Reuters: Michael Jackson Fans Says Film Covers Up Grim Truth

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I fully support the endeavor of these fans. I am all ears to everything they have to say.

God bless you all!
He tells the National Enquirer, "Sadly, Michael's incapable of keeping promises, because he hasn't got the will to even show up anywhere

Amber, I'd like to kindly suggest that searching for material like this is not perhaps the healthiest thing emotionally. One would think you'd be happiest if quotes like these were posted in lights on Times Square.

This is what folks will increasingly be saying about your group: ‘This Is It’ Not Harrowing Enough, Say Michael Jackson Fans

They’re claiming that This Is It unfairly depicts Michael Jackson as a fun-loving man about town with a twinkle in his eye and a full set of working organs, when everyone knows that he was really a heavily-medicated, almost-dead waif with all the mobility of your ancient nan but none of her hair.

Is this really what you want? Do reconsider.
The "fan followers!" Who the heck came up with that name? LOL! That sounds like a cult to me.

I'm just glad that the article started by saying a "small group" of Michael Jackson fans, because they certainly don't speak for me.

Anyway, I must ask, when the "fan followers" were following Michael to Dr. Klein's office EVERY week, why weren't they SCREAMING their complaints into all of the various cameras, including the TMZ cameras, that were ALWAYS on the scene?

That was the perfect opportunity to make their complaints known, instead of forcing album covers and various pictures into the truck's window, hoping for a Michael Jackson signature OR JUST WANTING TO TOUCH HIS HAND.

"Michael, Michael, I'll see you in London." How many times did we hear those words at Klein's office?

The "fan followers!" Somebody really needs to find a better way to express that, it's mad creepy, in my opinion.
I agree....the only thing the follower fans are trying to do it to get Micheal's voice heard....they are trying to get HIS OWN WORDS HEARD.....before Michael passed away he would always tell us fans ."dont listen to the media...Listen to me I will tell you the truth".......well people Michael is trying to tell us the it through FF now.....why are we not listening???.....
It's because of the way they are going about it. IMO they are making Michael look WORSE, not better. They are portraying him as a drugged out, weak, non-effective person, when in reality he seemed to be just the opposite.

Plus they are going around making accusations of murder, neglect and greed. Those are TERRIBLE things to say about people unless you know for sure that those allegations are true. If they want to *investigate* the circumstances surrounding Michael's death, then great! But to go out and accuse others of such ugly things is shameful, imo. Find the truth first and THEN go public with it. Otherwise they are just maligning people who may very well be innocent.

He tried to tell them before he died..
I guess the million dollar question is WHY would Michael be complaining to the fans rather than those in a position to actually change his situation? It was never the FANS responsibility to get Michael's message to AEG, it was MICHAEL'S. And I believe Michael could've done that if he had not been such a private person. MJ is the one who wanted propofol to sleep. I doubt AEG even knew about it.

I believe those surrounding MJ DID know he had a sleeping problem, but what exactly were they supposed to do? And what were they supposed to do about the eating? Force feed him? It isn't realistic to think that they'd shut down a production involving so many people, deadlines and money, if Michael didn't make them aware of a SERIOUS problem. Since he didn't, what was AEG supposed to do?

And I also believe Michael complained to his fans much like my husband complains to me about his job when he comes home. I think Michael was just looking for understanding and sympathy, and a few "you poor baby" kinds of things said in support. We all do it. There's nothing wrong with it, but I think the follower fans have exaggerated it, as well as their own importance.

Everyone keeps saying..Michael was a 50 year old man...yes he was.....however as a Michael Jackson fan for 30years I know that Michael never wanted to disappoint anyone...HE TOLD THE FF FANS TO MUCH STRESS..TO MANY SHOWS....
Performing a lot of shows was going to be stressful, of course, but Michael was a professional and he knew how to handle that stress on one level. On another level that stress expressed itself with his lack of eating and his trouble sleeping. It's possible that his lack of eating directly caused his insomnia, since when you don't eat enough, it's really hard to sleep. (Like on an extremely low calorie diet.)
This will describe you the true meanings of a group of so called Michael Jackson (MJ) fans. They call themselves This-is-NOT-it (tini).
They claim to know the truth about what really happened with MJ. THis to the fact they were following MJ everywhere around for 24/7. They even chased him in their cars and at night slept in those cars as well. In our opinion that is not a good fan, in our opinion and by many laws worldwide, that would be stalking.
MJ would talk to these fans, because he knew all too well, that if he didn't, or press charges against them, they would run to the tabloids and sell their story, not necessarily the truth. Just what is happening now.
Their story is based upon a few photo's they compared, the first set from the HIStory tour MJ made during 1996-1997 and the photo's available from the rehearsals of his tragicly ended show This is It. This together with their own "testimonies" which easily could have been made up, because there is no other proof they had these encounters then their own stories, is their solely proof they use to target AEG Live and Sony Music as being the MURDERERS of Michael Jackson.
Many other fans has tried to reason with these group. But unfortunally didn't succeed. This group erased every question asked against them, threatened people on facebook and in several fora worldwide, but yet they manage to point the guilty finger for these actions into the other direction.
We urge you, the legeslative forces everywhere in the world to take immediate actions against this group. They willingly defamatoring, slandering and threaten people at random. They will try to willingly ruin the premier event of the This is It movie worldwide, with their keytarget Los Angeles, trying to carry around with a golden casket, which will be very upsetting for all those fans who are just their to pay their last respect upon their hero, Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson.
This will describe you the true meanings of a group of so called Michael Jackson (MJ) fans. They call themselves This-is-NOT-it (tini).
They claim to know the truth about what really happened with MJ. THis to the fact they were following MJ everywhere around for 24/7. They even chased him in their cars and at night slept in those cars as well. In our opinion that is not a good fan, in our opinion and by many laws worldwide, that would be stalking.
MJ would talk to these fans, because he knew all too well, that if he didn't, or press charges against them, they would run to the tabloids and sell their story, not necessarily the truth. Just what is happening now.
Their story is based upon a few photo's they compared, the first set from the HIStory tour MJ made during 1996-1997 and the photo's available from the rehearsals of his tragicly ended show This is It. This together with their own "testimonies" which easily could have been made up, because there is no other proof they had these encounters then their own stories, is their solely proof they use to target AEG Live and Sony Music as being the MURDERERS of Michael Jackson.
Many other fans has tried to reason with these group. But unfortunally didn't succeed. This group erased every question asked against them, threatened people on facebook and in several fora worldwide, but yet they manage to point the guilty finger for these actions into the other direction.
We urge you, the legeslative forces everywhere in the world to take immediate actions against this group. They willingly defamatoring, slandering and threaten people at random. They will try to willingly ruin the premier event of the This is It movie worldwide, with their keytarget Los Angeles, trying to carry around with a golden casket, which will be very upsetting for all those fans who are just their to pay their last respect upon their hero, Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson.

