Reuters: Michael Jackson Fans Says Film Covers Up Grim Truth

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This story with the "golden casket"...its a fake ...isnt it??? OMG

Nope, they said it. It just to get the attention of press at the premiers... I don't think they should do that.
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The "fan followers!" Who the heck came up with that name? LOL! That sounds like a cult to me.

I'm just glad that the article started by saying a "small group" of Michael Jackson fans, because they certainly don't speak for me.

Anyway, I must ask, when the "fan followers" were following Michael to Dr. Klein's office EVERY week, why weren't they SCREAMING their complaints into all of the various cameras, including the TMZ cameras, that were ALWAYS on the scene?

That was the perfect opportunity to make their complaints known, instead of forcing album covers and various pictures into the truck's window, hoping for a Michael Jackson signature OR JUST WANTING TO TOUCH HIS HAND.

"Michael, Michael, I'll see you in London." How many times did we hear those words at Klein's office?

The "fan followers!" Somebody really needs to find a better way to express that, it's mad creepy, in my opinion.

This will describe you the true meanings of a group of so called Michael Jackson (MJ) fans. They call themselves This-is-NOT-it (tini).
They claim to know the truth about what really happened with MJ. THis to the fact they were following MJ everywhere around for 24/7. They even chased him in their cars and at night slept in those cars as well. In our opinion that is not a good fan, in our opinion and by many laws worldwide, that would be stalking.
MJ would talk to these fans, because he knew all too well, that if he didn't, or press charges against them, they would run to the tabloids and sell their story, not necessarily the truth. Just what is happening now.
Their story is based upon a few photo's they compared, the first set from the HIStory tour MJ made during 1996-1997 and the photo's available from the rehearsals of his tragicly ended show This is It. This together with their own "testimonies" which easily could have been made up, because there is no other proof they had these encounters then their own stories, is their solely proof they use to target AEG Live and Sony Music as being the MURDERERS of Michael Jackson.
Many other fans has tried to reason with these group. But unfortunally didn't succeed. This group erased every question asked against them, threatened people on facebook and in several fora worldwide, but yet they manage to point the guilty finger for these actions into the other direction.
We urge you, the legeslative forces everywhere in the world to take immediate actions against this group. They willingly defamatoring, slandering and threaten people at random. They will try to willingly ruin the premier event of the This is It movie worldwide, with their keytarget Los Angeles, trying to carry around with a golden casket, which will be very upsetting for all those fans who are just their to pay their last respect upon their hero, Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson.

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I totally support TINI group in their quest for the truth.

I would respectfully ask that they don't follow through with the Casket.

Haters, comedians, media, will have a field day exploiting this in a negative way which at the end of the day will lead to mocking and ridicule of Michael.

I find this so offensive ... I just don't know what to say.
THANK YOU for your excellent post. :clapping:

I am DISGUSTED about what some of the 'fans' here in this thread are saying without properly reading what's on the site, what's in the statements. You judge other fans by articles in the MEDIA. The media who has rediculed, harassed, and lied about Michael countless times?

I DID read the site, most is based on hearsay stories that are dramatized, it's the same old rumors that floated around before. I understand Michael was under stress, but these fans were not in rehearsals every day, did not interview any of the people that were working with him, who incidentally have said very positive things about this in contrast...they don't even get his weight right at the time of death. Instead of using the correct weight from the Autopsy report, they use that fake made up rumor. They call themselves friends, they are NOT michael's friends. They have spend time with him i'm sure, more than most others i'm sure, but friends? I don't buy that. I'm sure they'd love to be his buddy, maybe a little too much?

Don't ask me to respect a group of people that create a dramatized site with misinformation, with some dramatic bloody logo. They're not making a difference, they're doing exactly with other stories about Michael have done in the past.
I totally support TINI group in their quest for the truth.

I would respectfully ask that they don't follow through with the Casket.

Haters, comedians, media, will have a field day exploiting this in a negative way which at the end of the day will lead to mocking and ridicule of Michael.

I find this so offensive ... I just don't know what to say.
I kinda think that in throwing about ideas of how they can get their point across, this was one and clearly it's not a very good idea.
AT THE END OF THE DAY, MURRAY IS STILL THE BLAME. He is the DOCTOR. He was NOT doing his job. Just the fact that this doctor was using a drug that is suppose to be in the hospital and NOT for the purpose of sleep is alone that should get him convicted. All of this other stuff that is being said could have been dealt with and NOT kill MJ. I have sinus headaches and it makes me sick sometimes; however, sinus headaches are NOT going to kill me; however if a doctor give me morphine to treat the headaches and then give me an overdose, HIS is RESPONSIBLE because morphine is NOT suppose to be used for headaches let alone out of the hospital either.
How do you know they haven't? I read that they had given their info to the LAPD as well as their contact details. Many of the fans live in Europe so can't just pop down to the LAPD.


So now we can let the police do their work and we can concentrate on the music again.

No need to talk even one more second about it!
People shrink as they get older due to bone mineral loss and compression of the cartilidge between the joints. This is especially evident in the discs between the vertebrae of the spine because they support a lot of our weight.

