Rescheduling Of Opening Shows General Discussion Only

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You guys are making me SOO PISSED OF RIGHT NOW. Can people understand that this has NOTHING to do with MICHAEL JACKSON??? Its AEG Live and its Michaels production team that want more time to be ready ?!

Are u people going to join the haters now ? then go away from here. Understand that it could have been worst. MJ could have been ill or something like that, they are just moving the dates ? wake up and stop hating our man, Michael.. not his fault.
It's unfortunate but things had to happen. Some fans find it hard but 5 days is a lot when itcomes to logistics.

I'm sure these things have been addressed in great detail and MJ could not just cancel shows because he wanted to perfect something. AEG could not accept the sheer logistics of rescheduling just for perfection and minor things.

This is definitely major and this must have been as a result of several meetings. For those trying to give RF credit, that guy only gets half-baked information and reports it. Someone definitely leaked him information about discussions for recheduling and he reported it. That doesn't mean he was credible.

It's like a board discussing something before they decide to go one way or another. If they had chosen not to cancel, RF would not be credible. What these columnists do is to report on any half-baked information that comes there way, and if a decidion goes that way, you then begin calling them credible sources when they are not.

Anyway, the decision was not made lightly as some fans may be led to believe and the level of planning for such a thing is so pressurrised, the logistics so extensive that any time they can buy is like gold. Each day between now and July 8th must have been fully crammed with stuff to do and deadlines to meet that they had to create time from somewhere.

Another option would be to cram many concerts at the start one day after the other, butthat would deny MJ rest, imperil successive shows, something the insurance would not accept as it increases the risk of cancellations.

Those who have missed the first dates, console yourselves, have a rest, you will recover.
As for the media, they don't matter, these shows will go ahead and will be a success, infact i prefer this happening now as the media are busy trying to find any reason why the shows should fail, this deflates the excess pressure being put on MJ with the media ready to pounce at anything. Let them pounce. The shows are sold out, what the media say or what people say doesn't change anything - They will happen.

Another thing that shows great thought was put into it, was the effort not to dissapoint the very first people booked to see the very first show, because initially when i saw this, i thought it unfair that they would be pushed to March 2010, but atleast that was reset as the first show. This was arrived at following extensive meetings during which time some lowlife leaked info to another lowlife, RF.

The question each fan that is upset should ask themselves is, if you were MJ and were putting on the last concert of your career, would you want to start with a substandard production?

i think this is a really cool post. but i think the small logistics are important, too, and worth pushing things back. you see..MJ is at the point where people scrutinize his vocals. they scrutinize lip syncing. he's so big that they criticize the smallest stuff about him.

what if he finds out that he came up with routines that his dancers cannot handle...and he had to let them all go, and do the routines himself? he's got complex talent. and the possibilties are endless. people are going to criticise no matter what. so the one thing that shouldn't be left to chance is the logisitics. they are worth the criticism that is afforded everything else.

and i know for a fact that there are no fans on here that will forgive a glitch in his concert, in favor of their being inconvenienced. not one. there were too many threads posted to prove that. so....
You guys are making me SOO PISSED OF RIGHT NOW. Can people understand that this has NOTHING to do with MICHAEL JACKSON??? Its AEG Live and its Michaels production team that want more time to be ready ?!

Are u people going to join the haters now ? then go away from here. Understand that it could have been worst. MJ could have been ill or something like that, they are just moving the dates ? wake up and stop hating our man, Michael.. not his fault.

It's Michael's concert. Michael's the big boss, fans have a RIGHT to be angry.
It is understandable that everyone is going to be upset and this may very well have cost individuals thousands of dollars. But please consider that attacking one another or attacking Michael will NOT change anything. Take a breath and post appropriately. It's ok to be upset. It's ok to vent. Do it without harming anyone. We can get through this together :yes:
I'm so sick of the few here that believe we shouldn't voice our displeasure about this situation. For whatever reason, people are being screwed out off hundreds or thousands of dollars and have every right to be pissed off and voice it here in the forum. If not here then where? We all love Mike but he is no God and he is no above reproach. People are being screwed out of their hard earned money because of poor planning, if not some other reason, by people who are supposed professionals. So let the folks here get it all out if they need to.

This is from the press conference: Kenny Ortega working on Footlose and MJ needs more prep time in the O2 that's the reason for the shows being rescheduled. Lame excuse
It's Michael's concert. Michael's the big boss, fans have a RIGHT to be angry.

but are u going to attend the concert angry then ? It´s up to u. I know its involving much money but michael is human and i dont think this is his fault. AEG is taking care of this kind of things and michael trust in them to do the right for his show.
I have flights and hotels booked. And I can't cancel. Or I could cancel....but I won't get a refund. Which means...I AM going to London regardless and have a nice vacation, which is alright. BUT....that means my money is gone and I have no choice but to give my three tickets back, get a refund and say "sayonara" to the three concerts I had tickets to in July because I just CAN NOT afford to pay for hotels and flights AGAIN in March 2010. I don't have that kind of money. So....that's how the rescheduling will effect my concerts. There won't be any for me. Except the one in August, unless THAT too will get changed/cancelled/rescheduled.

I just listened to the press conference and I am very sorry to say that all I heard were excuses for unprofessional and improper planning. How can you announce a show you have not even STARTED to plan yet? That is something that I just don't understand. I'm very disappointed at how unprofessionally and carelessly they are handling this whole thing. Like "Oh...when we announced the dates we didn't have a show yet". That's supposed to make fans who wasted all their savings feel better? Wish they would have planned better. JMO.
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Ah well, Roger told us about this over two weeks ago, so it was hardly a surprise.
I like that the first show will still be the first show though.
Kenny Ortega and Randy Phillips did the press conference.

