Rescheduling Of Opening Shows General Discussion Only

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Well i feel really ill because of this, i havent ate since i read bout them being cancelled!
Im not sure i can even make it for march 2010.
Very sad that the last time i might see him is on youtube !
being a fan doens,t mean that we have to be blind for big mistakes and decisions from michael his side?
I,m critical, also towards michael...... and what is happening now doesn,t deserve the award for most loyal idol....
Madonna finishes 5th July in the evening

That means Madonna's stuff has to be cleared out almost all day on the 6th July.

That leaves MJ's team with a start time of the vening of 6th July to begin building the stage, which takes 2 to 3 days to set up based on videos of past tours. Given that this is a custom made stage, it may even take longer.

7th July would be the only date before the concert begins and the stage building will still be ongoing while light and sound testing, rehearsals on the stage still being built, security checks and whatever else would still be pending.

8th July is the opening date and MJ would not have heard time to rehearse on stage being built, test sound, light, and security of systems.

9th July HEADLINES would be Crap show!! lights failed, sound poor, stage malfunction, concert is a disaster.

And fans who had not been rescheduled would be cursing MJ and his team saying they had been short changed. Some would say, it would have been better if they changed the dates than to put on a crap show, i wasted my money.


That is what Prince experienced when he did a concert in US in an AEG owned theatre and the sound was crap. He even had to tell the concert-goers to complain to AEG bosses.

Recently, another girl group whose stage malfunctioned and the platform failed to rise, left one of them singing beneath the others.

But rarely have MJ concerts had any malfunctions because of the well planned preparations.
The only major malfunction was that Earth song and we all know how deadly that was for the bridge to split at the wrong time. MJ would have been left incapacitated.

And we can't forget the complaints about the 2001 30th anniversary concerts, poor production that left lots of intervals between acts and sound problems because they didn't rehearse well, and MJ apparently frustrated by the sound people at some point but acting professional.

Nothing can be more dissapointing than a bad start. Any athlete who starts off poorly looses moral and often doesn't finish well.

But if MJ hits the stage running, even if they are hiccups along the way on other concerts, he will be well motivated as he had a good start and did not rush.

But again i know those who have been rescheduled are feeling crushed after building up expectation. The problem is that a decision has now been made, otherwise, i for one would have suggested moving those concerts to end of September, then moving sepetemeber ones to January, then January ones to the end.
But as you can see, that in itself creates a whole new level of confusion, which they must have thought is not worth it as trying to reduce the frustration only escalates the number of frustrated people.

The other option was to pack those dates in between some MJ breaks, but as he's 50 and not 30, that too jeorpardises shows after that if he becomes exhausted without rest.

Maybe the 60,000 affected can suggest that MJ does one show in Wembley, but that means logistics, production redesign and contracts which AEG will refuse.
How they class a month and a half "enough time" to rearrange ticketing and hoping that people hadnt booked for time off and hotels and flights and stuff is beyond me.
sorry but people who leave it much closer then it is now, are most likely winging it and doing it completely on the fly or who can afford anything
Everyone with a problem attending the rescheduled 4 shows will have the opportunity to refund. As for the airplane tickets and hotels it's not Michael's or AEG's fault that many of us (myself included) have already booked and paid. It was our decision to do so. I am sure that you can arrange a refund with the hotels since the booking date is 2 months away. I booked everything earlier at my own risk, I am the one to blame for being hurry to arrange everything not Michael! Please come down we have 2 months ahead to sort out any problem!

What about those he cant make the re-scheduled show coz its in MARCH. And we cant buy any other ticket in July or Aug because they are sold out!! Fair enough they want more time to reherse but they should accomodate us closer to the cancelled date at least.. And they can if they wanted to..
i wana know the exact reseans for why they have done this ...if theyv been planning this for so long why this, its crazy !
i hope i dont sound selfish but i have tickets for the 12th july and i am very angry at the announcement but what i cant understand is if these dates have to be moved why couldnt it have gone like this :

july 8th move to 12th

july 10th move to 14th

july 12th move to 20th

july 14th move to august 14th

therefore michael would not perform any gigs 2 consecitive nights and at least the fans affected dont wait for so long to see OUR idol.


Gary if you have contact with anybody who can make a decision of importance do you think you could take these dates to them and ask IF the dates have to be moved then can they at least be moved to dates that seem at least a responsible date and one that is not so far from the original dates, without pointing out every reason but at least those ppl with tickets for the said dates would have a much better chance, i suspect, of realistically making a date closer to the event they thought they were attending and also they dont feel as let down and angry as we are feeling at the moment.

Obviously anyone looking at the dates i suggest above are the first four dates available that will keep the same rest gap between shows that are set out through the 50 dates but obviously it does not give michael and kenny the 5 extra days at the beginning but they get 4 instead.

