Rescheduling Of Opening Shows General Discussion Only

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I understand this is very hard for some fans, especially ones who have already booked plane tickets and hotels. I would be a tad annoyed so I fully understand where all the fans are coming from in this situation. On the other hand, Michael is working VERY hard and his creative genius is exploding, so these shows are exploding into massive MJ productions. I'm sure the new plans are 100X better then the original shows thought of in March. So although many of you are mad, just try and remember that Michael needs that extra 5 days to rehearse.
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It's playing ok for me.

One thing that caught my attention though... they said they've got insurance for the first 23 shows... what about the other 27?!
watched the video on MJLIVE and i have to say that it does seem the reschedual is in the best interest of the show
Wow, you would think Mj deliberately set out to reschedule these shows if you listen to some fans. Ladies and gentlemen, please, let's be smart about this.

Second, and this one annoys me more than anything, FIVE MORE days is GOLD!!! Those days are used to set up LIGHT, SOUND, GIZMOs, DRESS Reheasral etc PLUS fix what doesn't work. You can't rehearse somewhere else but in the place where it will be held.
Think of a circus and the time it needs setting up; a first-time out for the circus at that.

All that being sad, I hope everyone affected will work feverishly to reschedule airline tickets and hotel accomodations because it can be done. Maybe there will be a thread setup for this later.

Its not MJ we are mad about.. Fine they need more time to reherse, but Im sure that AEG can make available tickets to other shows in July or reschedule to first week of Aug when there are no shows... Or take those over priced tickets they have given to Viagogo for July shows and give them to those who cant make it in March! This is why Im so mad, there is so many better alternative AEG can do if they really wanted to... We need to let them know that.
i am so not gonna watch that pressconference,it will piss me off even more right now.
And everyone that thinks AEG will do their best for us fans, i seriously doubt it.
They have our money already, i dont think they care about the problems fans are facing now.
I'm listening now.... HOW COULD THIS BE TRUE EVERYONE!?

And for someone that loves kids, Mike is sure causing a lot of upset to a LOT of children by doing what hes doing.

Lets cut through the 'im a loyal fan' B.S here. If Michael wanted to perform on the original dates he would, no ifs, no buts. He clearly doesnt 'want' to and the end result is three concerts be pushed to the back of the set. Thats a REALLY shitty thing to do to the fans who went out of their way to book early tickets for early shows.

And whats more......?

All this for a few extra days of rehersals! Hmmm selfish, lazy and disrespectful are all words that spring to mind.

I tell you what, if the 'paps' catch a single photo of him out and about on some 'lah di dah' shopping trip instead of busting his balls in rehersals, well I'll be on the phone to ticket master demanding a refund!

If you want to see a perfect concert its worth it..
I'm serious you wouldn't like to come back and say , the show wasn't that good as I expected .. They need to rehears on the Arena they can't just come on stage and perform without doing all the sound effect and stuff , it just needs a bit more time , I feel sorry for you that you lost your money and stuff , but it ain't the and of the world , I'm pretty sure someone would like to buy your ticket for maybe a heavy price , than you can buy a ticket , and win back a little bit of your money ..
Just chill-out fans , iv seen really mad fans in this thread.
i am so not gonna watch that pressconference,it will piss me off even more right now.

Well it's not that big of a deal. Pretty much what it comes down to is that they're admitting that they started too late, and now have to make up for that, and that not other changes are planned at all, unless somewhere along the way, Michael gets the flu or something like that.
AEG give us a better alternative in JULY than push us back to MARCH!!!
How about instead of taken a few days of a week in between they work there flippin arses off to make it happen for the fans :(
and for those doubting what i said earlier about why i purchased the early dates because i personally thought it was risky to get anything past the end of august. even more so now am i p'ed off because of what Randy said about the "insurance"

"we have insurance for the first 23 dates" yeah and thats IT right there. out of his mouth. if they were so certain mj would go the full length then they would have ALL 50 dates covered under "insurance"
APE, you should try getting bargains for tickets on the date you'll be in town. Don't tell the kids anything yet until you have definitely made a final decision. And since the trip wasn't to see MJ primarily, then it shouldn't be a loss to you financially; I hope.

Summer, as someone said, see to RESCHEDULING the plane ticket, i think it will be fine. You're supposed to be able to get upwards of 75% of the hotel cost.
I already told them. One is crying, one is eating. She says sell the tickets so we have more money for our trip. Truth is, I wouldn't have gone on this trip if it weren't for the concert, my friend would most likely come visit me here, but since the concert was on, we made plans. So, I can't cancel because of those other plans, plus the flight and hotel is booked and I can't change that as far as I know from what I read..however this really threw a wrench into things. it is a loss financially, there is no doubt. A huge loss since I probably could have gone on my own to visit the friend but /...yes I am angry at this. Maybe it is just too expensive to be a fan of anyone. I wanted to make this special for my kids. Guess I shouldn't have tried going to the concert. Just can't have everything. It would have been really special for us all. Now.. *shrugs*... I don't know. I can't even get ahold of my friend so I can't say I am calm and happy about it all.
Ohh my i just woke up to this... shizzle!
All i can say is sorry to the ones that have booked planes tix and accommodation. for the nights rescheduled. It's going to be hard to change accom now.
*Takes a deep breath*... I'm so thankful that I'm going to the show on the 16th though. Very lucky.
Now you reallly lost me....
Do you really expect me to react on that?, i can,t take people like you seriously...sorry......

This is the second time it happened to me that michael canceled or resheduled a show.
I,m pissed, i think it,s normal that i,m dissapointed.....for the second time....

You can take it as you like.

I'm sorry for the people that have invested money to see Michael live, but i don't give a damn for those that are cursing.

Shame on them, no place in the Michael Jackson community for you guys.
and for those doubting what i said earlier about why i purchased the early dates because i personally thought it was risky to get anything past the end of august. even more so now am i p'ed off because of what Randy said about the "insurance"

"we have insurance for the first 23 dates" yeah and thats IT right there. out of his mouth. if they were so certain mj would go the full length then they would have ALL 50 dates covered under "insurance"

That might've been because those shows were added later, maybe they're in the midst of getting that done. Odd is that would be.
guys dont freak out lol. thank God its only 4 dates and not more. yeah its upsetting but thats the way it is and freaking out about it is not gonna help or change anything. we all lost money, we all are upset but lets not overreact.
That might've been because those shows were added later, maybe they're in the midst of getting that done. Odd is that would be.

yeah more shows were added but there were only 10 to begin with not 24. or maybe theyre weary of how reliable michael is and have the same doubts about the 50 as i do
the fans seeing the best show ever.

Its all very well piping up with all these smart ass comments you and several others are caring to share with us, but have YOU had your tickets moved to next year, have YOU lost a lot of money over this, have YOU got upset friends and family from all this?

Rather than telling us to shut up and deal with, try and see it from our point of view. The day after I was meant to be seeing Mike the arena will be buzzing with the opening show of the tour whilst I and 1000's of others will have to wait till next year.... now come back with a smart ass comment thats actually fair.
guys dont freak out lol. thank God its only 4 dates and not more. yeah its upsetting but thats the way it is and freaking out about it is not gonna help or change anything. we all lost money, we all are upset but lets not overreact.

Yes its one thing to lose money, but what about those who cant come in March!!! We need to let AEG know this is unacceptable because they CAN give us a July alternative if they really wanted to.. Its will just take a bit of effort on their part, thats all...
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