Rescheduling Of Opening Shows General Discussion Only

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people.. get a hold on yourself.. now i am depressed after readingnall these posts..
Who made you my judge? What is misguided is all of this anger and hatred that is being thrown Michael's way as if he intentionally wants to piss off or hurt his fans. So, no, I have nothing to be ashamed of.

This type of stuff happens on tours all the time with other artists. But when it comes to Michael, he has to be perfect in everything he does. He is held to such a high standard, it is ridiculous. I feel the pain of the fans who are affected by this, shoot, we are in a recession, and I am sure some people made a sacrifice to attend these shows, but this thing needs to be put in perspective. Michael doesn't deserve this.

who made you the judge of fanhood based upon the number of posts a person has on a mb? And you know what? A mb is a place where people can discuss, and yes, even vent. People have the right to be upset. Deal with it constructively.
This is such a misguided and ignorant post regarding fans and post count... You should be ashamed of yourself.

I was about to say the same..

I may not have 1000's of posts on here as well but have been a part of the MJ-internet community since 1998 when we were still communicating through submissions done by email.
I have been on mjjf (now mjjc) since 2003.
There are people that have a busy life and dont feel like posting 50 messages a day, doenst mean they are not fans.
This type of stuff happens on tours all the time with other artists. But when it comes to Michael, he has to be perfect in everything he does. He is held to such a high standard, it is ridiculous. I feel the pain of the fans who are affected by this, shoot, we are in a recession, and I am sure some people made a sacrifice to attend these shows, but this thing needs to be put in perspective. Michael doesn't deserve this.

I don't think fans expect him to be perfect, but many would just feel relieved if something, just for once, went off without a hitch.

Just to be clear here, I'm not upset one way or the other. My dates so far are still good to go (fingers crossed), but I can understand some of the anger directed toward the artists in these situations, not just MJ. But in this case, with everything that has come up short over the years, its really hard to blame anyone. Invincible was launched and then the promotion stopped early. One More Chance was supposed to get a music video, no such luck. A charity single was supposed to happen in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Nada. At least one single by 2007's end. Nada. World Music Awards was a performance, that was nipped after mass hype, and then he ad-libbed about a half-bar of We Are The World. Then there's the concerts, and bang, thousands of fans who were to see MJ in a month and a half now have to wait until 2010.

There's a pattern here: some if it is not his fault, some of it is misinformation amongst fans and the press, and some of it probably is his fault.

No artists deserve to be disrespected or hated for a postponed concert, absolutely not, but I can understand him being on the end of some criticism regarding the business side of things.

I always appear to be one of the 'critical' fans, and maybe I am, but its always out of hoping he'll shut everyone up, including myself, by delivering. Hopefully he still will, and this is the last of the setbacks.
Guys, there's supposed to be tickets going round at Viagogo...please do go and have a look perhaps you can make it to one of the shows if the new rescheduled dates are not possible for you to attend.

Just to put things into perspective, I think the 'This Is It' crew probably did think about this alot and logistics (shipping, setting up, technicians etc) of this concert probably required an additional few might be utter chaos still given that the Jubilee line will be closed this summer....I don't even want to think about it.
While some are posting things that they feel are unfair, can we add this too?

Back during the trial when Michael was fighting for his life, and facing up to twenty years in prison for something he did not do, there were many fans still posting things like when is the next album coming, Mike? When is the next concert, Mike? When is the next video, Mike? There were many still wondering about these things while he was wondering if he was even going to be walking around as a free man.

Does this count as unfair too?

Twenty years with him not working on concerts at all and going through hell in a prison system that he doesn't belong in, or ten months with concerts taking place on a slightly different schedule. Which would everyone really prefer?

You know...Mike is only trying to do what was asked of him. That's all he's trying to do.

While he is working on what the fans have been asking him for...even when his life was on the line...can we at least put some of the energy fueled by anger into finding ways to help those that have been affected by the slight change in schedule?

For example, there are fans in here that live in London. They know their city and they know more about that tube that leads to the O2 than the fans coming from other countries. Are there any other ways to get to the O2 in case other weekends are impacted while the concerts are going? Is there a ferry service in the area? What are the alternate routes to the O2 when the tube is closed for construction? Is there a light rail system in the area?

