Rescheduling Of Opening Shows General Discussion Only

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I still think AEG should try to work something out with the airlines to cover costs. Fans deserve more than a simple "we're sorry". This is costing people hundreds if not more. They should really do something here. Some of you should maybe try to get in contact and voice your displeasure about the whole situation. I know that's what I would do if it was me.

This would be great, but I really don't think this will happen. They're reassigning everyone's seat and giving full refunds to the ones who can't make the new dates, they're also giving some discounts on hotels. This is probably as far as they'll go. Can you imagine how much money it would cost them to reimburse people's plane tickets?? That won't happen, and they're not obligated to.

EDIT: when's this radio thing starting?
EDIT2: Never mind, just saw the thread.
Well i'm sure they have insurance to cover it, they have to, but you're right it's probably unlikely they'll do that. Still, it doesn't hurt to contact AEG to voice concerns.
i think aeg and Michael Jackson need to look at the situation AGAIN regardless of their technical difficulties.

i bought tickets for the first few shows because i knew the likelyhood of the later dates being canceled and now ive been told oh no, your tickets are now all the way in 2010! 9 months later. um yeah i kinda picked the early dates for a reason and now, im back in the oh crap what the heck do i do.

they would have known about the madonna concerts last year, and VERY irrisponsible to book a date and then change it after they know darn right the amount of money that people have spent buying tickets, not to mention getting there plus accommodation on top.

do i see it being changed back ...... i wouldnt rule it out from aeg, but from michael oh yeah. i think ive learnt now never to take him on his word because everything which he says seems to go poof! and the dream disappears bloody joke
Well i'm sure they have insurance to cover it, they have to, but you're right it's probably unlikely they'll do that. Still, it doesn't hurt to contact AEG to voice concerns.

Maybe this will happen in the news conference, let's see how that goes.
this is a joke, once again another dissapointment and its sad but it is a let down

was expecting my dream to come true... now i couldnt care less
I do have to say... some of you guys keep saying that you went for the early dates because you were doubting he'd complete all 50 dates... I'm sorry, but what is that about?

I am so sorry you guys are out of money and there are major inconviniences - I'm right there with you - but I don't think it's fair to assume that the later dates are in danger simply because you don't think Michael can do it...
My god people.

yea i know alot of you have made plans and plane tickets, bought in advance and everything but sh!t happens. Yes you all have a right to feel like your being screwed but in reality you are not. These dates are being pushed back for a reason. It may not be Anything to do with Michael it actually might be something to due with the subway or "tube" line. Or it may be a case of jumping the gun a bit. But Insulting Michael wont solve anything and it sure as hell wont help if people get drastic and join the haters. Dates get pushed back it happends but you cant be this dramatic about it.

If the some new this would happen great good for you, pat yourselves on the back because you knew this would happen. You had no faith:clapping: way to go.

If you cant wait for the shows to be up to michaels standereds then i dont know what to tell you. in all honesty he probably doesnt have time to rehearse it all. come on there is like 48 days until the concert. Do you think the dancers would have been ready? Do you think Michael would have been ready? Do you even think that the SET would have been ready? If you do then you must think Michael is some kind of magician. Give the man some time.

For those of you who have had your dates pushed back. I really am sorry that you have to work out some sort of compramise. I hope all works out for you. But do try and stay calm. Not everything runs smothly. Even the calmest lake has waves.:mello: yea something like that

It's a message board for a reason, people should be able to sound off on how they feel about the rescheduling of some of the dates. It's a huge inconvienence for thousands of people now. I'm personally not surprised this is happening though. And the it's too bad because the press will twist this and make it seem like MJ's sick or something along those lines.

I do want to hear directly from MJ and AEG though b/c someone needs to be held accountable ofcourse.
Above all else I feel really bad for the fans traveling from places like the USA, Australia and so on. These people paid a helluva lot of money for flights, tickets, and hotels. For most of them, it's the first time they are traveling so far to see Michael and because they are now losing a lot of money because of this, might not have a chance to go to the rescheduled dates. Big hug to all of you guys.

Second, I am pissed off because this chaos and stupidity didn't NEED to happen. If AEG, or Ticketmaster or whoever is responsible had taken time to CHECK the dates, this would not have happened. I also don't understand why the concerts had to be this year in the first place. Why not announce a show like this for 2010? Plenty of time to rehearse, direct, create and recreate.
WTF, dont do this to us Michael *sigh*...

I am not even that suprised, it has happened before and i will visit London regardless but i am annoyed to be honest.
He should've waited with the announcement of the gigs until his show was more or less ready, then this crap would not have happened.
I do have to say... some of you guys keep saying that you went for the early dates because you were doubting he'd complete all 50 dates... I'm sorry, but what is that about?

