVER was 5' 11"... he was measured with his boots on.

Michael was about 5' 9 1/2"... so the 5' 9" height at the time of his death seems totally correct.

Exactly! In all my fangirl years, I've always seen MJs height as 5'9".
K. Faye has also talk about her conscern about Michael health before, so maybe is not all fake and there was a serious issue.
sorry, BUT THIS makes me really fuming. Where has been HER contribution to hamper Michael from dying. SO, IF she thought that could happen she should have made this uprising together with these loyal fans, the only ones of course!!!!! And come up with that she couldn't or they couldn't, we now can learn they CAN!
By the way my opinion on This Is Not It and follower fans: I can understand where they are coming from, and we can't jump to criticism, as many have said on this thread - we were not there. Unfortunately we were not with him in those final days. On the other hand when we are deeply hurt and grieving it is easy to lash out at those we think are responsible, it is easy to be angry and to be blinded by anger. I am not saying they are worng, because I am not an ignorant person and I have always and will always keep an open mind to these issues. I do think that his weight loss may have been associated with the actions of Dr Murray - as mentioned earlier what if Murray hadn't adjusted the dosage due to lack of consideration of his proper weight and like another said - stress and losing weight from pressures and stress can lead to wanting anasthetic in the first place. It is important to keep an open mind and to not focus too closely on one aspects. Yes I agree the properful was the primary cause but I believe there may have been many factors leading to Michael taking propfol in the first place.

Murray killed Michael with the use of propofil, he is not going anywhere except prison.

TINI will make 'others' go along with him.

That's what I don't understand - they want to blame AEG for Michael's insomnia, but MJs always suffered from insomnia.

MJs never been a good eater when he's under stress. I remember reading stories of Elizabeth Taylor hand feeding MJ during the Dangerous/HIStory tours.

What is it EXACTLY that they are trying to accomplish?

That AEG hired Murray to specifically murder MJ?

I think they are looking for the murder motive in the wrong place.

They should start focusing on Jackson family connections with the NOI, AllGood Entertainment, Leonard Rowe and Colony Capital, and the nefarious Tohme Tohme.
If TINI wants the truth, lobby LAPD to prosecute Conrad Murray without dragging their feet.
Tear the transcripts apart OR attend the freaking trial!
Do you know everything TINI team do???????????

They will attend the trial ....(you know they had supported and took risk in 2005 trial and participated in Sony campaign) that trial is not started yet. In the mean time, they want to tell the world what they know...make everyone aware around the world.

Would have you known about it, if TINI hasn't started?????????????????
That's what I don't understand - they want to blame AEG for Michael's insomnia, but MJs always suffered from insomnia.

MJs never been a good eater when he's under stress. I remember reading stories of Elizabeth Taylor hand feeding MJ during the Dangerous/HIStory tours.

What is it EXACTLY that they are trying to accomplish?

That AEG hired Murray to specifically murder MJ?

I think they are looking for the murder motive in the wrong place.

They should start focusing on Jackson family connections with the NOI, AllGood Entertainment, Leonard Rowe and Colony Capital, and the nefarious Tohme Tohme.

When Michael died???????????????????????????????????????????????
sorry, BUT THIS makes me really fuming. Where has been HER contribution to hamper Michael from dying. SO, IF she thought that could happen she should have made this uprising together with these loyal fans, the only ones of course!!!!! And come up with that she couldn't or they couldn't, we now can learn they CAN!

I know, but she said she did all she could, her and Michael Bush tried. I read her email she sent back to the follower fans who emailed her BEFORE his death and she asked them to keep it quiet for Michael's sake, but she was quietly doing everything she could. Who knows.. In hindsight we can say what should or shouldn't have been done..but most of us on here don't actually know what was done.
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My opinion on the TINI campaign is that the fans were able to witness just a small bite of what was going on around Michael and they don't see the full picture. They were with him for what, like 5 minutes a day?

I'm NOT saying that they are wrong, 'cause I don't know. But life is really not that simple and it's very likely they were mislead by some things... You can't come up with all these claims just seeing a person briefly and not being their close friend.