While MJ and those working with him are preparing for the upcoming concerts, can we look for ways to help out our fellow fans?

they say you gotta start somewhere. a mogul came to mind that seems to have the entrepreneureal spirit of Michael Jackson. he owns airlines, virgin records, land, etc. so i took a shot in the dark. don't even know if they'll allow the question to stay on his blog. mine is question 261 to Sir Richard Branson. i asked him if he knew people who ran hotels and airlines, and if he could get them to cut fans a financial break, who would like to see MJ on revised dates. you know, keep the reservations, and transfer them to accomodate new dates..not re-charge....stuff like that. obviously, there are no guarantees. and i feel like i don't know what i'm doing, by asking the guy. and i know, if he disappears and does nothing, it certainly doesn't make him less of a person. i just read his bio, and he seems like a person who helps people. he's signed obscure acts to his record label. helped people that other labels wouldn't touch. has charities, etc. obviously, he doesn't know me and i don't know him.

who knows? it's a start. and if i can come up with something stronger, i surely will.

anyway, here's the link, where i asked the question. again, it may not be there, by the time you click the link, if you do. i even gave him a link to my brand new twitter page, that i just started. not that he cares. lol. but then, who knows? maybe he'll investigate further and talk to me. maybe not. we, of course, all know, that he's not obligated to do anything. and of course, his status doesn't guarantee that he has any connections to any of these airlines or hotels. of course, i don't know anything about the hotels and airlines that other fans used. again, like i said, i'm taking a shot in the dark. for those of you that are into praying, please pray with me, that he does move forward on this. i'm praying about it, right now.
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they say you gotta start somewhere. a mogul came to mind that seems to have the entrepreneureal spirit of Michael Jackson. he owns airlines, virgin records, land, etc. so i took a shot in the dark. don't even know if they'll allow the question to stay on his blog. mine is question 261 to Sir Richard Branson. i asked him if he knew people who ran hotels and airlines, and if he could get them to cut fans a financial break, who would like to see MJ on revised dates. you know, keep the reservations, and transfer them to accomodate new dates..not re-charge....stuff like that. obviously, there are no guarantees. and i feel like i don't know what i'm doing, by asking the guy. and i know, if he disappears and does nothing, it certainly doesn't make him less of a person. i just read his bio, and he seems like a person who helps people. he's signed obscure acts to his record label. helped people that other labels wouldn't touch. has charities, etc. obviously, he doesn't know me and i don't know him.

who knows? it's a start. and if i can come up with something stronger, i surely will.

anyway, here's the link, where i asked the question. again, it may not be there, by the time you click the link, if you do. i even gave him a link to my brand new twitter page, that i just started. not that he cares. lol. but then, who knows? maybe he'll investigate further and talk to me. maybe not. we, of course, all know, that he's not obligated to do anything. and of course, his status doesn't guarantee that he has any connections to any of these airlines or hotels. of course, i don't know anything about the hotels and airlines that other fans used. again, like i said, i'm taking a shot in the dark. for those of you that are into praying, please pray with me, that he does move forward on this. i'm praying about it, right now.

Hmm when did you post your question? I don't see it when I look at the most recent and do a 'find on this page'. Good luck~

Hope things get sorted out soon for everyone...
Hmm when did you post your question? I don't see it when I look at the most recent and do a 'find on this page'. Good luck~

Hope things get sorted out soon for everyone...

it's still there at this moment. scroll down to the very bottom to question 261. above it, it says 'it's awaiting moderation'.
It's unfortunate some of the things that are being said. Especially when a fan is told that he needs mental help because they feel downcast.

A lot of people have emotions running through them and they can interpret that as an investment in MJ.

It's good how some have responded to say that MJ is human and possibly the only people he owes anything are his children.

But for others to go as far as calling another fan a stalker and needing mental help is not good.

MJ is on another level, and unlike any artist who puts out a product and people buy, Michael exceeds that.

He is an icon who exceeds the boundary of music and touches people's lives in various ways with his humanity, message and longevity as well as overcoming obstacles.
His level of fame exposes him to unprecedented heights of hatred from the media and sections of the public which could literally crush anyone as a human being.

The oppossite force against this tide of hatred is essential, by having fans who don't just buy his music but love him as a person, as a human, his message and will go to all lengths to stand up for him just as some in the media will go to all lengths to harm and trash a person they don't know.

So that even when the media black out the truth to crush him, fans act like holes shooting through the truth through the blanket of deceit and misinformation to their friends and relatives all over the world.

The media feels helpless in crushing MJ because no matter what they do, they can't turn his fans against him and as long as he has a powerful fanbase that will not take media lies and are into him, he remains at the top of music.

It's therefore exciting beyond measure when such a fan sees MJ overcome his enemies after standing up for him and now coming to put on shows.
It's even further excitement to then have the chance to see him in concert on the first shows.