LOL, maybe when a person gets to ninety, but not in a person's late forties, early fifties! At least I hope not! (Because that's how old I am, and my height remains the same.....)
I DID read the site, most is based on hearsay stories that are dramatized, it's the same old rumors that floated around before. I understand Michael was under stress, but these fans were not in rehearsals every day, did not interview any of the people that were working with him, who incidentally have said very positive things about this in contrast...they don't even get his weight right at the time of death. Instead of using the correct weight from the Autopsy report, they use that fake made up rumor. They call themselves friends, they are NOT michael's friends. They have spend time with him i'm sure, more than most others i'm sure, but friends? I don't buy that. I'm sure they'd love to be his buddy, maybe a little too much?

Don't ask me to respect a group of people that create a dramatized site with misinformation, with some dramatic bloody logo. They're not making a difference, they're doing exactly with other stories about Michael have done in the past.

They are not dramatized hearsay stories - they are testimonies of what they themselves witnessed in the weeks leading up to Michael's death. As I've said before, some of those working with Michael (Karen Faye & Michael Bush - both who have known Michael for many many years) are in agreement with TINI campaigners. 108lbs was not a rumour - it was the weight that the mortician recorded when Karen Faye & Michael Bush went to the funeral palour to 'make up' Michael's body. Where the (leaked and not confirmed) autopsy report's 136lbs comes from I will never know.
I DID read the site, most is based on hearsay stories that are dramatized, it's the same old rumors that floated around before. I understand Michael was under stress, but these fans were not in rehearsals every day, did not interview any of the people that were working with him, who incidentally have said very positive things about this in contrast...they don't even get his weight right at the time of death. Instead of using the correct weight from the Autopsy report, they use that fake madde up rumor. They call themselves friends, they are NOT michael's friends. They have spend time with him i'm sure, more than most others i'm sure, but friends? I don't buy that. I'm sure they'd love to be his buddy, maybe a little too much?

Don't ask me to respect a group of people that create a dramatized site with misinformation, with some dramatic bloody logo. They're not making a difference, they're doing exactly with other stories about Michael have done in the past.
Hear say?

I, with, two other friends, met MJ in his car on March 19th.
We talked about AEG, how he was furious with them, wanting to make money, selling tickets vio Viagogo. He said "I hate to hear stories like that!"
On May 29th, the last day of rehearsals at Center Staging, a few of us went inside the studio and talked to Michael. It was actually he who wanted to talk to us. He first apologized about the seating arrangements for the concerts then expressed “the seating and the dates were done without my consent”. He said he was doing these shows for us and wanted to do it the way we wanted him to. He seemed unhappy about the way things were going and at some point his voice cracked like he was going to cry. He said that he’s only one person and only has so much energy
These are facts, experiences. There is no hearsay, these are fans telling us about their EXPERIENCES.

YES they may have got SOME things wrong (just like you, me and everyone else on the planet because we simply don't and CAN'T know everything) but AT LEAST THEY ARE TRYING TO LET THE WORLD KNOW SOMETHING WAS UP. Michael was afraid he might not be able to do the shows, he voiced his concern. And when he did, they started paying attention, and learned that Michael wasn't well and as soon as they were ALARMED by his state, they felt it was time to take action.

Not because they were obsessed, not because they wanted to be 'buddies' with MJ (come on...seriously), not because they wanted anything, but because they were CONCERNED just like hundreds of fans who had seen Michael the past couple of months. YES, it was too late. And YES, coincidentally Michael was dead a day after het got the letters, but they TRIED. Give them some credit.

And now they have to face the fact that fellow fans consumed by jealousy (because that's all it is, really) try to shut them up because they can't deal with the fact that Michael was being abused and might not have been able to handle 50 shows.
I DID read the site, most is based on hearsay stories that are dramatized, it's the same old rumors that floated around before. I understand Michael was under stress, but these fans were not in rehearsals every day, did not interview any of the people that were working with him, who incidentally have said very positive things about this in contrast...they don't even get his weight right at the time of death. Instead of using the correct weight from the Autopsy report, they use that fake made up rumor. They call themselves friends, they are NOT michael's friends. They have spend time with him i'm sure, more than most others i'm sure, but friends? I don't buy that. I'm sure they'd love to be his buddy, maybe a little too much?

Don't ask me to respect a group of people that create a dramatized site with misinformation, with some dramatic bloody logo. They're not making a difference, they're doing exactly with other stories about Michael have done in the past.

Exactly :clapping:
I have read the things they say and I feel the same way
I said it once and I'll say it again the only thing there gonna accomplish with there "ideas" is making them selfs and other fans look ignorant and crazy
I fully believe that justice should be served on the person who actually killed him and thats Murray
if Murray didn't do what he did on the night of 25th MJ would still be with us end of story
and you know what I tried to get there point of view and the min I started to ask questions to these "follower fans" they snapped at me and called me blind and stupid as well as others so that pretty much sums it up for me
I kinda think that in throwing about ideas of how they can get their point across, this was one and clearly it's not a very good idea.

I understand. :better:

When I read this ... my first reaction is ... by some chance what if Prince, Paris, Blanket saw this fiasco? :no:

I don't know there may be like 0.01 % chance the kids will see it, hear about it.... not really appropriate.

What if some fan going to the premiere found it so offensive that it leads to a confrontation? :doh:

The media will be looking for the most minute of NEGATIVE thing about the TII film. To have a brawl break out at the premiere can't benefit MJ in anyway.

wow? The first poster doesn't seem to know who they are talking about. They are confusing different groups of fans. The second poster doesn't seem to know what they are talking about, they make several mistakes including one vital mistake - TINI is NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT saying AEG or Sony murdered or are criminally responsible for Michael's death. Just that the AEG people there should have noticed something was wrong.
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