I believe some of it is true, but Kenny Ortega and Frank might be right and sincere too. Michael could've complained to the fans while at the same time assuring his friends he was ok, giving his all at the rehearsals... I believe this is the case. Many people behave that way.
Well We are all angry and sad about what happend, but the would of, should of could of s now are ussless :(
The point is of it all for me is just this:
Michael was forced to make 50 concerts and his health was not a concern for the ppl responsable of this.
This is all. I am not saying anything else.
Lets remember guys this is show biz and Michael is not the first performer to be neglected like this. How many musicians have being sufer this before? A lot.
I think that all this girls, that in my opinion will never happend, is that ppl admit that Michael wasnt all 100% healty and nobody helped.
Like I say... not likelly, being realistic this will not happend and luckly Murray will pay what he has to pay and that will be it :(
That's what I don't understand - they want to blame AEG for Michael's insomnia, but MJs always suffered from insomnia.

MJs never been a good eater when he's under stress. I remember reading stories of Elizabeth Taylor hand feeding MJ during the Dangerous/HIStory tours.

What is it EXACTLY that they are trying to accomplish?

That AEG hired Murray to specifically murder MJ?

I think they are looking for the murder motive in the wrong place.

They should start focusing on Jackson family connections with the NOI, AllGood Entertainment, Leonard Rowe and Colony Capital, and the nefarious Tohme Tohme.

I think they are angry that AEG were around him and let this happen. The issue they are making about his weight is just to make the point that AEG must have seen him like this (weight can be an outword sign of something being wrong) why didn't they do something? and if they knew he was exhaused, stressed and not sleeping..why didn't they do something? Of course we don't know that they didn't BUT it can seem that they ignored it, and they ignored his sleeping and using drugs to knock him out because they didn't cancel the concerts, they just let it carry on and then he died. They aren't saying AEG conspired to kill him, they are just saying his death could have been prevented and it wasn't.
*of course some can say it is easy to say this in hindsight BUT they were voicing these concerns BEFORE he died.. so if they could see it and were concerned - what about AEG?
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I can understand fans feeling concern for Michael's health if he appeared to them to be very thin and exhausted. Never the less, I think that fans should leave the investigation into his death up to the police and other experts who are dealing with hard evidence. I'm not sure exactly what motivates fans to think they are capable of "solving the mystery of Michael's death".

Right now I believe that we as fans should be doing everything we can to promote Michael's legacy. The "This is It" film promises, by all accounts, to honour him, his talent, his humanitarianism and his vision. Heaping doubt upon the motivation behind the film is not going to advance the investigation into the true cause of Michael's death. It only muddies the minds of the public who might otherwise be enthralled and inspired by what they learn from the film.

Leave it alone. You can't bring Michael back. We are all grieving. I cry everyday because I miss him, and because a light has left our world. There are two kinds of people in this world--pessimists and optimists. I chose to believe the best of people. So did Michael. In the end, his trust most likely contributed to his death (trusting Murray was lethal). But Michael's optimism was part of what made him a beacon to humanity, teaching us all to hope and believe in ourselves, and to love.

I choose to believe that the people who were working with Michael to create the concert sincerely cared about him, and were not in it just for the money or glory. I will watch this film with humility and gratitude, understanding that Michael never intended for the world to see anything short of perfection. Yet this is as much a memorial of his GREAT life as any other tribute to him since he died. I will watch it with respect, and if I can see it through my tears, I will undoubtedly love him even more at the end.

I hope and pray that the truth about Michael's death will be revealed. Please--leave it to the experts.
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My opinion on the TINI campaign is that the fans were able to witness just a small bite of what was going on around Michael and they don't see the full picture. They were with him for what, like 5 minutes a day?

Your post is good. But about this question.. read the testimonials on their website and you will see when they were with him..for how long etc. and what happened.
My opinion on the TINI campaign is that the fans were able to witness just a small bite of what was going on around Michael and they don't see the full picture. They were with him for what, like 5 minutes a day?

I'm NOT saying that they are wrong, 'cause I don't know. But life is really not that simple and it's very likely they were mislead by some things... You can't come up with all these claims just seeing a person briefly and not being their close friend.

I believe some of it is true, but Kenny Ortega and Frank might be right and sincere too. Michael could've complained to the fans while at the same time assuring his friends he was ok, giving his all at the rehearsals... I believe this is the case. Many people behave that way.
relief! This is one of the most reasonable posts I've read on this issue.
I think they are angry that AEG were around him and let this happen. The issue they are making about his weight is just to make the point that AEG must have seen him like why didn't they do something? Of course we don't know that they didn't BUT it can seem that they ignored it, and they ignored his sleeping and using drugs to knock him out because they didn't cancel the concerts, they just let it carry on and then he died. They aren't saying AEG conspired to kill him, they are just saying his death could have been prevented and it wasn't.