:eek: WTF?! :eek:hmy2: Awww, HELL NAAAW!
Indeed! I think everyone needs to stop for a moment, take a deep breath and THINK. :unsure:

Why would these follower fans lie? Why would they tell this, because they wanna make Michael look bad? Because they want to get this kind of attention? Because they want money? Like everyone else does? What would be their profit of this?
NOTHING, right? This shouldn't have been neccesary in the first place, so there is nothing to profit from.

I'm not saying they lie... I'd never say anything like that, because I believe they would never lie about Michael and these are not their intentions... I just think they could've not seen the whole picture and therefore their statements could be unintentionally incorrect! They weren't very pally with Michael. We have to remember they were just fans. Not his close friends. I'm not saying Kenny was his biggest confidant but they have known each other for 20 years. They were good mates and creative partners. If any conspiracy or anything suggesting that Michael was not ok was happening to him, Kenny would have seen. He didn't... because Michael kept it all to himself. If anyone knew what he was doing they'd react immediately.

Michael shouted out for help. This is NOT about boycotting Michael OR the movie at all!:no:
It is about the injustice that has been done to him BEFORE he died and which led to his death, which is awful...just awful!

Michael did not shout out for help. He could've been worried about his ability to deliver but I believe if it was a real concern to him he wouldn't just mention it in conversations with fans... like compaining after a bad day at school or work... but focus on it and try to work it out... and instead he gave his all and worked his ass off to prepare the biggest concerts ever, worked on new music and had a hundred other ideas in his head.

I'm far from saying the follower fans are liars because that is not the case. I'm just trying to say that you shouldn't take their words as gospel! Not because they are trying to do anything wrong but because they don't see the other side of the coin! They don't know everything. All they can do is to describe what they noticed. It's quite obvious that Kenny, Frank or even Elizabeth know much much more. And whereas Michael had his problems I think he was happy to be working again and being the best in the bussiness. Apart from his children, he was most proud of his achievements and fame. Being the most famous and the best singer/songwriter/performer and musician to ever grace this planet was what made him ultimately happy.

On a side note... I don't like the This Is Not it campaign but I trully enjoyed the funny/happy stories the follower fans shared after Michael passed away in June. They were great
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THis to the fact they were following MJ everywhere around for 24/7. They even chased him in their cars and at night slept in those cars as well. In our opinion that is not a good fan, in our opinion and by many laws worldwide, that would be stalking.

They will try to willingly ruin the premier event of the This is It movie worldwide, with their keytarget Los Angeles, trying to carry around with a golden casket, which will be very upsetting for all those fans who are just their to pay their last respect upon their hero, Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson.

I guess the TINI folks did not tell Reuters about their 24/7 duties outside of Michael's crib. I mean, the media already calls US rabid fans.

I also noticed the thing about the "golden casket." If the TINI folks really want to be taken seriously, they need to DROP the "golden casket" idea.

I can see the headline now: "Michael Jackson Fans Carry A Golden Casket To Premire Of This Is It Movie?"
. You do not have proof he was so sick AEG should have intervened. All evidence points to the opposite, in fact.

Does it? The proof is Michael is dead. He died from being given propofol. Why was he using propofol? Because he couldn't sleep.
What is the effect of the drug that is administered with propofol? Suppression of appetite. Who has commented on the issue of eating? Michael. The choreographer. Kenny – wasn’t he cutting up his food. Oh and didn’t Randy say they had to hire someone to ‘remind him to eat’. What does not eating/eating little lead to? Weight loss. How long was Michael being given propofol? 6 weeks (according to Murray). What did the fans notice in the last few weeks? Weight loss.
Who else must have seen this and therefore be concerned? Those around him.

Who voiced their concerns to Michael BEFORE he died? the FF, Karen Faye and Michael Bush. Also Kenny according to things he has said since.

