Rescheduling Of Opening Shows General Discussion Only

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Well, it's very possible they anticipated being able to work everything into that time frame...however, after more planning or hashing out grander ideas and visions, they realized they will need more time to accomplish those visions. Has anyone ever planned anything on a large scale? A party or any kind of event and you start with a target date and a target budget but as you actually start to put things together the budget rises and unexpected delays happen beyond your control? It happens. It's natural that the ppl affected by this are upset and want to vent. I think the issue is venting without being hurtful...even tho ppl are clearly hurting.
:( Just....DAAAAMN! :( If I had a magic wand full of wishes, I'd use one of those wishes here.

How does anyone suggest AEG work things out with all the various airlines out there? What criteria would they use. Would fans have to fax in their confirmation information? Fans don't even have REAL tickets yet. Some people have purchased tix from ebay and viagogo and don't have seat numbers yet. How do you verify a person was actually going to an MJ concert versus someone who wants out of their flight for some other reason? It just doesn't seem feasible...UNLESS anyone here has any ideas that would work. Maybe we can channel that anger into some solutions that might work. Worth a try, no?

Anyone with ideas?

Yes I get it most likely wont be feasible, but I was just throwing out ideas. I agree though that the best that can be done is trying to come up with solutions that might work and contact AEG. Complaining on here isn't going to get anything done but I do understand people's need to vent and I agree with them. I would be upset too. I wont be going to London, but good luck to everyone. I hope it all works out.
Do you think if theres a petition to AEG and Michael Jackson and O2 that this could possibly be changed?
This is the ULTIMATE unfair resolution for the first show ticket holders!!!

They were the first who were the most happiest fans being able to there - first!

What about the people standing and waiting for the tickets days before selling them officially.

Theres something fishy. It can not be so ...
it may not go down well for some, and it may go down well for others.

i do want a great show. i'll do anything for it. or i won't go at all. but i doubt i'll miss out on Michael for anything.

both sides should be allowed to vent equally.

lol what you on about ?

seconds thoughts, don't answer that.
I think this is when we should look upon Michael as a human being and not as Michael Jackson our idol. I think commenting Michael on this doesn't make you any of a less fan, we must not forget that Michael Jackson is a human and not god and that we actually shouldn't think that Michael is not to blame for this, just because he's Michael Jackson and you are his fan.

I seriously cant believe this is happening. It's unprofessional that they hadn't start planning a major even like this way earlier. Being in this bussines for such a long time, they should have known better.The whole back up dancers auditions have just ended..two months before the concerts. When they were making the announcements Michael was going to perform again, they already should have picked their dancers, picked out the costumes and who is going to perform at the O2 before Michael will and how much time they will have left to rehearse or setting up the stage or any other events in London that might harm the performances.

I know Michael is probably working his butt off, but it kinda annoys me that I saw more pictures of him shopping around than him arriving at rehearsels.

I'm lucky that I hadn't my plane ticket yet, but I really do feel sorry for others that did, esp. the ones that are left to explain their children.

I know this isn't just Michaels fault, but I do think that he should have taken more responsibility in this. As someone that has been around this industry for over 45 years, he must have known that it is almost impossible to plan a show like this big, in such a small amount of time.

I'm not mad, just really disappointed and hope MICHAEL(not his team), will make a public statement regarding this.
They are changed to the end of March because there are no other dates available. You can hardly expect Michael to do five concerts in a row somwhere during the dates. It is not humanly possible for any human being to do that. He is doing 50 concerts, one nearly every other night. The jubilee line being down may also have made a deciding factor. What would fans do if you couldn't get to the concert which is what would happen, no amount of taxis or buses would get thousands to a concert on time. But I guess that would be blamed on Michael as well. Michael is not the only artist that has had to change dates. Prince cancelled his Irish concert. Another friend of mine was going to another concert which got changed and wasn't even informed.

I see some fans in tears just because they have the only hassle of waiting a couple of months longer, no other expense just waiting, compared to other fans. That's just ridiculous. Put things into perspective, there worse things going on in this world.

I feel sorry for fans who have the worst hassle, those who may lose out on some money. Hope you get things re-scheduled and sorted. There is nothing that can be done, plain and simple, we all have the news now, move on and do the best you can to make other arrangements.
This is the ULTIMATE unfair resolution for the first show ticket holders!!!

They were the first who were the most happiest fans being able to there - first!

What about the people standing and waiting for the tickets days before selling them officially.

i might be trading 2 tickets for July 26th (block C3) for a date in March PM me if you are interested
how about we all volunteer to aeg to help get the show ready for the 8th:) if we all give one day a week free of charge to help im sure the show can be ready for the 8th july!
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

They haven't really traveled before. I have driven them across two provinces but that's not real traveling. I think they are nervous about it. It's unknown to us all so they asked the friends they know who went and their experience wasn't good, so .. My kids who are going are 8,11 and 14. So the younger two won't really understand that we can't go because of a delay in shows when the opening night is the night before we were to go. One day off.. that's all it was. If he opened on the 12th instead, he'd have that day of rest and we'd still be going on the 14th as planned.

It's fine, I will make sure they enjoy themselves and have a great time. I just am not sure how I'm going to be able to afford all of this because I can't let them down. Now I have to make sure we get to Eurodisney. ... plus will have to find a way to afford another trip in March..