Also may i add to everyone reading this i know this is not an acceptable alternative for every fan but i do believe it is somewhat more acceptable than what is being offered at present.

Please watch the video at the official site. i thought kenny explained it well enough. This was pretty much Kenny's decision. He wasn't about to take one night to set up production do dress rehearsal etc etc.
From the end of the video:

Kenny: "Just thank you for having us in your company this morning. Personally, I just wanna thank AEG for, um, hearing me, and respecting my personal request to, you know, push the opening to enable us the time that I see is necessary to properly open. I also want to, just again, apologize to any inconvenience that I personally may have caused.. to any fans and ticketholders out there. We hope that you're able to change your plans and to work around this and we hope to see you in London, and certainly to give you a show that makes up for this. So, Thank you."
My kids will be home soon and I don't know what to tell them..... It is not certain that I'll be able to earn enough extra money to go in March. I can't promise them anything... I feel like shit.

omg im so so so sorry
i wana know the exact reseans for why they have done this ...if theyv been plsnning this for so long why this, its crazy !


Kenny Ortega asked the dates to be changed
for the entegrity of the shows and for safety reasons
becuase they didnt have enough rehearsal dates at 02
before the opening night due to other artists concerts.

Plus they give great insight in what to expect at MJs concerts :)

i hope i dont sound selfish but i have tickets for the 12th july and i am very angry at the announcement but what i cant understand is if these dates have to be moved why couldnt it have gone like this :

july 8th move to 12th

july 10th move to 14th

july 12th move to 20th

july 14th move to august 14th

therefore michael would not perform any gigs 2 consecitive nights and at least the fans affected dont wait for so long to see OUR idol.

VERY GOOD!! They could come up with something like this...
My kids will be home soon and I don't know what to tell them..... It is not certain that I'll be able to earn enough extra money to go in March. I can't promise them anything... I feel like shit.

I could maybe get a fraction of the hotel fees back...BUT...I won't get refunds for my flights. I know that because that's what they told me when I booked them. And it wouldn't make any sense for me to pay for the flights and then not go. I'll just make it a nice vacation anyways, that way I'll get at least SOMETHING out of the whole thing. I just won't be able to go to the rescheduled concerts. Unless I win in the lottery.

I know it doesn't help anything but I am sending big hugs out to you both. I know how you feel and I hope things work out. :angel:

*big hug*
Wait wait...i hope someone can clear this up to me. I have a ticket to the July 30th show, this one has NOT been changed? If not...then i don't see ANY logic in why they change opening dates to like 2010...can someone explain me that logic? Much thanks.

I wish they would stop saying how they are doing this for the "fans" and "don't want fans to miss the show" and all that. If they were doing it for fans, you would not have to pay 700-800 pounds to get a good seat and they would have planned better. What bothers me the most is that they ADMIT they DIDN'T have a show planned out when they announced the concert dates. To me that is pretty preposterous to say the least. Very unprofessional and careless. They KNEW it's gonna be a huge production so it seems really naive to me to announce shows when you haven't even STARTED planning. :doh: It just sounds like they are now making excuses to cover up for the fact that they don't know what the hell they are doing organization-wise. :doh: And it worries me that Kenny said the show still isn't "done" sounds they are rehearsing random things and still putting it all together. And it's now almost June. From the sound of all this, I fear more rescheduled shows coming.

It is kind of hurtful in a way to watch the press conference and hear the reason thousands of fans are losing thousands of dollars and their only chance to see Michael just because these people didn't plan properly. All the excuses are kind of lame, I have to say. Sure, I wanna see a great show and want MJ to get great reviews and be succesfull and be safe and all that...OF COURSE I want that. BUT...I still wish they would have done a better job in organizing the whole thing. But what's done is done, but I'd wish they'd at least stop saying they are "doing it for the fans". If they were doing it for the fans they would have hired people with better organization skills and would not be rescheduling. Just my opinion.

I wonder how all this will effect their chances of getting insurance for the rest of the shows? If I were an insurance company I'd have my doubts....
Not pointing the blame to anyone - but it doesn't cut the mustard. It is not good enough for fans that have been promised a show to be of this calibur. This should have been thought of way before the announcement, and should have been sorted within the planning stages of the concerts.

Michael and AEG know full well that most fans would have booked up to see him within the opening 10 dates, especially the first 2 or 3 so this pushing back of the opening shows is rediculous. Only opening night gets pushed back a fair amount, wheras people originally going on July 10th (like me) are pushed to effectively, the back of the queue.

Five days AT THIS STAGE is NOT a respectable amount of time to postpone shows for the reasons given. If the CEO of AEG can sit there and say that he has given fans LOTS of notice to change travel and hotel arrangements then we can equally reply that they have PLENTY of time to put on a show ON TIME. (Sorry for the caps and the bolding.)