Who voiced their concerns to people involved in the organisation of the concerts BEFORE he died? According to Karen Faye - her and Michael Bush.

Fans who were with him for little time in comparison to those in the rehearsals saw and heard enough to make them concerned and want to find out what was wrong and do something about it. How can you say those who were working with him for hours didn't notice? especially when some actually did - Karen and Bush.

Who else voiced their concerns? Michael Jackson.

He wasn't eating, he wasn't sleeping, he used propofol.

He said he doesn't normally eat during concert time, he said he doesn't normally sleep during concert time.. he said it so its ok? lets ignore it?

They obviously didn’t help him in the right way as he ended up turning to propofol which ended up killing him.

According to some people, he's used propofol a HOSPITAL OPERATING ROOM ANAESTHETIC to help them 'sleep'(?!) before.. so its ok?

He’s also said that when he's working on a project that he works ‘til he drops and he could give it his all until he DIES for it. Yep he said when he’s working on a project he’d die for it. Thats ok that it happened then? cause he said it?

Did AEG/Randy Phillips know about Murray and what was happening? I don’t know, I’m not claiming they did but they would never admit it anyway.

Like I said..some can say it is easy to say things in hindsight BUT these fans were voicing these concerns BEFORE he died.. so if they could see something was wrong, were concerned about him and were motivated to find out what was going on, what about AEG?


I could accuse you of being paid by Conrad Murray to shift the blame off him, for that is what you're doing, but I won't, because I don't have evidence of that.

No you couldn't because the campaigners say Murray killed him. They do not dispute this fact. The campaign acknowledges that propofol killed Michael.

They just want people to see there is a bigger picture. Everything obviously wasn’t fine and dandy. Michael didn’t just call Murray up out of the blue on the 25th because he wanted to try out propofol for no apparent reason. You can’t just look at that in isolation. He was using it for a reason and the effects of using it were seen by those around him. He was voicing his concern. Yet preparations continued and the concerts were still scheduled to happen.

The girls of TINI are NOT saying AEG killed him, NOT AT ALL. Just that THEY saw there was something wrong. They heard from Michael that there was something wrong. How could the team around him not notice what was happening, keep insisting he was ok and carry on with the concerts instead of being motivated to find out what was wrong and helping him? How could they react to Michael’s concerns back in May by calling them a lie. The TINI girls emailed Karen before MJ died voicing their concern, she replied with this –

Hi Marika,

I know.
I am doing everything humanly possible...your heart and mine are in the same place.
Please keep this private for his sake.
Shanti, Shanti, Shanti’’

Isn’t that proof that some people around him thought something was wrong and were concerned about him? Isn’t that proof that there should have been an intervention? Why are other people insisting he was fine?

Saying that the campaigners are hurting his family and friends is not very true because family members are saying the same things and people who have worked with him for decades and were there are saying the same thing, in fact one of them is being VERY vocal about it. I’m sure his family would like the truth.

Is it all a big coincidence that there were people who were desperately concerned about Michael and then he died? Is it a coincidence that what they feared for days/weeks came true?

What do you think these girls want? They aren’t standing to gain financially, they don’t want people to think negatively about Michael. They want people to admit the truth and stop hiding things.






It is not the intention to discredit or deny Michael’s efforts and commitment to the shows, it is to make people aware all was not well.

In case some people think that Michael wouldn't spend time with or talk to fans, you're wrong, he did. Some of these girls are trusted fans. Michael had become 'friends' with certain follower fans and asked to see them sometimes. They were allowed in rehearsals with him, and the 'dome project'. He is photographed stepping out of his home then holding hands with a girl that was a fan and became a 'closer fan'.
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you know i dont know what to think,

it is possible that Michael looked not healthy, they claim they saw him, i cant say i have, therefore cant say they are lying... i know that the THIS IS IT documentary will not show all the 80 hours, they will chose the ones in which Michael looked better... God, they might be RIGHT.... hope they are not, but they have witnessed him, they have.
Michael Jaskson wants us fans to go to the movie: "This Is It" ,
and enjoy his performance.
The "drama" can wait for later. :better:
I fully understood you meant abuse, not medical use in the line of work. So this means, apparently, you actually don't in fact understand the massive difference between the previously observed nature of self-administered propofol abuse and what Murray was doing. Even after countless medical experts explained it in stunned amazement to the nation. It is that difference that makes Murray so shockingly reprehensible and culpable. You're either not very bright, which I don't think is the case, or unwilling to hear what you don't wish to hear for some reason.
Yes, I do understand. Your point is that Murray murdered MJ and that's that. My point is that I believe that there were telltale signs of that happening and if a few fans on the outside who interfaced with MJ for a few minutes could make out a noticable difference, then people working with him for 8-10 hours/day surely should have noticed too.

I believe that is the point of their campaign.
Irregardless of the reasoning on either side of TINI, both Michael and the TII organization in general could/should have stepped in at some point and put on the brakes.

Michael knew how much this show meant to the fans, but he told those around him the last few days/week that he was tired, etc.

TII rehearsals were grueling, Michael was running on overdrive with ideas, his perfectionism, lack of sleep, etc.

People working with him saw 2 sides, his drive and desire to make this a show like no other, and that he was losing weight/not sleeping properly, etc.

