Reuters: Michael Jackson Fans Says Film Covers Up Grim Truth

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We who support TINI team have chosen to stand by follower fans who saw Michael day and night, and spoke to him and cared for him many many years.

Some so called fans have chosen to support AEG who had forced Michael to rehearse, ignored even when they knew he wasn't eating or sleeping, and had hired a doctor that KILLED Michael.

See this is exactly what I'm talking about. So the people who ''support'' the followers are right and anyone who doesn't agree with that is supporting AEG who are the ones who indirectly ''killed'' Michael?
This is exactly why I will not support this thing. It's diviting fans based on personal beliefs.
No one is a better or worse fan than anyone else. Michael was all about bringing people together not making different ''camps''. I'm not supporting anyone besides Michael.

p.s: I think it's kind of ironic that we as fans have always fought to get the media to see Michael in a positive light, and now that it's happening some want them to say that Michael was indeed the sick and frail person the media have always claimed him to be.
When something is wrong it is often visible on the outside. Something was OBVIOUSLY wrong, if not physically then mentally. How many people need propofol a HOSPITAL OPERATING ROOM ANAESTHETIC to help them 'sleep'?!!! Its NOT NORMAL. Stop pretending it is! Listen to any doctor who has commented on it.
That's really the disturbing part to me that he had to use this for sleep something was just not right with him in the end.The doctor deserves all the punishment he gets , he should have not given michael this stuff , he should have recommended something else or Murray should have got another doctor(a specialist who helps with sleeping disorders)to assist him but no murray was about the money and didn't want to get fired , stupid man.I won't be seeing the film I don't fault people that will but i'm not interested .
But you know how many people out there in the world are overworked, stressed and going to work exhausted, right? Stress runs rampant in our society, actually all around the world it does. People need money so they work. They often work while in poor health because they HAVE to. Something tells me if the guy flipping burgers died because he was over stressed and in poor health, no one would be accusing his co-workers of a conspiracy to kill him, or his friends of "neglect". Of course they don't stand to profit either way, but the point is that people who are in poor health have to go to work every single day, all around the globe.

Bottom line ... we are all adults, and ultimately, we are all responsible for our own health and consequent actions. If MJ was too unhealthy to work, he was the one who needed to say "I need to get my health straightened out before I continue". With all AEG had on the line, I think they would've reasonably accommodated that. But he wasn't in poor health. He was just losing weight (which isn't automatically a sign of poor health,) and wasn't sleeping. Murray administered propofol and other drugs in a haphazard way. That is what killed MJ.

Good points....I guess looking at it like that, it seems different. Still, it just sounds like they were pressuring him into rehearsals, making him go when he wasn't fit to, and that's what I'm not sure about.

See this is exactly what I'm talking about. So the people who ''support'' the followers are right and anyone who doesn't agree with that is supporting AEG who are the ones who indirectly ''killed'' Michael?
This is exactly why I will not support this thing. It's diviting fans based on personal beliefs.
No one is a better or worse fan than anyone else. Michael was all about bringing people together not making different ''camps''. I'm not supporting anyone besides Michael.

p.s: I think it's kind of ironic that we as fans have always fought to get the media to see Michael in a positive light, and now that it's happening some want them to say that Michael was indeed the sick and frail person the media have always claimed him to be.

great point!
Micheal was 120 lb's during the making of the Thriller music video, as John Landis' wife spoke about that in an interview. At the time of his death he was 136lb's. So far no one from the LAPD or LA County Morgue has denied his weight was 136 lb's. If so they would have denied it the very same day it leaked.

His weight didn't kill him. It was Dr Murray.

He was really small during the Victory Tour. I saw how small he was when addressed the fans back then.
See this is exactly what I'm talking about. So the people who ''support'' the followers are right and anyone who doesn't agree with that is supporting AEG who are the ones who indirectly ''killed'' Michael?
This is exactly why I will not support this thing. It's diviting fans based on personal beliefs.
No one is a better or worse fan than anyone else. Michael was all about bringing people together not making different ''camps''. I'm not supporting anyone besides Michael.

p.s: I think it's kind of ironic that we as fans have always fought to get the media to see Michael in a positive light, and now that it's happening some want them to say that Michael was indeed the sick and frail person the media have always claimed him to be.