I didn't chose an early date for that reason... I chose it because I wanted to be one of the first to see the concerts. By March I'll have heard (and probably seen) all about them and there will be no surprises. Not only that but I specifically chose a Friday night to make it easier getting childcare sorted out and now I have to go on a Monday - a school night. :(
I guess someone didnt do the necessary check-ups before they went ahead of themselves and gave out dates. It can hardly be news to them that Madonna is performing there in july too.

Well, it's very possible they anticipated being able to work everything into that time frame...however, after more planning or hashing out grander ideas and visions, they realized they will need more time to accomplish those visions. Has anyone ever planned anything on a large scale? A party or any kind of event and you start with a target date and a target budget but as you actually start to put things together the budget rises and unexpected delays happen beyond your control? It happens. It's natural that the ppl affected by this are upset and want to vent. I think the issue is venting without being hurtful...even tho ppl are clearly hurting.
:( Just....DAAAAMN! :( If I had a magic wand full of wishes, I'd use one of those wishes here.

I still think AEG should try to work something out with the airlines to cover costs. Fans deserve more than a simple "we're sorry". This is costing people hundreds if not more. They should really do something here. Some of you should maybe try to get in contact and voice your displeasure about the whole situation. I know that's what I would do if it was me.

How does anyone suggest AEG work things out with all the various airlines out there? What criteria would they use. Would fans have to fax in their confirmation information? Fans don't even have REAL tickets yet. Some people have purchased tix from ebay and viagogo and don't have seat numbers yet. How do you verify a person was actually going to an MJ concert versus someone who wants out of their flight for some other reason? It just doesn't seem feasible...UNLESS anyone here has any ideas that would work. Maybe we can channel that anger into some solutions that might work. Worth a try, no?

Anyone with ideas?
My god people.

yea i know alot of you have made plans and plane tickets, bought in advance and everything but sh!t happens. Yes you all have a right to feel like your being screwed but in reality you are not. These dates are being pushed back for a reason. It may not be Anything to do with Michael it actually might be something to due with the subway or "tube" line. Or it may be a case of jumping the gun a bit. But Insulting Michael wont solve anything and it sure as hell wont help if people get drastic and join the haters. Dates get pushed back it happends but you cant be this dramatic about it.

If the some new this would happen great good for you, pat yourselves on the back because you knew this would happen. You had no faith:clapping: way to go.

If you cant wait for the shows to be up to michaels standereds then i dont know what to tell you. in all honesty he probably doesnt have time to rehearse it all. come on there is like 48 days until the concert. Do you think the dancers would have been ready? Do you think Michael would have been ready? Do you even think that the SET would have been ready? If you do then you must think Michael is some kind of magician. Give the man some time.

For those of you who have had your dates pushed back. I really am sorry that you have to work out some sort of compramise. I hope all works out for you. But do try and stay calm. Not everything runs smothly. Even the calmest lake has waves.:mello: yea something like that

this post is going to go down well. . . . . not. lol
lol u guys its not the start of the end. it would make sense (why the others get pushed back almost a year idk thats weird) but the staging and everthing must be perfect
My god people.

yea i know alot of you have made plans and plane tickets, bought in advance and everything but sh!t happens. Yes you all have a right to feel like your being screwed but in reality you are not. These dates are being pushed back for a reason. It may not be Anything to do with Michael it actually might be something to due with the subway or "tube" line. Or it may be a case of jumping the gun a bit. But Insulting Michael wont solve anything and it sure as hell wont help if people get drastic and join the haters. Dates get pushed back it happends but you cant be this dramatic about it.

If the some new this would happen great good for you, pat yourselves on the back because you knew this would happen. You had no faith:clapping: way to go.

If you cant wait for the shows to be up to michaels standereds then i dont know what to tell you. in all honesty he probably doesnt have time to rehearse it all. come on there is like 48 days until the concert. Do you think the dancers would have been ready? Do you think Michael would have been ready? Do you even think that the SET would have been ready? If you do then you must think Michael is some kind of magician. Give the man some time.

For those of you who have had your dates pushed back. I really am sorry that you have to work out some sort of compramise. I hope all works out for you. But do try and stay calm. Not everything runs smothly. Even the calmest lake has waves.:mello: yea something like that

I agree in every word you said.

Smart fan. :)

If you cant wait for the shows to be up to michaels standereds then i dont know what to tell you. in all honesty he probably doesnt have time to rehearse it all. come on there is like 48 days until the concert. Do you think the dancers would have been ready? Do you think Michael would have been ready? Do you even think that the SET would have been ready? If you do then you must think Michael is some kind of magician. Give the man some time.

