Rescheduling Of Opening Shows General Discussion Only

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Its just another argument now for the haters to bring up :-(

Looking at what some of the people are writing on here is hard to seperate who is who...
Frustrating I understand but worse things could have happened...
saying that on the other hand I completely agree and wouldnt like too loose hard earned money, however never say never get in touch with the hotels etc and see what can be done if anything :)
Summer, why don't you try rescheduling tickets? I'm surprised the hotel won't refund you.
Think about the 2000 dollars I could have given to poor kids in Africa instead of wasting it for a trip to London for nothing? If you wanna put it that way....:) And at the end of the day...I will NOT be attending the rescheduled shows and will NOT see MJ because I don't have that kind of money. And even if I had...shouldn't I be giving it to the poor kids in Africa...?

Would you really had given it to the poor kids in Africa anyway? If you wanna give to the needy, I will take your tickets off your hands. My birthday is in March anyway. You really should hang in there and I am sorry this happened to you, but things like this happen in showbusiness really.
Think about the 2000 dollars I could have given to poor kids in Africa instead of wasting it for a trip to London for nothing? If you wanna put it that way....:) And at the end of the day...I will NOT be attending the rescheduled shows and will NOT see MJ because I don't have that kind of money. And even if I had...shouldn't I be giving it to the poor kids in Africa...?

yeah its hard .. its alot of money. You have all the right to be angry.
But I still do not think this was michaels idea.
March seems so far away.
especially when i thought i was goin in less than 2 months :/
yeah its hard .. its alot of money. You have all the right to be angry.
But I still do not think this was michaels idea.

Of course he was involved in this, nothing like this happens without his approval. It was him and ortega it seems, and then they discussed with Randy.
I am so sad to hear so many angry gripes toward Michael by supposed fans. I understand this is a major setback and I too feel like crying for the many of you affected. I am even more so frustrated at the powers that be, including Mike, but I would never tell him to kiss my ass. If you have this much a distaste for Michael now then please sell me your ticket, becuase I am less fortunate than you not having a ticket at all and I am a REAL die hard fan. Thanks!

Problem is some 'die hard fans' are far too easy to follow along like sheep and display far too much blind faith.

This whole event is yet another media cock up for Michael, there is no way around that fact.

What I find rather patronising is that the vast majority hating on the pissed off fans just so happen to be not effected in anyway by this announcement.

If our places were switched and YOU were told you had to wait another 8 months to see a concert that will have been splashed all over this forum within 24 hours of the opening night, would YOU be upset or not?

I wanted early tickets to see a new show, not a show that will be 8 months.

All I can say is this, those last 3 nights better be the best fuckings shows ever!
Summer, why don't you try rescheduling tickets? I'm surprised the hotel won't refund you.

I could maybe get a fraction of the hotel fees back...BUT...I won't get refunds for my flights. I know that because that's what they told me when I booked them. And it wouldn't make any sense for me to pay for the flights and then not go. I'll just make it a nice vacation anyways, that way I'll get at least SOMETHING out of the whole thing. I just won't be able to go to the rescheduled concerts. Unless I win in the lottery.
i can remember how people said MJ's career was over, because he seemed not willing to tour. i can remember how the media said he's going bankrupt cus he's not willing to 'work'. i remember all the rumours about vegas. and how people kept saying MJ was begging them to let him do a residency for them. only to find out the rumors were not true. in the end, phillips was pressuring MJ for years to do something. anything. so now, MJ seems to blink and phillips goes off planning and assuming that there are a world of concerts on the plateau. and everybody went crazy.

but you see....MJ never needed to do these concerts. he doesn't ever need to do a concert again. ever.

so phillips is like a lot of fans. MJ nods his head just a little, and everybody goes all out, talking about big dreams. really big dreams. lifetime dreams to see him.

and the reality is, there's nothing. there's nothing, unless this whole thing was rehearsed for, before an announcement was made.

but see, if you did that, then everybody would assume that there will be a concert, while there was no announcement made, yet. but everybody would carry the rumours anyway. ad nauseum. and then, everybody would blame Michael for a concert that he never announced would happen. but he might have held off from an announcement, because he wanted to make sure the logistics agreed with the idea of a successful concert. he wanted to have the headroom to say, no go. no concert, if his preparation came to naught. but he would still be blamed. because...he's Michael Jackson.

logisitics are a bitch. no one can contol them.
everybody understands that, when it happens to them, but they don't understand it, when it happens to somebody else.

so...what other choice does Michael have? he nodded, phillips went all out, without an actual blueprint.

everybody understood that. it was a piece of idealism.

and with idealism, there are risks. it might happen. it might not. nobody has control over that.

right now, the UK is the only place that has received this piece of idealism.

there are other countries that would LOVE this piece of idealism. and phillips said it's hopeful that it will spread to other parts of the world.