I know many will disagree with me on this, but each side ultimately plays a role in everything that finally happened. (not bringing Murray into it because he is obviously to me the "end" cause of death)

Whether TINI makes an impact positively or negatively in the entire scheme of things remains unclear to me. JMO

(the one negative that I have found and disappoints me are active supporters quoting things in this thread taken from the National Enquirer and similar sites to support their beliefs)
Does it? The proof is Michael is dead. He died from being given propofol. Why was he using propofol? Because he couldn't sleep.
What is the effect of the drug that is administered with propofol? Suppression of appetite. Who has commented on the issue of eating? Michael. The choreographer. Kenny – wasn’t he cutting up his food. Oh and didn’t Randy say they had to hire someone to ‘remind him to eat’. What does not eating/eating little lead to? Weight loss. How long was Michael being given propofol? 6 weeks (according to Murray). What did the fans notice in the last few weeks? Weight loss.
Who else must have seen this and therefore be concerned? Those around him.

Who voiced their concerns to Michael BEFORE he died? the FF, Karen Faye and Michael Bush. Also Kenny according to things he has said since.

Who voiced their concerns to people involved in the organisation of the concerts BEFORE he died? According to Karen Faye - her and Michael Bush.

Fans who were with him for little time in comparison to those in the rehearsals saw and heard enough to make them concerned and want to find out what was wrong and do something about it. How can you say those who were working with him for hours didn't notice? especially when some actually did - Karen and Bush.

Who else voiced their concerns? Michael Jackson.

He wasn't eating, he wasn't sleeping, he used propofol.

He said he doesn't normally eat during concert time, he said he doesn't normally sleep during concert time.. he said it so its ok? lets ignore it?

They obviously didn’t help him in the right way as he ended up turning to propofol which ended up killing him.

According to some people, he's used propofol a HOSPITAL OPERATING ROOM ANAESTHETIC to help them 'sleep'(?!) before.. so its ok?

He’s also said that when he's working on a project that he works ‘til he drops and he could give it his all until he DIES for it. Yep he said when he’s working on a project he’d die for it. Thats ok that it happened then? cause he said it?

Did AEG/Randy Phillips know about Murray and what was happening? I don’t know, I’m not claiming they did but they would never admit it anyway.

Like I said..some can say it is easy to say things in hindsight BUT these fans were voicing these concerns BEFORE he died.. so if they could see something was wrong, were concerned about him and were motivated to find out what was going on, what about AEG?


No you couldn't because the campaigners say Murray killed him. They do not dispute this fact. The campaign acknowledges that propofol killed Michael.

They just want people to see there is a bigger picture. Everything obviously wasn’t fine and dandy. Michael didn’t just call Murray up out of the blue on the 25th because he wanted to try out propofol for no apparent reason. You can’t just look at that in isolation. He was using it for a reason and the effects of using it were seen by those around him. He was voicing his concern. Yet preparations continued and the concerts were still scheduled to happen.

The girls of TINI are NOT saying AEG killed him, NOT AT ALL. Just that THEY saw there was something wrong. They heard from Michael that there was something wrong. How could the team around him not notice what was happening, keep insisting he was ok and carry on with the concerts instead of being motivated to find out what was wrong and helping him? How could they react to Michael’s concerns back in May by calling them a lie. The TINI girls emailed Karen before MJ died voicing their concern, she replied with this –

Hi Marika,

I know.
I am doing everything humanly possible...your heart and mine are in the same place.
Please keep this private for his sake.
Shanti, Shanti, Shanti’’

Isn’t that proof that some people around him thought something was wrong and were concerned about him? Isn’t that proof that there should have been an intervention? Why are other people insisting he was fine?

Saying that the campaigners are hurting his family and friends is not very true because family members are saying the same things and people who have worked with him for decades and were there are saying the same thing, in fact one of them is being VERY vocal about it. I’m sure his family would like the truth.

Is it all a big coincidence that there were people who were desperately concerned about Michael and then he died? Is it a coincidence that what they feared for days/weeks came true?

What do you think these girls want? They aren’t standing to gain financially, they don’t want people to think negatively about Michael. They want people to admit the truth and stop hiding things.






It is not the intention to discredit or deny Michael’s efforts and commitment to the shows, it is to make people aware all was not well.

In case some people think that Michael wouldn't spend time with or talk to fans, you're wrong, he did. Some of these girls are trusted fans. Michael had become 'friends' with certain follower fans and asked to see them sometimes. They were allowed in rehearsals with him, and the 'dome project'. He is photographed stepping out of his home then holding hands with a girl that was a fan and became a 'closer fan'.

well're right that its more than just what happened on that one night
They claim to know the truth about what really happened with MJ. THis to the fact they were following MJ everywhere around for 24/7. They even chased him in their cars and at night slept in those cars as well. In our opinion that is not a good fan, in our opinion and by many laws worldwide, that would be stalking.
OMG. It's like they were hunting him, right along with the papparazi. Poor Michael. :sad:

MJ would talk to these fans, because he knew all too well, that if he didn't, or press charges against them, they would run to the tabloids and sell their story, not necessarily the truth. Just what is happening now.
If what you say below about these fans defaming, slandering and threatening other fans is true, then this seems entirely possible. :sad:

Their story is based upon a few photo's they compared, the first set from the HIStory tour MJ made during 1996-1997 and the photo's available from the rehearsals of his tragicly ended show This is It. This together with their own "testimonies" which easily could have been made up, because there is no other proof they had these encounters then their own stories, is their solely proof they use to target AEG Live and Sony Music as being the MURDERERS of Michael Jackson.
Which isn't PROOF at all.