Well, AEG wasn't Mj's mother. They were in business...they can tell him to eat more, but at the end of the day MJ was 50 years old...not 5.

If his own family wasn't able to intervene, how the hell will he listen to these strangers. MJ was his own man. We have to give him that.

Also, his family saw him at the end of May...what did they do to help AT THAT PARTICULAR time?

People are barking at the wrong tree.

to those who want to see the movie, go see it, enjoy it for what it is.

And to Karen Fay , I say, fall back. You ain't THE star hun!!

OT: someone asked if the controversy will help or hinder the movie...Most likely neither. The "Karen Faye movement" is not loud enough, but some people might want to see a trainwreck....and go see it out of curiosity.
Sorry, I don't have time to read the whole thread. But I just wanted to say that I can totally understand these fans wanting to ask the questions posed by the reuters article. If I had been there, on a regular basis, and had seen Michael's weight go down and his general appearance diminish I would try to do something about it (write letters etc). If that was ignored or blocked or my concerns were turned away, and then Michael died (sorry to be so blunt), then no matter what the ultimate cause of death was I would campaign to know why I was ignored, why Michael had looked the way he did, what impact (if any) Michael's health had on his passing.

It's not about conspiracies, it's about demanding to know the whole truth.

ETA: As for the autopsy report, has anyone actually seen the original??? Or are we just relying on the newspapers to report it accurately?


Neeve, I did read your post completely. You're very active on the This is Not It thread, and you're saying you wish to promote "respect" for this group here while remaining "neutral". I'm sorry, but I have a little thing about people hiding behind anonymous forums trashing people baselessly -- in this case, flinging around accusations of murder. I don't believe this behavior deserves respect at all, but deserves instead to be called out as irrresponsible. This isn't a game; these are real people with families we're talking about. Satire is an honored means of bringing serious issues to light.

I believe I have about 5 posts on the TINI, mostly ASKING about the campaign. Also, my main post there is about why I disagree with a lot of the campaign, so please don't accuse.
My whole point is about trying to find answers in a way that respects Michael; I actually left the facebook TINI group because I felt they weren't doing that.
Again, I am not flinging around accusations of murder, and I said that in my last post. I am purely supporting the follower fans who saw something terribly wrong that they were concerned about and are now looking for answers.
I think they are angry that AEG were around him and let this happen. The issue they are making about his weight is just to make the point that AEG must have seen him like why didn't they do something? Of course we don't know that they didn't BUT it can seem that they ignored it, and they ignored his sleeping and using drugs to knock him out because they didn't cancel the concerts, they just let it carry on and then he died. They aren't saying AEG conspired to kill him, they are just saying his death could have been prevented and it wasn't.

Of course his death could've been prevented.

But to blame AEG or make them somewhat responsible for the "stress" is like trying to sue my boss for my acid reflux caused by job stress.

I truly believe that MJ was murdered, but the motive/murderer"s" is closer to his inner circle, not AEG.

I think MJ looked thinner than usual as well - but again, he was getting back into his dance mode, versus happy dad mode.

I agree, AEG should've intervened, but HOW DO YOU STOP Michael Jackson from doing something?

What Michael wants, Michael GETS.
Well, AEG wasn't Mj's mother. They were in business...they can tell him to eat more, but at the end of the day MJ was 50 years old...not 5.

If his own family wasn't able to intervene, how the hell will he listen to these strangers. MJ was his own man. We have to give him that.

Also, his family saw him at the end of May...what did they do to help AT THAT PARTICULAR time?

People are barking at the wrong tree.

to those who want to see the movie, go see it, enjoy it for what it is.

And to Karen Fay , I say, fall back. You ain't THE star hun!!

OT: someone asked if the controversy will help or hinder the movie...Most likely neither. The "Karen Faye movement" is not loud enough, but some people might want to see a trainwreck....and go see it out of curiosity.

You are right about MJ being his own man, but the thought that they could have interviend and stopped his death is very hard to come to terms with. Like I forgot to say up there..of course some can say it is easy to say this in hindsight BUT these fans were voicing these concerns BEFORE he died.. so if they could see something was wrong and were concerned - what about AEG? What did AEG and the team care about - MJ or money?

I have no idea about where his family was but according to La Toya (whether she is believable or not I don't know) and other reports (can't remember where I saw it) the family were planning an intervention but were being kept away by AEG.. OR even Michael himself.
I agree, AEG should've intervened, but HOW DO YOU STOP Michael Jackson from doing something?

What Michael wants, Michael GETS

Good point.