Bravo for your post!

Well said.
Thank you :)
Why didn't AEG cancel the concerts or postpone the concerts????

Why didn't they hospitalize Michael???

I hope you DO realize that it was not possible to hospitalize Michael. You cannot force anybody into a hospital. They could have called paramedics if he ever collapsed. Even though they did brought paramedics etc they could not take him to hospital if he refused medical help. And even though they were able to get him to hospital he could have check himself out against doctors recommendations. We are talking about a 50 year old ADULT here.

The only way was conservatorship and that could only be done by his family and not AEG. And still for that they would need to show that he is a threat to others (remember britney spears- she locked herself with her kids to the bathroom and refused to come out - she was placed under conservatorship because she was considered to be dangering her children). So I don't think that family would have any standing point for that as well.

Although I hate the word from legal perspective he would be classified as a "functioning addict". All of the medicines were prescription medicines (not hard illegal drugs) and their effects were temporary (yes he might have been groggy like out of it sometimes but not all of the times). So legally nobody would have any leg to stand on to force him to a hospital/ rehab/ detox etc, he should have wanted it and go in voluntarily.

Yes AEG could have cancelled or postponed the concerts but here you are assuming that if MJ did not have concerts he would not have sleep problems and would not need propofol. This is flawed as we don't know how and when he used this, he might still have used it regardless of concerts or not.
My opinion. No effect...except for reporters, etc. who are looking for drama. This movie doesn't give anyone ANY drama and all who have previewed it have come away focused on Michael's art and genius.

Like I said when this all started, people should have been careful about saying who did or didn't care...becuz no one really knew WHO was doing or saying what behind the scenes to Michael. None of us were with Michael 24/7 or were privy to all his conversations with others. The only contact those fans really had was Karen. And only becuz she communicated with them did some fans give her a "pass" as being "the only one who tried to help". Had it not been for that, I'm sure Karen, too would have been painted as an uncaring lackey who ignored ish to get paid. And I'm not saying NO ONE falls into that category...just saying. Point is we had NO idea who ALL else tried to step in or who DID step in. It was kinda wrong to paint EVERYONE with the broad "uncaring" brush, IMHO, from the get-go. To say people are covering up now is an easy excuse, imo, for some getting caught wrong. Others MAY have cared. These fans simply did not know. How could they know?

From what I've heard thus far from Kenny and Bearden and Travis, it seems Michael was approached by others about any concerns. It seems like ppl did assist Michael with "things" but it wasn't becuz Michael was disinterested in the doing the shows. It sounds like his attention was scattered on various projects that were competing for his attention. Becuz these ppl didn't all rush out to defend themeselves months ago cuz a group of fans were upset doesn't HAVE to mean there's a sudden cover up. That can be someone's perception and they are entitled to it, doesn't make it the truth. I feel we are NOW hearing about it becuz these ppl are doing promotion for the film and sure, they are aware about the talk about Michael's health. I still haven't heard any of them say they thought MIchael was near death.

What they've described is what some of us suspected...that Michael was driven...and not concerned with eating...altho AWARE of his health...even assuring Kenny that he was okay. Yes, I believe Kenny. And when you realize all the things he was working on and involved in from the shows to the 2-3 albums to the Opus to the TII merchandise, training with Lou, training his voice with Seth, designing posters for the Thriller 3D film, etc. it sounds like his plate was more than full professionally. Even Michael Bush commented before how he had NEVER seen Michael bursting with so much creativity. Unfortunately, that creativity was a double-edged sword becuz it was a gift but also a curse as he couldn't shut if off. My opinion.

