Rescheduling Of Opening Shows General Discussion Only

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I've been following this thread since around 5 oclock
i hope people are cool about this. i mean theres nothing we can do about it is there? my concerts on the 26th july and i hope all goes well. i am really sorry for those who have to wait and suffer. hopefully things will only get better.
keep the faith guys :)

There is something we can do.. We need to let AEG know that this is unacceptable... Im sure there are better alternatives that put those shows all the way in the end in March.. They might even cancel those because MJ might be too tired by then, or he gets a muscle strain/injury (pray he doesnt)... Im pretty certain there is a better alternative, AEG just need to put a bit of effort in and do somthing instead of taking the easy road..
And for someone that loves kids, Mike is sure causing a lot of upset to a LOT of children by doing what hes doing.

Lets cut through the 'im a loyal fan' B.S here. If Michael wanted to perform on the original dates he would, no ifs, no buts. He clearly doesnt 'want' to and the end result is three concerts be pushed to the back of the set. Thats a REALLY shitty thing to do to the fans who went out of their way to book early tickets for early shows.

And whats more......?

All this for a few extra days of rehersals! Hmmm selfish, lazy and disrespectful are all words that spring to mind.

I tell you what, if the 'paps' catch a single photo of him out and about on some 'lah di dah' shopping trip instead of busting his balls in rehersals, well I'll be on the phone to ticket master demanding a refund!

and i'll buy your ticket.

that's a low blow using children, like that. people get disappointed every day. if you're going to put it that way, then, the children would get disappointed if he decided Not to perform, as well.

people need rest, in order to be at their best.
I just won't be able to go to the rescheduled concerts. Unless I win in the lottery.

If I win the lottery, I will pay a trip for you! I'm really sad this is happening. Why can't they rehearse somewhere else and keep the original dates? This is so unfair! :( It's like they don't have any idea what the fans went through to buy those tikets and the money they spent on the flight and hotel expenses! This makes me really disappointed. :no:
apart from the kids bit... Hes right ... what difference will a week make ? i mean come on... this is pretty rubbish imo and its another dissapointment.. i hope the 300 day wait is worth it
I'm luckily not affected by this as I'm goin on 18th and 22nd July which means I get to see the 3rd show which I think is kinda cool.

I feel for all of you who have had your dates pushed back to March.
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there is no way to plan something like this, properly. it's virgin ground. unprecedented. Michael hates touring. he had no reason to do it. it's the rest of the world that was counting him out because he wouldn't do it. it's a massive undertaking doing it the old fashioned way with lesser artists. but this...this has never been done before. phillips pressured michael for THREE years. and this is why.

there are many acts competing for that arena. black eyed peas, madonna..beyonce..etc. the reality is, it's an impossible undertaking. MJ is more massive than all these artists. the rest of them can stand on stage. MJ can't. his is a Much bigger production than that. the rest of them won't get MJ's flack if it don't go right.

this is too much to undertake. and MJ should NOT have done it.

but he was willing to take the risk.

but he shouldn't have.

No offense or anything dude, but you're like a broken record now. You keep saying the same things. You pretend like Michael is the only world class entertainer with a huge production in this world. Yes he is massive, but there are other entertainers who are just as big right now, with simliar massive productions. There is simply a certain level of mismanagement in this situation, which yes, could've been done different, even with Michael Jackson.

It's just a matter of good planning and management of a production, they are all in the top of their game, and have been there for a long time, they should handle this.
I love him too ( yes i do)
But he,s also human and with other human beings i also sometimes have problems and now including with michael...i don,t accept it that anyone treat me like that.....even when the name is michael jackson.....
He is not a saint!

Of course! He is not saint!

If I win the lottery, I will pay a trip for you! I'm really sad this is happening. Why can't they rehearse somewhere else and keep the original dates? This is so unfair! :( It's like they don't have any idea what the fans went through to buy those tikets and the money they spent on the flight and hotel expenses! This makes me really disappointed. :no:
I just can't imagine the frustration of the international fans! I live in London and I'm so upset!!
I'm really sorry for all of you who have lost lots of money because of this rescheduling of concerts, but I must wonder why did you go and booked and payed for hotels and flights months in advance? And took the non refundable ones. Especially when we are dealing with Michael. He himself is like a big show always on the move, everything can happen. And as I have all the trust in Michael to show up and do all the shows even if he were sick and half dead everything else can go wrong.
Don't you think you should have thought of that!? It is the Murphy law!
And for someone that loves kids, Mike is sure causing a lot of upset to a LOT of children by doing what hes doing.