Too many 'yes' men who seem to have easily turned a blind eye.
I simply can't believe the insanity of what I'm reading. There is no "wrong dosage" of propofol for Michael to use to sleep at night... there is no right dosage. Such blinders to refuse to understand this simple fact.

You're debating whether a smaller bullet should have been in the gun against his head before the trigger was pulled. Every propofol night was Russian roulette night, regardless of his weight.
You are so right! It was a terribly risky way to get to sleep every night and NO doctor in his right mind would've agreed to such treatment!

I guess all we're debating is how MJ's weight factored into the whole thing since the follower fans seem to hinge everything on MJ's weight. But your point is a good one, and imo, Murray should be thrown in prison just for his risky treatment of MJ's insomnia.

No one outside that bedroom could have guessed the Russian roulette that was going on in there, because no one in history has been known to do such a thing.
I agree. Even with people knowing MJ had a problem sleeping, I can't imagine any of them jumping to the conclusion, "We better watch out for MJ because he could be using a deadly anesthesia at night to get to sleep." I mean, that just isn't going to cross anyone's mind because it is just so far "out there".

All that was visible to the world outside that bedroom was a thin man who insisted to family, friends and colleagues he was fine and who demanded his privacy.
Exactly, so what were they supposed to do?

It's natural, in our grief and anger, to want to take action. But when that action is to organize and publicly accuse Michael's friends, people he loved and hand-picked to work with, people who are deeply grieving themselves, of participating in his death, a very serious line has been crossed.
Thank you! This is precisely what is bothering me too. I know people are hurting, but that doesn't make it ok to go around accusing others of participating in MJ's murder.
I've reviewed your site and looked at your allegations and your evidence. I believe those of you here doing this are well-intended, and are saying what you think is true. Because the presumption should always be toward innocence, am I right? Don't we wish people had thought that way about MJ?

Photographs of MJ where you think he looks too thin are not evidence for the kind of accusations you're hurling. Look at any aging, skinny rock star. They look gaunt, have turkey necks, lose muscle mass and skin tone. You need to accept that MJ wasn't young anymore, and regardless of his weight could not look as pretty as you wish. You do not have proof he was so sick AEG should have intervened. All evidence points to the opposite, in fact.

Insomnia and its consequences could easily have produced any odd behavior you saw. You know very well he struggled terribly with this all his life and his family and friends had surely learned by now there was little they could do in this regard. Let me make my own mistakes, we've heard him say.

MJ knew perfectly well a show as expensive as what he created would have to run enough times to recoup the costs, and no one can doubt who drove the lavishness of this show.

You believe you as fans have more insight into MJ's private life and business dealings than his family. This is grandiose thinking.

A lot of people could point figures using all kinds of what-ifs, but we shouldn't because it's wrong. What you're doing is conducting a witch hunt without evidence, and this is harming the reputation and emotional health of Michael's friends and colleagues.

I could accuse you of being responsible yourselves for MJ's death, because when people say MJ was "trapped by his celebrity and could not lead a normal life," it was due in part to fans who mobbed him wherever he went, but I won't, because I know you cared for him and meant no harm, and it would be unkind.

I could accuse you of being paid by Conrad Murray to shift the blame off him, for that is what you're doing, but I won't, because I don't have evidence of that.

You are shouting that the naysayers were right and MJ was too washed-up and incompetent to meet his commitments. You say this won't harm MJ's image or legacy, which is too strong to be tarnished -- um, you have short memories.

You're sucking vulnerable, bereaved people into a dark, emotional whirlpool. You're denying many fans the ability to enjoy the celebrations of Michael's life.

Just when MJ's family, friends and fans for the first time in many years could pick up the newspaper and see positive reporting and awareness of his astounding talent, you've created the latest distraction to keep the media from focusing on good news for a damn change.

It's time to end the witch hunt.
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Reuters is NOT a reliable source of information. Check it out folks who owns it first before you believe every word. Reuters did Photoshop pictures during the last Israeli war in Lebanon. So, I do not trust them as a source. F*ck Reuters.This is the first.
The second. Follower fans if they saw that something was wrong with MJ had to go to the POLICE and leave a RECORD. It is very simple thing to do. Joe went to the police when the family was cut off by securities. MJ was killed, poisoned or whatever they did to him and now the media is trying to cover it up to develop any kind of freaking stories like it was an accident, because of his weight.Geeeez.
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When will people realise that is NOT what they are saying!