And saying that the people around Mchael DID care enuf to broach the subject with him about his health or weight and he continued to live his life as he pleased doesn't necessarily mean ppl are blaming Michael for his demise becuz AGAIN, MIchael's weight did not kill him. Michael being unable to sleep contributed to Michael's death, IMO. Michael calling ppl on the phone at 3am with wonderful ideas (instead of sleeping) is what killed Michael. And whether it was for TII or some other production, does anyone honestly think that was going to stop? Whether it was 10 shows, 30, or 50...does anyone believe his creative drive would have been less becuz the number of shows...that he would have been able to shut it off at-will. A perfectionist can obssess over ONE thing. That's simply how they are. He passed out for the HBO One Night Only show and that was ONE show he had to prepare for. So come on now. Let's be real and honest with ourselves for just a moment. Michael is not here anymore becuz of someone's screw up...intentional or flagrant, at least that's what the facts say thus far.

Propofol and a negligent doctor who didn't monitor him properly killed Michael. And that could have happened EVEN if Michael was 200 pounds and the picture of health. Pump propofol AND benzos into anyone improperly and without proper monitoring and resusitation and they will die. Healthy, sick, fat, skinny, drug addicted or clean. Whether Michael was 108 pounds, 136 pounds or 160 pounds, if he stopped breathing and no one was around to assist him, he could not survive. Point blank. Where is the outrage for Murray letting him die??! Even if you believe he killed Michael on purpose, hired by AEG or whoever...where's the outrage against HIM? He didn't have to do it. He could have said NO. He didn't. It feels like people are giving him a free pass and wanna make a big deal about stuff that's typical Michael behavior. Even if you believe Murray is a stooge, where's the anger for his participation? Something is off with that to me. And that's all Imma say on it.

Feels like I'm having a deja vu moment, but I do have one question after listening to Kenny and crew. If Michael was calling people at 3-4 am in the morning at various times, WHEN exactly was Murray putting him to sleep with propfol? :blink: Was he really being put out for 8 hours? Doesn't sound like it.

That is what it boils down to. Thank you for saying that. I don't know about all this other stuff yet but these things you stated we do know. I rather have the pressure put on getting justice for him and his family.
We who support TINI team have chosen to stand by follower fans who saw Michael day and night, and spoke to him and cared for him many many years.
The follower fans were with MJ "day and night"? :scratch:

Some so called fans
Having the two different sides accuse the other of not being "real fans" is divisive and counter productive - and not necessary. I wouldn't dream of accusing the follower fans of not being "real fans" simply because I don't agree with them.

have chosen to support AEG who had forced Michael to rehearse, ignored even when they knew he wasn't eating or sleeping, and had hired a doctor that KILLED Michael.

1. Personally I don't "support" AEG. I am just shocked at the serious accusations being carelessly tossed around about people who worked with Michael.

2. Can you please prove the "forced to rehearse" comment?

3. Can you please prove that AEG "ignored" that MJ wasn't eating or sleeping?

4. According to Frank Dileo, it was MJ who told AEG that he wanted Murray for his doctor and insisted upon it. AEG did what Michael wanted in this case, not the other way around.
I am almost at a lost for words in reading most of this thread.

I can't believe some fans are still bashing the "fan followers", after all they have reported to us they witnessed and was told directly from Michael himself...............

I wanna say more but I can't even find the words.
Exactly Memefan. Why now? He was in more dept now than he was 20 years ago. Any profit from the Sony catalog can only be realized after all depts are paid off.

And hasn't AEG lost a ton of money too since MJ died and they had to refund the tickets, plus all the This Is It tour merchandise sales are lost because of his death? They would've been better off with him alive.

I think there was an article posted on here which said they've (AEG) already made back what they lost and a bit more. I'll try to find it.

ETA: As for the autopsy report, has anyone actually seen the original??? Or are we just relying on the newspapers to report it accurately?

It was leaked and as far as I know never officially released. But multiple sources (ex. AP & TMZ) reported it. I got the feeling that they were able to get their hands on a leaked copy based on what I've been reading.
personally i dont agree with some of the aspects of the campaign dont agree with some of their arguments. but i agree totally with the issue of what mj told these ppl personally and what he looked like. and the issues that evolved around that. some fans seem to be to bothered trying to shoot that down. for whatever reason thinking that no fans can be that close to him he never told them what he did etc. why the dont believe it i dont know. maybe its easier for me cause i know some of those fans and others i know of and know them by face from the mj trips i went on. i dunno maybe is jealously that they never got to see/meet mj cause i really dont know why they would be so quick to refute what mj said and felt at that time.denial? id like to ask kenny what exactly he expected mj to look like after 50 shows when he looked in rehearsals like hed already done a tour and lost all the weight that goes with it. im looking at that issue which is totally seperate to the murray issue. and the fact how stories are changing from murray and ortega about his weight and having meeting with him saying we are worried yet the story was very different in say may..i dunno whats done is done *sigh*
In the end the TINI people want the truth, they want justice for Michael.. how can anyone be against that?