A bit more stress shouldn't kill me I guess. lol(I hope)

Wow!.. That is about the ages my kids were when I took them on their first trip. My oldest was like 'Yeah whatever. I'm not going to be impressed. I already know everything.' When we got there (it was the Badlands) and stepped out of the car he stopped in his tracks and said "This!" and disappeared over the edge.

Ha ha! I'll never forget it. So much for Mr. man of the world.

I hope you will have a similar experience with your kids. It soounds like some of their friends are just cynical. Too bad for them. I hope your kids will enjoy the moment. whatever it is.
I do have to say... some of you guys keep saying that you went for the early dates because you were doubting he'd complete all 50 dates... I'm sorry, but what is that about?

I am so sorry you guys are out of money and there are major inconviniences - I'm right there with you - but I don't think it's fair to assume that the later dates are in danger simply because you don't think Michael can do it...

To be honest Minnie, I think fans have a right to assume what they want. Let's look at some facts:

- Michael is 50 years old
- Michael has back problems
- Michael has other health issues I won't go into detail about for obvious (forum)reasons

SO...judging from that ALONE, I believe fans who purposely booked for the first shows have a point. I'm not saying I agree with them, but I understand why they think that way. They might have overlooked the fact that Michael has 3 months to relax and recover in between, though ;)

I personally booked for the July shows because I couldn't get time off for August. And I didn't know about the September/Jan/Feb dates.

lol what you on about ?

seconds thoughts, don't answer that.

i'm on about Michael being a human being. and just wanting to get it right. and that great things are worth the wait. and no matter how long he's been in the business, nothing like this has ever happened before. and he needs to have room to do the things that make him happy. it will make for a positive person on stage, and a positive experience for all of us.

and..maybe, perhaps, this comeback should never been scheduled. he doesn't need it. it felt too logistically impossible in the first place. too big an artist. too many people wanting to see him. too many slings and arrows throughout his life. too big a world. too many other obligations in our lives. perhaps we shoulda just enjoyed the vids. i understand Phillips had to pull teeth to get michael to do this. perhaps, now, i understand why. it's unprecedented. too many complications. and people might never understand.
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oh, it's real... They've done a press conference, they've sent e-mails to thousands of people, they've changed all websites - this is real! Unfortunately...
For those of you who i have upset with my first post. Well sorry, truth stings a bit doesn't it? I placed it in bold because i couldn't be sure anyone would have read it and understood it... And by the looks of it... That's what happened. You can yell at me disagree with me all you feel comfortable with but its not going to help your situation.

I'm shocked at the out pour of hate that fans have towards Michael at this time. Its like its all bottled up from everything hes ever done. Its like your closet haters or something. yea sh!t happens and i said it.

This post might not go over to well either but i will deal with it. but do remember that time might be a factor here in the reason the shows have been pushed back. Michael is one man so is Ortega he cant do everything in this short amount of time.
This is completely unfair for the following reasons

-people who purchased tickets for the first 4 dates got them for a reason-they picked those dated because they can travel/go at that time - not in bloody MARCH!
- what about the ones that have been rescheduled to march and cant go right, so that means now that they miss out completely as all other dates are sold out.
- not to mention the fact of rescheduling everything else around it. time off, hotels, flights, travelling expences.

Money might grow on trees for Michael, but not for us
Most of the people going for the first 4 shows are going to be die hard fans... How can they tell them they want to postpone those shows for next March?? It was really hard getting those tickets.. They should atleast try to accomodate them during other July or August shows...
This is from

Where is the 16th july? o_O
I partly agree, Dutchie... I was there in Munich when the bridge came crashing down, so that's not something I'll ever forget LOL But I guess at the end of the day, if Michael didn't believe he could do the 50 shows, I doubt he'd schedule them. You can say alot about Michael and I at times wonder whether or not he sometimes takes the support for granted, but I don't think he'd play tens of thousands of people for fools.

I too went for July partly because I didn't know there were other dates, and partly because that's my summer vacation and I go to school, so I can't take off from exams and stuff. I guess it's the assumption that he is knowingly playing us all for fools that I am reacting to
This post might not go over to well either but i will deal with it. but do remember that time might be a factor here in the reason the shows have been pushed back. Michael is one man so is Ortega he cant do everything in this short amount of time.

they should have thought of that in march when they announced and put tickets for sale for concerts beginning in JULY
Isnt there a possibility that the "news" was made by hackers??? (wanting your personal information for their interests via a confirmation?)
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

Are you sure you can't amend your bookings to March? :(
I can't, but it's ok. For me, the main reason for going wasn't the Michael Jackson concert, though it was a good reason to go. I'll be fine. I will tell them we'll go to Disneyland instead (they should be happy with that) and that somehow we will make it to the March concert as well, but may not stay very long. Now if anyone in London wants to put us up for a few days in March, that would be (I'll go check out the "deals" on hotels that AEG was making)

blah... Just.... how in the @*&! am I going to afford this? Whatever, I am stubborn as a mule and bullheaded and will find a way like I always do.

Anyone wanna start some sort of business with me so we can all afford to be MJ fans? lol
This post might not go over to well either but i will deal with it. but do remember that time might be a factor here in the reason the shows have been pushed back. Michael is one man so is Ortega he cant do everything in this short amount of time.

They should have thought about that BEFORE they announced the dates of the concert.
Its quite simply the fault of Michael and his team.
I dont hate any of them but i am dissappointed at this moment.
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