Many other fans has tried to reason with these group. But unfortunally didn't succeed. This group erased every question asked against them, threatened people on facebook and in several fora worldwide, but yet they manage to point the guilty finger for these actions into the other direction.
For real??? This goes on at forums worldwide? :doh:

We urge you, the legeslative forces everywhere in the world to take immediate actions against this group. They willingly defamatoring, slandering and threaten people at random.
And if the accusations are written, it's libel.
A good example of how fans shoot themselves in the foot. They're only aiding to the stories about Michael.
This will describe you the true meanings of a group of so called Michael Jackson (MJ) fans. They call themselves This-is-NOT-it (tini).
They claim to know the truth about what really happened with MJ. THis to the fact they were following MJ everywhere around for 24/7. They even chased him in their cars and at night slept in those cars as well. In our opinion that is not a good fan, in our opinion and by many laws worldwide, that would be stalking.
MJ would talk to these fans, because he knew all too well, that if he didn't, or press charges against them, they would run to the tabloids and sell their story, not necessarily the truth. Just what is happening now.
Their story is based upon a few photo's they compared, the first set from the HIStory tour MJ made during 1996-1997 and the photo's available from the rehearsals of his tragicly ended show This is It. This together with their own "testimonies" which easily could have been made up, because there is no other proof they had these encounters then their own stories, is their solely proof they use to target AEG Live and Sony Music as being the MURDERERS of Michael Jackson.
Many other fans has tried to reason with these group. But unfortunally didn't succeed. This group erased every question asked against them, threatened people on facebook and in several fora worldwide, but yet they manage to point the guilty finger for these actions into the other direction.
We urge you, the legeslative forces everywhere in the world to take immediate actions against this group. They willingly defamatoring, slandering and threaten people at random. They will try to willingly ruin the premier event of the This is It movie worldwide, with their keytarget Los Angeles, trying to carry around with a golden casket, which will be very upsetting for all those fans who are just their to pay their last respect upon their hero, Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson.

this just says it all for me :no:
This will describe you the true meanings of a group of so called Michael Jackson (MJ) fans. They call themselves This-is-NOT-it (tini).
They claim to know the truth about what really happened with MJ. THis to the fact they were following MJ everywhere around for 24/7. They even chased him in their cars and at night slept in those cars as well. In our opinion that is not a good fan, in our opinion and by many laws worldwide, that would be stalking.
MJ would talk to these fans, because he knew all too well, that if he didn't, or press charges against them, they would run to the tabloids and sell their story, not necessarily the truth. Just what is happening now.
Their story is based upon a few photo's they compared, the first set from the HIStory tour MJ made during 1996-1997 and the photo's available from the rehearsals of his tragicly ended show This is It. This together with their own "testimonies" which easily could have been made up, because there is no other proof they had these encounters then their own stories, is their solely proof they use to target AEG Live and Sony Music as being the MURDERERS of Michael Jackson.
Many other fans has tried to reason with these group. But unfortunally didn't succeed. This group erased every question asked against them, threatened people on facebook and in several fora worldwide, but yet they manage to point the guilty finger for these actions into the other direction.
We urge you, the legeslative forces everywhere in the world to take immediate actions against this group. They willingly defamatoring, slandering and threaten people at random. They will try to willingly ruin the premier event of the This is It movie worldwide, with their keytarget Los Angeles, trying to carry around with a golden casket, which will be very upsetting for all those fans who are just their to pay their last respect upon their hero, Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson.

What rubbish. Seems like you haven't read the testimonies they do not claim AEG and Sony 'killed Michael' what a lie. They know Murray did. You might be confusing their campaign with things Karen Faye has been saying. They are not holding AEG responsible.

All that is being said is Michael could have recieved help for his sleep problem instead of having to turn to propofol. How do you explain Karen's email? .. and that their the concerns came true? Remember it is not only fans saying this it is also KF and MB.

I don't agree with the golden casket.. poor taste. I don't even know what good will come of this anymore.

I know Michael should take some responsibility for himself too.. but AEG should have been looking out for him.
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if they wanna protest somethng they should take ther behinds down to the LAPD, these same fans were glad to follow, chat and take pictures with with michael just some months ago. AEG will make money regardless, they already sold the film, 90% of this money goes to michael's estate.

DAMN for these 2 week i wish it could be about the music and the icon michael is, there is always drama. the investugation is still going, his estate and now fans wanna boycott his movie.shit

Karen and all the fans if you have something important to say go to the police and report and stop whining on fanboards it will change nothing.
A good example of how fans shoot themselves in the foot. They're only aiding to the stories about Michael.

Especially if somebody shows up at the premire with a "golden casket." Can you just imagine what would happen. It's bad enough the press paints all of us with the same brush, i.e. rabid. Parading around with a golden casket in tow, will not be taken seriously. As a matter of fact, it will make "some" folks look like raving fools!
if they wanna protest somethng they should take ther behinds down to the LAPD, these same fans were glad to follow, chat and take pictures with with michael just some months ago. AEG will make money regardless, they already sold the film, 90% of this money goes to michael's estate.