They are getting off their butts and asking questions.





perfect post!!!
In the end the TINI people want the truth, they want justice for Michael.. how can anyone be against that?

They are getting off their butts and asking questions.




and that sums it up nicely
How many times must be said that it was a LEAKED medical report (which ca be modified)not an official one!I don't choose to relief my pain from inside and be selfish dreaming about Michael Jackson -my hero...I choose to love and remember a wonderfull human beeing,yet with his fears and tribulations!

It could be true as well.

"His overall health was fine," said Zeev Kain
Michael was healthy because Dr. Zeev Kain said so???? who was paid to analyze the LEAKED autopsy report.

That autopsy says the followings too:

Still, Jackson had health issues: arthritis in the lower spine and some fingers, and mild plaque buildup in his leg arteries. Most serious was his lungs, which the autopsy report said were chronically inflamed and had reduced capacity that might have left him short of breath.

With inflamed lungs and shortness of breath, do you think Michael would have been able to sing and dance to perform LIVE for 2 hours at 50 concerts?

With arthritis in the lower spine, do you think Michael would have been able to dance for hours at 50 concerts?

How do we know how severe his arthritis was? Just something to think about.

He has had an issue regarding blacking out/not being able to breath before (I think). I'm pretty sure its in LaToya's book. I'll double check.
We all want to see the truth, we all want Dr. Murry to go to jail for what hes done, and were all destrout over michael.
But this movie, it was his last work. I think seeing it and thinking wow hes amazing is the thank you we can give to him ,for all he has given us. So i for one am just going to try and enjoy the movie. Try and forget all the sadness and everyone whos making money from it that comes along with it, so he can rest in my mind.
I am almost at a lost for words in reading most of this thread.

I can't believe some fans are still bashing the "fan followers", after all they have reported to us they witnessed and was told directly from Michael himself...............

I wanna say more but I can't even find the words.

I agree....the only thing the follower fans are trying to do it to get Micheal's voice heard....they are trying to get HIS OWN WORDS HEARD.....before Michael passed away he would always tell us fans ."dont listen to the media...Listen to me I will tell you the truth".......well people Michael is trying to tell us the it through FF now.....why are we not listening???.....He tried to tell them before he died..they tried to tell he is gone....we as fans lose......I don't know about you but I have ALWAYS listened to Michael and not the media.

Everyone keeps saying..Michael was a 50 year old man...yes he was.....however as a Michael Jackson fan for 30years I know that Michael never wanted to disappoint anyone...HE TOLD THE FF FANS TO MUCH STRESS..TO MANY SHOWS....Murray used that cocktail of drugs to kill Michael...Michael did not administer it to himself......Murray should of said no then.....but he was we all know Murray SHOULD NOT OF BEEN GIVING MEDS. He was a heart doc not an anesthesiologist......The meds Murray was giving Micheal was killing him slowly a little bit at a time....this is why he was so thin....I also know that his weight didn't kill him solely.

I just feel as though Michael is speaking through the can we not listen to him.??
I agree....the only thing the follower fans are trying to do it to get Micheal's voice heard....they are trying to get HIS OWN WORDS HEARD.....before Michael passed away he would always tell us fans ."dont listen to the media...Listen to me I will tell you the truth".......well people Michael is trying to tell us the it through FF now.....why are we not listening???.....He tried to tell them before he died..they tried to tell he is gone....we as fans lose......I don't know about you but I have ALWAYS listened to Michael and not the media.

