Rescheduling Of Opening Shows General Discussion Only

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But other performers sets are in there already, and they cant move them

Nothing is in there after Madonna on July 5th. Have everything in place to set up and be rehearsing by July 7th - Push the opening night back to the 13th as has been done and then carry on as normal, just have a tight opening schedule. Its not that hard surely. If they planned it properly, this wouldn't have happened, simple as that.

And why would he need time in house? Dangerous tour was rehearsed on a stage built like that he would perform on ON TOUR - build a stage that is the same as the 02 and perform on it - have a night in the 02 just to get used to the surroundings but everything is essentially the same. This CAN be avoided pretty simply.
Nothing is in there after Madonna on July 5th. Have everything in place to set up and be rehearsing by July 7th - Push the opening night back to the 13th as has been done and then carry on as normal, just have a tight opening schedule. Its not that hard surely. If they planned it properly, this wouldn't have happened, simple as that.

And why would he need time in house? Dangerous tour was rehearsed on a stage built like that he would perform on ON TOUR - build a stage that is the same as the 02 and perform on it - have a night in the 02 just to get used to the surroundings but everything is essentially the same. This CAN be avoided pretty simply

So on the 6th they would take down the set, at a push the set would be set up by the 7th, leaving less than a day to pratice, too tight if you ask me

You have to remember this is some tacky school play, This is Michael Jackson

Kenny Ortega asked the dates to be changed
for the entegrity of the shows and for safety reasons
becuase they didnt have enough rehearsal dates at 02
before the opening night due to other artists concerts.

Plus they give great insight in what to expect at MJs concerts :)


Thank you for posting.

Michael wasn't man enough to come and apologize to his own fans.

Now, because I said that. Before you all attack me. Does that make me less of a fan than others that don't critisize him regarding this whole mess???

NOTE: I'm not one of those afffected by this. I would just like to share my thoughts on this
Thank you for posting.

Michael wasn't man enough to come and apologize to his own fans.

Now, because I said that. Before you all attack me. Does that make me less of a fan than others that don't critisize him regarding this whole mess???

NOTE: I'm not one of those afffected by this. I would just like to share my thoughts on this

Its nothing to do with being Man enough

He doesnt have to apologise for anything, if anyone should (and they shouldnt) it should be Kenny and the production team
Nothing is in there after Madonna on July 5th. Have everything in place to set up and be rehearsing by July 7th - Push the opening night back to the 13th as has been done and then carry on as normal, just have a tight opening schedule. Its not that hard surely. If they planned it properly, this wouldn't have happened, simple as that.

And why would he need time in house? Dangerous tour was rehearsed on a stage built like that he would perform on ON TOUR - build a stage that is the same as the 02 and perform on it - have a night in the 02 just to get used to the surroundings but everything is essentially the same. This CAN be avoided pretty simply.

It's not that simple. You need more time in a huge production like this to set up, especially when another huge production has to take theirs down. One evening is not enough and is not SAFE.
Nothing is in there after Madonna on July 5th. Have everything in place to set up and be rehearsing by July 7th - Push the opening night back to the 13th as has been done and then carry on as normal, just have a tight opening schedule. Its not that hard surely. If they planned it properly, this wouldn't have happened, simple as that.

And why would he need time in house? Dangerous tour was rehearsed on a stage built like that he would perform on ON TOUR - build a stage that is the same as the 02 and perform on it - have a night in the 02 just to get used to the surroundings but everything is essentially the same. This CAN be avoided pretty simply.

They are pro's . They havent done this without thought . They doing it for good reasons to deliver us a MOUTH OPENING SHOW .

Good things come to those who wait , and all that !
they would actualy start taking the set down that NIGHT the 5th.
generally stage hands and lackies do all that work right after the concert and its usually done by morning.

ALSO begs the question > are they using venue equipment and if not some of it? how much are they bringing themselves for their own production. having a stage is no big deal and all the audio and wiring and everything and the arena usually do and have a lot of that.

bloody MARCH next year, im sorry but that is just SOOOOOOO unbelievably wrong it is incredible. Fair enough spread it out into July where he had the extra days off but to make it in the following year is like, ok so you stayed outside in the cold at the o2 for nothing. You could have just stayed home and got a ticket for the last shows online and not in any reasonable section

He doesnt have to apologise for anything, if anyone should (and they shouldnt) it should be Kenny and the production team

No, he doesn't, but it would be a nice gesture. All he has to do is eat, sh*t and breathe, but this is all about him. It's his show, his name, his "brand".