DAMN for these 2 week i wish it could be about the music and the icon michael is, there is always drama. the investugation is still going, his estate and now fans wanna boycott his movie.shit

Karen and all the fans if you have something important to say go to the police and report and stop whining on fanboards it will change nothing.

They don't want a boycott! Some are even going to see it. They just want awareness.

Apparently their information and Karen's has been reported to the right place. But listen, its NOT about saying AEG are criminally responsible.

I can understand what they are doing and why, but now I think of it.. its not going to change who is CRIMINALLY RESPONSIBLE.

Especially if somebody shows up at the premire with a "golden casket." Can you just imagine what would happen. It's bad enough the press paints all of us with the same brush, i.e. rabid. Parading around with a golden casket in tow, will not be taken seriously. As a matter of fact, it will make "some" folks look like raving fools!

I agree. While obviously some of his fans ARE raving fools, it's a shame others will get lumped in with them.

Especially if somebody shows up at the premire with a "golden casket." Can you just imagine what would happen. It's bad enough the press paints all of us with the same brush, i.e. rabid. Parading around with a golden casket in tow, will not be taken seriously. As a matter of fact, it will make "some" folks look like raving fools!
:yes: :yes: :yes:

And make it much easier in the future to refer to ALL his fans as "rabid" and have people believe it. :sad:
This will describe you the true meanings of a group of so called Michael Jackson (MJ) fans. They call themselves This-is-NOT-it (tini).
They claim to know the truth about what really happened with MJ. THis to the fact they were following MJ everywhere around for 24/7. They even chased him in their cars and at night slept in those cars as well. In our opinion that is not a good fan, in our opinion and by many laws worldwide, that would be stalking.
MJ would talk to these fans, because he knew all too well, that if he didn't, or press charges against them, they would run to the tabloids and sell their story, not necessarily the truth. Just what is happening now.
Their story is based upon a few photo's they compared, the first set from the HIStory tour MJ made during 1996-1997 and the photo's available from the rehearsals of his tragicly ended show This is It. This together with their own "testimonies" which easily could have been made up, because there is no other proof they had these encounters then their own stories, is their solely proof they use to target AEG Live and Sony Music as being the MURDERERS of Michael Jackson.
Many other fans has tried to reason with these group. But unfortunally didn't succeed. This group erased every question asked against them, threatened people on facebook and in several fora worldwide, but yet they manage to point the guilty finger for these actions into the other direction.
We urge you, the legeslative forces everywhere in the world to take immediate actions against this group. They willingly defamatoring, slandering and threaten people at random. They will try to willingly ruin the premier event of the This is It movie worldwide, with their keytarget Los Angeles, trying to carry around with a golden casket, which will be very upsetting for all those fans who are just their to pay their last respect upon their hero, Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson.

A couple of observations.

First, I do agree with you that a few fans made it their business to follow MJ around everywhere he went. It's no different from the times that MJ would be in London. Only larger groups would be doing the same thing.

I agree that it's true that some used their personal resources to travel the world over to get a glimpse of Michael, with the hope that if he sees them enough, they would achieve their ultimate goal of meeting him and talking with him -- maybe even forging a relationship with him.

Personally, that's not my cup of tea and I have always been generally critical of fans who do this. But the fact remains that MJ had more than his fair share of fans who did this same thing all of the time. More importantly, many more would have done the same thing if they had the resources to do so.

Whether some fans had the intent or did actually partake in selling stories to the tabloids does not seem to be relevant to the what these particular fans have presented.

I have taken the time to review their testimonies. They are using their real names, not user names and posting the pictures with their faces not blocked out that they actually took with Michael Jackson and they are relaying their own personal observations of their encounters with him. If there was money to be made from telling that story, they would have long sold it by now.

The point to me seems to be that this is not a story that the media is interested in paying money for.

I don't think anyone can really know why Michael chose to talk with these fans. Clearly he had the security and the means to avoid any fans at all cost if that's what he wanted. However from judging some of the beautiful things that Michael Jackson said to them about his fans -- all of US -- it doesn't come off as someone who felt compelled to interface with those fans who followed him, lest they turn on him.

Michael had a number of people who did that already and he was paying them for their skills and judgment and he had to trust them. He didn't have to give a damn about some random fan yelling at him in the streets.

Once again I will say that I don't believe the intent of this campaign that these fans have launched is to state that AEG or the Sony Corporation murdered Michael Jackson. I don't find anything that has been stated directly by them that leads me to that conclusion. I do understand however that others may have those thoughts and have said as much on many forums about this subject. I think that it is vitally important to make distinctions between the two.

I believe that their point is that based on what they observed -- that MJ did not appear to be well and that if they noticed it, surely those who were closely working with him had to, and their question is why was this not so.

Lastly, I don't find this small group as being so all powerful as to ruin a very well financed and marketed film. Based on what I have read, this film is already a smashing success based on ticket pre-sales. AEG has already recouped their initial investment on the tour and is already in the profit margin. And finally, the estate is expected to receive a hefty windfall once the film breaks the gross amount of about $135 million and that probably has already been achieved by the pre-sales.

If people want to dismiss what they have to say, they certainly have the right to do so, but it's hardly defamation telling their own personal stories.
Does it? The proof is Michael is dead. He died from being given propofol. Why was he using propofol? Because he couldn't sleep.
What is the effect of the drug that is administered with propofol? Suppression of appetite. Who has commented on the issue of eating? Michael. The choreographer. Kenny – wasn’t he cutting up his food. Oh and didn’t Randy say they had to hire someone to ‘remind him to eat’. What does not eating/eating little lead to? Weight loss. How long was Michael being given propofol? 6 weeks (according to Murray). What did the fans notice in the last few weeks? Weight loss.
Who else must have seen this and therefore be concerned? Those around him.