Not impressed whatsoever, but I will think long and hard about selling my now March 1st tickets x4 and splashing out on opening night tickets at inflated rates, just because I am not waiting behind pompus Londonders sipping Pino Grigot who get to see Michael Jackson first, it is just NOT ON.
For Michaels fans this is a big hit

For Michael Jackson and the This Is It tour, it is the right thing to do

Im sure all of us want Michael to put on his BEST shows, not a rushed uncompleted mess

As im sure none of us have ever put together a big stage production before we have no idea about the planning and how things go on. Every minute of that show takes hours to plan. I would rather they took there time and did it right (and yes i am one of the unlucky bunch to be affected!)

I think its a very BRAVE decisions by Kenny/AEG/Michael, but ultimately deep down inside we all know and will realise it is the right decision
It won't affect the insurance for the rest of the shows Summer. Why should it? rescheduling happens in the entertainment biz; this isn't the first time.

Second, how many concerts (A resident concert) are planned out before the dates are announced? What are the facts where this is concerned? And how much is known about the setlist a month and a half before the start of the show? Can anyone tell me?
For Michaels fans this is a big hit

For Michael Jackson and the This Is It tour, it is the right thing to do

Im sure all of us want Michael to put on his BEST shows, not a rushed uncompleted mess

As im sure none of us have ever put together a big stage production before we have no idea about the planning and how things go on. Every minute of that show takes hours to plan. I would rather they took there time and did it right (and yes i am one of the unlucky bunch to be affected!)

I think its a very BRAVE decisions by Kenny/AEG/Michael, but ultimately deep down inside we all know and will realise it is the right decision

thank you. ;D

Kenny Ortega asked the dates to be changed
for the entegrity of the shows and for safety reasons
becuase they didnt have enough rehearsal dates at 02
before the opening night due to other artists concerts.

Plus they give great insight in what to expect at MJs concerts :)
wowwwwww, well. thank you so much michael....too bad that i,m in australia the 6th of march.....

So, where is the good part of the storie for me? and 79 999 others?
For Michaels fans this is a big hit

For Michael Jackson and the This Is It tour, it is the right thing to do

Im sure all of us want Michael to put on his BEST shows, not a rushed uncompleted mess

As im sure none of us have ever put together a big stage production before we have no idea about the planning and how things go on. Every minute of that show takes hours to plan. I would rather they took there time and did it right (and yes i am one of the unlucky bunch to be affected!)

I think its a very BRAVE decisions by Kenny/AEG/Michael, but ultimately deep down inside we all know and will realise it is the right decision

But Tom dont you know AEG could have handled this better and given the fans better alternate dates in July/August than all the way right at the back of the line in March?
Or at least the reserve/unsold tickets they have for other shows in July..
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How they class a month and a half "enough time" to rearrange ticketing and hoping that people hadnt booked for time off and hotels and flights and stuff is beyond me.
sorry but people who leave it much closer then it is now, are most likely winging it and doing it completely on the fly or who can afford anything

I too don't know why they didn't tell us this earlier. The information has been out there for 2+ weeks, but only as rumours and without any real confirmation. They should have let us know as soon as they decided, which they did a long time ago.
tom v87....michael dus shows like that before....he should have known that the time was short.
and 5 days?
Hm......i,m almost in a hystercial laughter at this moment......this is very bad publicity for him.....and this time i can not defend him.......
But Tom dont you know AEG could have handled this better and given the fans a better alternate dates in July/August than all the was right at the back of the line in March?
Or at least the reserve/unsold tickets they have for other shows in July..

The way they have done it is probably the easiest and best way for ticketmaster and the o2

To move A to B, B to C, C to D etc would put alot more people out

Theres nothing we can do about it now, they have changed it now, and wont change it again
Hi there
Just wanted to say how sorry i am for wat has happen with the concerts 2day,i have been reading wat everyone has been putting and its hard to put things in words but the saying is thay r dammed if thay do or damm if thay dont,i feel so sorry for everyone that will lose out on money and lose out on seeing michael,i did hear alongtime ago that thay was going to go to usa with the tour and around the world,maybe thay should say now as then the poor ppl that i feel so much for in this situation can canceal there ticket and get a refund and go to the concert that is near them,i know it doesnt take back all the money that ppl have lost,just a thought,plz dont shout at me though,i really feel for u all honestly xxxxxx
So basically the postponed dates(opening shows) are now gonna be used for rehearsing? Meaning that the shows after july 14th will all still go on? So basicaly...his opening show will be on the 15 or so?
tom v87....michael dus shows like that before....he should have known that the time was short.
and 5 days?
Hm......i,m almost in a hystercial laughter at this moment......this is very bad publicity for him.....and this time i can not defend him.......

I agree, but this isnt just down to Michael. Its not about Michael not being ready, its the whole production, not just one part.

This isnt purely based on Michael Jackson, although he will ultimately take the hit, it was a joint decision
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