Everyone keeps saying..Michael was a 50 year old man...yes he was.....however as a Michael Jackson fan for 30years I know that Michael never wanted to disappoint anyone...HE TOLD THE FF FANS TO MUCH STRESS..TO MANY SHOWS....Murray used that cocktail of drugs to kill Michael...Michael did not administer it to himself......Murray should of said no then.....but he was we all know Murray SHOULD NOT OF BEEN GIVING MEDS. He was a heart doc not an anesthesiologist......The meds Murray was giving Micheal was killing him slowly a little bit at a time....this is why he was so thin....I also know that his weight didn't kill him solely.

I just feel as though Michael is speaking through the can we not listen to him.??

Okay so the FF are saying all this about MURRAY so why are we not concentrating on getting him put away??
I am almost at a lost for words in reading most of this thread.

I can't believe some fans are still bashing the "fan followers", after all they have reported to us they witnessed and was told directly from Michael himself...............

I wanna say more but I can't even find the words.
Indeed! I think everyone needs to stop for a moment, take a deep breath and THINK. :unsure:

Why would these follower fans lie? Why would they tell this, because they wanna make Michael look bad? Because they want to get this kind of attention? Because they want money? Like everyone else does? What would be their profit of this?
NOTHING, right? This shouldn't have been neccesary in the first place, so there is nothing to profit from.

They want JUSTICE! Just like all of us! I agree with the bad marketing for the campaign, it is way too negative (which has been forwarded to the organisers and has been talked about in the TINI thread) but I can see through that.
Michael shouted out for help. This is NOT about boycotting Michael OR the movie at all!:no:
It is about the injustice that has been done to him BEFORE he died and which led to his death, which is awful...just awful!

Please people, read it VERY WELL and think about it before judging.
You all should've learned at least that, being a MJ fan.
Let's stay united, let's get the truth out there! :angel:
I personally am not against the fan followers at all.

I just think they need to refocus their energy towards Tohme, Murray & Jermaine's involvement with Colony Captial as opposed to focusing exclusively on AEG and on MJs weight (or lack of), which did not kill him.

Murray killed MJ, and we should have our pitchforks & torches out to put this evil, selfish idiot in jail - so he can talk about WHY he killed MJ? Who put him up to it?

Just my two cents.

Indeed! I think everyone needs to stop for a moment, take a deep breath and THINK. :unsure:

Why would these follower fans lie? Why would they tell this, because they wanna make Michael look bad? Because they want to get this kind of attention? Because they want money? Like everyone else does? What would be their profit of this?
NOTHING, right? This shouldn't have been neccesary in the first place, so there is nothing to profit from.

They want JUSTICE! Just like all of us! I agree with the bad marketing for the campaign, it is way too negative (which has been forwarded to the organisers and has been talked about in the TINI thread) but I can see through that.
Michael shouted out for help. This is NOT about boycotting Michael OR the movie at all!:no:
It is about the injustice that has been done to him BEFORE he died and which led to his death, which is awful...just awful!

Please people, read it VERY WELL and think about it before judging.
You all should've learned at least that, being a MJ fan.
Let's stay united, let's get the truth out there! :angel:
I personally am not against the fan followers at all.

I just think they need to refocus their energy towards Tohme, Murray & Jermaine's involvement with Colony Captial as opposed to focusing exclusively on AEG and on MJs weight (or lack of), which did not kill him.

Murray killed MJ, and we should have our pitchforks & torches out to put this evil, selfish idiot in jail - so he can talk about WHY he killed MJ? Who put him up to it?

Just my two cents.

I agree with your posts....the part that talks about Tohme, Murray and Jermain's involvement with colony capitol records......however IMHO...AEG is also to blame......Murray is the one who did the deed....however Tohme and AEG..started the process....I agree Murray NEEDS to be arrested....I am sick of them saying ...He is working with the authorities....big crap...he should be working with the authorities...He killed Michael.....I think we need to look at the big picture...not just what is in front of our faces....because if we look at just that then I think we have made a mistake.
I am almost at a lost for words in reading most of this thread.

I can't believe some fans are still bashing the "fan followers", after all they have reported to us they witnessed and was told directly from Michael himself...............