Who voiced their concerns to Michael BEFORE he died? the FF, Karen Faye and Michael Bush. Also Kenny according to things he has said since.

Who voiced their concerns to people involved in the organisation of the concerts BEFORE he died? According to Karen Faye - her and Michael Bush.

Fans who were with him for little time in comparison to those in the rehearsals saw and heard enough to make them concerned and want to find out what was wrong and do something about it. How can you say those who were working with him for hours didn't notice? especially when some actually did - Karen and Bush.

Who else voiced their concerns? Michael Jackson.

He wasn't eating, he wasn't sleeping, he used propofol.

He said he doesn't normally eat during concert time, he said he doesn't normally sleep during concert time.. he said it so its ok? lets ignore it?

They obviously didn’t help him in the right way as he ended up turning to propofol which ended up killing him.

According to some people, he's used propofol a HOSPITAL OPERATING ROOM ANAESTHETIC to help them 'sleep'(?!) before.. so its ok?

He’s also said that when he's working on a project that he works ‘til he drops and he could give it his all until he DIES for it. Yep he said when he’s working on a project he’d die for it. Thats ok that it happened then? cause he said it?

Did AEG/Randy Phillips know about Murray and what was happening? I don’t know, I’m not claiming they did but they would never admit it anyway.

Like I said..some can say it is easy to say things in hindsight BUT these fans were voicing these concerns BEFORE he died.. so if they could see something was wrong, were concerned about him and were motivated to find out what was going on, what about AEG?


No you couldn't because the campaigners say Murray killed him. They do not dispute this fact. The campaign acknowledges that propofol killed Michael.

They just want people to see there is a bigger picture. Everything obviously wasn’t fine and dandy. Michael didn’t just call Murray up out of the blue on the 25th because he wanted to try out propofol for no apparent reason. You can’t just look at that in isolation. He was using it for a reason and the effects of using it were seen by those around him. He was voicing his concern. Yet preparations continued and the concerts were still scheduled to happen.

The girls of TINI are NOT saying AEG killed him, NOT AT ALL. Just that THEY saw there was something wrong. They heard from Michael that there was something wrong. How could the team around him not notice what was happening, keep insisting he was ok and carry on with the concerts instead of being motivated to find out what was wrong and helping him? How could they react to Michael’s concerns back in May by calling them a lie. The TINI girls emailed Karen before MJ died voicing their concern, she replied with this –

Hi Marika,

I know.
I am doing everything humanly possible...your heart and mine are in the same place.
Please keep this private for his sake.
Shanti, Shanti, Shanti’’

Isn’t that proof that some people around him thought something was wrong and were concerned about him? Isn’t that proof that there should have been an intervention? Why are other people insisting he was fine?

Saying that the campaigners are hurting his family and friends is not very true because family members are saying the same things and people who have worked with him for decades and were there are saying the same thing, in fact one of them is being VERY vocal about it. I’m sure his family would like the truth.

Is it all a big coincidence that there were people who were desperately concerned about Michael and then he died? Is it a coincidence that what they feared for days/weeks came true?

What do you think these girls want? They aren’t standing to gain financially, they don’t want people to think negatively about Michael. They want people to admit the truth and stop hiding things.






It is not the intention to discredit or deny Michael’s efforts and commitment to the shows, it is to make people aware all was not well.

In case some people think that Michael wouldn't spend time with or talk to fans, you're wrong, he did. Some of these girls are trusted fans. Michael had become 'friends' with certain follower fans and asked to see them sometimes. They were allowed in rehearsals with him, and the 'dome project'. He is photographed stepping out of his home then holding hands with a girl that was a fan and became a 'closer fan'.

Thank you Rockin! This is exactly how I see the campaign too.

I do wonder how many of the fans here that so adamantly disagree with the campaign have actually read the testimonies and Karen Faye's comments. They have nothing to gain from this (in fact I would imagine Karen Faye has an awful lot to lose by speaking out) but justice for Michael. How can any of you deny him that?
But that's not going to get anywhere. You'll never put the real people responsible in jail if Murray's free like a bird and Tohme (who has a nefarious past & was inside the house the day MJ died) is also free.

I think they are looking and focusing in the wrong place.

Look at Tohme, Colony Capital, Jermaine's connection to Colony, Dr. Murray, Tom Barrack, Neverland/Sycamore Corp., Leonard Rowe, All Good Entertainment, Joe Jackson's connection to Rowe & AllGood. They have motive and means to murder Michael.

Whatever, I'm not arguing this point anymore. IMHO, it's truly a waste of energy & time by focusing on Michael's health before the show.

Focus on the people around MJ before & after Tohme was fired and everything falls into place.