A personal message to the fans never hurt anything.
I hope fans that are affected for the changed dates get through with their hotels and arrangements....I hope the hotels and airlines work with you on this...

and also glad to see that Michael is really putting his heart and soul into this...
No, he doesn't, but it would be a nice gesture. All he has to do is eat, sh*t and breathe, but this is all about him. It's his show, his name, his "brand".

A personal message to the fans never hurt anything.

Michael is ultimately taking the hit for this, even if it is 100% Kennys request
Hey - Gary has an announcement here:


This thread has now turned into our official MJJC support thread of those who are in a serious situation therefore I need the below emailed to me so we can see what can be done on a grand scale,

MJJC is about community, we are all one big team and together we will do our best to get you all through this as easy as possible.

So I need

  1. An email with your concert/question/complaint which will be subbmitted to AEG to

  1. We need the details of your loss

  • Your concert date
  • Your seat Number
  • Your flight carrier
  • Your Hotel name and dates booked
  • The costs in which you have lost (estimated)
With the above information we will be personaly submiting this to AEG in a spread sheet format and we will also be on a grand scale contacting the hotels and airline carriers to see what we can as a major organisation do.

MJJCommunity is here for you, I have been hearing some really heart wrenching stories this evening and me and my team can not sit back and do nothing,

So MJJC is here for you

Nation 2 Nation


Gary M Taylor
President & Owner
Can I just clarify what this will do? Just in case, I don't want to be part of another law suit for Michael Jackson if that is where this is going and I apologize before hand if this is not at all your intent. I can't see it being that but I just want to make sure before sending anything in. I feel funny even posting this but I just have to make sure. I don't know what they can do but I suppose if they see the situation, maybe they could help out somehow in a reasonable way that would be good for all.
it's called competition. every man for himself.

It's called, "that's just NE-Yo". Ne-Yo can perform on the side of the road in a minute's notice. Mike is the diamond standard. BIG DIFFERENCE. One is an EVENT in HISTORY (MJ) and the other is simply a concert (NE-Yo).
No, he doesn't, but it would be a nice gesture. All he has to do is eat, sh*t and breathe, but this is all about him. It's his show, his name, his "brand".

A personal message to the fans never hurt anything.

i think it's a little more for Michael than just to eat, sh*t and breathe.
Can I just clarify what this will do? Just in case, I don't want to be part of another law suit for Michael Jackson if that is where this is going and I apologize before hand if this is not at all your intent. I can't see it being that but I just want to make sure before sending anything in. I feel funny even posting this but I just have to make sure. I don't know what they can do but I suppose if they see the situation, maybe they could help out somehow in a reasonable way that would be good for all.

It's not about a lawsuit. There is no grounds for a lawsuit. When you buy your ticket you agree that shows can be cancelled, and even assume risk of injury if he breaks your leg when flying out of the toaster.
Half a year? Yeah ta for the courage! Haha. Oh well, i'm seeing him 3 times, I should quit complaining.. I will sell something and buy tickets for opening night too.

You know , all day ive been reading people do nothing but BITCH about how mad they are , and calling Michael and how they think they know better .

Few months ago , and for the past few years , weve had NOTHING , ABSOLUTE SILENCE from Michael .
NOW , NOW we have CONCERTS , and still ungrateful fans still moan , think they know better .

Also , like u say , u have 3 tickets , when people would sell their blood to get hold of a ticket , so just DEAL WITH IT . LIFES HARD !!!

If you dont want tickets , SELL THEM .

Sorry , not being horrible , just saying how it is !
i think it's a little more for Michael than just to eat, sh*t and breathe.

It's a figure of speech. I'm saying no, he doesn't HAVE to apologize (just as he doesn't have to release a new album, just as he doesn't have to do shows, just as he doesn't have to tour, just as he doesn't have to do anything professional-wise), but what would it hurt for there to be a little video or blog or official statement from him apologizing?
You know , all day ive been reading people do nothing but BITCH about how mad they are , and calling Michael and how they think they know better .

Few months ago , and for the past few years , weve had NOTHING , ABSOLUTE SILENCE from Michael .
NOW , NOW we have CONCERTS , and still ungrateful fans still moan , think they know better .

Also , like u say , u have 3 tickets , when people would sell their blood to get hold of a ticket , so just DEAL WITH IT . LIFES HARD !!!