But he'll be ready for the 13th, and every other date except these 3. Which makes no sense.
this post is going to go down well. . . . . not. lol

it may not go down well for some, and it may go down well for others.

i do want a great show. i'll do anything for it. or i won't go at all. but i doubt i'll miss out on Michael for anything.

both sides should be allowed to vent equally.
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

I am so sorry for you. I have raised three sons through hard times and know how you must feel. I do believe Michael will come to North America. It would be so much easier if Michael was able to let folks know about future dates in other countries and allow ticket trades to those venues. Do you think you could afford to come down to NY if he played there? You could tell your kids you would try to make that happen. That way they can still look forward to an MJ concert. Then for London, I guess you just have to look around ahead of time. I can't believe their is nothing their for kids to enjoy. Have they ever traveled. I traveled alone to Europe the first time at 16. It is an awesome experience. Every kid/teen should have a chance to do that. When I go, I will probably spend 2 days just taking the $20 day tours that let you transfer from one bus/train/walk to another all day long. I am an architecture 'student' however and for me that works but even as a teen, seeing the old architecture, palaces, etc. was quite an experience.

If I can't tranfer my plane tickets I am just going to tour like mad. If I can transfer them maybe by March time I can afford to stay longer than 4 days and visit family in Denmark.
They haven't really traveled before. I have driven them across two provinces but that's not real traveling. I think they are nervous about it. It's unknown to us all so they asked the friends they know who went and their experience wasn't good, so .. My kids who are going are 8,11 and 14. So the younger two won't really understand that we can't go because of a delay in shows when the opening night is the night before we were to go. One day off.. that's all it was. If he opened on the 12th instead, he'd have that day of rest and we'd still be going on the 14th as planned.

It's fine, I will make sure they enjoy themselves and have a great time. I just am not sure how I'm going to be able to afford all of this because I can't let them down. Now I have to make sure we get to Eurodisney. ... plus will have to find a way to afford another trip in March..

A bit more stress shouldn't kill me I guess. lol(I hope)
Yeah fans who have ticket confirmations and coressponding flight plans should e-mail/fax them in to AEG promoters and they deal with the airlines in getting them refunds.
GinnyJackson, I would love to get into your post, but it will be only a repeat of moves, but dang... you are so insensitive to the trouble this causes for some people. Walking in and shouting (text in bold) 'shit happens' doesn't sum up what is going on.
That stupid press conference only told us what we already knew!! They said of the dates being moved and then started a competition all about winning tickets to see Leona Lewis!!

Easyjet have already put up their prices for 13th July and reduced their 8th July prices and I'm sure that MJ's the reason why! I've booked my flights anyway so hopefully this will be the end of any inconvenience!
I didn't chose an early date for that reason... I chose it because I wanted to be one of the first to see the concerts. By March I'll have heard (and probably seen) all about them and there will be no surprises. Not only that but I specifically chose a Friday night to make it easier getting childcare sorted out and now I have to go on a Monday - a school night. :(

Oh, believe me, I understand. We're 3 that have to re-arrange everything... jobs, school, family, airline tickets, transportation to the airport - all of it. Luckily none of us have kids, but one of us do have a dog that needs to be taken care of.

I was mainly responding to those who don't seem to believe Michael can do 50 shows, but that he is essentially playing us all for fools. I'm as annoyed as anyone, and I too am out ALOT of money I can't really afford to lose, but I have to believe that the show will still be done in March.
I do have to say... some of you guys keep saying that you went for the early dates because you were doubting he'd complete all 50 dates... I'm sorry, but what is that about?

I am so sorry you guys are out of money and there are major inconviniences - I'm right there with you - but I don't think it's fair to assume that the later dates are in danger simply because you don't think Michael can do it...

I agree with that. I think he will extend his tour yet and will have to be in shape for shows much beyond March. That is why has the rest days in between. It is designed so he can keep doing shows for the time he needs to.
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

It's fine, I will make sure they enjoy themselves and have a great time. I just am not sure how I'm going to be able to afford all of this because I can't let them down. Now I have to make sure we get to Eurodisney. ... plus will have to find a way to afford another trip in March..

A bit more stress shouldn't kill me I guess. lol(I hope)
Are you sure you can't amend your bookings to March? :(
That stupid press conference only told us what we already knew!! They said of the dates being moved and then started a competition all about winning tickets to see Leona Lewis!!

I've just booked my flights to fly down on 13th July - hopefully this will be the end of any inconvenience!

It hasn't been on yet, has it?
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