When something is wrong it is often visible on the outside. Something was OBVIOUSLY wrong, if not physically then mentally. How many people need propofol a HOSPITAL OPERATING ROOM ANAESTHETIC to help them 'sleep'?!!! Its NOT NORMAL. Stop pretending it is! Listen to any doctor who has commented on it.

EVERYONE in the public eye, presenters on tv, and objective fans who have seen the footage say that he looks VERY SKINNY. There is no denying that. These fans were there and saw it for themselves, they have nothing to gain by lying. What they are saying goes along with what the costume designers and make up artists say too.

Incase you didn't know - a drug was found in his system which is an APPITITE SUPPRESSANT. There are studies which show this drug is administered WITH PROPOFOL in order to keep blood pressure up. If he was being given propofol for 6 weeks like Murray said that can explain the weightloss.

OH and they heard Michael's concerns from HIS OWN MOUTH. Remember the thread from back in the day when someone came and told us that Michael was stressed out and nobody believed him, well, these follower fans say the same.

Just so you know, before you jump on me, I KNOW propofol killed him and not his weight.

well said. its really not hard to understand the concerns of those who were around him at that time

Sorry, I don't have time to read the whole thread. But I just wanted to say that I can totally understand these fans wanting to ask the questions posed by the reuters article. If I had been there, on a regular basis, and had seen Michael's weight go down and his general appearance diminish I would try to do something about it (write letters etc). If that was ignored or blocked or my concerns were turned away, and then Michael died (sorry to be so blunt), then no matter what the ultimate cause of death was I would campaign to know why I was ignored, why Michael had looked the way he did, what impact (if any) Michael's health had on his passing.
exactly spot on. some seem to be obsessed with arguing the point that being skinny didnt kill him. that is not the point of those who set up the campaign and never has been. if ppl bothered to read instead of ranting on and causing splits in the community that the media will love they might have realised that a long time ago

anyway glad this is being reported on although the article is typcially crappy coming from reuters.but it gives a chance for the another side to be told.a side the general public have no idea about.
I've reviewed your site and looked at your allegations and your evidence. I believe those of you here doing this are well-intended, and are saying what you think is true. Because the presumption should always be toward innocence, am I right? Don't we wish people had thought that way about MJ?

Photographs of MJ where you think he looks too thin are not evidence for the kind of accusations you're hurling. Look at any aging, skinny rock star. They look gaunt, have turkey necks, lose muscle mass and skin tone. You need to accept that MJ wasn't young anymore, and regardless of his weight could not look as pretty as you wish. You do not have proof he was so sick AEG should have intervened. All evidence points to the opposite, in fact.

Insomnia and its consequences could easily have produced any odd behavior you saw. You know very well he struggled terribly with this all his life and his family and friends had surely learned by now there was little they could do in this regard. Let me make my own mistakes, we've heard him say.

MJ knew perfectly well a show as expensive as what he created would have to run enough times to recoup the costs, and no one can doubt who drove the lavishness of this show.

You believe you as fans have more insight into MJ's private life and business dealings than his family. This is grandiose thinking.

A lot of people could point figures using all kinds of what-ifs, but we shouldn't because it's wrong. What you're doing is conducting a witch hunt without evidence, and this is harming the reputation and emotional health of Michael's friends and colleagues.

I could accuse you of being responsible yourselves for MJ's death, because when people say MJ was "trapped by his celebrity and could not lead a normal life", it was because in part of fans who mobbed him wherever he went, but I won't, because I know you cared for him and meant no harm.

I could accuse you of being paid by Conrad Murray to shift the blame off him, for that is what you're doing, but I won't, because I don't have evidence of that.

You are shouting that the naysayers were right and MJ was too washed-up and incompetent to meet his commitments. You say this won't harm MJ's image or legacy, which is too strong to be tarnished -- um, you have short memories.

You're sucking vulnerable, bereaved people into a dark, emotional whirlpool. You're denying many fans the ability to enjoy the celebrations of Michael's life.

Just when MJ's family, friends and fans for the first time in many years could pick up the newspaper and see positive reporting and awareness of his astounding talent, you've created the latest distraction to keep the media from focusing on good news for a damn change.

It's time to end the witch hunt.

Thank you :agree:
I've reviewed your site and looked at your allegations and your evidence. I believe those of you here doing this are well-intended, and are saying what you think is true. Because the presumption should always be toward innocence, am I right? Don't we wish people had thought that way about MJ?