So when the news is announced that those shows are not taking place and are being pushed to the back, such a fan is bound to be upset, angry, sad and reflect at all the times they have stood up to defend MJ

Let me say this, how many recall when MJ was acquitted, how some media anchors who don't know MJ, were so filled with hate, they were fuming at the mouth? Don't they need psychological help? No, it's the hate that is in them that drives them to that.

The opposite happens, when someone likes MJ so much and then feels let down, just as when friends fall out, you see a similar situation of hurt feelings and they reflect on all they have done for their friend. That doesn't make them a stalker or needing psychiatric help, they are just saddened.

I view MJ fans on several levels
- Those who care only about the music
- Those who care about MJ's music and humanity
- Those who care about his music, humanity and personal wellbeing
- Those who feel because of their own personal circumstances, which can be similar to MJs in various ways, that MJ has impacted their lives greatly in one way or another

These may not be the only levels, but it shows that people have a different view and dedication to Michael, even among fans.

Therefore, someone on the second level, may not fully understand someone on the 3rd or 4th level because each one views MJ from a slightly different perspective.

Again, i would still say to some fans, don't feel you have a personal stake in MJ's life. This is what has caused MJ lots of problems, when Chandlers, Arvizos, Schaffel, Bob Jones, you name it, all felt Michael owed them something and went to great lengths to try and prove that by hurting him.

For a fan, the best approach is to treat MJ as a person you like and appreciate, but when things happen, as i have seen others say on this board, all you need to say is no matter what happens to MJ, i'll still like him.
If you approach it that way, you will get upset at certain things but you will carry on, just like a friend might upset you from time to time, but bottomline, that person remains your friend.

Just like those MJ has cut off or stopped communicating with in his life who haven't turned to media to defame him, insult him or turned to lawsuits to get revenge but have decided to let Michael be while still liking him.

I for one didn't get a ticket to watch him during presale and the actual sale, but i said to myself, you know what, MJ is happy, he is successful, he is back where he should be, even if i miss seeing him, and i really wanted to, i will still be very happy for him.

That should be the bottomline for anyone, because when you go past that, you are bound to
- turn into a hater
- be indifferent to him
- or become bitter and try to hurt him

All because you feel he owes you something. That's why we now see some people talking of lawsuits.

How is that any different from Evan Chandler who felt, well, I invited MJ into my home, he ate my food, slept in my home, and i haven't got a new house or screenwriting contract.
Or the Prince of Bahrain who felt he gave shelter to MJ, bought him gifts but MJ did not do an album with him.

And i could go on.But we all know where it leads.
This board has lost a lot of its appeal by fans constantly talking about fans who are in their opinion this or that.
It's so ridiculous.
Why can't we just stay with a topic and talk about it.
Honestly all this fans calling fans bla fans telling about fans bla it's just so boring.
Ppl circeling around themselves constantly, repeating what they said before in thousands of threads already... that's what this board is presenting too much.
Fans disapointed over fans, fans sad about fans, fans upset about fans, fans angry with fans... when on earth will you all get tired with this? when will this be ever enough. It's so yawwwwwwwwwwwwning enough to me already! Is this really enjoyable for one here?
Stick with a topic, make your opinion understood when possible or just vent, get ready that not everybody has the the same opinion, the same need to vent, the same emotion to tell about... yes also when it's about Michael Jackson... but when everybody heard you really please leave it at that... may we pretty please???
This board has lost a lot of its appeal by fans constantly talking about fans who are in their opinion this or that.
It's so ridiculous.
Why can't we just stay with a topic and talk about it.
Honestly all this fans calling fans bla fans telling about fans bla it's just so boring.
Ppl circeling around themselves constantly, repeating what they said before in thousands of threads already... that's what this board is presenting too much.
Fans disapointed over fans, fans sad about fans, fans upset about fans, fans angry with fans... when on earth will you all get tired with this? when will this be ever enough. It's so yawwwwwwwwwwwwning enough to me already! Is this really enjoyable for one here?
Stick with a topic, make your opinion understood when possible or just vent... but then really please leave it at that... may we pretty please???

we need to bring sexy back to this community.
i believe ATLF was only bringing up the fact that it's usually teh ones who aren't here too frequently that bring the drama or the gloom and doom, not the regular members or posters.

or it's the newbies who go from board to board spreading animosity or this and that. i know it came off crass but i don't believe she was doing it w/ a malicious intent.

that being said, once the freakout is all over and we can all be calm about it, i eblieve it will work out better than before. i know people getting better tickets now than they had for the org. shows!
Actually I believe this thread has run it's course. It has become a breeding ground for attacks and repetitive circles that aren't necessary to continue life.

Please support each other during this time. Be supportive, helpful and understanding of the issue and offer encouragement. Everything else isn't really important.
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