and people know that this is a risk. it might happen. it might not. but it's Michael Jackson. it's big. and people will once again, make arrangements. put off many things, KNOWING that it is a Risk. this experience won't change them, because it's Michael Jackson. it's too big to miss.

there are people that bought tickets, knowing that they didn't have money to get to the UK. right at that point, they took a risk.

there are people that are saving money in the usa, right now, for a possible usa residency. they KNOW they are taking a risk. i'm one of them. nothing is promised. nothing is guaranteed. but does that stop anyone from operating on the premise of hope? it happens all the time.

there are people that live as far away as Russia, that saved up money, bought tickets, only to find that extenuating circumstances in their own homeland stopped them from being able to go, even before all this cancellation stuff got started. they took a risk from the beginning.

and yet, this is nothing but a piece of entertainment, in a world where people are dying, there's world hunger, lots of problems, that put this music thing in perspective.

so....this little thing called entertainment. it's something worth putting into perspective. even if music is something we can't live without.
My kids will be home soon and I don't know what to tell them..... It is not certain that I'll be able to earn enough extra money to go in March. I can't promise them anything... I feel like shit.
I could maybe get a fraction of the hotel fees back...BUT...I won't get refunds for my flights.
No, likely not. However, ask what the 'Change fees' are. If your flight cost $1000, it might be cheaper to pay the $250 ticket 'change fee' to the new date.
This is from the press conference: Kenny Ortega working on Footlose and MJ needs more prep time in the O2 that's the reason for the shows being rescheduled. Lame excuse

i don,t buy it!
lame is too nice to describe this...... it,s a bad joke.....i,m not a toy that they can replace from july to march 2010!
I,m so pissed at the moment that i could throw my compter out of the window.....
can i also claim that money on michael and aeg?
They are lying and someone need to put michael with his feet down to earth.
He and aeg can,t treat die hard fans like this.
Shame on them!
Am I the only one having this: 'You currently do not have any tickets for upcoming events. We can fix that.'
on MyTicketmaster?

Summer call your travel agent or whomever you got your airfare from and ask about changing the date of your flight. I've been in the same situation as you and even though my tickets were non refundable they allowed me to switch the date for a $50.00 fee. I know you're angry and frustraed but don't give up this can still happen for you.
As sympathetic I am towards those who have been greatly affected by the rescheduling of these concerts I'm actually glad that this has happened.

I tell you why:

W/most of the rehearsals taking place in L.A the extended 5days will allow Michael and his production team more time to prepare for opening night at the actual venue. I'm sure there is a great pressure in assuring that everything will run smoothly for opening night so they need to limit any chance of any interruptions occurring. The last thing we need if for the opening night to look a rushed shambles and to taint the rest of the residency.

Madonna's last concert is the 5th of July. This meant that before the rescheduling, Michael's team would have had 3 DAYS (!!!) to erect the stage and do light, sound, dress and various other rehearsals including overcoming any problems which would have surfaced. To me that would have been very risky regardless of how vast the production is. Especially considering that this will be the first time it will be presented to an audience. They will be working in a new environment which Michael's team will have to adjust to. They need time to ensure that opening night will have everything fully operational to give Michael the confidence in knowing that the show will have no hiccups.

In reflection I really don't think Michael is to blame. Michael would have been completely ignorant as to who had the arena booked before him and how much time this would have left him to rehearse. AEG would have been dealing w/this aspect and they should have compensated for the time required to deal w/such a huge production. I personally believe that this is down to poor management.

(before anyone jumps on me. I have also been affected by the re-scheduling)
Michael Jackson I love you to eternity even if you decide to cancel THIS IS IT!

Please excuse those that they don't know you.
They will see you sooner or later and they will understand that even if will take a life long to be in your show, it worth it!
Guys dont you think that if AEG really wanted to, they can give the fans who had their tickets re-scheduled to March a chance to buy tickets for other July show or re-schedule the shows for July or August instead of having them wait till the end of the tour!
AEG are supposed to be selling so many tickets through viagogo and they must be having unsold tickets to other July show.. All they need to do is to put in a bit of effort and make these tickets available to fans because some of them like me cant make it in March! And I thought I was going to one of the opening shows!
abm. they knew that before!
Why now resheduling?
the chance that people didn,t book their hotels at that time was all things are booked....1 and a half moment before like they do now is ridicileous!
My kids will be home soon and I don't know what to tell them..... It is not certain that I'll be able to earn enough extra money to go in March. I can't promise them anything... I feel like shit.

And for someone that loves kids, Mike is sure causing a lot of upset to a LOT of children by doing what hes doing.