Photographs of MJ where you think he looks too thin are not evidence for the kind of accusations you're hurling. Look at any aging, skinny rock star. They look gaunt, have turkey necks, lose muscle mass and skin tone. You need to accept that MJ wasn't young anymore, and regardless of his weight could not look as pretty as you wish. You do not have proof he was so sick AEG should have intervened. All evidence points to the opposite, in fact.

Insomnia and its consequences could easily have produced any odd behavior you saw. You know very well he struggled terribly with this all his life and his family and friends had surely learned by now there was little they could do in this regard. Let me make my own mistakes, we've heard him say.

MJ knew perfectly well a show as expensive as what he created would have to run enough times to recoup the costs, and no one can doubt who drove the lavishness of this show.

You believe you as fans have more insight into MJ's private life and business dealings than his family. This is grandiose thinking.

A lot of people could point figures using all kinds of what-ifs, but we shouldn't because it's wrong. What you're doing is conducting a witch hunt without evidence, and this is harming the reputation and emotional health of Michael's friends and colleagues.

I could accuse you of being responsible yourselves for MJ's death, because when people say MJ was "trapped by his celebrity and could not lead a normal life," it was due in part to fans who mobbed him wherever he went, but I won't, because I know you cared for him and meant no harm, and it would be unkind.

I could accuse you of being paid by Conrad Murray to shift the blame off him, for that is what you're doing, but I won't, because I don't have evidence of that.

You are shouting that the naysayers were right and MJ was too washed-up and incompetent to meet his commitments. You say this won't harm MJ's image or legacy, which is too strong to be tarnished -- um, you have short memories.

You're sucking vulnerable, bereaved people into a dark, emotional whirlpool. You're denying many fans the ability to enjoy the celebrations of Michael's life.

Just when MJ's family, friends and fans for the first time in many years could pick up the newspaper and see positive reporting and awareness of his astounding talent, you've created the latest distraction to keep the media from focusing on good news for a damn change.

It's time to end the witch hunt.

I know we've been at odds with each other in this thread but I think you've made some good points. I guess I'm just trying to figure out how I feel about all this.

exactly spot on. some seem to be obsessed with arguing the point that being skinny didnt kill him. that is not the point of those who set up the campaign and never has been. if ppl bothered to read instead of ranting on and causing splits in the community that the media will love they might have realised that a long time ago

well said.
exactly spot on. some seem to be obsessed with arguing the point that being skinny didnt kill him. that is not the point of those who set up the campaign and never has been. if ppl bothered to read instead of ranting on and causing splits in the community that the media will love they might have realised that a long time ago

yep yep yep
I've reviewed your site and looked at your allegations and your evidence...

Thank you, you made some great points...

To sum it all up, I think it's quite easy to be misconcieved in life. And life is not simple at all... neither was Michael and his problems. Whatever they were.
And let's be honest I love MJ with all my heart but we know that he did not eat at his previous tours as well. We all know how Liz Taylor had hand feed him , how eventually they had to do it intravenously. We also heard that he had an expert touring with him and putting him to sleep in the 1990s as well. To me this looks like a long term issue and if we are going to say "why did nobody do anything to prevent this from happening?" we really should go back and point our finger to anybody that had contact with MJ from the day this weight/ sleep/drug issues started until today.
That brings up an interesting point. Since this has been going on for so long, and since the FF seem to be looking to assign blame, I guess the blame could also be laid at the feet of fans who followed him all through those years, and saw that he was "too thin" and yet did nothing. Why stop the accusations at AEG or Sony? If you wanna blame them you'd have to blame everyone else too.

I don't believe he was murdered, but I do think he was possibly neglected, over-worked and stressed and these are all very relevant factors, of which I believe his recent drastic weight-loss was a symptom.
But you know how many people out there in the world are overworked, stressed and going to work exhausted, right? Stress runs rampant in our society, actually all around the world it does. People need money so they work. They often work while in poor health because they HAVE to. Something tells me if the guy flipping burgers died because he was over stressed and in poor health, no one would be accusing his co-workers of a conspiracy to kill him, or his friends of "neglect". Of course they don't stand to profit either way, but the point is that people who are in poor health have to go to work every single day, all around the globe.

Bottom line ... we are all adults, and ultimately, we are all responsible for our own health and consequent actions. If MJ was too unhealthy to work, he was the one who needed to say "I need to get my health straightened out before I continue". With all AEG had on the line, I think they would've reasonably accommodated that. But he wasn't in poor health. He was just losing weight (which isn't automatically a sign of poor health,) and wasn't sleeping. Murray administered propofol and other drugs in a haphazard way. That is what killed MJ.
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