Lets cut through the 'im a loyal fan' B.S here. If Michael wanted to perform on the original dates he would, no ifs, no buts. He clearly doesnt 'want' to and the end result is three concerts be pushed to the back of the set. Thats a REALLY shitty thing to do to the fans who went out of their way to book early tickets for early shows.

And whats more......?

All this for a few extra days of rehersals! Hmmm selfish, lazy and disrespectful are all words that spring to mind.

This is a lame excuse.
What about the kids in far away contries who are have tickets for those show and are set to come to London for the summer... They cant come to UK in March and miss school... Why doesnt AEG think about this... ?
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

I can't, but it's ok. For me, the main reason for going wasn't the Michael Jackson concert, though it was a good reason to go. I'll be fine. I will tell them we'll go to Disneyland instead (they should be happy with that) and that somehow we will make it to the March concert as well, but may not stay very long. Now if anyone in London wants to put us up for a few days in March, that would be (I'll go check out the "deals" on hotels that AEG was making)

blah... Just.... how in the @*&! am I going to afford this? Whatever, I am stubborn as a mule and bullheaded and will find a way like I always do.

Anyone wanna start some sort of business with me so we can all afford to be MJ fans? lol

How about a Hostel .. as a place to stay not as a business deal. LOL. The Hostel I am booked at is only $20 a night and you get free breakfasts (I'll only lose $5 a night if I cancel btw). I later saw the dorms which were around the same price and had a place to cook and refridgerators but I imagine they won't be available because school will be in session.

BTW, the only thing about the Hostel I am at is that they play music late at night that can be heard in the rooms but there are plenty of other hostels around. And although dorms may not be available because of school, cheap airfare should be easy to come by at that time of year.
and i'll buy your ticket.

that's a low blow using children, like that. people get disappointed every day. if you're going to put it that way, then, the children would get disappointed if he decided Not to perform, as well.

people need rest, in order to be at their best.

You might try reading the post I was responding to before slinging my rather valid points back in my face. It was in response to a fan who had bought tickets to take their children to the concert and now faces the VERY REAL situation of not being able to attened the new dates. Do you have children yourself!? Would you enjoy having to tell your excited child that they cant see Michaels last live tour?

BTW, I bought TICKETS not a single TICKET.

Whats hillarious is a bought tickets in March 09 and in all likelyhood wont get them till March 2010! Madness..
No offense or anything dude, but you're like a broken record now. You keep saying the same things. You pretend like Michael is the only world class entertainer with a huge production in this world. Yes he is massive, but there are other entertainers who are just as big right now, with simliar massive productions. There is simply a certain level of mismanagement in this situation, which yes, could've been done different, even with Michael Jackson.

It's just a matter of good planning and management of a production, they are all in the top of their game, and have been there for a long time, they should handle this.

no. not this kind of massive production. and, there's no one, not you included that has a different and better idea how this could have been handled. and even you are going to be affected by 'unforseen curcumstances' in life, no matter how airtight your plans are. i didn't know my posts stood out to you, that i'm a broken record.
Wow, you would think Mj deliberately set out to reschedule these shows if you listen to some fans. Ladies and gentlemen, please, let's be smart about this.

Second, and this one annoys me more than anything, FIVE MORE days is GOLD!!! Those days are used to set up LIGHT, SOUND, GIZMOs, DRESS Reheasral etc PLUS fix what doesn't work. You can't rehearse somewhere else but in the place where it will be held.
Think of a circus and the time it needs setting up; a first-time out for the circus at that.