I agree with your post and I are both on the same page about this.....All the people you have mentioned DO have motive and I for not 1 minute am letting any of them off the hook,,,I think that their are ALOT of players responsible for Michael's death....I just wish we knew the whole truth of what happened to poor Michael.
Does it? The proof is Michael is dead. He died from being given propofol. Why was he using propofol? Because he couldn't sleep.
What is the effect of the drug that is administered with propofol? Suppression of appetite. Who has commented on the issue of eating? Michael. The choreographer. Kenny – wasn’t he cutting up his food. Oh and didn’t Randy say they had to hire someone to ‘remind him to eat’. What does not eating/eating little lead to? Weight loss. How long was Michael being given propofol? 6 weeks (according to Murray). What did the fans notice in the last few weeks? Weight loss.
Who else must have seen this and therefore be concerned? Those around him.

Who voiced their concerns to Michael BEFORE he died? the FF, Karen Faye and Michael Bush. Also Kenny according to things he has said since.

Who voiced their concerns to people involved in the organisation of the concerts BEFORE he died? According to Karen Faye - her and Michael Bush.

Fans who were with him for little time in comparison to those in the rehearsals saw and heard enough to make them concerned and want to find out what was wrong and do something about it. How can you say those who were working with him for hours didn't notice? especially when some actually did - Karen and Bush.

Who else voiced their concerns? Michael Jackson.

He wasn't eating, he wasn't sleeping, he used propofol.

He said he doesn't normally eat during concert time, he said he doesn't normally sleep during concert time.. he said it so its ok? lets ignore it?

They obviously didn’t help him in the right way as he ended up turning to propofol which ended up killing him.

According to some people, he's used propofol a HOSPITAL OPERATING ROOM ANAESTHETIC to help them 'sleep'(?!) before.. so its ok?

He’s also said that when he's working on a project that he works ‘til he drops and he could give it his all until he DIES for it. Yep he said when he’s working on a project he’d die for it. Thats ok that it happened then? cause he said it?

Did AEG/Randy Phillips know about Murray and what was happening? I don’t know, I’m not claiming they did but they would never admit it anyway.

Like I said..some can say it is easy to say things in hindsight BUT these fans were voicing these concerns BEFORE he died.. so if they could see something was wrong, were concerned about him and were motivated to find out what was going on, what about AEG?


No you couldn't because the campaigners say Murray killed him. They do not dispute this fact. The campaign acknowledges that propofol killed Michael.

They just want people to see there is a bigger picture. Everything obviously wasn’t fine and dandy. Michael didn’t just call Murray up out of the blue on the 25th because he wanted to try out propofol for no apparent reason. You can’t just look at that in isolation. He was using it for a reason and the effects of using it were seen by those around him. He was voicing his concern. Yet preparations continued and the concerts were still scheduled to happen.

The girls of TINI are NOT saying AEG killed him, NOT AT ALL. Just that THEY saw there was something wrong. They heard from Michael that there was something wrong. How could the team around him not notice what was happening, keep insisting he was ok and carry on with the concerts instead of being motivated to find out what was wrong and helping him? How could they react to Michael’s concerns back in May by calling them a lie. The TINI girls emailed Karen before MJ died voicing their concern, she replied with this –

Hi Marika,

I know.
I am doing everything humanly possible...your heart and mine are in the same place.
Please keep this private for his sake.
Shanti, Shanti, Shanti’’

Isn’t that proof that some people around him thought something was wrong and were concerned about him? Isn’t that proof that there should have been an intervention? Why are other people insisting he was fine?

Saying that the campaigners are hurting his family and friends is not very true because family members are saying the same things and people who have worked with him for decades and were there are saying the same thing, in fact one of them is being VERY vocal about it. I’m sure his family would like the truth.

Is it all a big coincidence that there were people who were desperately concerned about Michael and then he died? Is it a coincidence that what they feared for days/weeks came true?

What do you think these girls want? They aren’t standing to gain financially, they don’t want people to think negatively about Michael. They want people to admit the truth and stop hiding things.






It is not the intention to discredit or deny Michael’s efforts and commitment to the shows, it is to make people aware all was not well.

In case some people think that Michael wouldn't spend time with or talk to fans, you're wrong, he did. Some of these girls are trusted fans. Michael had become 'friends' with certain follower fans and asked to see them sometimes. They were allowed in rehearsals with him, and the 'dome project'. He is photographed stepping out of his home then holding hands with a girl that was a fan and became a 'closer fan'.

THANK YOU for your excellent post. :clapping:

I am DISGUSTED about what some of the 'fans' here in this thread are saying without properly reading what's on the site, what's in the statements. You judge other fans by articles in the MEDIA. The media who has rediculed, harassed, and lied about Michael countless times?

Whatever your belief or opinion is; the 'this is not it' website was created by fans who Michael knew, who Michael trusted. He saw these people almost on a daily basis, invited them into his home, into rehearsals. Michael ASKED them to talk to him and he voiced his concern about the shows.

The issue is not wether or not these fans 'stalked' (stalked? Did Michael call the police on them? NO. Did he ask them to leave him alone? calling it stalking is nothing far from rediculous) him. These fans have no other intentions than telling THEIR side (if not, Michael's side) of the story and trying to make it heard by the world. If Michael had not been killed by 'doctor' Murray, he would surely have collapsed onstage at some point. Yes, I said it.

If you don't agree, fine. But have some RESPECT for these fellow fans trying to make a difference.
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if they wanna protest somethng they should take ther behinds down to the LAPD....

Karen and all the fans if you have something important to say go to the police and report and stop whining on fanboards it will change nothing.
How do you know they haven't? I read that they had given their info to the LAPD as well as their contact details. Many of the fans live in Europe so can't just pop down to the LAPD.
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