My opinion. No effect...except for reporters, etc. who are looking for drama. This movie doesn't give anyone ANY drama and all who have previewed it have come away focused on Michael's art and genius.
Like I said when this all started, people should have been careful about saying who did or didn't care...becuz no one really knew WHO was doing or saying what behind the scenes to Michael. None of us were with Michael 24/7 or were privy to all his conversations with others. The only contact those fans really had was Karen. And only becuz she communicated with them did some fans give her a "pass" as being "the only one who tried to help". Had it not been for that, I'm sure Karen, too would have been painted as an uncaring lackey who ignored ish to get paid. And I'm not saying NO ONE falls into that category...just saying. Point is we had NO idea who ALL else tried to step in or who DID step in. It was kinda wrong to paint EVERYONE with the broad "uncaring" brush, IMHO, from the get-go. To say people are covering up now is an easy excuse, imo, for some getting caught wrong. Others MAY have cared. These fans simply did not know. How could they know?
From what I've heard thus far from Kenny and Bearden and Travis, it seems Michael was approached by others about any concerns. It seems like ppl did assist Michael with "things" but it wasn't becuz Michael was disinterested in the doing the shows. It sounds like his attention was scattered on various projects that were competing for his attention. Becuz these ppl didn't all rush out to defend themeselves months ago cuz a group of fans were upset doesn't HAVE to mean there's a sudden cover up. That can be someone's perception and they are entitled to it, doesn't make it the truth. I feel we are NOW hearing about it becuz these ppl are doing promotion for the film and sure, they are aware about the talk about Michael's health. I still haven't heard any of them say they thought MIchael was near death.
What they've described is what some of us suspected...that Michael was driven...and not concerned with eating...altho AWARE of his health...even assuring Kenny that he was okay. Yes, I believe Kenny. And when you realize all the things he was working on and involved in from the shows to the 2-3 albums to the Opus to the TII merchandise, training with Lou, training his voice with Seth, designing posters for the Thriller 3D film, etc. it sounds like his plate was more than full professionally. Even Michael Bush commented before how he had NEVER seen Michael bursting with so much creativity. Unfortunately, that creativity was a double-edged sword becuz it was a gift but also a curse as he couldn't shut if off. My opinion.
And saying that the people around Mchael DID care enuf to broach the subject with him about his health or weight and he continued to live his life as he pleased doesn't necessarily mean ppl are blaming Michael for his demise becuz AGAIN, MIchael's weight did not kill him. Michael being unable to sleep contributed to Michael's death, IMO. Michael calling ppl on the phone at 3am with wonderful ideas (instead of sleeping) is what killed Michael. And whether it was for TII or some other production, does anyone honestly think that was going to stop? Whether it was 10 shows, 30, or 50...does anyone believe his creative drive would have been less becuz the number of shows...that he would have been able to shut it off at-will. A perfectionist can obssess over ONE thing. That's simply how they are. He passed out for the HBO One Night Only show and that was ONE show he had to prepare for. So come on now. Let's be real and honest with ourselves for just a moment. Michael is not here anymore becuz of someone's screw up...intentional or flagrant, at least that's what the facts say thus far.
Propofol and a negligent doctor who didn't monitor him properly killed Michael. And that could have happened EVEN if Michael was 200 pounds and the picture of health. Pump propofol AND benzos into anyone improperly and without proper monitoring and resusitation and they will die. Healthy, sick, fat, skinny, drug addicted or clean. Whether Michael was 108 pounds, 136 pounds or 160 pounds, if he stopped breathing and no one was around to assist him, he could not survive. Point blank. Where is the outrage for Murray letting him die??! Even if you believe he killed Michael on purpose, hired by AEG or whoever...where's the outrage against HIM? He didn't have to do it. He could have said NO. He didn't. It feels like people are giving him a free pass and wanna make a big deal about stuff that's typical Michael behavior. Even if you believe Murray is a stooge, where's the anger for his participation? Something is off with that to me. And that's all Imma say on it.
Feels like I'm having a deja vu moment, but I do have one question after listening to Kenny and crew. If Michael was calling people at 3-4 am in the morning at various times, WHEN exactly was Murray putting him to sleep with propfol? :blink: Was he really being put out for 8 hours? Doesn't sound like it.