All that being sad, I hope everyone affected will work feverishly to reschedule airline tickets and hotel accomodations because it can be done. Maybe there will be a thread setup for this later.
:( don't say this isn't going to happen. 44 pages and we are getting nowere. what can we do? i'm so upset. no way will i be able to concentrate at school tomorrow. its late now anyway. but i am so worried :( i'm going with my mum and dad on the 26th july. i agree its so unfair they've just picked 3 dates and shoved them to the back. but you'll be seeing the end of Michael Jackson maybe? these concerts will be special. all this hating is hurtful. i've read every single comment and i can't believe some of it. i know how angry some fans will be, and i'm sorry. :( hope you all find a way
Guys did you hear that the reason the dates were re-scheduled is because of a clash with Madonna's concerts and they think MJ would not have enough time to reherse... So they have to change the first few shows to March!! This is absurd.. The hardcore fans tried so hard (pre-sale, ticketmaster crashing, queing outside O2 over night, overpriced tickets in Viagogo etc..) to get these tickets..
Now Its bad enough some have lost money, but some of them like me cant even go because its in March!!.. :(
I'm really sorry for all of you who have lost lots of money because of this rescheduling of concerts, but I must wonder why did you go and booked and payed for hotels and flights months in advance? And took the non refundable ones. Especially when we are dealing with Michael. He himself is like a big show always on the move, everything can happen. And as I have all the trust in Michael to show up and do all the shows even if he were sick and half dead everything else can go wrong.
Don't you think you should have thought of that!? It is the Murphy law!
I bought a non-refundable because it is less expensive...and when you have a salary less then 400 euros/month you don't have another choice!
no. not this kind of massive production. and, there's no one, not you included that has a different and better idea how this could have been handled. and even you are going to be affected by 'unforseen curcumstances' in life, no matter how airtight your plans are. i didn't know my posts stood out to you, that i'm a broken record.

I know you'll defend Michael to the depth of hell if you had to, so i'm not going to try to reason with you.
They took 3 opening dates and put them right at the back of the line....
I feel like crying... :(
Of course! He is not saint!

Now you reallly lost me....
Do you really expect me to react on that?, i can,t take people like you seriously...sorry......

This is the second time it happened to me that michael canceled or resheduled a show.
I,m pissed, i think it,s normal that i,m dissapointed.....for the second time....
This thread is going crazy speed now! I think the 8th moving it till 13 th is fine no problems but moving the others to march!!! whats that about? why not october / november at least? What about the fans that paid lots and lots of money to final night??? they wont get a refund or an exchange?
And for someone that loves kids, Mike is sure causing a lot of upset to a LOT of children by doing what hes doing.

Lets cut through the 'im a loyal fan' B.S here. If Michael wanted to perform on the original dates he would, no ifs, no buts. He clearly doesnt 'want' to and the end result is three concerts be pushed to the back of the set. Thats a REALLY shitty thing to do to the fans who went out of their way to book early tickets for early shows.

And whats more......?

All this for a few extra days of rehersals! Hmmm selfish, lazy and disrespectful are all words that spring to mind.

I tell you what, if the 'paps' catch a single photo of him out and about on some 'lah di dah' shopping trip instead of busting his balls in rehersals, well I'll be on the phone to ticket master demanding a refund!

So if Michael needs to take the day off to be with his kids, AEG should pay you back your ticket? I don' think you know what Michael is doing right now. He is not preparing a unplugged gig for 500 fans. He is preparing the biggest stageshow ever in history and getting ready to do 50 shows. Do you even realize the magnitude of pulling something like that off. Not everything happens by just snapping your fingers, even if you are Michael Jackson. I understand that you are dissapointed, but please use your head.

That goes for the rest of the bunch. Be as mad as you like, you deserve to. But think about what you are saying. No one on this site knows what Michael has to do to get the show on the road. No one here knows what it takes to pull off such a project. And most of you have very little experience in attending concerts it would seem. When you prepare a tour, shit happens. When you do the tour shit happens.

Just to remind everyone that Michael could get ill at some point during the tour and cancel a few shows. What then? We are gonna say "I told you he could not do it" ?

Bullshit! This happened on all his previous tours.

Go do a world tour with a stage production worth what you make in 15 years and see how easy it goes for you.

Time to settle down people. Those of you who have lost money on this. You have my and everyone else sympathy. Now here is some sound advice. Decide if you want to go through the extra trouble to see Michael or decide to cnacel the whole thing, and move on.

This thread has become nothing more then fuel for the tabloids. I already read newspapers who write about fans being angry. Don't make this worse then it already is, please.
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