I wanna say more but I can't even find the words.

same here. they are the only ones telling it like it is. good for them speaking out and giving us some answers
I agree with your posts....the part that talks about Tohme, Murray and Jermain's involvement with colony capitol records......however IMHO...AEG is also to blame......Murray is the one who did the deed....however Tohme and AEG..started the process....I agree Murray NEEDS to be arrested....I am sick of them saying ...He is working with the authorities....big crap...he should be working with the authorities...He killed Michael.....I think we need to look at the big picture...not just what is in front of our faces....because if we look at just that then I think we have made a mistake.

But that's not going to get anywhere. You'll never put the real people responsible in jail if Murray's free like a bird and Tohme (who has a nefarious past & was inside the house the day MJ died) is also free.

I think they are looking and focusing in the wrong place.

Look at Tohme, Colony Capital, Jermaine's connection to Colony, Dr. Murray, Tom Barrack, Neverland/Sycamore Corp., Leonard Rowe, All Good Entertainment, Joe Jackson's connection to Rowe & AllGood. They have motive and means to murder Michael.

Whatever, I'm not arguing this point anymore. IMHO, it's truly a waste of energy & time by focusing on Michael's health before the show.

Focus on the people around MJ before & after Tohme was fired and everything falls into place.
I can't believe some fans are still bashing the "fan followers"

Moddie, in case you didn't notice, the reason this is "still" an issue is that your group managed to get its allegations into the world's biggest wire service yesterday. May those of us who disagree with these allegations be forgiven for reacting? Must we be bashed with your term "bashing"?

Why would these follower fans lie?

Mrs. Music, cries of victimhood are not helpful. The objection here seems to be not that they're dishonest, but that they're probably mistaken, and being irresponsible in making serious and harmful accusations without sufficient evidence.

How many times must be said that it was a LEAKED medical report (which ca be modified)not an official one!

How many times must the world's greatest newspapers agree that this report was credible and satisfactorily confirms MJ was in good health and able to perform all shows, other than the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, CBS, BBC, and the Guardian? How many times must medical and legal experts confirm the report's credibility and agree with this conclusion, other than a UCLA physician and department chair, a Loyola Law School professor, and a LA civil litigation specialist?
I can't believe this campaign is getting this much attention. I personally believe Michael was ready and willing to carry out 50 shows, I've seen nothing that should make me believe otherwise. From the rehearsal clips to Kenny Ortega and his words on various stations, now granted they could've edited alot to make it appear this way, but I just dont believe thats the case.

IMO, Michael died due to negligence (?), and not being properly monitored. And its obvious that he shouldn't of had to have used propofol just for sleep, and thats a problem within itself. But I believe that if he was being monitored and watched like he was supposed to, then this wouldn't have happenend.
I can't believe this campaign is getting this much attention. I personally believe Michael was ready and willing to carry out 50 shows, I've seen nothing that should make me believe otherwise. From the rehearsal clips to Kenny Ortega and his words on various stations, now granted they could've edited alot to make it appear this way, but I just dont believe thats the case.

IMO, Michael died due to negligence (?), and not being properly monitored. And its obvious that he shouldn't of had to have used propofol just for sleep, and thats a problem within itself. But I believe that if he was being monitored and watched like he was supposed to, then this wouldn't have happenend.

don't is actually creating EXTRA buzz for the movie. By tomorrow, it will all be "yesterday's" news.

And most of what I have read so far, don't even take the campaign agaisnt the movie very seriously. Someone on the New york Times board is blasting Karen Faye as a "disgruntled" employee out for revenge. Ouch!!!

Michael Jackson Fans Launch Protest Against This Is It
10/23/2009 By Josiah Hughes

With Michael Jackson's concert rehearsal film This Is It set to arrive in theatres next week, most fans of the deceased pop musician are buzzing with anticipation. A select group of fans, however, are not so excited to see the film, saying that it covers up the truth about Jackson's final living moments.

The group have started an awareness campaign, based at, where they have detailed a massive amount of information to support their theory that Jackson's producers knew he was dying, but chose to ignore those facts in order to turn a profit.