Lets cut through the 'im a loyal fan' B.S here. If Michael wanted to perform on the original dates he would, no ifs, no buts. He clearly doesnt 'want' to and the end result is three concerts be pushed to the back of the set. Thats a REALLY shitty thing to do to the fans who went out of their way to book early tickets for early shows.

And whats more......?

All this for a few extra days of rehersals! Hmmm selfish, lazy and disrespectful are all words that spring to mind.

I tell you what, if the 'paps' catch a single photo of him out and about on some 'lah di dah' shopping trip instead of busting his balls in rehersals, well I'll be on the phone to ticket master demanding a refund!
I don't think that's the point. The point is that they didn't plan properly. And that sucks. Why announce dates for a show you don't have and don't know how long you will need preparations for? That's unprofessional to me. This whole mess could have been so easily avoided if they would have planned better. I mean we are talking about FIVE DAYS here. They can't seriously expect people to believe they didn't knwo about the Madonna dates at O2 before hand? If they know premiere is July 8th, surely they book the dates for rehearsals too while they book the concert dates? And if not....then I don't know WHAT they were thinking....

there is no way to plan something like this, properly. it's virgin ground. unprecedented. Michael hates touring. he had no reason to do it. it's the rest of the world that was counting him out because he wouldn't do it. it's a massive undertaking doing it the old fashioned way with lesser artists. but this...this has never been done before. phillips pressured michael for THREE years. and this is why.

there are many acts competing for that arena. black eyed peas, madonna..beyonce..etc. the reality is, it's an impossible undertaking. MJ is more massive than all these artists. the rest of them can stand on stage. MJ can't. his is a Much bigger production than that. the rest of them won't get MJ's flack if it don't go right.

this is too much to undertake. and MJ should NOT have done it.

but he was willing to take the risk.

but he shouldn't have.
As sympathetic I am towards those who have been greatly affected by the rescheduling of these concerts I'm actually glad that this has happened.

I tell you why:

W/most of the rehearsals taking place in L.A the extended 5days will allow Michael and his production team more time to prepare for opening night at the actual venue. I'm sure there is a great pressure in assuring that everything will run smoothly for opening night so they need to limit any chance of any interruptions occurring. The last thing we need if for the opening night to look a rushed shambles and to taint the rest of the residency.

Madonna's last concert is the 5th of July. This meant that before the rescheduling, Michael's team would have had 3 DAYS (!!!) to erect the stage and do light, sound, dress and various other rehearsals including overcoming any problems which would have surfaced. To me that would have been very risky regardless of how vast the production is. Especially considering that this will be the first time it will be presented to an audience. They need time to ensure that opening night will have everything fully operational to give Michael the confidence in knowing that the show will have no hiccups.

In reflection I really don't think Michael is to blame. Michael would have been completely ignorant as to who had the arena booked before him and how much time this would have left him to rehearse. AEG would have been dealing w/this aspect and they should have compensated for the time required to deal w/such a huge production. I personally believe that this is down to poor management.

(before anyone jumps on me. I have also been affected by the re-scheduling)

One of the most common sense replies i've seen all night!
I do, however believe that this is the work of all parties included
APE, you should try getting bargains for tickets on the date you'll be in town. Don't tell the kids anything yet until you have definitely made a final decision. And since the trip wasn't to see MJ primarily, then it shouldn't be a loss to you financially; I hope.

Summer, as someone said, see to RESCHEDULING the plane ticket, i think it will be fine. You're supposed to be able to get upwards of 75% of the hotel cost.
Michael Jackson I love you to eternity even if you decide to cancel THIS IS IT!

I love him too ( yes i do)
But he,s also human and with other human beings i also sometimes have problems and now including with michael...i don,t accept it that anyone treat me like that.....even when the name is michael jackson.....
He is not a saint!
I think what can be done is for MJJCOMMUNITY to compile a list of fans that bought airline and hotel tickets that are badly affected.

Using a spreadsheet, if the name of fan, contact info, airline booked and airline ticket number, hotel booked and booking date, and date of concert ticket are compiled, then forwarded to AEG so that it can use its clout and set up a special team to liaise with those airlines and hotels on behalf of the fans.

Since there is a likelihood of more concerts being rescheduled for one reason or another, it would be helpful if AEG set up such a team, to help the thousands who may fall into this situation.

As the airlines/hotels will not be losing money by rescheduling, AEG could use the information provided and the special team could dispatch formal letters on behalf of the fans asking for a rescheduling.

Given that it's AEG, the bosses of airlines/hotels will be more willing to listen and accept exceptional circumstances to reschedule.

Then AEG could also announce on its site that anyone affected by reschedules should contact or email that team.

They are already working on discount deals for those affected, and may not be fully aware that several had already booked flights and hotels that are nonrefundable and cannot be rescheduled. If MJJcommunity makes them aware of this and how they can help resolve it, i think they will look into it.
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