If you dont want tickets , SELL THEM .

Sorry , not being horrible , just saying how it is !

I backed off already. Use those white things with pigment in the front of your face. I'm fine with it, i'm still going 3 times but its dissapointing, as would you be in my position. But I am not unhappy, I thought that would have come across in my post..

I do want my tickets, I won't sell them. Mine :ph34r:
I strongly feel for all of you whose schedules got messed up because of this rescheduling. I totally identify with your anger, sadness, hurt or disappointment. Believe me, I know exactly how it feels because it has happened to me before. Although I am not one of those affected this time, I've been in the past and maybe I'll be again in the future. I really don't like what happened, not only because it has upset so many fans, but also because it will give rise to media attacks and speculations around Michael's name. This is exactly what his doubters have been waiting for since the announcement of the shows. So the whole situation makes me cringe.

I really hope AEG Live's final decision will be to accommodate the fans whose dates got postponed with shows performed in July and August 2009. Waiting until March 2010 wouldn't be fair to anyone.
i think everyones just disappointed for different reasons, i feel completely for people travelling far who have booked flights and hotels which wont easily be rectified, if at all, i know how hard it is.

for me (+ my boyfriend^) its because its for a special occasion and we'd booked it specifically for the 21st birthday and got nights in a hotel and other stuff planned around it.

it really is just a shame, but of course i am still greatful the tickets weren't cancelled altogether like some people might of done.
I strongly feel for all of you whose schedules got messed up because of this rescheduling. I totally identify with your anger, sadness, hurt or disappointment. Believe me, I know exactly how it feels because it has happened to me before. Although I am not one of those affected this time, I've been in the past and maybe I'll be again in the future. I really don't like what happened, not only because it has upset so many fans, but also because it will give rise to media attacks and speculations around Michael's name. This is exactly what his doubters have been waiting for since the announcement of the shows. So the whole situation makes me cringe.

I really hope AEG Live's final decision will be to accommodate the fans whose dates got postponed with shows performed in July and August 2009. Waiting until March 2010 wouldn't be fair to anyone.

Don't worry about the media, they bitch regardless. They do that with every artist that postpones or cancels their shows, it's not exclusive to MJ.
Yeah sorry. I am not really thinking straight and I read somewhere some post someone made about that and so when I saw that It came to mind and I thought I don't want to cause more trouble for the man... anyways.. as I said, was not really thinking straight and didnt read it completely. I am just trying to find a solution to my situation and am pretty flustered by it all.
Its nothing to do with being Man enough

He doesnt have to apologise for anything, if anyone should (and they shouldnt) it should be Kenny and the production team

Come on now... he could at least join kenny and randy and assure his fans that it would be worth it, and that he was sorry to let down so many of he fans, regardless of it being his fault.

Ifit did come from mikes mouth, alot of things would be better!
Don't act like mike is never wrong. People spend thousands of dollars, punds whatever. At least he could say a few word to calm his fans down and put a smile on their faces... geeez.
It's a figure of speech. I'm saying no, he doesn't HAVE to apologize (just as he doesn't have to release a new album, just as he doesn't have to do shows, just as he doesn't have to tour, just as he doesn't have to do anything professional-wise), but what would it hurt for there to be a little video or blog or official statement from him apologizing?

well...this has just happened. let's give it time and see what happens. again, it's not necessary, since it would be like MJ apologizing for wanting a bang up show, but, you know, the media has propped Kenny Ortega to be an icon. they have propped him up to be relevant, and as rescuing Michael from being 'irrelevant.' it was as if Kenny was treated as the king here, and Michael, the grateful servant. but now that something appears to be wrong, Michael is the King, and Kenny is the servant.

the reality is, Kenny and Michael are icons. both their names are on the line here. the two are as one. whatever happens is a Michael Jackson Kenny Ortega production. the result belongs to both of them. in reality, one speaking is like the other speaking.

having said that, we can wait and see what happens. perhaps Michael will say somethng. but i'm not hurting over it if i don't see him say something. in my heart, i know the intent of all this. i know the reason for all this. and i know that much money was spent getting tickets, and i'd bet my mortgage that many would be more disapponted in a three digit pound disaster of a show, than they would be in a three digit pound cancellation of a show. i guess the thing to say is it's a lesser of two evils. but right now, we are hearing from Ortega. we do know the reason why things are happening. and no info is being witheld.
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