“In the weeks leading up to Michael Jackson’s death, while this footage was being shot, people around him knew that he looked like he might have died,” a post on the site reads. “Those who stood to make a profit chose to ignore it. Friends and fans who had no financial interest, chose to address it and attempted to help him. AEG, the promoters for ‘This Is It,’ ignored the signs, ignored the pleas, and in fact, actively covered up the truth. What you will see on that screen is part of that cover up.”

The site has a lot of information and asks fans to hand out anti-This Is It literature at the film's premiere in their city. Interestingly, nowhere does it urge people to avoid seeing the film.

That might be because the movie is just too irresistible, as director Kenny Ortega recently told Cinema Blend that the film will feature brand new versions of iconic Jackson music videos for “Thriller,” “Man in the Mirror” and “Earth Song.” And while the new “Thriller” does have its differences from the original, Ortega maintained that they “didn't touch what we considered the sacred inside of it." Come on, guys. Who could resist that?

This Is It hits theatres on October 28.
same here. they are the only ones telling it like it is. good for them speaking out and giving us some answers

As i said already i am glad the followers have shared their experiences of the last few meetings they had with Michael and i believe everything they are saying about his weight and so on because they have nothing to gain from making it up plus i'd be lying to myself if i didn't admit i was surprised to see how skinny he was when the photos of his final rehearsal came out.
What i think the followers are forgetting is that if Michael wasn't eating how can anybody blame AEG for this, they are concert promoters not minders and this talk about Michael being forced to rehearse, when he decided to do 50 dates at the O2 he commited himself to a tour that he knew he would have to train for, maybe AEG were pushing him hard but i would think he was also pushing himself hard and if it was all getting too much then why didn't he just call it all off as one of the followers says in her testimony "nobody can tell Michael what to do".
First I believe that MJ was healthy when he began the rehearsals.He was examined by a doctor and AEG wouldn´t get any money at all if he couldn´t rehearse at all.If all the pictures from the reherseals showed MH in a bad shape it wouldn´t have been a documentary either.
He had a doctor because he had problems with eating , drinking sleeping when he was preparing for concerts.The problem wasn´t new and he managed to do the history tour although he used propofol to sleep.

If everything was going allright with the propofol that Murray gave MJ during several weeks
why did the doctor suddenly decide to use other drugs to get him to sleep?
Why did MJ let Murray try to do it?
I think they both knew that propofol and ephidrine had sideeffects and in this case it was loss of weight and Mj didn´t feel well some times.
They said he was glowing during his last rehearsals and if Murray told the truth MJ was able to sleep on other drugs then propofol the night before.

If they could have solved his problem with insomnia using other drugs not as dangerous as propofol i´m sure that he had felt well all the time and he would have gained some weight.
But he had probably tried most things to sleep.

I think MJ was happy he sold out far more shows than Prince did and he was happy to be with his dancers and musicians and he loved to hug them.
But it was tiresome for him though he hadn´t been rehearsing for a long time.
As for the "Doctors and nurses [who] have commonly been using/abusing this drug" that you refer to, it's hard to believe you're unaware of the massive difference between those uses and this kind of use, which does in fact appear by all experts' accounts to be radical and unprecedented.

I just hope prosecutors don't agree with you, because your argument could get Murray off with a mere slap of the hand.

When I said abuse, that's what I meant. Not in the line of work. Not given to others in a controlled environment by certified, trained professionals as prescribed by law.

There is no difference when individuals in the medical community use that drug for themselves and on each other. Surely you understand that difference and surely you don't think that I'm referring to professionals who properly administers that drug in their line of work. Obviously Murray was not one of those people.
When I said abuse, that's what I meant. Not in the line of work.

I fully understood you meant abuse, not medical use in the line of work. So this means, apparently, you actually don't in fact understand the massive difference between the previously observed nature of self-administered propofol abuse and what Murray was doing. Even after countless medical experts explained it in stunned amazement to the nation. It is that difference that makes Murray so shockingly reprehensible and culpable. You're either not very bright, which I don't think is the case, or unwilling to hear what you don't wish to hear for some reason.
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