Tough decision to make. They dont have enough time to work in the 02 arena to prepare the show. They need 5 extra days to prepare the show in the O2 arena.
Kenny Ortega is doing Footloose,and wasn't ready to start the shows at the O2 due to his busy schedule.

Thats what I gathered from it.
This is from the press conference: Kenny Ortega working on Footlose and MJ needs more prep time in the O2 that's the reason for the shows being rescheduled. Lame excuse

let's see you deal with all of Ortega's Hollywood big money bosses. and if you're ok with MJ not getting prepped, then you'll be ok with a lame concert. but i know you are not ok with a lame concert. are you?
You guys are making me SOO PISSED OF RIGHT NOW. Can people understand that this has NOTHING to do with MICHAEL JACKSON??? Its AEG Live and its Michaels production team that want more time to be ready ?!

Are u people going to join the haters now ? then go away from here. Understand that it could have been worst. MJ could have been ill or something like that, they are just moving the dates ? wake up and stop hating our man, Michael.. not his fault.

Totally Agree. but i do feel sorry for the ones who have been messed around with, But just Don't blame Michael! because if it werent for him there wouldnt be ANY Concerts in the first place. Goodnight. Peace \/. x
yes pple have the right 2be angry but 2 start bashing michael is just wrong. u cant win 4 lose with sum pple. i swear. all of u know damn well if u paid good money and saw a half assed show u wud be pissed to the pits of hell. save the drama and deal wit it. its life and shit happens. next.
It is stated that concerts could be reschedulled and cancelled so on, on ticket master, if you buy you're ticket, get you're hotel and flight so early then its a risk you gotta take, today I feel was good news though, it shows that they are really into making this the greatest show on earth

If it means changing 4 of 50 dates to make it a greater show then it is good, very good :)
You guys are making me SOO PISSED OF RIGHT NOW. Can people understand that this has NOTHING to do with MICHAEL JACKSON??? Its AEG Live and its Michaels production team that want more time to be ready ?!

Are u people going to join the haters now ? then go away from here. Understand that it could have been worst. MJ could have been ill or something like that, they are just moving the dates ? wake up and stop hating our man, Michael.. not his fault.

Well Said, my friend´

let's see you deal with all of Ortega's Hollywood big money bosses. and if you're ok with MJ not getting prepped, then you'll be ok with a lame concert. but i know you are not ok with a lame concert. are you?

I don't think that's the point. The point is that they didn't plan properly. And that sucks. Why announce dates for a show you don't have and don't know how long you will need preparations for? That's unprofessional to me. This whole mess could have been so easily avoided if they would have planned better. I mean we are talking about FIVE DAYS here. They can't seriously expect people to believe they didn't knwo about the Madonna dates at O2 before hand? If they know premiere is July 8th, surely they book the dates for rehearsals too while they book the concert dates? And if not....then I don't know WHAT they were thinking....
Think about it this way ... things in life could have been worst ... think about poor kids in Africa that walks 10 miles per day for water.

at the end of the day u WILL be attending the show and u WILL see your idol, Michael Jackson.
It's not solely on Michael Jackson.

However, this is HIS business. These concerts are about him, its his name on the billboards, the tickets, the merchandise, and what happens reflects back on him, good or bad.

Nobody is calling him names or poking fun in here (and if they are they will probably be reprimanded), but if people are upset at MJ, who can blame them? In and of itself, this isn't earth-shattering bad, but its just another blotch on a long issue of problems when it comes to being an MJ fan.

Some fans in here are very understanding, and that's noble, but don't bash fans who are visibly upset when they are the ones who shelled out nearly a grand for airfare or hotel stays.
I bought tickets but DIDNT get an email from Ticketmaster today with the news ... anyone else?
I think the main reason they need so much prep time at the o2 is that the show will use magic and levitation/flying, so special wires need to be installed and tested before a full dress rehearsal can take place.
Some mins ago I learnt about it.

It will be difficult for people who live outside of UK and work... changing tickets, hotel booking... try to convince their bosses to take different days off from work lol
Think about it this way ... things in life could have been worst ... think about poor kids in Africa that walks 10 miles per day for water.

at the end of the day u WILL be attending the show and u WILL see your idol, Michael Jackson.

Think about the 2000 dollars I could have given to poor kids in Africa instead of wasting it for a trip to London for nothing? If you wanna put it that way....:) And at the end of the day...I will NOT be attending the rescheduled shows and will NOT see MJ because I don't have that kind of money. And even if I had...shouldn't I be giving it to the poor kids in Africa...?
I've been following this thread since around 5 oclock
i hope people are cool about this. i mean theres nothing we can do about it is there? my concerts on the 26th july and i hope all goes well. i am really sorry for those who have to wait and suffer. hopefully things will only get better.
keep the faith guys :)
I am so sad to hear so many angry gripes toward Michael by supposed fans. I understand this is a major setback and I too feel like crying for the many of you affected. I am even more so frustrated at the powers that be, including Mike, but I would never tell him to kiss my ass. If you have this much a distaste for Michael now then please sell me your ticket, becuase I am less fortunate than you not having a ticket at all and I am a REAL die hard fan. Thanks!
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